P&M Homecare created a bumper sticker with the message "With Humour Like This One Can Live Longer" to promote their senior homecare services. While not affiliated with P&M Homecare, the author felt the bumper sticker's message of using humor to live longer showed good business sense for a homecare company and was worth sharing.
La persona aprecia la wiki de Tamara porque est¨¢ bien estructurada con comentarios y fotos que traen buenos recuerdos de la clase como el viaje. Se recomienda ver la wiki porque cada secci¨®n presenta primero el comentario y luego la foto correspondiente.
O texto discute a import?ncia da paz e da colabora??o entre o mundo espiritual e o mundo f¨ªsico. Jesus demonstra paz aos disc¨ªpulos ap¨®s a ressurrei??o, sem sensacionalismo, revela??es ou curas milagrosas, mostrando a sobreviv¨ºncia do esp¨ªrito. Trabalhar e sofrer levam ao aperfei?oamento, e desejar paz aos outros ¨¦ o desejo de Jesus.
O documento discute como a luz e a alegria v¨ºm de dentro de n¨®s mesmos, e encoraja o perd?o, a ternura e a n?o-indiferen?a para com os outros, a fim de que possamos ter dias melhores.
O documento discute a diferen?a entre os "amados de Deus" e os "¨ªmpios". Enquanto os ¨ªmpios acumulam riquezas materiais que ter?o que abandonar, os amados de Deus possuem riqueza espiritual que os conforta mesmo nas dificuldades. O ap¨®stolo Paulo espera coisas melhores dos amados do que a indiferen?a, ambi??o e avareza dos ¨ªmpios.
O documento apresenta a can??o "Olhar o C¨¦u", de autoria de Marielza Tiscate, que ser¨¢ apresentada pelo Coral Eur¨ªpedes Barsanulfo. A letra da can??o fala sobre olhar para o c¨¦u e ver a imensid?o, saber que a vida ¨¦ mais do que parece e que o homem ¨¦ herdeiro do infinito azul. Convida a libertar o cora??o, voar e amar com f¨¦ em Deus.
The document summarizes the work of the CoLearn research community which investigates how OpenLearn tools can support informal and collaborative learning. It presents examples of uses of tools like FlashMeeting, Compendium, FlashVlog in online courses and seminars to engage learners, promote participation and help develop critical thinking skills. The tools allow learners to organize and share knowledge using multimedia like text, audio, video and maps. The CoLearn community shares resources through its online space and investigates how these tools can foster meaningful learning and help build learning communities.
El documento lista varias herramientas gratuitas que la autora ha aprendido a usar para crear blogs, compartir mapas, buscar fotograf¨ªas y videos, crear presentaciones y listas de reproducci¨®n, y bajar m¨²sica, e incluye los sitios web para registrarse en cada una.
El agua est¨¢ compuesta de mol¨¦culas de H2O y representa el 97% de los 1,350,000,000 km3 de agua en la Tierra. Aunque la mayor¨ªa est¨¢ en los oc¨¦anos, s¨®lo el 0.017% es agua dulce disponible para los seres humanos. El ciclo del agua evapora el agua de r¨ªos y mares, la convierte en nubes, y la devuelve a la tierra como precipitaci¨®n. El proceso de potabilizaci¨®n incluye la captaci¨®n, sedimentaci¨®n, filtraci¨®n, y desinfecci¨®n del agua
O documento discute as coisas que mais sofremos no mundo. Ele afirma que n?o ¨¦ a dificuldade em si, mas o des?nimo em super¨¢-la. Tamb¨¦m n?o ¨¦ a prova??o, mas o desespero diante do sofrimento. Em geral, o que mais nos afeta n?o ¨¦ o problema em si, mas como reagimos a ele, criando cargas emocionais que nos afetam ainda mais.
This very short document appears to be a test with no substantive information. It contains a title stating it is just a test and to move along, as well as a single line mentioning another slide and a dislike of bullet points.
Beacon Pathway High Standard of Sustainabillity (HSS)twbishop
Dr Megan Howell of Beacon Pathway explains the Beacon HSS. Megan has previously worked with the Auckland Regional Council and the Waitakere City Council
The Beacon HSS is the minimum standard for SHAC houses
Greenpeace k?vi l?pi valmisteilla olevat voimalahankkeet vuoteen 2015 asti. Selvityksess? k?vi ilmi, ett? suurin osa investoinneista menee edelleen kivihiileen ja ilmaston kannalta yht? ongelmalliseen turpeeseen. Ydinvoimaloita tavoittelevat Pohjolan Voima ja Fortum toteuttavat saastuttavimmat investoinnit. Samat yhti?t vakuuttivat, ett? jo Olkiluoto 3:n rakentaminen mahdollistaa kivihiilivoimaloiden sulkemisen.
PowerPoint -esitys on Greenpeacen 27.8.2009 pidetyst? tiedotustilaisuudesta.
Presentation of Johan Swahn in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Johan Swahn, PhD, is the head of the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review, MKG.
The ongoing projects to establish a permanent disposal site for high level nuclear waste in Finland and Sweden have run into severe problems as science has progressed. The plan is to pack the waste in copper canisters that have recently been shown to be prone to failure already during the first thousands or even hundreds of years. The intention is to surround the waste with bentonite clay, the behavior of which over the course of centuries is also a question mark.
Presentation of Matti Saarnisto in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki...greenpeacenordic
Professor Matti Saarnisto is former research director of Finnish Geological Survey.
Predictions of the long-term safety of the nuclear waste disposal site planned in Olkiluoto are largely speculative and not based on scientific facts. For example, strong earthquakes associated with ice ages and penetration of permafrost into the repository are severe, unsolved problems that make the entire disposal concept of Posiva doubtful.
Presentation of Jan Beranek in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Jan Beranek is a Nuclear Campaigner at Greenpeace International.
The use of nuclear power has during the last few decades created a nuclear waste problem that no one is in control of. Hundreds of thousands of tons of world¡¯s most dangerous waste have been stored next to nuclear reactors. The proposed new nuclear reactors would make Finland the world¡¯s largest producer of nuclear waste per capita and a dangerous example to the rest of the world.
Greenpeacen ja Euroopan uusiutuvan energian teollisuuden yhteinen Energy [R]evolution ¨Craportti havainnollistaa, miten maailman hiilidioksidip??st?t voidaan puolittaa vuoteen 2050 menness? vuoden 1990 tasosta parantamalla energiatehokkuutta ja korvaamalla fossiilisia polttoaineita uusiutuvilla energial?hteill?. Samanaikaisesti kehittyvien maiden kasvavat energiatarpeet turvataan.
The document summarizes the work of the CoLearn research community which investigates how OpenLearn tools can support informal and collaborative learning. It presents examples of uses of tools like FlashMeeting, Compendium, FlashVlog in online courses and seminars to engage learners, promote participation and help develop critical thinking skills. The tools allow learners to organize and share knowledge using multimedia like text, audio, video and maps. The CoLearn community shares resources through its online space and investigates how these tools can foster meaningful learning and help build learning communities.
El documento lista varias herramientas gratuitas que la autora ha aprendido a usar para crear blogs, compartir mapas, buscar fotograf¨ªas y videos, crear presentaciones y listas de reproducci¨®n, y bajar m¨²sica, e incluye los sitios web para registrarse en cada una.
El agua est¨¢ compuesta de mol¨¦culas de H2O y representa el 97% de los 1,350,000,000 km3 de agua en la Tierra. Aunque la mayor¨ªa est¨¢ en los oc¨¦anos, s¨®lo el 0.017% es agua dulce disponible para los seres humanos. El ciclo del agua evapora el agua de r¨ªos y mares, la convierte en nubes, y la devuelve a la tierra como precipitaci¨®n. El proceso de potabilizaci¨®n incluye la captaci¨®n, sedimentaci¨®n, filtraci¨®n, y desinfecci¨®n del agua
O documento discute as coisas que mais sofremos no mundo. Ele afirma que n?o ¨¦ a dificuldade em si, mas o des?nimo em super¨¢-la. Tamb¨¦m n?o ¨¦ a prova??o, mas o desespero diante do sofrimento. Em geral, o que mais nos afeta n?o ¨¦ o problema em si, mas como reagimos a ele, criando cargas emocionais que nos afetam ainda mais.
This very short document appears to be a test with no substantive information. It contains a title stating it is just a test and to move along, as well as a single line mentioning another slide and a dislike of bullet points.
Beacon Pathway High Standard of Sustainabillity (HSS)twbishop
Dr Megan Howell of Beacon Pathway explains the Beacon HSS. Megan has previously worked with the Auckland Regional Council and the Waitakere City Council
The Beacon HSS is the minimum standard for SHAC houses
Greenpeace k?vi l?pi valmisteilla olevat voimalahankkeet vuoteen 2015 asti. Selvityksess? k?vi ilmi, ett? suurin osa investoinneista menee edelleen kivihiileen ja ilmaston kannalta yht? ongelmalliseen turpeeseen. Ydinvoimaloita tavoittelevat Pohjolan Voima ja Fortum toteuttavat saastuttavimmat investoinnit. Samat yhti?t vakuuttivat, ett? jo Olkiluoto 3:n rakentaminen mahdollistaa kivihiilivoimaloiden sulkemisen.
PowerPoint -esitys on Greenpeacen 27.8.2009 pidetyst? tiedotustilaisuudesta.
Presentation of Johan Swahn in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Johan Swahn, PhD, is the head of the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review, MKG.
The ongoing projects to establish a permanent disposal site for high level nuclear waste in Finland and Sweden have run into severe problems as science has progressed. The plan is to pack the waste in copper canisters that have recently been shown to be prone to failure already during the first thousands or even hundreds of years. The intention is to surround the waste with bentonite clay, the behavior of which over the course of centuries is also a question mark.
Presentation of Matti Saarnisto in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki...greenpeacenordic
Professor Matti Saarnisto is former research director of Finnish Geological Survey.
Predictions of the long-term safety of the nuclear waste disposal site planned in Olkiluoto are largely speculative and not based on scientific facts. For example, strong earthquakes associated with ice ages and penetration of permafrost into the repository are severe, unsolved problems that make the entire disposal concept of Posiva doubtful.
Presentation of Jan Beranek in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Jan Beranek is a Nuclear Campaigner at Greenpeace International.
The use of nuclear power has during the last few decades created a nuclear waste problem that no one is in control of. Hundreds of thousands of tons of world¡¯s most dangerous waste have been stored next to nuclear reactors. The proposed new nuclear reactors would make Finland the world¡¯s largest producer of nuclear waste per capita and a dangerous example to the rest of the world.
Greenpeacen ja Euroopan uusiutuvan energian teollisuuden yhteinen Energy [R]evolution ¨Craportti havainnollistaa, miten maailman hiilidioksidip??st?t voidaan puolittaa vuoteen 2050 menness? vuoden 1990 tasosta parantamalla energiatehokkuutta ja korvaamalla fossiilisia polttoaineita uusiutuvilla energial?hteill?. Samanaikaisesti kehittyvien maiden kasvavat energiatarpeet turvataan.
V?rldens st?rsta kallvattenkorallrev finns utanf?r Lofoten i Norge. 30-50% av de norska korallreven ?r helt eller delvis f?rst?rda av bottentr?lning. Greenpeace kr?ver att havets natur skyddas p? samma s?tt som skogen p? land.
Norjassa, Lofoottien l?hsit?ll?, sijaitsevat maailman pohjoisimmat koralliriutat. Niit? uhkaa tuhoutuminen pohjatroolauksen seurauksena. Greenpeace vaatii koralliriuttojen suojaksi mertensuojelualueita.
Hallituksen ilmastostrategia for dummies (korjattu)greenpeacenordic
Mist? hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkaistussa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Ent? mik? siin? m?tt??? Greenpeace esitt?? kritiikki? ja parannusehdotuksia hallituksen ilmastostrategiaan.
Mist? hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkistamassa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Ent? mik? siin? on pieless?? Greenpeacen kommentit ja parannusehdotukset ilmastostrategiaan.