Known as 'the Book of Love', Mary Magdalene witnessed of her teachings from her beloved Jesus after he was crucified. This esoteric Gospel became forbidden by the Catholic Church founders. Mary went to the South of France after the dead of Jesus and continued His real teachings a kind of underground. The carthars were finally all killed around 1300. And this Booklet of Love was hided and found back in the 1950's in Egypt, together with other scriptures, known as the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'.
This Book of Love is a universal and profound teaching, which you don't find anywhere. Although it speaks of the essence of our true nature, it clarifies very beautifully how the elements are related to our four 'verhicles'; namely body, soul, mind & spirit. And how to overcome their unenlightened nature; all in their own specific characters, so that we can establish our true nature and be free, in peace.
This is the evolution of man and the wisdom which he is able to acquire along the journey. I am very thankful to be able to share this with all of you. In peace and love,
John Zoller
The document discusses teachings from Eileen Caddy and the Cerchio Firenze 77 about the nature of the Spirit.
1. The Spirit is said to be everywhere, within everything and everyone. It is described as the source of spiritual life and as being within each person. Living by the Spirit means seeking truth from within and obeying the revelations given.
2. Additional teachings state that the Spirit is the essence and being of the whole universe. It is the "feeling" of the absolute whole. Spiritually living means being in one's true self.
3. The document explores the idea that spirit is the divine, undifferentiated substance that underlies all of creation and exists beyond
This document contains teachings from a spiritual leader aimed at helping followers overcome fear and attachment. Some key points:
1) We should have faith that our true self is eternal and fearless, and not identify with the temporary body.
2) External circumstances like pleasure and pain are fleeting and we should remain detached witnesses.
3) True worship is becoming like God through being desireless, fearless and absorbed in bliss.
4) We should not be afraid or attached to anything as we are the creator of the entire universe.
Wishing Prayer of Dewachen - Karma Chagme RinpocheTrong Hoang
This document is a prayer to Buddha Amitabha and the pure land of Dewachen. It describes the key figures in Dewachen like Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara, and Vajrapani. It asks to be born in Dewachen after death and to gain enlightenment there, surrounded by countless buddhas and bodhisattvas. It includes confessions of wrongdoings and promises to abstain from harm. The overall prayer expresses devotion to Amitabha and seeks refuge and blessings to attain enlightenment in Dewachen.
- Isis shares that centering oneself through breathwork can help one maintain balance and harmony amid life's changes and difficulties. This allows one to deal with challenges in a balanced way and avoid feeling scattered.
- Connecting to one's guardian angels through centering gives them permission to come closer and support one in all moments, not just times of need.
- As the Earth removes layers of toxicity, sightings of spirits, visitors from other worlds, fairies and elves may become more visible to those with fewer layers themselves. One should not fear the changes but see them as opportunities.
When I give a Relflections On Life Workshop, I design the second 際際滷 Show for a specific group. This version is designed for Inter Faith groups but I adapt it and use slides from it as the \'framework\' for all the workshops. This version is quite \'serious.\' It includes images and quotations not just from the six major religions but also from Bah\'ai, Jain, Rastafarian and Native American sources. I would love to get some feedback and suggestions of other inspiring quotations which I could include.
Many people like watching the original Reflections on Life slide show to de-stress, almost as a meditation. I like to use this version in the same way. It never ceases to inspire me and restore my focus and perspective, especially if things have been getting me down. Life is beautiful. It is mysterious. There is meaning in every incident. We are here to learn and every experience is an opportunity to learn something important and deepen our relationship not just with each other but also with the One from whom we all came and (so I believe) to Whom we will return.
Do send me some feedback, to info@bluelotus.coand invite me to come and give your group or community one of my fantastic workshops.
This document provides guidance on achieving success and fulfilling your dreams. It discusses that success comes from within through developing your mind and believing in your abilities. It encourages pursuing your dreams through action and doing more each day to progress towards your goals. Further, it explains that your thoughts shape your reality, so focus on positive thoughts that match your desires. Overall, the document emphasizes developing yourself internally, taking action towards your dreams, and believing that success resides within you.
Sach achaar or truthful living ethical msg of sggsims191
The document provides an overview of the key ethical messages and principles discussed in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. In 3 sentences: It discusses that the primary goal of human life is to meet the Lord through truthful living. It outlines virtues like truth, contentment, compassion, and humility that should guide one's actions, as well as vices like lust, anger, greed and ego that lead one astray. The document emphasizes developing an ethical lifestyle and detaching from worldly attachments in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and union with God.
This document contains a collection of affirmations, mantras, and scripts focused on sovereignty, releasing negative energies and programming, clearing cellular memory and DNA, and revoking spiritual contracts with government systems. Some key points:
- Affirmations of being the light and sustaining oneself with love and joy.
- A curse clearing developed by Lee Beymer involving tapping acupressure points while speaking out loud.
- An EFT tapping script to clear negative beliefs, conditioning, and programming from cellular memory and DNA.
- Invoking archangels for healing, blessings, protection, and assistance with entity release.
- Scripts to revoke all spiritual contracts with government systems, federal reserve
The document discusses the qualities and mindset required of a true disciple according to Vedantic teachings. It outlines four main conditions:
1. The disciple must give up all desires for worldly gain or pleasures of heaven, as attachment to the world prevents realization of truth.
2. The disciple must gain control over their internal and external senses and quiet the mind, so it does not attach to sense objects and thoughts without permission.
3. The disciple must develop great endurance and accept both good and evil without complaint or desire to change circumstances.
4. The disciple should not use their mind for bodily concerns like health, but dedicate it completely to realizing God. Res
Where do I come from? Who am I? and Where am I going? Those are fundamental questions that everyone should ask themselves, and honestly try to answer in order to live a plentiful life devoid of fear and doubt. The Urantia Book teachings give us abundant information to answer those questions, presenting us a complete frame of reference extending from the material to the spiritual, in order to get a clear direction going inward toward the Creator or all things and beings, our Heavenly Father. This knowledge of truth guided by wisdom can immensely help us in order to avoid the missteps of evolutionary experience.
This document contains several short passages and sayings related to Islamic faith and spirituality. It encourages spending time in worship like prayer and reading Quran, being patient during difficulties, showing kindness to others, and putting one's trust in Allah. It advises against judging others or thinking badly of fellow Muslims. It emphasizes living according to what pleases Allah and saying "Alhamdulillah" in all circumstances.
The document contains duas (prayers) for students to recite before class and studying.
The first dua asks God to remove doubts and grant understanding. The second dua asks for beneficial knowledge and the understanding of prophets. The third dua asks God to fill the tongue with remembrance of Him and the heart with awe of Him. It acknowledges God's power and that He is the best protector and aid.
This document provides translations and summaries of various Islamic prayers, declarations of faith, and invocations in English and Urdu. It includes explanations and translations of the six declarations of faith (iman-e-mujmal, iman-e-mufasal, the five kalimas), the call to prayer (azan), the five daily prayers (namaz), and common supplementary prayers and invocations (duas) for various daily activities and occasions. The document aims to educate about fundamental Islamic concepts and provide guidance for proper religious observance and worship.
1. While physical separation through death is difficult, there is no spiritual separation between loved ones who were united through love.
2. Love transcends death and the spirit cannot be destroyed.
3. When experiencing trials through sorrow, one can find comfort knowing their loved one remains as close as possible in spirit and will guide and protect them.
The song of ashtavakra or ashtavakra gitaGurudevaya
We have faith and devotion towards Lord; if we have the same faith and devotion towards our Master also, for those great souls only the secrets of Upanishads will be easily understood. Svetaashvatara Upanishad
The document contains poems and reflections on spiritual and philosophical topics like the nature of God/Allah, humanity, life, death, and repentance. It explores complex concepts like time, existence, and the relationship between creator and creation. The writing shifts between praising God and questioning one's understanding. Overall it discusses profound ideas around theology and the human condition.
The document provides three secrets for overcoming hardships:
1. There is always someone suffering more than you who is going through greater trials. Focus on appreciating what you have rather than envying others.
2. Whatever is meant for you will occur, so accept Allah's decree. Having patience during trials will bring peace of mind.
3. Allah is testing you with trials to determine what you deserve. Trials are part of Allah's plan, so do not oppose them. Showing patience during tests will help you in the afterlife.
Personal siddur Techno-Tiflah project. This siddur is the result of a student siddur project developed at the Saligman Middle School through a grant received from the Avi Chai Foundation
The document is an excerpt from a spiritual text guiding meditation aspirants. It discusses overcoming attachment to the body and identity. It advises visualizing one's own death to overcome fear and attachment. It suggests imagining the body's funeral and corpse to help realize that physical existence is temporary and does not define one's true self. The goal is to attain liberation from rebirth's cycle of suffering.
1) The document provides sayings and quotes related to having faith in God and living according to Islamic principles.
2) It emphasizes obeying God, praying, being patient, grateful and forgiving.
3) Many of the quotes encourage having a strong connection with God through prayer, following the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad.
The document contains several poems and reflections by Carlos Darwin T. about identity, faith, love, and moving forward. The poems explore themes of sacrifice, regret, lost love, and personal growth. Carlos reflects on the meaning and values represented by his name, including being systematic and having confidence.
The document discusses the importance and principles of hospital visitation from a pastoral care perspective. It provides biblical justification for visiting the sick based on Jesus' example and teachings. Some key reasons include ministering to people as Christ did, upholding the dignity of individuals, and facilitating spiritual growth. Effective hospital visitation requires listening with empathy, speaking words of comfort, and showing love in a way that soothes and encourages patients. Pastoral caregivers must be aware of potential pitfalls like burnout or making patients feel uncomfortable.
The document discusses the concept of "shadow-self", which refers to humans projecting negative aspects of themselves onto others. It argues that true love and self-acceptance are the answers to overcoming this tendency. It provides several biblical passages about love and discusses how Jesus taught about being free from condemnation. The document concludes that psychological projection arises from psychological dissonance, and that finding one's "true self" through love and embracing uniqueness can lead to enlightenment.
Swami Vivekananda outlines 15 laws of life in this document. The laws include: love is the law of life; it is our outlook that matters; life is beautiful; it is how we feel that gives life meaning; we must free ourselves; do not play blame; help others; uphold your ideals; listen to your soul; be yourself; nothing is impossible; we have the power within; learn everyday; be truthful; think differently; and in conclusion, learn, live and love as much as possible.
Swami Vivekananda gives a call to youth for nation building and emphasizes developing faith and strength. He says true strength comes from within, not from others, and youth should not think themselves weak or limited. To succeed, one must have tremendous willpower and perseverance. Strong, sincere young men are needed to revolutionize the world. One must face challenges directly with courage and fight to the end without despair. Concentration of mind is key - one should focus single-mindedly on an ideal through intense effort and willpower to achieve great things in a shortened time.
The keys to the mystery from Spirit.
All from God, the true hidden meaning of the Book of Revelation is revealed through these slides. Glory be to the Father. From the Mystic Ninja Kenneth Andre.
Sach achaar or truthful living ethical msg of sggsims191
The document provides an overview of the key ethical messages and principles discussed in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. In 3 sentences: It discusses that the primary goal of human life is to meet the Lord through truthful living. It outlines virtues like truth, contentment, compassion, and humility that should guide one's actions, as well as vices like lust, anger, greed and ego that lead one astray. The document emphasizes developing an ethical lifestyle and detaching from worldly attachments in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and union with God.
This document contains a collection of affirmations, mantras, and scripts focused on sovereignty, releasing negative energies and programming, clearing cellular memory and DNA, and revoking spiritual contracts with government systems. Some key points:
- Affirmations of being the light and sustaining oneself with love and joy.
- A curse clearing developed by Lee Beymer involving tapping acupressure points while speaking out loud.
- An EFT tapping script to clear negative beliefs, conditioning, and programming from cellular memory and DNA.
- Invoking archangels for healing, blessings, protection, and assistance with entity release.
- Scripts to revoke all spiritual contracts with government systems, federal reserve
The document discusses the qualities and mindset required of a true disciple according to Vedantic teachings. It outlines four main conditions:
1. The disciple must give up all desires for worldly gain or pleasures of heaven, as attachment to the world prevents realization of truth.
2. The disciple must gain control over their internal and external senses and quiet the mind, so it does not attach to sense objects and thoughts without permission.
3. The disciple must develop great endurance and accept both good and evil without complaint or desire to change circumstances.
4. The disciple should not use their mind for bodily concerns like health, but dedicate it completely to realizing God. Res
Where do I come from? Who am I? and Where am I going? Those are fundamental questions that everyone should ask themselves, and honestly try to answer in order to live a plentiful life devoid of fear and doubt. The Urantia Book teachings give us abundant information to answer those questions, presenting us a complete frame of reference extending from the material to the spiritual, in order to get a clear direction going inward toward the Creator or all things and beings, our Heavenly Father. This knowledge of truth guided by wisdom can immensely help us in order to avoid the missteps of evolutionary experience.
This document contains several short passages and sayings related to Islamic faith and spirituality. It encourages spending time in worship like prayer and reading Quran, being patient during difficulties, showing kindness to others, and putting one's trust in Allah. It advises against judging others or thinking badly of fellow Muslims. It emphasizes living according to what pleases Allah and saying "Alhamdulillah" in all circumstances.
The document contains duas (prayers) for students to recite before class and studying.
The first dua asks God to remove doubts and grant understanding. The second dua asks for beneficial knowledge and the understanding of prophets. The third dua asks God to fill the tongue with remembrance of Him and the heart with awe of Him. It acknowledges God's power and that He is the best protector and aid.
This document provides translations and summaries of various Islamic prayers, declarations of faith, and invocations in English and Urdu. It includes explanations and translations of the six declarations of faith (iman-e-mujmal, iman-e-mufasal, the five kalimas), the call to prayer (azan), the five daily prayers (namaz), and common supplementary prayers and invocations (duas) for various daily activities and occasions. The document aims to educate about fundamental Islamic concepts and provide guidance for proper religious observance and worship.
1. While physical separation through death is difficult, there is no spiritual separation between loved ones who were united through love.
2. Love transcends death and the spirit cannot be destroyed.
3. When experiencing trials through sorrow, one can find comfort knowing their loved one remains as close as possible in spirit and will guide and protect them.
The song of ashtavakra or ashtavakra gitaGurudevaya
We have faith and devotion towards Lord; if we have the same faith and devotion towards our Master also, for those great souls only the secrets of Upanishads will be easily understood. Svetaashvatara Upanishad
The document contains poems and reflections on spiritual and philosophical topics like the nature of God/Allah, humanity, life, death, and repentance. It explores complex concepts like time, existence, and the relationship between creator and creation. The writing shifts between praising God and questioning one's understanding. Overall it discusses profound ideas around theology and the human condition.
The document provides three secrets for overcoming hardships:
1. There is always someone suffering more than you who is going through greater trials. Focus on appreciating what you have rather than envying others.
2. Whatever is meant for you will occur, so accept Allah's decree. Having patience during trials will bring peace of mind.
3. Allah is testing you with trials to determine what you deserve. Trials are part of Allah's plan, so do not oppose them. Showing patience during tests will help you in the afterlife.
Personal siddur Techno-Tiflah project. This siddur is the result of a student siddur project developed at the Saligman Middle School through a grant received from the Avi Chai Foundation
The document is an excerpt from a spiritual text guiding meditation aspirants. It discusses overcoming attachment to the body and identity. It advises visualizing one's own death to overcome fear and attachment. It suggests imagining the body's funeral and corpse to help realize that physical existence is temporary and does not define one's true self. The goal is to attain liberation from rebirth's cycle of suffering.
1) The document provides sayings and quotes related to having faith in God and living according to Islamic principles.
2) It emphasizes obeying God, praying, being patient, grateful and forgiving.
3) Many of the quotes encourage having a strong connection with God through prayer, following the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad.
The document contains several poems and reflections by Carlos Darwin T. about identity, faith, love, and moving forward. The poems explore themes of sacrifice, regret, lost love, and personal growth. Carlos reflects on the meaning and values represented by his name, including being systematic and having confidence.
The document discusses the importance and principles of hospital visitation from a pastoral care perspective. It provides biblical justification for visiting the sick based on Jesus' example and teachings. Some key reasons include ministering to people as Christ did, upholding the dignity of individuals, and facilitating spiritual growth. Effective hospital visitation requires listening with empathy, speaking words of comfort, and showing love in a way that soothes and encourages patients. Pastoral caregivers must be aware of potential pitfalls like burnout or making patients feel uncomfortable.
The document discusses the concept of "shadow-self", which refers to humans projecting negative aspects of themselves onto others. It argues that true love and self-acceptance are the answers to overcoming this tendency. It provides several biblical passages about love and discusses how Jesus taught about being free from condemnation. The document concludes that psychological projection arises from psychological dissonance, and that finding one's "true self" through love and embracing uniqueness can lead to enlightenment.
Swami Vivekananda outlines 15 laws of life in this document. The laws include: love is the law of life; it is our outlook that matters; life is beautiful; it is how we feel that gives life meaning; we must free ourselves; do not play blame; help others; uphold your ideals; listen to your soul; be yourself; nothing is impossible; we have the power within; learn everyday; be truthful; think differently; and in conclusion, learn, live and love as much as possible.
Swami Vivekananda gives a call to youth for nation building and emphasizes developing faith and strength. He says true strength comes from within, not from others, and youth should not think themselves weak or limited. To succeed, one must have tremendous willpower and perseverance. Strong, sincere young men are needed to revolutionize the world. One must face challenges directly with courage and fight to the end without despair. Concentration of mind is key - one should focus single-mindedly on an ideal through intense effort and willpower to achieve great things in a shortened time.
The keys to the mystery from Spirit.
All from God, the true hidden meaning of the Book of Revelation is revealed through these slides. Glory be to the Father. From the Mystic Ninja Kenneth Andre.
Our theories about God are our theology.
It is well to value them, to try our best to
keep them pure and high. But the deeper
question is. What is our religion? What are
our real thoughts of God ? In that deep and
secret place of our inmost consciousness, where
all our desires and feelings and hopes and
aspirations are born, what is God to us ? This
is the great question, the searching question.
And on the answer to it our peace, our happi-
ness, our usefulness depend.
Connections is a new Spiritual Community in Brevard County, FL and streaming live every Sunday through the World Wide Web. What this short presentation to see if it resonates with you. We look forward to Connecting with you! ~Scott
This document discusses awakening human hearts to absolute love through meditation. It explains that the real self is connected to higher dimensions of true love, absolute truth, and absolute love. The author found absolute love after years of seeking, realizing we are all the intelligent energy of creation. Meditation and connecting to one's heart can reveal our true immortal nature as absolute love.
This document contains over 100 quotes attributed to Swami Vivekananda. Some of the key ideas expressed in the quotes include:
- Focus on developing strength of character through perseverance and overcoming weaknesses.
- Serve others selflessly and see the divine in all people.
- Have faith in yourself and your ability to accomplish great things through willpower and dedication to spiritual ideals.
- Approach all religions and cultures with an open mind, seeking to understand different perspectives while maintaining your own identity.
- Face challenges directly and do not make excuses or blame external factors for problems or limitations. Look within yourself for answers.
This document contains notes and rules for disciples on the spiritual path. It discusses killing out ambition, desire for life and comfort, and the need to stand alone while also being non-separate. It emphasizes seeking the eternal light within and listening to the song of life. Later rules instruct to regard the hearts of men and one's own heart for illumination, and to attain knowledge and speech by inquiring of the earth, air, water, and holy ones. The final struggle is described as holding fast to that which is substanceless and invisible. Overall it provides guidance for disciples to progress from the outer material world to union with the divine.
This document advertises a 16-week online course on how to see into the Kingdom of Heaven through developing spiritual sight. The course aims to help students grow in intimacy with the Holy Spirit, learn secrets of Jesus' prayer life, and prophecy more accurately. It involves lectures, group sharing sessions, and teachings on topics like Jesus as high priest, visions, and prophecy. The goal is for students to understand how to see Jesus and the Kingdom through sharing God's word, exchanging revelations, and practicing simple principles taught in the lectures.
This document provides an overview of a book about spiritual warfare and redemption. It includes:
1) A vision the author had as a child where Jesus healed them and they pointed to a photo of Jesus in prayer.
2) Experiences as a child where they heard voices and had visions, and how their mother supported them.
3) An encounter as a young adult where they were tormented by demons for 3 years until calling out to Jesus for help.
4) A frightening vision where demons entered their bedroom and one powerful demon grabbed them and flew with them through a doorway into what seemed to be Hell.
This document provides a summary of a study on Revelation 14 and guarding the home. It discusses the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 14 as those who have been cleansed from false doctrines and have a pure faith. It emphasizes the need to crucify the flesh and bring thoughts, affections, and passions into subjection to God. Quotes from scripture and the book Adventist Home encourage guarding the heart, controlling thoughts and affections, and allowing the higher powers of the soul to reign over animal propensities. The goal is to develop purity of heart in order to see God and be part of the 144,000.
We are not our material bodies but eternal spirit souls. The presence of the soul can be seen through consciousness, which a computer lacks, and through phenomena like near-death experiences. The soul is eternal, individual, and smaller than the tip of a hair. It inhabits the heart and leaves one body for another at death, driven by karma from past lives. Ultimate knowledge comes from understanding our true identity as spirit souls, parts of God, not as temporary material bodies.
What we (10th grade girls Life Group - Real Life) went over on 10/18/2010.
Some of ya'll expressed interest in keeping the chart we made on the board. I tried to put the concept into PPT.
The document contrasts the original "Ten Commandments" given to Moses with a revised "Conscious Commandments" interpretation. The original commands were given at a time when humanity's consciousness was low due to fear. The revised commands reflect a message of love rather than fear, emphasizing oneness with God and others and choosing actions that honor life and love.
This document discusses realities of the body, soul, and spirit. It explains that the body communicates to the soul, and the soul interprets messages from both the body and spirit. The spirit either fills the soul with life from God or death from the flesh. The soul then relays messages back to the body. Visions come from the spirit to the soul. The soul weighs what it receives from the spirit or flesh. Living by the spirit leads to life, while living by the flesh leads to death. Releasing the invisible world involves visions, dreams, and translations from the spirit.
Pay attention throughout all the slides, and the hidden keys within.
Put all the jigsaw puzzle pieces of gold together. You might miss the hidden messages at first so keep going over the slides very carefully, you will be surprised by what may suddenly jump out at you. Be your eyes opened. From Kenneth Andre of Spirit. And remember this, everything I do is for a reason!
This three paragraph summary provides the key details from the long document:
A nurse, Sue Kidd, is called to help a patient, Mr. Williams, who has had a minor heart attack. Mr. Williams asks the nurse to call his daughter Janie to let her know about his condition. When the nurse calls Janie, she is distraught because she and her father had a big fight a year ago and have not spoken since. Janie rushes to the hospital to see her father. However, when the nurse returns to Mr. Williams' room, he has gone into cardiac arrest. The medical team works to revive him but is unsuccessful and Mr. Williams passes away. When Janie arrives, devast
Break Forth into Joy.pptx"Break Forth into Joy: Embracing God's Salvation and...TImothy leonard
This presentation explores the powerful message of Isaiah 52:1-10, where God calls His people to awaken and rejoice in the promise of redemption. It reflects on how believers can experience true joy through faith, even in challenging times, by embracing God's free gift of salvation and grace. Through daily practices of prayer, thanksgiving, and sharing joy with others, we can live as testimonies of God's love and hope. The presentation emphasizes that lasting joy is found not in the circumstances of life, but in the eternal promises of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Power of the Cross: Part 2 Signs in NatureDave Stewart
1 Corinthians 1:17: The Power of the cross is also evident in the darkness, the tearing of the curtain, the earthquake and the resurrections. These events should fill us with awe and remind us that in that moment our God was accomplishing his great plan for our salvation. (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar
Sanatan Dharma, also known as the eternal religion, holds a significant place in Hindu culture. This presentation aims to explore the values and contributions of Paras Bhai and his role in fostering religious awareness. It also highlights the importance of Hindu Dharma and the unity promoted by Paras Parivaar
Lesson 9 Who Is the Holy Ghost - Renewed in Grace.pptxCelso Napoleon
Lesson 9 Who Is the Holy Ghost
SBS Sunday Bible School
Sunday Bible Lessons for Adults 1st Quarter 2025 CPAD
Title of the Sunday Magazine: IN DEFENSE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: Fighting the Ancient Heresies that Present Themselves with a New Appearance
Commentator: Esequias Soares
Class: Adults
際際滷s: Celso Napoleon
Renewed in Grace
March 2, 2025
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)Hrishitva patel
An ancient legend prophecy states that with the revival of the Asura God, Kalyuga would mark the end of the world as we know of today. The prophecy further says that if the decedents of the eight individuals who sealed the Asura Kalyuga, in the era of Satyuga were to reunite, then these eight would be able to defeat Kalyuga and stop the world from ending. Now, its the job of the young prince of Itrahd, Arjuna, to find all these eight based on his information. He is clueless as the ancestors of the eight decendents who used to work in his forefathers court were in Satyuga, and it has been millions of years since then. Although it doesnt go as smoothly as he had planned, he manages to stumble upon a list of distinct individuals left to him as an heirloom by his father, Kanishka. This book focuses on ten of these individuals mentioned in the list. Set on the planet Terra, where the tectonic plates are yet to drift and everyone coexists within a single continent, AshtaSaga follows the journey of a prince Arjuna. He belongs to the royal lineage, and his destiny cannot be averted. No matter how disciplined he is in offering water from a brass lota accompanied by the pradakshinas around the Peepal tree to please his purwajas. Bearing this heavy responsibility because of his bloodline and how everything unfolds is a burden the royalty cannot share since the time of Satyuga. A fast approaching end to the seemingly everlasting era of Kalyuga shackles the prince and hastens his search. Will he be able to stop the world from ending? Will the utopia become a reality, or will it melt into eternal darkness?
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
1. With Gregorian Chant from the Cathedral of Chartres, build
on her Gospel, sung by Patricia van Oosten
3. 'The eye of the vision
is within the soul.
Let those who have the vision
Those that would listen,
let them hear.
For those that listen
will hear the breath of
And then the Lord said:
'Let us return
to our true nature.'
4. Page 2
'And I say unto you:
You can open your heart to Love.
Love has no bounds.
Love must be unfettered on all
Love does not cry: murder,
as this darkens our very soul.
How can we kill that which we love?
Love does not cry: hate,
for how can we hate,
when to do so we would hate
ourselves in the same process?
5. Page 3
'Love does not cry: Greed!;
How can we take more than
that which is the measure of
our capacity?
Love does not fear.
How can we fear? For we know
what we fear is not real.
Love does not lust.
How can we grasp after what
we have already?
6. Page 4
'Love does not envy;
Love knows we have all.
Love does not steal, as this
would take away the very
heart of our giving, which is
Love does not cry:
Love is not bound to scales of
more or less.
It is the self-sustainer of its
own balance.
How can we judge, lest we be
7. Page 5
'Love does not blame.
To be blameless is the true gift.
Love does not discriminate
as discrimination is not the
Love does not lie.
This is just fear to hide behind.
Love transcends 'All'.
The Breath of life is Love.
8. Page 6
'All that is composed is of
the elements, and it is your
attachment to this structure
that has no permanence.
Attachment to your corrupt
nature is that which binds
you to matter and to illusion
and suffering.
Attachment to matter is a
force to be reckoned with!
Those who have ears, let
them hear.'
9. Page 7
Mary then questioned her Master,
saying: 'Describe to us the nature of
matter. What is matter? Is it eternal?
Or, at the end of an aeon, will it be
And the Lord replied:
'That which is born and that which
is created within the elements of
nature are woven within and related
to one another.
All that is composed shall be
decomposed and will return to its
origins. Matter returns to the
principle that sent it forth, as
everything returns to its roots.
Those who have ears, let them hear.'
10. Peter said, 'You have taught us of the
elements of life and matter, and of how all
the world is woven from them. Tell us, what
is the sin of the world, that it should die?'
The Lord answered, 'Matter has no sin. Sin
has no real existence; it is you yourselves
who create it when, as in the nature of
adultery, you are unfaithful to your true
nature and act within the habit of your
corrupt nature.
That is why the gift of the Christ Light was
put into your heart, and why I came into
your midst, to restore every soul to its
The Lord continued, 'That is why you
become sick, and why you die; it is the result
of your actions, which takes you away from
your Source.
Those that would listen, let them hear!
11. Page 8
Matter gave birth to a passion that has no
equal, a passion for itself, which is contrary
to Divine nature.
Matter caused powerful passions to enter
into you, forces which arise from the
attraction of opposites (duality).
Thus are you pulled apart, and a
disharmony arises to disturb unity
throughout its whole body.
This is why I tell you, be at one; be in
harmony, one with another.
If your courage fails you and you feel out of
sorts, go out into nature, and take heart
from its manifestations of beauty and
harmony with the Divine nature.
Those who have ears, let them hear!
When the Blessed One had said these
things, He greeted them all, saying: 'Peace
be unto you, receive my peace into
yourselves. Allow no one to lead you astray
by saying, Lo, he is here! or, Lo, he is there!
12. For my truth is within you; It is
within your heart that the Son of
God dwells.
And I tell you, I live within all.
If you seek the Son of God, follow
after Him to your innermost
wherein He dwells.
Go within; those who seek Him
will find Him.
Walk forth, and teach the truth -
the Gospel of the Kingdom.
13. Page 9
'Do not impose any rules beyond what I
appointed you, and take care not to lay down a
law like the lawgiver, lest you be ensnared in its
constraints and lose your freedom.'
When the Lord had said these words, He
departed. The disciples grieved, they sorrowed
and shed tears, saying: 'How can we go amongst
the Gentiles and announce the Gospel of the
Kingdom of the Son of God? If they would not
spare our Lord, they will assuredly not spare us!'
Then Mary arose; embraced each one, and
began to speak words of comfort to her
brethren, saying gently:
'Take heart! He will be with you always. Do not
remain in sorrow or in doubt, for our Lord will
guide and protect you. Instead, let us praise his
magnitude; he has prepared us for what lies
ahead and is calling upon us to become fully
In saying this, Mary lifted their hearts towards
the good, and they began to discuss the
teachings of Jesus.
14. I will now reveal to you that which has
not yet been made known to you.
I had a vision of our Lord, and I said
unto him, 'Lord, I see you now in a
vision. And he said unto me:
'Mary, you are blessed, for my
appearance does not make you afraid.
Where the nous (awareness in itself) is,
there lies the treasure.'
I replied to him, 'Lord, when someone
meets you in a vision, is it through our
soul that we are able to see you, or is it
through our spirit?'
And the Lord answered
'Mary, it is neither. But it is the nous
between the two which sees the vision,
and it is this which makes us fully
15. Page 11
When we become fully human, we
become one whole body of light, the
'One' breath.
When we join that 'One' breath we
become whole; we become 'at-one'.
The breath conjoins life-death-life at
the mid-point which is the heart, called
the noon of our being (Awareness
itself). This is where the nous lies.
We are all aspects of life, of 'One' being,
of 'One' whole.
All aspects of life have to be overcome.
It is true that everything in our physical
structure is composed, and will
But we can overcome this process.
16. Page 12
All that is composed is of the
elements, and our attachment is to
this structure. Dissociate your soul
from matter! (But dont deny it, just
dont confuse your Self with it).
Once the two are apart the ascent
can begin. The awareness of breath
(life) sustains the soul and gives it
life, and it is this which detaches
you from matter.
It is through the nous (awareness
itself) that we see, for it is the eye of
the vision within the soul. And it is
with the vision of the nous that we
overcome the without, within
(duality of all).'
17. Page 13
We can overcome the four
elements of our attachment to
matter, illusion and suffering, and
all the oppressions of the soul.'
And I listened to my Master, and I
felt my soul ascending.
And as the soul ascended to the
first element (earth), the soul
'Why are we afraid of death? For
death itself is not fearful. It is the
attachment of (or identification
with) our body that causes fear to
18. Page 14
And Fear replied: 'Why are you
afraid of the darkness?
And the soul answered: 'Fear, why
do you hide in the darkness?
I have known you, and your power,
but it is you who are afraid.'
And the soul left with grace and
continued to the second element
On reaching the second element,
Desire was taken aback at the
soul's arrival, having neither seen
it nor expected it.
19. Page 15
And Desire said: I did not see you
descend, but I see you now, 'ascending'.
Why do you pretend to ascend? Why do
you lie, when you know you are mine?
And the soul replied: 'I saw you, but you
did not recognise me. Nor did you see me,
because your power urged me to give you a
body, which you thought was yours.
I served you as a garment and you never
knew it was me (Soul). You never felt me,
and now that I have reclaimed myself, you
are without the body I gave you, and you
cannot recognise me.'
When this was said, the soul left, rejoicing
When the soul entered the third element,
which was Ignorance, Ignorance
questioned the soul:
20. Page 16
'Where do you think you are going,
you who are dominated by wicked
inclinations? What are you thinking?
How can you possibly want to leave
me? Indeed, you have no
discrimination at all, and you are
clearly out of your mind.'
The soul answered: 'Why do you
judge me, as I have not passed
judgement on you? I have been
oppressed, but I myself do not
oppress. I have not been recognised,
but I myself recognise that all things
which are composed shall be
decomposed, on earth and in heaven;
not only earthly structures, but also
the things of the psyche (air). You
may think you are eternal, but you
are not.
On hearing this, Ignorance was slain.
21. Page 17
Freed from the third element, the soul
ascended to the fourth element, the fourth
is Fear of Death; expressed in anger, the
unenlightened element of Fire.
The fifth is the Power of the Flesh; which
has seven manifestations. The first is
Darkness; the second is Desire; the third is
Ignorance the sixth is Foolish (impure or
guileful) Wisdom; the seventh is Self-
righteous Materialism.
These are the seven powers of wrath, And
they tried to overcome the soul with
questions so that it might lose its footing.
'Where have you come from, Murderer?
and 'Where are you going, Slayer of Space?
But the soul, poised in radiance, answered
joyfully: 'That which bound me has been
slain. That which enveloped me has
vanished. My desires are no more, and I
have overcome the fetters of my ignorance.
22. Page 18
In an age of Darkness I escaped the
world with the aid of the supernal
My emotional attachment to
matter, which determined my
limitations, was erased by virtue of
a higher design.
I was released from the fetter of
Ignorance which seems eternal, but
is only transient.
Henceforth I am centred in Repose,
and until matter has run its course
my sanctuary will be encompassed
in unassailable peace.
23. Oblivion:
I go now into Silence.
Having said this, Mary fel silent, for she
had given the secret teaching of her
Andrew then began to speak, saying:
'You can say what you like about what
she has said; I, for one, do not believe a
word of it. I cannot believe that the
Saviour would speak of such strange
Peter joined in his refutation, saying in
anger: It is not possible that the Lord
spoke of these things in this manner
with a woman, saying nothing of them
to us! Are we then to humble ourselves
before a woman, to turn about and all
listen to her? Are we asked to believe
that he really preferred her to us?
24. Page 19
At this, Mary wept and said to Peter:
My brother Peter, what can you be
thinking? Why do you not believe
the words of our Lord? Do you really
think that this is all my own fancy, or
that I would lie about the Saviour?'
At this point, Levi rebuked Peter,
saying: 'Peter, you have always been
hot-headed. And now we see you
doubting a woman as worthy as
Mary, just as our adversaries would
do. If our Lord held Mary in high
esteem, who are you to question her
integrity and reject her words?
We all know our Lord loved Mary in
a way that He loved no other.
25. Therefore let us make amends.
Let us do as our Lord has taught.
Let us express brotherhood one to
another, and to all, and become
fully human so that the Saviour
can flourish in us.
Let us grow according to his
teachings, and walk abroad to
spread the gospel, without laying
down any rules and laws other
than the Law of Christ. Let us
separate as he commanded us,
and preach his truth.'
And when they heard his words,
they began to go forth to proclaim
and to preach.
26. Mary whom Jesus called The
Magdalene (the enlightened
one) was secretely called
Mystic Rose, because her
Evangely became forbidden.
The book was known as the
Book of Love and inspired
many esoteric Christians
during ages. She was the
inspiration behind
Glastonbury, Chartes, the
Cartares, the Rosecroix etc.
She has grown the fruit of
Jesus gift by preserving his
real teachings for those who
can hear now.
27. It is my hope that also
Christian inspired people find
this inner teaching. That you
practice on a daily base to
make yourself loosened from
the unenlightened qualities of
the elements with what you
confuse yourself. And that by
releasing these, the
Christmind may flourish in
you and take over.
For more guidance and
inspiration also on holistic
singing go to: