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March 11, 2010    damencho@sip-communicator.org   1/17
SIP Communicator

                              Skype-like Conference Calls

March 11, 2010      damencho@sip-communicator.org   2/17

         What is Google Summer of Code ?
         What are the goals of the program ?
         How does GSoC work ?
         Google Summer of Code timeline
         Student stipends
         Participating projects
         GSoC in numbers
March 11, 2010         damencho@sip-communicator.org   3/17
What is GSoC ?

          The Google Summer of Code
            is a program designed to
           encourage college student
          participation in open source

March 11, 2010      damencho@sip-communicator.org   4/17
GSoC goals

                Inspire young developers to begin participating in open
                 source development

                Provide students in Computer Science and related fields the
                 opportunity to do work related to their academic pursuits
                 during the summer

                Give students more exposure to real-world software
                 development scenarios (e.g., distributed development,
                 software licensing questions, mailing-list etiquette, etc.)

                Get more open source code created and released for the
                 benefit of all

                Help open source projects identify and bring in new
                 developers and committers
March 11, 2010                       damencho@sip-communicator.org             5/17
How does it work?

                Program Genesis
                    Flip bits not burgers during summer holidays
                    Exposure to real-world software development

                Students submit project proposals to the
                 organizations, organizations rank the submissions
                 (students paired with mentor from open source
                    Execute to milestones laid out in accepted program
                    Google allocates a given number of slots to each
                     organization, the students work all summer on their
                     project in close mentored collaboration with that
                    Program stipend allows students to concentrate on OSS
                     development full-time
March 11, 2010                       damencho@sip-communicator.org           6/17
GSoC 2010 Timeline

                March 8-12: Google will accept applications from open
                 source projects.

                March 13-17: Google program administrators review
                 organization applications.

                March 18: List of accepted mentoring organizations
                 published on socghop.appspot.com

                March 29-April 9: Student applications acceptance

                Interim Period: Would-be student participants discuss
                 application ideas with mentoring organizations.

March 11, 2010                    damencho@sip-communicator.org          7/17
GSoC 2010 Timeline

                March 29: Student application period opens.

                April 9: Student application deadline.

                April 26: Accepted student proposals announced at

                May 24: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects.

                July 16: Mid-term evaluations deadline.

                August 20: Final evaluation deadline.

                September: Students can begin submitting required
                 code samples to Google.

March 11, 2010                     damencho@sip-communicator.org      8/17
Student stipends

                Google will provide a stipend of 5500 USD per
                 accepted student developer, of which 5000 USD goes
                 to the student and 500 USD goes to the mentoring

                Accepted students in good standing with their
                 mentoring organization will receive a 500 USD stipend
                 shortly after coding begin.

                Students who receive passing mid-term evaluations
                 will receive a 2250 USD stipend shortly after the mid-
                 term evaluation.

                Students who receive passing final evaluations and
                 who have submitted their final program evaluations
                 will receive a 2250 USD stipend and mentoring
                 organizations will receive 500 USD shortly after the
                 final evaluation deadline.
March 11, 2010                     damencho@sip-communicator.org          9/17
Wide range of
                                 participating projects

                    Operating Systems
                    OS Enhancements
                    Hardware Management
                    Mobile, Portable, Handheld & Calculators
                    Programming Languages, Libraries & Compilers
                    Code Design, Development & Management
                    Open Source Development
                    Internet & Networks
                    Video, TV & Photography

March 11, 2010                     damencho@sip-communicator.org    10/17
Wide range of
                            participating projects

                    Web Technologies
                    Content Management
                    Office Applications & Text Editors
                    Simulations, Modeling & Neural Network
                    Analytical Sciences
                    Biology and Health Care
                    Graphics, 3D Rendering, CAD & Animation
                    Game Development
                    Mail, Phone & Instant Messaging
                    Library Science & Publishing
                    Multimedia, Audio & Music

March 11, 2010                   damencho@sip-communicator.org   11/17
Why should I
                                            participate ?

           The program has been exceptionally successful
                 both for Google and for the participating
           Can attract advanced degree research efforts,
                 talented students
           Students are eager and work exceptionally
                 hard on their projects (in fact, they usually
                 propose their own project topics)
           Successful collaboration model for remotely
                 interacting as part of an open source project
                 with community resources in place

March 11, 2010                   damencho@sip-communicator.org   12/17
GSoC in numbers

      2005                2006                     2007                        2008                 2009

   400 students         630 students          900 students                  1125 students        1000 students
 40 organizations    100 organizations     130 organizations              175 organizations    150 organizations
   49 countries         90 countries          90 countries                   98 countries         70 countries
final success rate   final success rate    final success rate             final success rate   final success rate
       82%                  82%                   80%                            83%                  85%

 March 11, 2010                           damencho@sip-communicator.org                                 13/17
SIP Communicator at the
                               Google Summer of Code

                 Proud Participant in GSoC 2007, 2008 and 2009.

                     2007: Received 8 student slots.
                      7 students completed successfully

                     2008: Received 20 student slots, gave back 5
                      14 students completed successfully

                     2009: Received 10 student slots
                      8 students completed successfully

March 11, 2010            damencho@sip-communicator.org              14/17
Useful links

      Google Summer of Code web page


      Google Summer of Code FAQ


      Google Summer of Code discussion group


      Chat with us at IRC Freenode #gsoc channel

March 11, 2010                     damencho@sip-communicator.org                15/17
                 questions ?
March 11, 2010     damencho@sip-communicator.org   16/17
Thank you for
                    your attention

                 We are looking forward
                  to your participation!
March 11, 2010          damencho@sip-communicator.org   17/17

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Google: Summer of Code 2010 (SIP-Communicator)

  • 1. Program Overview March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 1/17
  • 2. SIP Communicator Skype-like Conference Calls March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 2/17
  • 3. Agenda What is Google Summer of Code ? What are the goals of the program ? How does GSoC work ? Google Summer of Code timeline Student stipends Participating projects GSoC in numbers March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 3/17
  • 4. What is GSoC ? The Google Summer of Code is a program designed to encourage college student participation in open source development March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 4/17
  • 5. GSoC goals Inspire young developers to begin participating in open source development Provide students in Computer Science and related fields the opportunity to do work related to their academic pursuits during the summer Give students more exposure to real-world software development scenarios (e.g., distributed development, software licensing questions, mailing-list etiquette, etc.) Get more open source code created and released for the benefit of all Help open source projects identify and bring in new developers and committers March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 5/17
  • 6. How does it work? Program Genesis Flip bits not burgers during summer holidays Exposure to real-world software development Students submit project proposals to the organizations, organizations rank the submissions (students paired with mentor from open source community) Execute to milestones laid out in accepted program application Google allocates a given number of slots to each organization, the students work all summer on their project in close mentored collaboration with that organization Program stipend allows students to concentrate on OSS development full-time March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 6/17
  • 7. GSoC 2010 Timeline March 8-12: Google will accept applications from open source projects. March 13-17: Google program administrators review organization applications. March 18: List of accepted mentoring organizations published on socghop.appspot.com March 29-April 9: Student applications acceptance period. Interim Period: Would-be student participants discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations. March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 7/17
  • 8. GSoC 2010 Timeline March 29: Student application period opens. April 9: Student application deadline. April 26: Accepted student proposals announced at http://socghop.appspot.com/ May 24: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects. July 16: Mid-term evaluations deadline. August 20: Final evaluation deadline. September: Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google. March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 8/17
  • 9. Student stipends Google will provide a stipend of 5500 USD per accepted student developer, of which 5000 USD goes to the student and 500 USD goes to the mentoring organization. Accepted students in good standing with their mentoring organization will receive a 500 USD stipend shortly after coding begin. Students who receive passing mid-term evaluations will receive a 2250 USD stipend shortly after the mid- term evaluation. Students who receive passing final evaluations and who have submitted their final program evaluations will receive a 2250 USD stipend and mentoring organizations will receive 500 USD shortly after the final evaluation deadline. March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 9/17
  • 10. Wide range of participating projects Operating Systems OS Enhancements Hardware Management Mobile, Portable, Handheld & Calculators Databases Programming Languages, Libraries & Compilers Code Design, Development & Management Open Source Development Internet & Networks Video, TV & Photography March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 10/17
  • 11. Wide range of participating projects Web Technologies Content Management Office Applications & Text Editors Simulations, Modeling & Neural Network Analytical Sciences Biology and Health Care Graphics, 3D Rendering, CAD & Animation Game Development Mail, Phone & Instant Messaging Library Science & Publishing Multimedia, Audio & Music March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 11/17
  • 12. Why should I participate ? The program has been exceptionally successful both for Google and for the participating organizations/projects Can attract advanced degree research efforts, talented students Students are eager and work exceptionally hard on their projects (in fact, they usually propose their own project topics) Successful collaboration model for remotely interacting as part of an open source project with community resources in place March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 12/17
  • 13. GSoC in numbers 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 400 students 630 students 900 students 1125 students 1000 students 40 organizations 100 organizations 130 organizations 175 organizations 150 organizations 49 countries 90 countries 90 countries 98 countries 70 countries final success rate final success rate final success rate final success rate final success rate 82% 82% 80% 83% 85% March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 13/17
  • 14. SIP Communicator at the Google Summer of Code Proud Participant in GSoC 2007, 2008 and 2009. 2007: Received 8 student slots. 7 students completed successfully 2008: Received 20 student slots, gave back 5 14 students completed successfully 2009: Received 10 student slots 8 students completed successfully March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 14/17
  • 15. Useful links Google Summer of Code web page http://socghop.appspot.com/ Google Summer of Code FAQ http://socghop.appspot.com/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2010/faqs Google Summer of Code discussion group http://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-discuss Chat with us at IRC Freenode #gsoc channel March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 15/17
  • 16. Any questions ? March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 16/17
  • 17. Thank you for your attention We are looking forward to your participation! March 11, 2010 damencho@sip-communicator.org 17/17