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Connections!A Spiritual Living Center¡°You¡¯ve Got Connections!¡±
We Invite YouTo spend a fewMinutes with us¡­So, sit back, relax and ENJOY!
Our Mission¡­¡­ Is to facilitate a better understanding and closer relationship with Spirit.¡­ and to empower you with tools for Life Mastery.
We Strive for¡­Better understanding of the Spirit within. (Personal Spirit)
Stronger connection to the Spirit in all things. (Universal Spirit)
Deeper relationship with the Creator (Divine Spirit)
Pathways to Personal Purpose
Abundant Spiritual Experiences
Tools for Life Mastery
A Safe, Supportive & Encouraging Environment.
Personal growth through Information, Inspiration & Application.¡­We¡¯ll go into more detail in just a minute ?
We Believe¡­We Believe that Truth is Universal.We Believe that there are many levels to understanding those Truths.We Believe that, as each Truth reveals itself, it begins to form a Spiritual Blueprint that leads to a deeper relationship with Spirit and Life Mastery.
Before Anything Begins¡­There is Nothing¡­
This Nothing is¡­The Fertile Ground where everything is possible, yet without form.A part of the Universal Spirit that is in everything.We journey into the Nothing, through Meditation, to access this field of Pure Potential and Limitless Possibilities.
As we clear our minds and think about Nothing¡­¡­We Begin to sense something.
The Spirit that is in everything¡­There is only One Spirit wrapping around and through itself in order to experience everything.We recognize three distinctly different aspects of that Spirit.Our Personal Spirit, which is our Soul. The Universal Spirit, that is in everything. The Divine Spirit, that is the Creator of everything.
When groups of people meet in celebration and communion with Spirit¡­¡­Four Paths  form that are powerful enough to encourage attendance & participation.
Meditation¡­¡­ is a powerful tool that quiets the mind, grants access to the field of Nothing and therefore to everything.¡­ is amplified through a group energy,                        just like prayer & gratitude.
Music¡­¡­ creates an instant uplifting, shared experiencethat you become a part of, as it becomes a part of you!¡­ is amplified through each voice, word instrument, tone, tempo & vibration.
Message¡­¡­ is food for the Soul! It provides Information, Application & Inspiration. It touches you and strengthens you.¡­ is inspired by Spirit, Universal Truths& Experience.
Members¡­¡­ You are welcomed and treasured! This can be your Spiritual Home where you feel Loved & Accepted.¡­ We gain Strength and Encouragement through each other .
The Four Paths¡­¡­ Each Path leads to celebration and communion with Spirit. Each Path is strong separately, but incredible together!¡­ It reminds us that we are strong individually, but incredible when we share ourselves and our gifts!
There are Three Great Lights that lead us to Spirit¡­¡­ as we understand and embody these Three Great Lights, we automatically get closer to Spirit!
The Light of Love¡­¡­¡­ the essence of Spirit is Love! To embrace Love is to become Love. That makes us One with Spirit.
The Light of Faith¡­¡­¡­Faith is the Bridge between certainties. Your Faith is both,  your Beliefs and your confidence in those Beliefs.
The Light of Connection¡­¡­¡­As we become aware of and understand the multitudes of Connections that exist, we realize that we are all Connected to everyone & everything!
The Trinity of the Three Great Lights¡­¡­¡­ Together the Lights form a Trinity, the Pyramid of Manifestation. Living in this Trinity brings us closer to Spirit and allows Manifestation & Life Mastery.
The Twelve Pillars¡­¡­ each Pillar creates a direct pathway to the Three Great Lights and directly to Spirit.
The Pillar of Choice¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Intention, Attitude & Action.
The Pillar of Renewal¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Cleanse, Transmute & Replenish.
The Pillar of Commitment¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Goal, Dedication & Timeframe.
The Pillar of Flow¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Receiving, Giving & Tithing.
The Pillar of Growth¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Nourish, Expand & Flourish.
The Pillar of Enjoyment¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Rest, Appreciation & Joy.
The Pillar of Energy¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Power, Source & Exchange.
The Pillar of Cycles¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Time, Reoccur & Timing.
The Pillar of Purpose¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Gift, Passion & Fulfillment.
The Pillar of Self¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Knowledge, Experience & Application.
The Pillar of Belief¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Individual, Collective & Truth.
The Pillar of Communion¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Prayer, Meditation & Intuition.

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  • 1. Connections!A Spiritual Living Center¡°You¡¯ve Got Connections!¡±
  • 2. We Invite YouTo spend a fewMinutes with us¡­So, sit back, relax and ENJOY!
  • 3. Our Mission¡­¡­ Is to facilitate a better understanding and closer relationship with Spirit.¡­ and to empower you with tools for Life Mastery.
  • 4. We Strive for¡­Better understanding of the Spirit within. (Personal Spirit)
  • 5. Stronger connection to the Spirit in all things. (Universal Spirit)
  • 6. Deeper relationship with the Creator (Divine Spirit)
  • 9. Tools for Life Mastery
  • 10. A Safe, Supportive & Encouraging Environment.
  • 11. Personal growth through Information, Inspiration & Application.¡­We¡¯ll go into more detail in just a minute ?
  • 12. We Believe¡­We Believe that Truth is Universal.We Believe that there are many levels to understanding those Truths.We Believe that, as each Truth reveals itself, it begins to form a Spiritual Blueprint that leads to a deeper relationship with Spirit and Life Mastery.
  • 14. This Nothing is¡­The Fertile Ground where everything is possible, yet without form.A part of the Universal Spirit that is in everything.We journey into the Nothing, through Meditation, to access this field of Pure Potential and Limitless Possibilities.
  • 15. As we clear our minds and think about Nothing¡­¡­We Begin to sense something.
  • 16. The Spirit that is in everything¡­There is only One Spirit wrapping around and through itself in order to experience everything.We recognize three distinctly different aspects of that Spirit.Our Personal Spirit, which is our Soul. The Universal Spirit, that is in everything. The Divine Spirit, that is the Creator of everything.
  • 17. When groups of people meet in celebration and communion with Spirit¡­¡­Four Paths form that are powerful enough to encourage attendance & participation.
  • 18. Meditation¡­¡­ is a powerful tool that quiets the mind, grants access to the field of Nothing and therefore to everything.¡­ is amplified through a group energy, just like prayer & gratitude.
  • 19. Music¡­¡­ creates an instant uplifting, shared experiencethat you become a part of, as it becomes a part of you!¡­ is amplified through each voice, word instrument, tone, tempo & vibration.
  • 20. Message¡­¡­ is food for the Soul! It provides Information, Application & Inspiration. It touches you and strengthens you.¡­ is inspired by Spirit, Universal Truths& Experience.
  • 21. Members¡­¡­ You are welcomed and treasured! This can be your Spiritual Home where you feel Loved & Accepted.¡­ We gain Strength and Encouragement through each other .
  • 22. The Four Paths¡­¡­ Each Path leads to celebration and communion with Spirit. Each Path is strong separately, but incredible together!¡­ It reminds us that we are strong individually, but incredible when we share ourselves and our gifts!
  • 23. There are Three Great Lights that lead us to Spirit¡­¡­ as we understand and embody these Three Great Lights, we automatically get closer to Spirit!
  • 24. The Light of Love¡­¡­¡­ the essence of Spirit is Love! To embrace Love is to become Love. That makes us One with Spirit.
  • 25. The Light of Faith¡­¡­¡­Faith is the Bridge between certainties. Your Faith is both, your Beliefs and your confidence in those Beliefs.
  • 26. The Light of Connection¡­¡­¡­As we become aware of and understand the multitudes of Connections that exist, we realize that we are all Connected to everyone & everything!
  • 27. The Trinity of the Three Great Lights¡­¡­¡­ Together the Lights form a Trinity, the Pyramid of Manifestation. Living in this Trinity brings us closer to Spirit and allows Manifestation & Life Mastery.
  • 28. The Twelve Pillars¡­¡­ each Pillar creates a direct pathway to the Three Great Lights and directly to Spirit.
  • 29. The Pillar of Choice¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Intention, Attitude & Action.
  • 30. The Pillar of Renewal¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Cleanse, Transmute & Replenish.
  • 31. The Pillar of Commitment¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Goal, Dedication & Timeframe.
  • 32. The Pillar of Flow¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Receiving, Giving & Tithing.
  • 33. The Pillar of Growth¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Nourish, Expand & Flourish.
  • 34. The Pillar of Enjoyment¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Rest, Appreciation & Joy.
  • 35. The Pillar of Energy¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Power, Source & Exchange.
  • 36. The Pillar of Cycles¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Time, Reoccur & Timing.
  • 37. The Pillar of Purpose¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Gift, Passion & Fulfillment.
  • 38. The Pillar of Self¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Knowledge, Experience & Application.
  • 39. The Pillar of Belief¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Individual, Collective & Truth.
  • 40. The Pillar of Communion¡­¡­¡­ is made of three pieces; Prayer, Meditation & Intuition.
  • 41. The Twelve Pillars¡­¡­¡­ each of the Twelve Pillars are strong enough to stand on their own. However continued application of all of the Pillars leads to Life Mastery!
  • 42. As you live these TruthsYou will recieve¡­A better understanding of the Spirit within. (Personal Spirit)
  • 43. A stronger connection to the Spirit in all things. (Universal Spirit)
  • 44. A deeper relationship with the Creator (Divine Spirit)
  • 45. Pathways to Personal Purpose (The Four Paths)
  • 46. Abundant Spiritual Experiences (The Three Great Lights)
  • 47. Tools for Life Mastery (The Twelve Pillars)
  • 48. A Safe, Supportive & Encouraging Environment.
  • 49. Personal growth through Information, Inspiration & Application.You can help make a Real Difference!If you know of someone who needs help, let us know by filling out a short form and putting it in the ¡°Prayers Answered Box¡±.
  • 50. We tithe 10% of all funds to answering those prayers anonymously.
  • 51. A portion of your tithes and donations go directly to helping people who need their Prayers Answered.
  • 52. Attached to their anonymously Answered Prayer is simply a plain card that reads: ¡°I¡¯m Listening & I Love You. ~God¡±Meditations Lead By:Mary Christiansen GabrielMary is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Master Hypnotist & Success Coach.
  • 53. Mary is also the Author of: Go Figure! ~ A Workshop for One & countless Hypnosis CD¡¯s. www.SucceedWithMary.comMessages Lead By:Scott Christiansen GabrielScott is a Minister, Psychic, Medium, Healer, Past-Life Regressionist, Author & Media Personality.
  • 54. Scott is also the Author of: Bridging the Gap ~ Between the Christian and Metaphysical Worlds & The Inheritance ~ a Vision.
  • 55. 100+ Media Appearances annually 2011 ¨C Presidential Who¡¯s Who recipient 2009 ¨C United Nations Conference Speaker 2008 ¨C Congressional Leadership Award 2008 ¨C Appointed Chairman ¨C Business Advisory Council of SDwww.ConnectWithScott.comDo you want to be a part of Connections?If you like what you have just experienced¡­ and would like to be a part of the Connections Community¡­Let us know! Call: 321.360.3298e-mail: Scott@ConnectWithScott.comSunday Morning Service ¨C Coming Soon!To Brevard County & The World Wide Web!
  • 56. ThankYou!!!For your Time & AttentionWe look forward to Connecting with You! Call: 321.360.3298e-mail: Scott@ConnectWithScott.com