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So what is Google Apps?
              Lena Arena
          ICT Consultant K-12
               9582 2851
Google Apps
Google Apps is a collection of web-based programs and file storage
that run in a web browser, (e.g. Internet Explorer) without requiring
users to buy or install software. Applications include:
 Communication tools (Gmail, Google Talk, and Google
 Productivity tools (Google Docs: text files, spread sheets, and
 Google Sites (to develop web pages).
Google Apps
   Available to all teachers and students through the DEC
   Not all Google applications will be available e.g. blogger
   Seamless integration  no need to create separate gmail
    account for access
   Latest version of Internet Explorer recommended or Google
    Chrome  Internet Explorer 8 no longer supported
   5Gb of storage space
Core Google Applications
1.   Drive  cloud storage
2.   Docs in Drive:

Core Google Applications
1.   Sites  creating web sites
        Teachers create the site and students may edit
2.   Groups
3.   Contacts
4.   Calendar
5.   Gmail
Additional Google Applications
1.   Finance
2.   News
3.   Maps
4.   Custom Search
5.   Books
6.   Google Translate
7.   Google+ - social networking

DEC Google Apps Professional Learning Site

Support  Learning Systems Site

Google apps woolooware
Google Drive
   Access, organize, and share files from any
    device, anywhere.
   Integrates with Gmail, Google Docs, Picasa,
    Google+ and other Google apps
   Documents edited in real time, allows
    collaboration on documents
   Creator determines level of access to files e.g.
    view, comment, edit
Google Docs
   Files can be shared and edited with others
   Accessible from any computer with internet
   Files can be uploaded/downloaded to/from
    Google Drive
   Google documents can be downloaded as
    Word documents
   Google docs created with your personal gmail
    account can be transferred to
Google Docs Uses
   Collaborative writing between students
   Group work  ability for multiple users to work on
    one document in real time
   Can be used for faculty or executive meeting
   Security can be set to include specific users if
   Ability to set security for sharing within DEC only
Google Docs

Google Forms
   Staff, student and/or parent surveys and
   Forms for school procedures e.g. bullying,
    behaviour management
   Tests  pre or post
   Collating student subject selections
   Can be embedded into websites, wikis,
    blogs, Edmodo, Moodle etc
Google Forms
   Data automatically collated into a Google
    spread sheet
   Several form templates available
   Link can be emailed or placed on a website
   Add-ons available  Flubaroo can be used to
    mark tests created using Google forms
    Google Form Example
Google Presentation
  Create presentations  similar to PowerPoint
 Check internet browser  earlier versions of
   Internet explorer will need an add-on for
   presentations to display correctly (Google
   Chrome Frames)
   Google Presentation Example


   Always have files saved on more than one
    device and/or place
   Change passwords on desktop and mobile
    applications when you change your DEC portal
1.   Accessibility:
2.   Auto save
3.   Instantaneous collaboration and sharing
     options  collaborate with colleagues
     within/beyond school/state/country
1.   Variety of apps to suit a variety of purposes
2.   Cloud storage  access to documents 24/7
     from any computer and/or mobile device
3.   Easy to share
4.   DEC support  Google Champions
5.   Goggle Drive app available for
Other cool stuff
   Creating narrated tours with KML Touring in
    Google Earth 5
   Available on all DEC computers
   Free download
   Version 7 now available.
Questions? Need More Information?

                Lena Arena
                ICT Consultant K-12
                Phone: 9582 2851

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Google apps woolooware

  • 1. So what is Google Apps? Lena Arena ICT Consultant K-12 9582 2851 carmelina.arena@det.nsw.edu.au
  • 2. Google Apps Google Apps is a collection of web-based programs and file storage that run in a web browser, (e.g. Internet Explorer) without requiring users to buy or install software. Applications include: Communication tools (Gmail, Google Talk, and Google Calendar), Productivity tools (Google Docs: text files, spread sheets, and presentations), Google Sites (to develop web pages).
  • 3. Google Apps Available to all teachers and students through the DEC portalsoon! Not all Google applications will be available e.g. blogger Seamless integration no need to create separate gmail account for access Latest version of Internet Explorer recommended or Google Chrome Internet Explorer 8 no longer supported http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=33864 5Gb of storage space
  • 4. Core Google Applications 1. Drive cloud storage 2. Docs in Drive: documents forms presentations spreadsheets drawing 4
  • 5. Core Google Applications 1. Sites creating web sites Teachers create the site and students may edit 2. Groups 3. Contacts 4. Calendar 5. Gmail
  • 6. Additional Google Applications 1. Finance 2. News 3. Maps 4. Custom Search 5. Books 6. Google Translate 7. Google+ - social networking 6
  • 7. DEC Google Apps Professional Learning Site https://sites.google.com/site/appsforeducationdec/docs 7
  • 8. Support Learning Systems Site https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/it/learnsyssupport/googleapps/index.htm
  • 10. Google Drive https://drive.google.com/start#home Access, organize, and share files from any device, anywhere. Integrates with Gmail, Google Docs, Picasa, Google+ and other Google apps Documents edited in real time, allows collaboration on documents Creator determines level of access to files e.g. view, comment, edit
  • 11. Google Docs Files can be shared and edited with others Accessible from any computer with internet access Files can be uploaded/downloaded to/from Google Drive Google documents can be downloaded as Word documents Google docs created with your personal gmail account can be transferred to GoogleApps@DEC
  • 12. Google Docs Uses Collaborative writing between students Group work ability for multiple users to work on one document in real time Can be used for faculty or executive meeting minutes Security can be set to include specific users if necessary Ability to set security for sharing within DEC only
  • 14. Google Forms Staff, student and/or parent surveys and questionnaires Forms for school procedures e.g. bullying, behaviour management Tests pre or post Collating student subject selections Can be embedded into websites, wikis, blogs, Edmodo, Moodle etc
  • 15. Google Forms Data automatically collated into a Google spread sheet Several form templates available Link can be emailed or placed on a website Add-ons available Flubaroo can be used to mark tests created using Google forms Google Form Example http://bit.ly/SurveyWHS
  • 16. Google Presentation Create presentations similar to PowerPoint Check internet browser earlier versions of Internet explorer will need an add-on for presentations to display correctly (Google Chrome Frames) Google Presentation Example http://bit.ly/WHS_PP 16
  • 17. Tips Always have files saved on more than one device and/or place Change passwords on desktop and mobile applications when you change your DEC portal password.
  • 18. Advantages 1. Accessibility: Anywhere Anytime Anything 2. Auto save 3. Instantaneous collaboration and sharing options collaborate with colleagues within/beyond school/state/country
  • 19. Advantages 1. Variety of apps to suit a variety of purposes 2. Cloud storage access to documents 24/7 from any computer and/or mobile device 3. Easy to share 4. DEC support Google Champions (regional) 5. Goggle Drive app available for iPhone/iPad/Android
  • 20. Other cool stuff Creating narrated tours with KML Touring in Google Earth 5 Available on all DEC computers Free download Version 7 now available.
  • 21. Questions? Need More Information? Lena Arena ICT Consultant K-12 Carmelina.arena@det.nsw.edu.au Phone: 9582 2851