Protomotive, LLC is an Arizona domestic limited liability company formed on June 2, 2008 with its statutory agent and principal office located at 15008 S 40th St in Phoenix, AZ. The statutory agent is Theodore J Protonentis, who is also listed as the sole member and manager. The company filed articles of organization, had its articles published, and filed a change on July 23, 2008.
Duane is the distance-learning coordinator for English at UPAEP. He grew up in London, England but has lived in many other countries including England, Mexico, Japan. One of his favorite places to live was Japan where he met kind people and enjoyed climbing Mount Fuji. His greatest love is his son Nathan Alexander.
coca cola Reconciliation of Q1 2005 Non-GAAP Financial Measures finance9
The document discusses reconciling non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP measures for a company. It provides supplemental financial data for the company for the first quarter of 2005 and 2004, including items impacting comparability between periods. Management believes the non-GAAP measures provide additional meaningful comparisons by excluding items that do not represent the company's fundamental operations.
The document summarizes the history of the Bon Pastor neighborhood in Barcelona, Spain. It describes how the neighborhood originated in 1929 with the construction of cheap housing for workers from southern Spain. It then discusses renovations currently underway, including the destruction of old housing and construction of new buildings, parks, and green spaces. The neighborhood was also bombed during the Spanish Civil War and expanded in the 1950s-60s, though it was known for drugs at that time. A local priest, Father Bottle, helped build the neighborhood school by collecting bottles and using the money to construct the building. The school was founded in 1940 and was originally only for girls before later expanding to include boys. Presently, the school has been renovated
Este documento es un manual para un programa de desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas. Contiene instrucciones para que los participantes identifiquen problemas o preocupaciones, los jerarquicen por nivel de afectación, definan objetivos y acciones concretas para abordar el problema principal, y realicen un seguimiento. El objetivo general es que los participantes aprendan estrategias para resolver problemas de manera efectiva mediante el pensamiento reflexivo.
This document provides the 4th quarter and full year 2007 results for Comcast Corporation. It discusses Comcast's focus on profitable growth and shareholder value. For 2008, Comcast expects consolidated revenue and operating cash flow growth of 8-10% and consolidated free cash flow growth of at least 20%. It also commits to returning capital to shareholders through stock repurchases and initiating a quarterly dividend. Charts show trends in Comcast's consolidated and cable segment results from 2005 to 2007.
El rey visita su jardÃn y encuentra que los árboles y arbustos se están muriendo, cada uno quejándose de no ser como los demás. El único que florece es un clavel, que acepta ser solo un clavel. El clavel le enseña al rey que debemos aceptarnos a nosotros mismos en lugar de compararnos y quejaros, y que la felicidad depende de nuestra perspectiva personal. El autor anima al lector a vivir plenamente el presente y a valorar a los amigos.
coca cola Operating Income & Cash Flow Reconciliationfinance9
The document discusses a company's financial results and provides supplemental non-GAAP data to allow for additional comparisons between periods. It summarizes GAAP results for operating income and cash from operations for Q2 and the first half of 2002 and 2003. Adjustments are shown to exclude certain one-time items in order to provide a more meaningful view of comparable operating performance. Non-GAAP measures should be viewed as a supplement, not an alternative, to GAAP reporting.
The document describes a nested balanced distributed tree (NBDT) system for distributed and parallel computing. An NBDT is a data structure where information is stored in nodes that are organized into a tree structure spanning multiple processing units. The system uses message passing between nodes and threads to distribute workloads and share information across the network in a balanced manner. It can be implemented using languages like Java and simulated using tools like NetBeans to test performance for applications.
This document discusses how persuasive communication, such as that used in political campaigns on YouTube, allowed Barack Obama to be elected President of the United States. It suggests that Obama's campaign made effective use of YouTube to get their message out to many people and help increase his support. The document also argues that YouTube can be a very useful tool for persuasive communication in political and other realms since it allows information to spread widely without other more labor-intensive methods of in-person campaigning.
El documento describe un experimento con monos en el que se colocó una escalera con plátanos en el centro de una jaula. Cuando los monos subÃan la escalera, los cientÃficos los rociaban con agua frÃa. Con el tiempo, los monos aprendieron a golpear a cualquier mono que intentara subir la escalera, a pesar de que ya no recibÃan agua frÃa. Incluso cuando se sustituyeron todos los monos originales por nuevos, estos continuaron golpeando a cualquier mono que intentara subir, a pesar de no conocer la raz
David Walker, Group Vice President - Global Borrowings, GMAC LLC Presentation...finance8
The document provides an investor update from David Walker, GMAC's Vice President of Global Borrowings. It summarizes GMAC's business lines and 2007-2008 strategic priorities. GMAC recently became an independent company through a sale of controlling interest to a private equity group. GMAC aims to transform into a premier global financial services company by bolstering its capital base, strengthening its credit profile, and diversifying internationally while maintaining its automotive financing business relationships.
I viaggiatori che si spostano all’interno del territorio italiano scelgono di prenotare i loro voli sul sito acquistando soprattutto voli low cost. Oltre il 53% delle prenotazioni sul sito sono per rotte nazionali e tra tutte queste quasi il 78% sono prenotazioni di voli low cost.
Tra le compagnie più prenotate ci sono le low cost, con WindJet, Easyjet e Ryanair alle prime tre posizioni. Le compagnie di linea (Alitalia e AirOne) sono utilizzate soprattutto per i viaggi in giornata e i viaggi con un solo pernottamento.
Sanjiv Khattri, Executive Vice President and CFO – GMAC Financial Services M...finance8
The document summarizes a presentation given by Sanjiv Khattri, CFO of GM, at a 2006 GM/GMAC conference. It discusses GMAC's financial performance in 2005 and Q1 2006, highlighting strong net income and return on equity. It also outlines GMAC's strong liquidity position, evolution of its US term funding, and components of GM's planned sale of a 51% controlling stake in GMAC to a consortium led by Cerberus Capital.
This presentation discusses strategies for reducing carbon emissions in the West Midlands region of the United Kingdom. It provides data showing that carbon dioxide emissions and per capita emissions have been increasing in the West Midlands. The presentation then lists 19 ideas for specific actions that Dudley Borough could take to become a low carbon community, such as promoting renewable energy ownership, establishing sustainability awards, improving transportation options, and educating citizens. The overarching goals are to provide leadership in the region's transition to a low carbon future and to ensure Dudley Borough secures opportunities from national programs.
I have the slides set up with a title page and pictures when the students enter the room.
Students write a story using
- A repetitive pattern for the sentence
- Picture clues for the last word in the sentence
- Inventive spelling
Students practice the skills of
- using the slide pane to select the slides they would like to work on
- typing text in the pre-formatted text boxes
- Phonemic awareness
El rey visita su jardÃn y encuentra que los árboles y arbustos se están muriendo, cada uno quejándose de no ser como los demás. El único que florece es un clavel, que acepta ser solo un clavel. El clavel le enseña al rey que debemos aceptarnos a nosotros mismos en lugar de compararnos y quejaros, y que la felicidad depende de nuestra perspectiva personal. El autor anima al lector a vivir plenamente el presente y a valorar a los amigos.
coca cola Operating Income & Cash Flow Reconciliationfinance9
The document discusses a company's financial results and provides supplemental non-GAAP data to allow for additional comparisons between periods. It summarizes GAAP results for operating income and cash from operations for Q2 and the first half of 2002 and 2003. Adjustments are shown to exclude certain one-time items in order to provide a more meaningful view of comparable operating performance. Non-GAAP measures should be viewed as a supplement, not an alternative, to GAAP reporting.
The document describes a nested balanced distributed tree (NBDT) system for distributed and parallel computing. An NBDT is a data structure where information is stored in nodes that are organized into a tree structure spanning multiple processing units. The system uses message passing between nodes and threads to distribute workloads and share information across the network in a balanced manner. It can be implemented using languages like Java and simulated using tools like NetBeans to test performance for applications.
This document discusses how persuasive communication, such as that used in political campaigns on YouTube, allowed Barack Obama to be elected President of the United States. It suggests that Obama's campaign made effective use of YouTube to get their message out to many people and help increase his support. The document also argues that YouTube can be a very useful tool for persuasive communication in political and other realms since it allows information to spread widely without other more labor-intensive methods of in-person campaigning.
El documento describe un experimento con monos en el que se colocó una escalera con plátanos en el centro de una jaula. Cuando los monos subÃan la escalera, los cientÃficos los rociaban con agua frÃa. Con el tiempo, los monos aprendieron a golpear a cualquier mono que intentara subir la escalera, a pesar de que ya no recibÃan agua frÃa. Incluso cuando se sustituyeron todos los monos originales por nuevos, estos continuaron golpeando a cualquier mono que intentara subir, a pesar de no conocer la raz
David Walker, Group Vice President - Global Borrowings, GMAC LLC Presentation...finance8
The document provides an investor update from David Walker, GMAC's Vice President of Global Borrowings. It summarizes GMAC's business lines and 2007-2008 strategic priorities. GMAC recently became an independent company through a sale of controlling interest to a private equity group. GMAC aims to transform into a premier global financial services company by bolstering its capital base, strengthening its credit profile, and diversifying internationally while maintaining its automotive financing business relationships.
I viaggiatori che si spostano all’interno del territorio italiano scelgono di prenotare i loro voli sul sito acquistando soprattutto voli low cost. Oltre il 53% delle prenotazioni sul sito sono per rotte nazionali e tra tutte queste quasi il 78% sono prenotazioni di voli low cost.
Tra le compagnie più prenotate ci sono le low cost, con WindJet, Easyjet e Ryanair alle prime tre posizioni. Le compagnie di linea (Alitalia e AirOne) sono utilizzate soprattutto per i viaggi in giornata e i viaggi con un solo pernottamento.
Sanjiv Khattri, Executive Vice President and CFO – GMAC Financial Services M...finance8
The document summarizes a presentation given by Sanjiv Khattri, CFO of GM, at a 2006 GM/GMAC conference. It discusses GMAC's financial performance in 2005 and Q1 2006, highlighting strong net income and return on equity. It also outlines GMAC's strong liquidity position, evolution of its US term funding, and components of GM's planned sale of a 51% controlling stake in GMAC to a consortium led by Cerberus Capital.
This presentation discusses strategies for reducing carbon emissions in the West Midlands region of the United Kingdom. It provides data showing that carbon dioxide emissions and per capita emissions have been increasing in the West Midlands. The presentation then lists 19 ideas for specific actions that Dudley Borough could take to become a low carbon community, such as promoting renewable energy ownership, establishing sustainability awards, improving transportation options, and educating citizens. The overarching goals are to provide leadership in the region's transition to a low carbon future and to ensure Dudley Borough secures opportunities from national programs.
I have the slides set up with a title page and pictures when the students enter the room.
Students write a story using
- A repetitive pattern for the sentence
- Picture clues for the last word in the sentence
- Inventive spelling
Students practice the skills of
- using the slide pane to select the slides they would like to work on
- typing text in the pre-formatted text boxes
- Phonemic awareness
Greenpeace kävi läpi valmisteilla olevat voimalahankkeet vuoteen 2015 asti. Selvityksessä kävi ilmi, että suurin osa investoinneista menee edelleen kivihiileen ja ilmaston kannalta yhtä ongelmalliseen turpeeseen. Ydinvoimaloita tavoittelevat Pohjolan Voima ja Fortum toteuttavat saastuttavimmat investoinnit. Samat yhtiöt vakuuttivat, että jo Olkiluoto 3:n rakentaminen mahdollistaa kivihiilivoimaloiden sulkemisen.
PowerPoint -esitys on Greenpeacen 27.8.2009 pidetystä tiedotustilaisuudesta.
Presentation of Johan Swahn in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Johan Swahn, PhD, is the head of the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review, MKG.
The ongoing projects to establish a permanent disposal site for high level nuclear waste in Finland and Sweden have run into severe problems as science has progressed. The plan is to pack the waste in copper canisters that have recently been shown to be prone to failure already during the first thousands or even hundreds of years. The intention is to surround the waste with bentonite clay, the behavior of which over the course of centuries is also a question mark.
Presentation of Matti Saarnisto in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki...greenpeacenordic
Professor Matti Saarnisto is former research director of Finnish Geological Survey.
Predictions of the long-term safety of the nuclear waste disposal site planned in Olkiluoto are largely speculative and not based on scientific facts. For example, strong earthquakes associated with ice ages and penetration of permafrost into the repository are severe, unsolved problems that make the entire disposal concept of Posiva doubtful.
Presentation of Jan Beranek in Greenpeace Nuclear Waste Seminar, Helsinki 2009greenpeacenordic
Jan Beranek is a Nuclear Campaigner at Greenpeace International.
The use of nuclear power has during the last few decades created a nuclear waste problem that no one is in control of. Hundreds of thousands of tons of world’s most dangerous waste have been stored next to nuclear reactors. The proposed new nuclear reactors would make Finland the world’s largest producer of nuclear waste per capita and a dangerous example to the rest of the world.
Greenpeacen ja Euroopan uusiutuvan energian teollisuuden yhteinen Energy [R]evolution –raportti havainnollistaa, miten maailman hiilidioksidipäästöt voidaan puolittaa vuoteen 2050 mennessä vuoden 1990 tasosta parantamalla energiatehokkuutta ja korvaamalla fossiilisia polttoaineita uusiutuvilla energialähteillä. Samanaikaisesti kehittyvien maiden kasvavat energiatarpeet turvataan.
Världens största kallvattenkorallrev finns utanför Lofoten i Norge. 30-50% av de norska korallreven är helt eller delvis förstörda av bottentrålning. Greenpeace kräver att havets natur skyddas på samma sätt som skogen på land.
Norjassa, Lofoottien lähsitöllä, sijaitsevat maailman pohjoisimmat koralliriutat. Niitä uhkaa tuhoutuminen pohjatroolauksen seurauksena. Greenpeace vaatii koralliriuttojen suojaksi mertensuojelualueita.
Hallituksen ilmastostrategia for dummies (korjattu)greenpeacenordic
Mistä hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkaistussa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Entä mikä siinä mättää? Greenpeace esittää kritiikkiä ja parannusehdotuksia hallituksen ilmastostrategiaan.
Mistä hallituksen 6.11.2008 julkistamassa ilmastostrategiassa on kysymys? Entä mikä siinä on pielessä? Greenpeacen kommentit ja parannusehdotukset ilmastostrategiaan.
3. Talven 2009 hakkuut Kolmella kohteesta kahdeksasta hakattu luonnontilaisen kaltaista aarniometsää Hakkuita 130 ha, pirstovat noin 1400 ha Mukana täysin luonnontilaista aarniometsää Talluskotavaarassa ja Ahmatunturilla Valtaosa puusta selluksi, ainakin Stora Enson Oulun tehtaalle
6. Puiden iät Eläviä mäntyjä yli 300-vuotiaita Ensimmäinen Joensuun yliopiston dendrokronologian laitoksen ajoittama kelo syntynyt 1696, kuollut 2000, kaadettu 2009 Todennäköisesti vanhempiakin puita, esim Peurakairasta löytyi 1500-luvulla syntyneitä puita
7. Yli 310-vuotias vielä elävä mäntyaihkinäyte luovutettiin Stora Ensolle 26.1. Vastaavia puita oli sellupinoissa useita
9. Vanhojen puiden arvo Dendrokronologiset menetelmät paljastavat paljon, mm. että metsämme ovat vanhempia kuin on tiedetty Vanhat puut kertovat ilmastosta, kasvupaikkansa historiasta, paloista, hyönteistuhoista jne… Monisatavuotiset puut ja metsät ovat luonnonmuistomerkki ja kulttuurihistoriaa
10. Paljonko aarniometsiä jäljellä? Alle 5% Suomen metsistä luonnontilaisia Laajoja suojelemattomia aarniometsäkokonaisuuksia Lapissa noin 30 000 ha Inarin eteläpuolella. Noin promille Suomen metsistä. Valtaosa Suomen metsistä jo pirstottu ja jonkinasteisessa talouskäytössä
14. Luonnontilaiset metsät häviävät Globaalisti jäljellä 20% Euroopassa alle 2%, joista suuri osa Fennoskandiassa – Venäjäkään ei enää tilannetta pelasta Suomella globaali erityisvastuu pohjoisista männiköistä
15. Lapin vanhat metsät Lapissa vanhaa metsää hävinnyt 1000 neliökilometriä 1986-1996 välillä Kaiken kaikkiaan toisen maailmansodan jälkeen hakattu valtava määrä luonnontilaista metsää Pohjoisboreaalisella vyöhykkeellä suojeltuja luonnontilaisia metsiä noin 7% metsämaasta
17. Pitääkö viimeisetkin viedä? Lapissa jo runsaasti nuorta metsää selluteollisuuden tarpeisiin Näiden metsien merkitys teollisuudelle marginaalinen Lapin metsäteollisuus ei voi enää rakentua kauaa koskemattomille metsille Arvot muille elinkeinoille, maisemalle ja biodiversiteetille mittaamattomat
18. 2010 luonnonmetsien vuosi EU Countdown 2010 Rion sopimuksen metsätyöohjelma Sopiva aika Suomelle rauhoittaa jäljellä olevat laajat erämaat ja antaa ikimetsille niiden ansaitsema arvo