Euskal gastronomiak ospe handia dauka mundu guztian: pintxoak, plater tipikoak, edariak... Mokaduz mokadu zapore ezberdinekin gozatzeko aukera eskaintzen baitu, kultura bihurtu den janariak.
Aritz, Garazi eta ni hasi ginen power point honi hasiera ematen. bertan 3 bloke nagusi antzeman daitezke: pintxoak, platerak eta postreak eta edariak. Hiru bloke horiek aurkezten dute, Euskal Herrian zein gastronimia nagusiak diren aurkeztu nahi ditugu edo jendeak zein plater eta edari dira gehien eskatzen dituztenak.
The document lists various objects and people from ancient Egypt including a cross, crocodile, God, pharaoh, pyramids, sarcophagus, obelisk, ship, horse, scribe, farmer, merchants, artisans, and priest. It also mentions hieroglyphics and a temple.
This document provides an overview of virtual reality (VR), including its definition, how it works using computer-generated graphics and motion tracking, common hardware like headsets, and safety concerns like nausea. It also discusses several healthcare applications of VR such as medical education, pain relief, exposure therapy, and physical therapy. Resources on both the potential of VR in healthcare and its risks are provided.
Euskal gastronomiak ospe handia dauka mundu guztian: pintxoak, plater tipikoak, edariak... Mokaduz mokadu zapore ezberdinekin gozatzeko aukera eskaintzen baitu, kultura bihurtu den janariak.
Aritz, Garazi eta ni hasi ginen power point honi hasiera ematen. bertan 3 bloke nagusi antzeman daitezke: pintxoak, platerak eta postreak eta edariak. Hiru bloke horiek aurkezten dute, Euskal Herrian zein gastronimia nagusiak diren aurkeztu nahi ditugu edo jendeak zein plater eta edari dira gehien eskatzen dituztenak.
The document lists various objects and people from ancient Egypt including a cross, crocodile, God, pharaoh, pyramids, sarcophagus, obelisk, ship, horse, scribe, farmer, merchants, artisans, and priest. It also mentions hieroglyphics and a temple.
This document provides an overview of virtual reality (VR), including its definition, how it works using computer-generated graphics and motion tracking, common hardware like headsets, and safety concerns like nausea. It also discusses several healthcare applications of VR such as medical education, pain relief, exposure therapy, and physical therapy. Resources on both the potential of VR in healthcare and its risks are provided.
Librettino didattico realizzato dagli alunni delle classi 3^ delle scuole primarie di Salita Carmine - Verga - Pozzo Perla, di Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto - ME
Fx3 g,fx3u,fx3uc series users manual positioning control editionphong279
This document is the user's manual for positioning control functions of Mitsubishi FX3G, FX3U, and FX3UC programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It provides an overview of positioning products, specifications for built-in positioning functions, and safety precautions. The manual covers connection of input/output lines, setup procedures for positioning control, compatible PLC and programming tool versions, and input/output number assignments. It also includes comparisons of performance specifications and operation modes for the built-in positioning function and various special adapters and blocks.
The document contains three lines of text with the abbreviations "ENE", "HH", and "3" followed by the number "2017". It appears to be noting an event code, household number, and year but does not provide enough context to fully understand its meaning or purpose.
This very short document appears to contain only two lines of text in a foreign language. It includes what seems to be a title "ELIKAGAIAK DASTATZEN" followed by "HH 2 16/17" which may refer to a code, reference number, or date but provides no other context or details to summarize.