Краткая инструкция по работе с Asterisk VQMSevana OüЭтот документ представляет собой упрощенное описание функционала и графического интерфейса системы Asterisk Voice Quality Monitoring (Asterisk VQM
GPS Tracker and Beacon in ActionEuler2012.comThis document provides instructions for using a GPS tracking and beacon service, including how to create an account, add trackers, set up geofences and notifications, and share tracker locations with observers. Key steps include downloading the app, signing into an online account to see tracked locations, customizing tracker names and icons, setting the frequency of location updates, creating and editing geofences, and adding additional trackers by inputting their login credentials.
Vt600 sms fast guideStartrack gps AllenStartrack Technology Co., Limited provides instructions for setting up and using their VT600 GPS tracking device via SMS commands. The document outlines:
1) How to enable GPRS tracking via TCP and set the GPRS time interval for sending location data.
2) How to set the APN, server IP/port, and platform login details.
3) An example SMS command to check the current VT600 parameters and ensure proper configuration.
gps trackerGpsnvision GpsnvisionThe GpsNvision Vehicle Tracking Solution provides fleet managers and owners with powerful GPS fleet tracking tools that can help reduce fuel costs and increase fleet productivity.
Cheap GPS Tracker for CarDiweitrackA GPS tracking software is something that is very portable and provides you with accurate location of a vehicle and other things.
Ultrasonic Fuel Monitoring Sensor v3.0robin huangUltrasonic Fuel Monitoring Sensor product adopts non-contact measurement of ultrasonic sensor technology, which is researched and developed by our company and it is initiated in China. It is also widely used in fuel consumption project and all products are sold abroad.
GPS Fleet Tracking BrochureGPS InsightGPS Insight offers a GPS fleet tracking solution that provides real-time location tracking, unlimited vehicle history, customizable reports and alerts, routing, and messaging capabilities. Their solution is highly flexible and customizable to fit specific customer needs. It ensures a quick implementation tailored to each customer's exact requirements, which then generates significant and immediate return on investment. Customers can request additional features that GPS Insight strives to add continually.
GPS Tracker & Car accessory 2013 from KingNeedfreebird98KingNeed is the leading GPS Tracker manufactory from Guangdong China, this document is the latest products information of 2013
Gps Tracker with RFID | School Security | techlead-indiaeTechSchoolBus is complete school bus security solution. According to a survey, it has been found that parents are extremely worried about their children when they are on the way to school in school bus. The key reason of worrying is increase in crime; rush driving of school bus driver etc. Hence the tracking of school bus is ultimate solution. eTechSchool Bus provides RFID based location updates of your children whether your child has reached school or not. GPS device installed in vehicle gives current location of school bus. eTechSchool Bus product is designed specifically for the real time movement tracking, knowing when students got picked or dropped from the bus. SMS alerts are sent to parents on the arrival of the bus as well as when a student is picked or dropped.
How it works?
Download Presentation
A smart card (nametag) is provided to each student. Smart Card contains student information. At the entrance of the bus, RFID card reader will be provided (Internally its connected with GPS Device). Students need to flash the smart card (nametag),
while entering into the bus at pick-up point (Pickup)
while leaving from bus at a school (Pickup)
while entering into the bus after school (Drop)
while leaving bus at drop point (Drop)
A sms will be sent in each of the above cases. Parents can check exact location of bus on online software of eTechSchool Bus. Individual UserID and password will be provided to parents. Parents will be able to check the bus location of their child only. User Id and password will also be provided to school administrators, so that they will be able to check location of all buses.
Live tracking ie. the system provides real-time location data that displays the movement of the bus along with the date and time stamp, direction, speed and number of students in the bus on a map.
For Parents: Track the child getting in/out of the bus and entering or leaving the School.
Many more alerts can be configured with the system in cases such as:
If their child/employee does not board the bus when it leaves from the school/office
If bus takes a halt between school and home
If the bus breaks down
If bus is deviated from it’s path
Emergency (Panic) Button
Supports multiusers
GPS device with internal battery back – up
Stores data upto 120 days
Regular and up-to-date reports of vehicles
Parents become aware on the whereabouts of the school bus
School management remains informed about location, speed of school bus with information of students travelling in bus
Parents remain informed about real time location of bus and pick – up and drop updates of their child via sms on mobile phones
Availability of Panic button to inform school administrators/bus controllers in case of emergency
Reporting on vehicle performance over user specified time interval
Remote Immobilization : Remotely stop your vehicle
Real time, multiple vehicle tracking for schools
Contact: Sagar
Vt600 user manual v1.1Startrack gps AllenVT600 GPS Tracker is one our our most selling product,which we keep selling around 2000pcs monthly.
Till now we have solo agent in India and Saudi Arabia ect.
Scala vs RubyRémy-Christophe SchermesserThe document compares and contrasts features of the Scala and Ruby programming languages, including type systems, pattern matching, monkey patching, dynamic calls, traits/modules, and more. It discusses how each language handles the given features, often providing code examples, and notes similarities and differences between the two approaches. The overall assessment is that a draw is the best way to characterize the comparison between Scala and Ruby, as both languages have their merits for different use cases and preferences.
UNIX/Linux trainingMichael OlafusiThis document provides an overview of a 5-day UNIX/Linux training course. The training covers topics such as Linux desktops and administration, Linux command line administration, networking, servers, and programming. Each day focuses on a different aspect of UNIX/Linux including installation, desktop environments, administration tasks from the command line interface, and networking. Common Linux distributions and benefits of UNIX/Linux are also discussed.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Тиц 10 - рывок длинною в 3 месяцаAnton DzebaСтатья: http://sait-partnerka.ru/seo-blog/tits-10-ryvok-dlinnoyu-v-3-mesyatsa
Видео: https://youtu.be/211md3vvxM0
Как поднять тематический индекс цитирования за 3 месяца с 0 до 10 и выше с помощью стандартных приемов: анализа, трастовых форумов, блогов и других методик на примерах.
Тиц 10 - рывок длинною в 3 месяцаAnton DzebaКак поднять тематический индекс цитирования за 3 месяца с 0 до 10 и выше с помощью стандартных приемов: анализа, трастовых форумов, блогов и других методик на примерах.
GPS Tracker & Car accessory 2013 from KingNeedfreebird98KingNeed is the leading GPS Tracker manufactory from Guangdong China, this document is the latest products information of 2013
Gps Tracker with RFID | School Security | techlead-indiaeTechSchoolBus is complete school bus security solution. According to a survey, it has been found that parents are extremely worried about their children when they are on the way to school in school bus. The key reason of worrying is increase in crime; rush driving of school bus driver etc. Hence the tracking of school bus is ultimate solution. eTechSchool Bus provides RFID based location updates of your children whether your child has reached school or not. GPS device installed in vehicle gives current location of school bus. eTechSchool Bus product is designed specifically for the real time movement tracking, knowing when students got picked or dropped from the bus. SMS alerts are sent to parents on the arrival of the bus as well as when a student is picked or dropped.
How it works?
Download Presentation
A smart card (nametag) is provided to each student. Smart Card contains student information. At the entrance of the bus, RFID card reader will be provided (Internally its connected with GPS Device). Students need to flash the smart card (nametag),
while entering into the bus at pick-up point (Pickup)
while leaving from bus at a school (Pickup)
while entering into the bus after school (Drop)
while leaving bus at drop point (Drop)
A sms will be sent in each of the above cases. Parents can check exact location of bus on online software of eTechSchool Bus. Individual UserID and password will be provided to parents. Parents will be able to check the bus location of their child only. User Id and password will also be provided to school administrators, so that they will be able to check location of all buses.
Live tracking ie. the system provides real-time location data that displays the movement of the bus along with the date and time stamp, direction, speed and number of students in the bus on a map.
For Parents: Track the child getting in/out of the bus and entering or leaving the School.
Many more alerts can be configured with the system in cases such as:
If their child/employee does not board the bus when it leaves from the school/office
If bus takes a halt between school and home
If the bus breaks down
If bus is deviated from it’s path
Emergency (Panic) Button
Supports multiusers
GPS device with internal battery back – up
Stores data upto 120 days
Regular and up-to-date reports of vehicles
Parents become aware on the whereabouts of the school bus
School management remains informed about location, speed of school bus with information of students travelling in bus
Parents remain informed about real time location of bus and pick – up and drop updates of their child via sms on mobile phones
Availability of Panic button to inform school administrators/bus controllers in case of emergency
Reporting on vehicle performance over user specified time interval
Remote Immobilization : Remotely stop your vehicle
Real time, multiple vehicle tracking for schools
Contact: Sagar
Vt600 user manual v1.1Startrack gps AllenVT600 GPS Tracker is one our our most selling product,which we keep selling around 2000pcs monthly.
Till now we have solo agent in India and Saudi Arabia ect.
Scala vs RubyRémy-Christophe SchermesserThe document compares and contrasts features of the Scala and Ruby programming languages, including type systems, pattern matching, monkey patching, dynamic calls, traits/modules, and more. It discusses how each language handles the given features, often providing code examples, and notes similarities and differences between the two approaches. The overall assessment is that a draw is the best way to characterize the comparison between Scala and Ruby, as both languages have their merits for different use cases and preferences.
UNIX/Linux trainingMichael OlafusiThis document provides an overview of a 5-day UNIX/Linux training course. The training covers topics such as Linux desktops and administration, Linux command line administration, networking, servers, and programming. Each day focuses on a different aspect of UNIX/Linux including installation, desktop environments, administration tasks from the command line interface, and networking. Common Linux distributions and benefits of UNIX/Linux are also discussed.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Тиц 10 - рывок длинною в 3 месяцаAnton DzebaСтатья: http://sait-partnerka.ru/seo-blog/tits-10-ryvok-dlinnoyu-v-3-mesyatsa
Видео: https://youtu.be/211md3vvxM0
Как поднять тематический индекс цитирования за 3 месяца с 0 до 10 и выше с помощью стандартных приемов: анализа, трастовых форумов, блогов и других методик на примерах.
Тиц 10 - рывок длинною в 3 месяцаAnton DzebaКак поднять тематический индекс цитирования за 3 месяца с 0 до 10 и выше с помощью стандартных приемов: анализа, трастовых форумов, блогов и других методик на примерах.
1. GPS Трекер и Маяк
в Действии
Создание наблюдателей
Создание уведомления при выходах из геозон
Объединение трекеров в одну учетную запись
2. Быстрый старт
Загрузите приложение с Google Play
Сохраните текущее местоположение на сервере.
При этом у вас автоматически
будет создана учетная запись.
3. Ваш личный кабинет в сервисе
Зайдите по ссылке
с любого браузера с вашим логином и паролем.
Если трекер определил координаты, то он сразу
отобразится на карте. Выберите в меню «Трекеры».
4. Ваше название и Ваша иконка
В панели трекеров кликните на иконку меню.
Отобразиться меню для вашего трекера.
Выберите пункт «Редактировать имя и иконку».
В открывшейся панели введите название трекера и
выберите иконку для отображения на карте.
5. Ссылка для наблюдателей
Кликните на иконку «Поделиться». В открывшейся
панели установите дату и время действия ссылки.
Кликните на «Создать ссылку». После обработки
откроются дополнительные поля. Кликните на
«Послать ссылку» и выберите канал через который
ссылка будет отослана.
6. Наблюдение за Трекером или Маяком
Кликнув на иконку «Настройки» можно изменить
частоту передачи данных о местоположении и канал
передачи данных (wifi работает не везде!).
Запустите Маяк или Трекер и наблюдатель,
зайдя по ссылке в интернет, сможет видеть ваше
местоположение и след.
7. Создание геозон
Выберите в меню «Геозоны». Открывается панель со
списком ваших геозон. Вы можете создавать, удалять
и редактировать различные геозоны. Для создания
геозоны кликните на иконку «Добавить».
8. Уведомления по входам/выходам из геозон
В панели трекеров кликните на иконку меню.
Отобразиться меню для вашего трекера.
Выберите пункт «Настройка уведомлений».
В открывшейся панели введите email-ы, на которые
будут отсылаться уведомления о входах/выходах
трекера из установленных геозон.
9. Объединение трекеров в одну учетную запись
Используйте свою учетную запись, или создайте
новую - бесплатно зарегистрировавшись на сайте.
Выберите в меню «Трекеры», в панели трекеров
кликните на иконку «Добавить существующий».
10. Объединение трекеров в одну учетную запись
В панели введите IMEI (это Логин трекера) и его
Пароль. Добавить можно только те трекеры, логин и
пароль которых вам сообщили. К моменту добавления
трекер должен быть зарегистрирован в сервисе.
11. Отображение Ваших трекеров на карте
Выберите в меню «Трекеры». В панели трекеров будут
отображены все трекеры вашей учетной записи.
Пометьте те, которые должны сразу отображаться при
входе в сервис. Теперь, при заходе в сервис, вы
будете видеть отмеченные трекеры с их следом за
последние 10 минут. Карта масштабируется чтобы
отобразить все на одном экране.
12. Мы ждем Вас в сервисе ViaLatM
Наш сервис
создается и развивается
Присылайте Ваши замечания, пожелания
и соображения по улучшению сервиса.
Мы благодарны за обратную связь и всегда
реагируем на нее.