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About  UsGroup2Marketing will transform how you position your business in front of your target market, delivering both cutting-edge, time-tested and proven methods helping you gain new customers and strengthening your relationship with existing ones.油 Our state-of-the-art call center and specially trained inbound operators and experienced outbound sales repsensure your messages match the occasion and the relationship, while staying on-brand and generating new revenue streams.Jason Foster   877-426-0022   jason.foster@group2marketing.net1214 Stowe Avenue   Medford, OR  97501
About  UsAlthough Group2Marketing is only 2 years new, we are already working with multi-national companies, such as  BP Arco.  As a result of our work, BP is receiving more new franchise opportunities (which start at $750,000) than they can currently handle.  Our efforts are directly impacting and producing the desired results needed for BP to widen its footprint and market share in the United States.Jason Foster   877-426-0022   jason.foster@group2marketing.net1214 Stowe Avenue   Medford, OR  97501
What does RespectCall mean for you?1. We employ only the best professional phone callers. Unlike many service bureaus, our callers are mature individuals. They easily develop a comfortable rapport with your base of support. Most have been with us for years and have extensive experience with the delicate nature of this type of calling.2. Our callers know your organization. Before they even put on their headsets, our callers are thoroughly educated about your organization's background, mission, and operations. So we can speak intelligently to your customers about their experiences with your company, the service you offer, and how their order will be handled3. We're calling friends and colleagues, not prospects. Granted, our goal is to reach new business contacts and generate revenue for you. But not at the cost of losing your clientele or prospective customers.  We treat everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of whether  or not they choose to learn more about your product or make a purchase when we call. If they have specific questions or concerns about their relationship with your company, we'll make sure you know about them, so you can address them individually.In short, RespectCall means that when one of your contacts or customers receives a call from Group2Marketing, it's as though they received it directly from you.Jason Foster   877-426-0022   jason.foster@group2marketing.net1214 Stowe Avenue   Medford, OR  97501
About Our TeamYour  Group2Marketing team has decades of top-tier experience in product sales and marketing, developing and bringing new products to market, and executing sustained program growth through such well-known brands as Harry & David速, The Gap速, Hansen's速 Natural Sodas and Sara Lee速.  Our collective expertise also includes sales training and development, new customer acquisition and loyalty programs and results driven sales leadership.  This leadership is supported by our individual track records of producing record level sales results.  These skills and qualities indicate a high likelihood of success in achieving your desired  marketing program goals.Our  Overall ServicesInbound Communications

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Group2 about us

  • 1. About UsGroup2Marketing will transform how you position your business in front of your target market, delivering both cutting-edge, time-tested and proven methods helping you gain new customers and strengthening your relationship with existing ones.油 Our state-of-the-art call center and specially trained inbound operators and experienced outbound sales repsensure your messages match the occasion and the relationship, while staying on-brand and generating new revenue streams.Jason Foster 877-426-0022 jason.foster@group2marketing.net1214 Stowe Avenue Medford, OR 97501
  • 2. About UsAlthough Group2Marketing is only 2 years new, we are already working with multi-national companies, such as BP Arco. As a result of our work, BP is receiving more new franchise opportunities (which start at $750,000) than they can currently handle. Our efforts are directly impacting and producing the desired results needed for BP to widen its footprint and market share in the United States.Jason Foster 877-426-0022 jason.foster@group2marketing.net1214 Stowe Avenue Medford, OR 97501
  • 3. What does RespectCall mean for you?1. We employ only the best professional phone callers. Unlike many service bureaus, our callers are mature individuals. They easily develop a comfortable rapport with your base of support. Most have been with us for years and have extensive experience with the delicate nature of this type of calling.2. Our callers know your organization. Before they even put on their headsets, our callers are thoroughly educated about your organization's background, mission, and operations. So we can speak intelligently to your customers about their experiences with your company, the service you offer, and how their order will be handled3. We're calling friends and colleagues, not prospects. Granted, our goal is to reach new business contacts and generate revenue for you. But not at the cost of losing your clientele or prospective customers. We treat everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of whether or not they choose to learn more about your product or make a purchase when we call. If they have specific questions or concerns about their relationship with your company, we'll make sure you know about them, so you can address them individually.In short, RespectCall means that when one of your contacts or customers receives a call from Group2Marketing, it's as though they received it directly from you.Jason Foster 877-426-0022 jason.foster@group2marketing.net1214 Stowe Avenue Medford, OR 97501
  • 4. About Our TeamYour Group2Marketing team has decades of top-tier experience in product sales and marketing, developing and bringing new products to market, and executing sustained program growth through such well-known brands as Harry & David速, The Gap速, Hansen's速 Natural Sodas and Sara Lee速. Our collective expertise also includes sales training and development, new customer acquisition and loyalty programs and results driven sales leadership. This leadership is supported by our individual track records of producing record level sales results. These skills and qualities indicate a high likelihood of success in achieving your desired marketing program goals.Our Overall ServicesInbound Communications
  • 6. Virtual Call Center Outsourcing
  • 8. Business & Sales DevelopmentJason Foster 877-426-0022 jason.foster@group2marketing.net1214 Stowe Avenue Medford, OR 97501