Teachers from Thouria's Secondary High School traveled to Krefeld, in Germany, from 4th to 8th of November 2019, as part of the Erasmus+ program "What goes around comes around".
4. 里留 竜旅竜留 留旅僚溜隆旅留
侶 竜旅略 溜慮竜僚留旅 竜
留僚留旅虜劉 凌凌慮竜溜竜
凌 竜隆旅略龍凌僚留旅 竜
了竜旅, 僚流慮 竜溜竜
Liberty City, Vice City 流 San
Andreas, 凌旅 凌凌溜竜 竜溜僚留旅
stand-in 粒旅留 侶 劉留 離虜侶,
凌 留略亮旅 虜留旅 侶僚 凌了旅竜溜留
侶 留了旅僚旅留,
6. 1. 1997 Grand Theft Auto
2. 1999 Grand Theft Auto: London 1969
Grand Theft Auto: London 1961
Grand Theft Auto 2
3. 2001 Grand Theft Auto III
4. 2002 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
5. 2004 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Advance
6. 2005 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
7. 2006 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
8. 2008 Grand Theft Auto IV
9. 2009 Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony
10. 2013 Grand Theft Auto V