The document describes Motorola's IMPRES Smart Energy System for portable radios. The IMPRES batteries collect usage data like charge/discharge cycles and predict remaining life. They provide 50-62% higher duty cycles than standard batteries. IMPRES also includes single-unit and multi-unit chargers that can condition and recondition batteries to improve performance. The chargers are compatible with IMPRES and non-IMPRES batteries.
The document describes Motorola's IMPRES Smart Energy System for portable radios. The IMPRES batteries collect usage data like charge/discharge cycles and predict remaining life. They provide 50-62% higher duty cycles than standard batteries. IMPRES also includes single-unit and multi-unit chargers that can condition and recondition batteries to improve performance. The chargers are compatible with IMPRES and non-IMPRES batteries.
Motorola has expanded its existing trade-in offer for MC75A0 and MC55A0 devices to include MC9190, select industrial scanners, and wireless access points. The new promotions will run from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013, and resellers can receive up to $500 per traded-in unit depending on the product. Resellers must register qualifying new purchases and trade-ins on Motorola's website within 15-45 days of the new purchase to receive a rebate directly from Motorola.
Radio Interoperability Presentation Generic Gsa AcademyRandyHagar
The document discusses various levels of radio interoperability between public safety agencies and provides examples. It describes 6 levels from simple methods like swapping radios to more advanced systems that use standards-based shared networks. It also discusses current challenges to interoperability and efforts to improve coordination through funding programs and initiatives.
Designed with mission critical technology, Hytera Tetra digital radio system is bringing in a communication solution of real-world reliability to your demanding working scenarios.
The following resources come from the 2009/10 BEng (Hons) in Digital Communications & Electronics (course number 2ELE0064) from the University of Hertfordshire. All the mini projects are designed as level two modules of the undergraduate programmes.
The objective of this module is to have built communication links using existing AM modulation, PSK modulation and demodulation blocks, constructed AM modulators and constructed PSK modulators using operational function blocks based on their mathematical expressions, and conducted simulations of the links and modulators, all in Simulink®.
This project is based on the study of the wireless communication and its maintenance in Tata Steel. In the MED dept. of Tata Steel I have studied the maintenance and fault diagnostics methodology in Motorola wireless set. Tata Steel uses Motorola W/T sets. Currently GP 338/328 is used for handheld sets and GM-338 is used for Static Sets.
The presentation highlights some of the best MOTOTRBO Apps customer references from 2014 and before showing how two-way radio users expanded the functionality of their radio systems with applications.
Customising communications technology is important to customers in all industries and Motorola Solutions' MOTOTRBO portfolio offers the largest choice of applications for: dispatch, gps tracking, job ticketing, man down, remote control of assets, alarm management, indoor localisation, telephone connection and migration aids from analogue to digital. Applications solve organisations’ real business problems and allow them to improve productivity, reduce operational costs and enhance safety.
The MOTOTRBO Applications Catalogue is available online here:
Applications are delivered through Motorola’s MOTOTRBO Application Developer Programme (ADP) - a network of expert software developers, system integrators and Motorola’s experts committed to promote, develop and deliver high quality, integrated and customer-focused communication solutions leveraging MOTOTRBO for a wide range of industry sectors.
1. Digital modulation techniques are used to modulate digital information so that it can be transmitted via different mediums. Common digital modulation methods include binary amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK), and phase shift keying (PSK).
2. FSK conveys information by changing the instantaneous frequency of a carrier wave. It is less susceptible to errors than ASK but has a larger spectrum bandwidth. PSK varies the phase of the transmitted signal. BPSK uses two phases while QPSK uses four phases.
3. The performance of digital modulation techniques can be compared using the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0). Lower Eb/N0 values
Mobile communications allow for wireless voice and data transmission through radio waves. This includes cellular phones, which do not require a wired connection but instead connect to a wireless carrier network using radio frequencies. Cellular networks divide geographic areas into sections served by radio base stations to allow for handoff of calls between areas as the user moves. While mobile communications provide significant benefits, health concerns have been raised regarding radiation exposure from phones and towers.
Technical analysis is the study of price, volume, and open interest to forecast market trends by analyzing charts and indicators. It is based on the assumptions that current prices reflect all known information, prices trend over time, and history repeats. Technical analysis focuses on market effects rather than fundamental causes and can be applied quickly to any market. It helps understand market psychology and short-term movements.
Cambium Networks is an industry leader in point-to-multipoint and point-to-point wireless broadband solutions. They have shipped over 4 million nodes totaling over $1 billion to networks in more than 150 countries. Their ePMP product line provides affordable and scalable wireless access networks through features like GPS synchronization, high scalability and consistent performance, interference mitigation technology, and effective quality of service capabilities.
The VX 9000 virtualized software-based wireless LAN controller combines the power of virtualization with Motorola Solutions' WiNG Controller. It provides centralized management of wireless networks through a single interface with high scalability, flexibility and advanced wireless services. Key features include integrated network security, the advanced WiNG 5 operating system, plug-and-play deployment, simplified licensing and infinite scalability through virtualization. It supports all major hypervisors and public/private clouds for maximum deployment flexibility at low cost.
The NX 7500 integrated services platform provides comprehensive management of up to 2,048 network elements through a single interface. It allows all network infrastructure to intelligently route traffic for maximum speed and throughput without congestion. The NX 7500 offers advanced wireless LAN performance for mid-sized and campus environments with features such as plug-and-play installation, hierarchical management, smart routing, BYOD support, and integrated security services. It provides flexibility and investment protection through modular upgrades.
The document discusses the challenges retailers face in supporting increased wireless applications and next-generation Wi-Fi in stores. It introduces the Motorola AP 8200 Series as a solution that provides high-performance wireless connectivity for customers and staff. The AP 8200 Series allows easy access, security, support for 802.11ac Wi-Fi, bandwidth for applications, and performance for many users. It provides flexibility, a cost-effective upgrade to 802.11ac, and features for security, environmental monitoring, location services, and more.
The document describes the innovative features of the Motorola AP 8222 wireless access point. It has a sleek design suitable for retail, office, and other customer-facing spaces. It provides dual-band 802.11ac and 802.11n wireless connectivity at speeds up to 1.3Gbps. Key features include advanced beamforming, gap-free security, and support for bandwidth-heavy applications like video calling. The access point is centrally managed through Motorola's WiNG 5 networking operating system.
The AP 8163 is a ruggedized outdoor mesh access point designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. It has three radios - two for client access across 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, and a third radio that can be used for wireless intrusion prevention scanning or dynamic frequency selection to avoid radar interference. The advanced WiNG 5 operating system allows the access points to self-optimize the network for best performance. Key features include powerful antennas for extended range, mesh networking for redundancy, and security features like firewalls and wireless intrusion prevention.
The document describes the features and capabilities of the Motorola AP 8122 3x3 MIMO 802.11n access point. It delivers high throughput to support enterprise applications including voice and HD video using 802.11n technology with standard 802.3af PoE. It has advanced features like load balancing, pre-emptive roaming, and dual band radios to increase network reliability, resilience, and security. The access point also supports advanced wireless capabilities such as voice over wireless, location services, and guest access controls.
The document describes the innovative features of the AP 7532 wireless access point. It provides the highest wireless speeds available with 3x3 MIMO and 256 QAM modulation on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios. It has a dual radio 802.11ac/802.11n design that provides a upgrade path to 1.3Gbps 802.11ac speeds while maintaining support for existing devices. It offers various advanced features like load balancing, security, sensor support and quality of service for voice. The access point is designed to deliver maximum performance at a low cost.
The AP 7502 is a dual-band 802.11ac wireless access point designed for installation in small spaces like hotel rooms. It has a compact wall-mount design, supports the latest WiFi standards, and includes features to ensure reliable connectivity even in challenging environments. Setup and management are simplified through zero-touch provisioning and both standalone and controller-based operation modes.
The document describes the innovative features of the AP 7522 wireless access point. It provides dual-band 802.11ac and 802.11n radios for high performance WiFi. It offers internal or external antenna options and can function as both an access point and wireless sensor. The access point provides security, load balancing, and other features to support mission critical applications on the wireless network.
1. Per Professionisti come Voi
La piccola radio Versatile
L’insuperabile versatilità rende la piccola radio GP388 lo strumento essenziale per le organizzazioni
in continua crescita. Quando le circostanze lo richiedono, gli utenti hanno la possibilità di
programmare queste radio, durante l’uso, aggiungendo o eliminando alcune funzioni. Sia
nelle condizioni difficili di un cantiere edile, sia nella hall elegante di un albergo di lusso,
la radio piccola Versatile è la scelta d’obbligo. È la radio che cresce con voi!
L’ampia gamma di funzioni include:
• Segnalazione • Inoltro di chiamata
Il software della radio include i sistemi di Consente di inoltrare la chiamata ad un altro
segnalazione selettiva Private Line™ e a 5 toni. utente radio quando non è possibile
rispondere personalmente.
• Scansione dei canali
Consente sia di controllare il traffico sia di • Informazioni all Utente
rispondere alle chiamate su canali di Il display alfanumerico a 14 caratteri
comunicazione diversi. contiene un indicatore dello stato di carica
della batteria ed un indicatore della qualità del
• X-Pand™ Compressione della voce ed
segnale ricevuto. L’apparato fornisce inoltre
espansione a basso livello
La qualità dell’audio è distinta, chiara e forte in diversi toni identificativi e la decodifica dei
qualsiasi ambiente rumoroso. L’espansione a nominativi per molte delle chiamate ricevute.
basso livello consente di migliorarne • Facile utilizzo
ulteriormente la qualità , riducendo i disturbi Menu semplici ed una lista alfanumerica di
che, di solito, si avvertono durante le pause nominativi rendono l’apparato GP388 semplice
della conversazione. ed intuitivo da usare.
• Attivazione della trasmissione a viva voce • Chiamate di stato
(VOX) Messaggi scritti predefiniti consentono
Utilizzo a mani libere della radio per l’uso con all’utilizzatore di inviare messaggi senza
la cuffia auricolare VOX. parlare.
• Segnalazione d’emergenza
Invia un segnale d’emergenza ad una persona
o gruppo di persone predefinite.
• Lavoratore isolato
Offre ulteriore sicurezza per chi lavora lontano
dal proprio team. La radio entra nella modalitÃ
operativa di emergenza se l’utente non
risponde ad un segnale di avviso.
• Bisbiglio
Consente all’utente di parlare a voce bassa nel
microfono e di essere udito chiaramente.