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Grammar Book

Table of Contents

2.Stem Changers
4.Indirect Object Pronouns
5. Pronoun Placement
7. Affirmative and Negative
8. Superlatives
9. Reflexives
10. Affirmative tu commands/ irregular/ pronoun placement
11. Negative tu command/irregular/pronoun placement
12.Sequencing events
Jugar U>UE

                           Juego        Jugamos
                           Juegas       Juga鱈s
                           Juega        Juegan
Pensar E>IE
Pienso        Pensamos
Piensas       Pensa鱈s
Piensa        Piensan
                         Pedir e>I
                         Pido           Pedamos
Dormir O>UE
                         Pides          Peda鱈s
Duermo        Dormimos
                         Pide           Pieden
Duermes       Dorma鱈s
Duerme        Duerman

Common uses of Para: Para is often confused with
  Por which is a rarely interchanged word for for.
 Where Para is used:
 To mean "in order to": When used in this way, it
  is followed by an infinitive.
 To indicate purpose or need
 With estar to mean : to be ready to
 To mean "no later than" or "by
Indirect Object Pronouns

Me                                           Nos
Te                                           Os
Le                                           Les

     Indirect Object Placement
     1. Before the conjugated verb
     2.Attached to an infinitive
     3.Attached to a gerund
     *The Pronouns Le and Les sometimes refer to different indirect objects. To clarify

        the difference, they are accompanied by a noun, name, or pronoun   .
     Example:Mi madre te compr坦 un libro. (My mother bought you a book.)
Pronoun Placement

 1.Attach the pronoun to the infinitive
 2. Attach the pronoun to a progressive tense
 3. Attach the pronoun to an affirmative command.
 4. Place the pronoun before a conjugated verb.

Me (Gusta)                                Nos (Gusta)
Te (Gusta)                                Os (Gusta)
Le(Gusta)                                 Les (Gusta)

       -Even if attached to more than one infinitive, it will remain singular.
       You often need to read the sentence backwards: Me gusta el gato. The
       cat is liked by me.

       *The form of gustar matches the noun, not the speaker.
        Me (Gustas)                    Nos (Gustas)
        Te (Gustas)                    Os (Gustas)
        Le (Gustas)                    Les (Gustas)
Affirmatives and Negatives

 Algo  something      Nada-Nothing
                        Nadie- No one
 Alguien -Someone      *Ningun/ Ninguno- None,
 *Alg炭n/Alguno -some   Not any
                        Nunca- Never
 Siempre -always
                        Tampoco- Neither, either
 Tambi辿n- tampoco      Ningun must also match the
 *Alguno must match    gender of the noun they
                        replace or modify.
 the gender of the
 noun they replace or
 modify.                A double negative is required in
                        spanish when no preceeds the verb,
                        except if the negative word comes
                        before a verb, a second verb is not

 Is鱈mo Is鱈mos/Is鱈mos Is鱈mas

 Added to adjectives and adverbs, Equivalent to
 extremely or very and is placed before an Adjective
 or verb .
An adjective that is ending in n or r are formed by
 adding cis鱈mo

Adjectives that end in C,G or Z change spelling to que,
 gu, and c. -Feliz- Felizcisimo

 Reflexive verbs are something that
    one does to themselves such as       Position of reflexives :
    brushing ones teeth or hair.
   Ex: Pepa se lava el pelo.            1.. In front of conjugated verb
                                         2. Attached to infinitive
-   Pepa washes her hair                 3. Attached to Gerund
-   Ex: Me levant坦                       4. Attached to infinitive
-   I wash my self

- Reflexive pronouns are used with
    or without reflexive verbs. When
    there is no reflexive pronoun, the
    person doing the act
Affirmative t炭 commands/irregulars/pronoun placement

 Affirmative Commands
 Give instructions or commands to someone by using Affirmative tu commands
  of regular verbs
 Caminar/ Camina/ 臓Camina en el parque!
 Placement :When using an object pronoun, attach the pronoun to the end of
  the command
 Cruza el parque > 臓Cruzalo!
                                     Infinitive              Tu command
                                     Decir                   Di
 Irregular Commands                 Hacer                   haz
 Primero haz los quehaceres         Ir                     Ve
First do the chores                  Poner                  Pon
                                     Salir                  Sal
                                     Tener                  Ten
                                     Venir                  Ven
Negative t炭 commands/ irregular/ pronoun

      Formed by: Taking you form of the present tense, dropping the o and adding the
       appropriate ending.

                  Infinitive           Yo form             Negative tu
                  Hablar               Hablo               No Hables!
                  Volver               Vuelvo              No vuelves

Irregular (Yo Form)
Infinitive: Dar (doy) Command: No le des
mi direccion a nadie
- Dont give my adress to anyone.                      Pronouns precede the verb in
                                                      negative commands
Infinitive: Estar Command: No est辿s triste

-dont be sad
How to form T炭 commands

 1. Affirmatives : Drop the s
 2. Put in Yo form, cange vowel, add-s
 3. Affirmative irregulars: Di , Haz, Ven, Pon, Sal, Se,
  Ten, Ven
 Irregular Commands:
                Tener                No Tengas
                Venir                No Vengas
                Dar/ Decir           No des/ digas
                Ir                   No vayas
                Ser                  No seas
                Hacer                No Hagas
                Saber/ Salir         No sepas/ salgas
Sequencing events

 Used to show what events are in what specific order.

 Primero- First
 Entonces- after
 luego/despu辿s-/ Por Fin then/after / Finally
 Antes de/ despu辿s de- before that/ after that
 Por la ma単ana/ tarde/ Noche- In/ during the-( no
  specific time given)
 Los lunes etc.- on Monday, or any other day

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Grammar book for spanish

  • 1. Grammar Book AMELIA OLTON
  • 2. Table of Contents 1.Nationalities 2.Stem Changers 3.Para 4.Indirect Object Pronouns 5. Pronoun Placement 6.Gustar 7. Affirmative and Negative 8. Superlatives 9. Reflexives 10. Affirmative tu commands/ irregular/ pronoun placement 11. Negative tu command/irregular/pronoun placement 12.Sequencing events
  • 4. Jugar U>UE Juego Jugamos Juegas Juga鱈s Juega Juegan Pensar E>IE Pienso Pensamos Piensas Pensa鱈s Piensa Piensan Pedir e>I Pido Pedamos Dormir O>UE Pides Peda鱈s Duermo Dormimos Pide Pieden Duermes Dorma鱈s Duerme Duerman
  • 5. Para Common uses of Para: Para is often confused with Por which is a rarely interchanged word for for. Where Para is used: To mean "in order to": When used in this way, it is followed by an infinitive. To indicate purpose or need With estar to mean : to be ready to To mean "no later than" or "by
  • 6. Indirect Object Pronouns Me Nos Te Os Le Les Indirect Object Placement 1. Before the conjugated verb 2.Attached to an infinitive 3.Attached to a gerund *The Pronouns Le and Les sometimes refer to different indirect objects. To clarify the difference, they are accompanied by a noun, name, or pronoun . Example:Mi madre te compr坦 un libro. (My mother bought you a book.)
  • 7. Pronoun Placement 1.Attach the pronoun to the infinitive 2. Attach the pronoun to a progressive tense 3. Attach the pronoun to an affirmative command. 4. Place the pronoun before a conjugated verb.
  • 8. Gustar Singular Me (Gusta) Nos (Gusta) Te (Gusta) Os (Gusta) Le(Gusta) Les (Gusta) -Even if attached to more than one infinitive, it will remain singular. You often need to read the sentence backwards: Me gusta el gato. The cat is liked by me. *The form of gustar matches the noun, not the speaker. Plural Me (Gustas) Nos (Gustas) Te (Gustas) Os (Gustas) Le (Gustas) Les (Gustas)
  • 9. Affirmatives and Negatives Algo something Nada-Nothing Nadie- No one Alguien -Someone *Ningun/ Ninguno- None, *Alg炭n/Alguno -some Not any Nunca- Never Siempre -always Tampoco- Neither, either Tambi辿n- tampoco Ningun must also match the *Alguno must match gender of the noun they replace or modify. the gender of the noun they replace or modify. A double negative is required in spanish when no preceeds the verb, except if the negative word comes before a verb, a second verb is not needed.
  • 10. Superlatives Is鱈mo Is鱈mos/Is鱈mos Is鱈mas Added to adjectives and adverbs, Equivalent to extremely or very and is placed before an Adjective or verb . An adjective that is ending in n or r are formed by adding cis鱈mo Adjectives that end in C,G or Z change spelling to que, gu, and c. -Feliz- Felizcisimo
  • 11. Reflexives Reflexive verbs are something that one does to themselves such as Position of reflexives : brushing ones teeth or hair. Ex: Pepa se lava el pelo. 1.. In front of conjugated verb 2. Attached to infinitive - Pepa washes her hair 3. Attached to Gerund - Ex: Me levant坦 4. Attached to infinitive command. - I wash my self - Reflexive pronouns are used with or without reflexive verbs. When there is no reflexive pronoun, the person doing the act
  • 12. Affirmative t炭 commands/irregulars/pronoun placement Affirmative Commands Give instructions or commands to someone by using Affirmative tu commands of regular verbs Caminar/ Camina/ 臓Camina en el parque! Placement :When using an object pronoun, attach the pronoun to the end of the command Cruza el parque > 臓Cruzalo! Infinitive Tu command Decir Di Irregular Commands Hacer haz Primero haz los quehaceres Ir Ve First do the chores Poner Pon Salir Sal Tener Ten Venir Ven
  • 13. Negative t炭 commands/ irregular/ pronoun placement Formed by: Taking you form of the present tense, dropping the o and adding the appropriate ending. Infinitive Yo form Negative tu command Hablar Hablo No Hables! Volver Vuelvo No vuelves Venir Irregular (Yo Form) Placement: Infinitive: Dar (doy) Command: No le des mi direccion a nadie - Dont give my adress to anyone. Pronouns precede the verb in negative commands Infinitive: Estar Command: No est辿s triste -dont be sad
  • 14. How to form T炭 commands 1. Affirmatives : Drop the s 2. Put in Yo form, cange vowel, add-s 3. Affirmative irregulars: Di , Haz, Ven, Pon, Sal, Se, Ten, Ven Irregular Commands: Tener No Tengas Venir No Vengas Dar/ Decir No des/ digas Ir No vayas Ser No seas Hacer No Hagas Saber/ Salir No sepas/ salgas
  • 15. Sequencing events Used to show what events are in what specific order. Primero- First Entonces- after luego/despu辿s-/ Por Fin then/after / Finally Antes de/ despu辿s de- before that/ after that Por la ma単ana/ tarde/ Noche- In/ during the-( no specific time given) Los lunes etc.- on Monday, or any other day