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Great Journeys Begin at the River
Lets begin with a question: What should students receive from their education?
We done a lot of thinking, talking, and research Colleges and universities NAIS, NACAC and other conferences and organizations Literature in education The Partnership for 21 st  Century Skills Books/articles on the economy, international competitiveness, creativity, sustainability Our expertise and experience
We have to prepare students for a world that doesnt exist yet . . . but soon will For college, but also for life in a time of ceaseless change
The future of education is about  meaning A 21 st  century education for our students means: Skills  relevant to today and tomorrow Experiences  that allow them to make connections and make  meaning  out of information Self-awareness of  strengths  and how to apply them
Great Journeys is how we do this A phrase from our mission statement  An initiative for change at Christchurch School.
Great Journeys Begin at the River Its a phrase, a powerful metaphor The journey of each student, the reason each  is here The journey to self-confidence, purpose, identity The journey that ends in preparedness
Its also an initiative for change: Define, develop, and implement an  experiential education program  that capitalizes on the resource of the river, and make appropriate and supporting changes to CCS  culture,  to establish CCS as a fully enrolled school that leads peer institutions.
Great Journeys is about using our unique location on the Rappahannock river to deliver a cutting edge, rigorous 21st century college prep education in all of its facets: programs and school culture.
Change, improvement . . . In programs . . . In culture . . .
So . . . Its not just about academics, it's about everything.  It's about our programs and our culture as a school.  It's what we  do , but also  ho w we  are  together. Schedules, classes, co-curriculars, assembly, chapel, activities, leadership, seahorse shop . . .
Its All About Helping students on their journeys Helping to make Christchurch the best school it can be for that journey
It begins with, goes back to Our mission . . . Retaining our historic strength and building to make us better
Great journeys begin at the river   Knowing that each student comes to us with  unique and infinite value , we inspire and guide each student's  journey toward self-confidence, purpose, and identity .  To help students succeed in that journey, Christchurch,  an Episcopal  school, provides a sound  college preparatory  education in a  caring , structured community.  Part of that education includes  stewardship  of our river and awareness of the broader natural  environment  so that our students learn to  look beyond themselves  to their place in the world around them.
Then we wrote Aspirations Academics in the 21st century Our Episcopal identity Environmental sustainability Co-curriculars: choice, breadth, depth Our common life: culture and relationships International awareness and connection
Weve been working on lots of areas  New daily schedule to facilitate experiential learning New co-curricular system to give breadth and develop strengths through choice of depth Ideas for common spaces and times A new curriculum for 2010 Sustainability
Seven  goals for what is coming
1. An integrated, experiential curriculum for 2010
21 st  century curriculum We have to prepare students for a world that doesnt exist yet . . . but soon will A skills-based curriculum that uses content to make meaningful connections
Relevant skills means basic skills, but also: Critical thinking Adaptability Fluency with technology Collaboration Reflection and judgment Communication and conflict resolution Creativity Global and environmental awareness
What this means for us An experiential curriculum:  rigor, relevance, relationships Connections make meaning: our students find meaning in knowledge through in-depth engagement that has value across disciplines and beyond school.
2. Mission based philosophy and program for every department of the school
3. Involved constituencies (thats you!) and improved communication and marketing
4. Enhancement and alignment of Student Life and Co-curricular programs Engaged students who explore and develop their strengths
Breadth and depth in co-curricula, engagement This year students have played  many sports  successfully, and also  built a trail  on campus,  paddled Dragon Run ,  decorated our chapel  for L & C using local materials, and  learned navigation .
5.  Improvement in school-wide relationships and culture: our common life together
6. Sustainability
7. Financial Resources
Please Join Us: 2:00 The coming curriculum 3:00 Co-curriculars and our Common Life

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Great Journeys An Overview

  • 1. Great Journeys Begin at the River
  • 2. Lets begin with a question: What should students receive from their education?
  • 3. We done a lot of thinking, talking, and research Colleges and universities NAIS, NACAC and other conferences and organizations Literature in education The Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Books/articles on the economy, international competitiveness, creativity, sustainability Our expertise and experience
  • 4. We have to prepare students for a world that doesnt exist yet . . . but soon will For college, but also for life in a time of ceaseless change
  • 5. The future of education is about meaning A 21 st century education for our students means: Skills relevant to today and tomorrow Experiences that allow them to make connections and make meaning out of information Self-awareness of strengths and how to apply them
  • 6. Great Journeys is how we do this A phrase from our mission statement An initiative for change at Christchurch School.
  • 7. Great Journeys Begin at the River Its a phrase, a powerful metaphor The journey of each student, the reason each is here The journey to self-confidence, purpose, identity The journey that ends in preparedness
  • 8. Its also an initiative for change: Define, develop, and implement an experiential education program that capitalizes on the resource of the river, and make appropriate and supporting changes to CCS culture, to establish CCS as a fully enrolled school that leads peer institutions.
  • 9. Great Journeys is about using our unique location on the Rappahannock river to deliver a cutting edge, rigorous 21st century college prep education in all of its facets: programs and school culture.
  • 10. Change, improvement . . . In programs . . . In culture . . .
  • 11. So . . . Its not just about academics, it's about everything. It's about our programs and our culture as a school. It's what we do , but also ho w we are together. Schedules, classes, co-curriculars, assembly, chapel, activities, leadership, seahorse shop . . .
  • 12. Its All About Helping students on their journeys Helping to make Christchurch the best school it can be for that journey
  • 13. It begins with, goes back to Our mission . . . Retaining our historic strength and building to make us better
  • 14. Great journeys begin at the river Knowing that each student comes to us with unique and infinite value , we inspire and guide each student's journey toward self-confidence, purpose, and identity . To help students succeed in that journey, Christchurch, an Episcopal school, provides a sound college preparatory education in a caring , structured community. Part of that education includes stewardship of our river and awareness of the broader natural environment so that our students learn to look beyond themselves to their place in the world around them.
  • 15. Then we wrote Aspirations Academics in the 21st century Our Episcopal identity Environmental sustainability Co-curriculars: choice, breadth, depth Our common life: culture and relationships International awareness and connection
  • 16. Weve been working on lots of areas New daily schedule to facilitate experiential learning New co-curricular system to give breadth and develop strengths through choice of depth Ideas for common spaces and times A new curriculum for 2010 Sustainability
  • 17. Seven goals for what is coming
  • 18. 1. An integrated, experiential curriculum for 2010
  • 19. 21 st century curriculum We have to prepare students for a world that doesnt exist yet . . . but soon will A skills-based curriculum that uses content to make meaningful connections
  • 20. Relevant skills means basic skills, but also: Critical thinking Adaptability Fluency with technology Collaboration Reflection and judgment Communication and conflict resolution Creativity Global and environmental awareness
  • 21. What this means for us An experiential curriculum: rigor, relevance, relationships Connections make meaning: our students find meaning in knowledge through in-depth engagement that has value across disciplines and beyond school.
  • 22.
  • 23. 2. Mission based philosophy and program for every department of the school
  • 24. 3. Involved constituencies (thats you!) and improved communication and marketing
  • 25. 4. Enhancement and alignment of Student Life and Co-curricular programs Engaged students who explore and develop their strengths
  • 26. Breadth and depth in co-curricula, engagement This year students have played many sports successfully, and also built a trail on campus, paddled Dragon Run , decorated our chapel for L & C using local materials, and learned navigation .
  • 27.
  • 28. 5. Improvement in school-wide relationships and culture: our common life together
  • 31.
  • 32. Please Join Us: 2:00 The coming curriculum 3:00 Co-curriculars and our Common Life

Editor's Notes

  • #4: We recently had on campus Dr. Bill Easterling, alumni and Dean of a college at Penn State. He confirmed that what we are building is exactly what colleges are looking for and indeed what they are trying to do with less flexibility.
  • #5: How do we do that?
  • #7: So what do we mean when we say Great Journeys ? Is it just a sign on a building? No. It is a phrase from our mission statement, something that we hope captures the essence of our mission, but it is also an initiative for change at Christchurch School.
  • #8: The journey to self-confidence, purpose, and identity
  • #9: Here is the goal of this change: Define, develop, and implement an experiential education program that capitalizes on the resource of the river, and make appropriate and supporting changes to CCS culture, to establish CCS as a fully enrolled school that leads peer institutions.
  • #10: Great Journeys is about using our unique location on the Rappahannock river to deliver a cutting edge, rigorous 21st century college prep education in all of its facets.
  • #11: So its about change and improvement, in our programs and in our culture
  • #14: A year ago, our board of governors charged us to pursue this change, and the faculty has been working on it ever since. And they started by going back to our mission statement.
  • #15: Look at the words in bold. Thats what were here for. Its all about the journey
  • #16: From the mission, we wrote aspirations. These are about what we aspire to in various areas of our school life, given our mission. To be college prep , to help you succeed in your journey, we need a curriculum that readies you for college and life in a rapidly changing world To be an Episcopal school, we need to be devoted to transforming lives, ours as well as others To exercise stewardship , we have to become a sustainable place, and show you how to live sustainably To grow self-confidence, purpose, and identity , we have to give you choice from a large and varied range of co-curricular options, and let you pursue your strengths in depth To be an Episcopal school , and a community, we have to be thoughtful about our culture and common life, and not just our programs To help you succeed in your journey , we have to connect you with the broader world
  • #17: Over the past year, weve been working on lots of areas. Just to name a few
  • #20: So they can do this when confronted by new contexts, problems and ideas
  • #21: These are the skills that colleges and employers are telling us they are looking for
  • #22: Experience is how content creates skills