No more changes (if not i will make you do your idj)Chin Tze Wei
The document compares two local product companies in Penang and Klang: Tean Ean Local Products and Sin Hup Heng Food Trading Co. Tean Ean was founded in 1995 in Georgetown, Penang and specializes in ingredients for Tau Sar Pneah and Bah Kut Teh. Sin Hup Heng was founded in 1974 in Klang and specializes in Biscuit Beh Teh Sor. Both companies face challenges like lack of workers and competition.
Golden Gekko is a digital agency that has developed over 400 apps in the past 12 years for more than 100 brands, providing cross-platform development services across 5 countries; one of their major projects was the O2 Priority Moments app, a permission-based loyalty program that uses a user's location, time, and profile to automatically send relevant offers from nearby businesses. The O2 Priority Moments app was very successful, receiving over 1.3 million downloads and 200,000 redemptions so far with high user ratings.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of this media product?mediastudiesfinearts
The document discusses the various technologies the author learned to use in constructing their media product. These included Final Cut Pro for video editing, Celtx for scriptwriting, for sourcing sound effects, and Survey Monkey for collecting audience feedback. The author gained experience with importing footage, adding titles, adjusting audio levels, and properly formatting scripts. They also learned how to download and sync appropriate sound files to enhance their film.
The document provides examples of asking and answering questions about the color of various items of clothing and accessories in different colors including green, red, black, blue, yellow, white, brown, dark blue, grey, pink, orange, and violet. It also includes questions about prices and vocabulary words for clothing, accessories, and prices.
The Solar Future DE - Matt Cheney "A new large-scale solar initiative"Paul van der Linden
The document summarizes the state of the solar industry in 2010 and provides a vision for what it may look like in 2013. It notes that capital constraints were hindering development of late-stage solar projects in 2010. It then describes CleanPath Ventures' strategy to address this by providing mezzanine financing and expertise to complete projects and introduce new technologies. Their approach involves acquiring stalled projects, managing their development through construction and operations, and selling them once operational to generate returns.
El documento describe los interruptores selectivos, que interrumpen automáticamente la corriente solo en la zona afectada por una anomalÃa, sin dejar a oscuras otras zonas normales. Estos interruptores permiten que solo actúe la protección correspondiente a la falla detectada, discriminando zonas. Al hacerlo de manera selectiva, reducen los riesgos de sobrecarga, incendio o daños a los cables por corrientes excesivas de cortocircuito.
Challenges and Opportunities to establish Nuclear Safety Practices within the...UNESCO Venice Office
Workshop on Higher Education and Professional Responsibility in CBRN Applied Sciences and Technology across the Sub-Mediterranean Region
3-4 April 2012. Palazzo Zorzi, Venice
Session 2. Science and Society - Identifying Priorities and New Technologies Challenges
Greenpeace kävi läpi valmisteilla olevat voimalahankkeet vuoteen 2015 asti. Selvityksessä kävi ilmi, että suurin osa investoinneista menee edelleen kivihiileen ja ilmaston kannalta yhtä ongelmalliseen turpeeseen. Ydinvoimaloita tavoittelevat Pohjolan Voima ja Fortum toteuttavat saastuttavimmat investoinnit. Samat yhtiöt vakuuttivat, että jo Olkiluoto 3:n rakentaminen mahdollistaa kivihiilivoimaloiden sulkemisen.
PowerPoint -esitys on Greenpeacen 27.8.2009 pidetystä tiedotustilaisuudesta.
Presentation of Johan Swahn in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Johan Swahn, PhD, is the head of the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review, MKG.
The ongoing projects to establish a permanent disposal site for high level nuclear waste in Finland and Sweden have run into severe problems as science has progressed. The plan is to pack the waste in copper canisters that have recently been shown to be prone to failure already during the first thousands or even hundreds of years. The intention is to surround the waste with bentonite clay, the behavior of which over the course of centuries is also a question mark.
Presentation of Matti Saarnisto in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki...greenpeacenordic
Professor Matti Saarnisto is former research director of Finnish Geological Survey.
Predictions of the long-term safety of the nuclear waste disposal site planned in Olkiluoto are largely speculative and not based on scientific facts. For example, strong earthquakes associated with ice ages and penetration of permafrost into the repository are severe, unsolved problems that make the entire disposal concept of Posiva doubtful.
Presentation of Jan Beranek in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Jan Beranek is a Nuclear Campaigner at Greenpeace International.
The use of nuclear power has during the last few decades created a nuclear waste problem that no one is in control of. Hundreds of thousands of tons of world’s most dangerous waste have been stored next to nuclear reactors. The proposed new nuclear reactors would make Finland the world’s largest producer of nuclear waste per capita and a dangerous example to the rest of the world.
Greenpeacen ja Euroopan uusiutuvan energian teollisuuden yhteinen Energy [R]evolution –raportti havainnollistaa, miten maailman hiilidioksidipäästöt voidaan puolittaa vuoteen 2050 mennessä vuoden 1990 tasosta parantamalla energiatehokkuutta ja korvaamalla fossiilisia polttoaineita uusiutuvilla energialähteillä. Samanaikaisesti kehittyvien maiden kasvavat energiatarpeet turvataan.
Världens största kallvattenkorallrev finns utanför Lofoten i Norge. 30-50% av de norska korallreven är helt eller delvis förstörda av bottentrålning. Greenpeace kräver att havets natur skyddas på samma sätt som skogen på land.
Norjassa, Lofoottien lähsitöllä, sijaitsevat maailman pohjoisimmat koralliriutat. Niitä uhkaa tuhoutuminen pohjatroolauksen seurauksena. Greenpeace vaatii koralliriuttojen suojaksi mertensuojelualueita.
Hallituksen ilmastostrategia for dummies (korjattu)greenpeacenordic
Mistä hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkaistussa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Entä mikä siinä mättää? Greenpeace esittää kritiikkiä ja parannusehdotuksia hallituksen ilmastostrategiaan.
Mistä hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkistamassa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Entä mikä siinä on pielessä? Greenpeacen kommentit ja parannusehdotukset ilmastostrategiaan.
Greenpeace kävi läpi valmisteilla olevat voimalahankkeet vuoteen 2015 asti. Selvityksessä kävi ilmi, että suurin osa investoinneista menee edelleen kivihiileen ja ilmaston kannalta yhtä ongelmalliseen turpeeseen. Ydinvoimaloita tavoittelevat Pohjolan Voima ja Fortum toteuttavat saastuttavimmat investoinnit. Samat yhtiöt vakuuttivat, että jo Olkiluoto 3:n rakentaminen mahdollistaa kivihiilivoimaloiden sulkemisen.
PowerPoint -esitys on Greenpeacen 27.8.2009 pidetystä tiedotustilaisuudesta.
Presentation of Johan Swahn in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Johan Swahn, PhD, is the head of the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review, MKG.
The ongoing projects to establish a permanent disposal site for high level nuclear waste in Finland and Sweden have run into severe problems as science has progressed. The plan is to pack the waste in copper canisters that have recently been shown to be prone to failure already during the first thousands or even hundreds of years. The intention is to surround the waste with bentonite clay, the behavior of which over the course of centuries is also a question mark.
Presentation of Matti Saarnisto in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki...greenpeacenordic
Professor Matti Saarnisto is former research director of Finnish Geological Survey.
Predictions of the long-term safety of the nuclear waste disposal site planned in Olkiluoto are largely speculative and not based on scientific facts. For example, strong earthquakes associated with ice ages and penetration of permafrost into the repository are severe, unsolved problems that make the entire disposal concept of Posiva doubtful.
Presentation of Jan Beranek in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Jan Beranek is a Nuclear Campaigner at Greenpeace International.
The use of nuclear power has during the last few decades created a nuclear waste problem that no one is in control of. Hundreds of thousands of tons of world’s most dangerous waste have been stored next to nuclear reactors. The proposed new nuclear reactors would make Finland the world’s largest producer of nuclear waste per capita and a dangerous example to the rest of the world.
Greenpeacen ja Euroopan uusiutuvan energian teollisuuden yhteinen Energy [R]evolution –raportti havainnollistaa, miten maailman hiilidioksidipäästöt voidaan puolittaa vuoteen 2050 mennessä vuoden 1990 tasosta parantamalla energiatehokkuutta ja korvaamalla fossiilisia polttoaineita uusiutuvilla energialähteillä. Samanaikaisesti kehittyvien maiden kasvavat energiatarpeet turvataan.
Världens största kallvattenkorallrev finns utanför Lofoten i Norge. 30-50% av de norska korallreven är helt eller delvis förstörda av bottentrålning. Greenpeace kräver att havets natur skyddas på samma sätt som skogen på land.
Norjassa, Lofoottien lähsitöllä, sijaitsevat maailman pohjoisimmat koralliriutat. Niitä uhkaa tuhoutuminen pohjatroolauksen seurauksena. Greenpeace vaatii koralliriuttojen suojaksi mertensuojelualueita.
Hallituksen ilmastostrategia for dummies (korjattu)greenpeacenordic
Mistä hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkaistussa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Entä mikä siinä mättää? Greenpeace esittää kritiikkiä ja parannusehdotuksia hallituksen ilmastostrategiaan.
Mistä hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkistamassa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Entä mikä siinä on pielessä? Greenpeacen kommentit ja parannusehdotukset ilmastostrategiaan.