Iværksætteri for ledigeHenrik German Qvottrupݺߣshow fra mit webinar 7/11 for ledige. Dokumentet omhandler de indledende faser inden man starter en virksomhed og nogen af de overvejelser man bør gøre sig. På ledigidanmark.dk kan man se optagelsen af webinaret, hvilket vil gøre dokumentet mere forståeligt.
Premios grammycerezithaexotikEste documento lista las nominaciones y ganadores de varias categorías principales en los Premios Grammy de 2012. Algunas de las nominaciones y ganadores destacados son Adele con "Rolling In The Deep" como Canción y Álbum del Año, Bon Iver con Mejor Nuevo Artista y su álbum nominado en Mejor Álbum de Música Alternativa, y Foo Fighters con su álbum Wasting Light nominado en Álbum Rock del Año.
Find company reports in EBSCO Business Source CompleteJulie Anne KentCreated for an Organizational / Human Resource course (BBUS) at Thompson River's University, this guide is embedded into the research guide in support of student learning outcomes. http://libguides.tru.ca/BBUS3810.
Informační systém pro efektivní řízení vodárenstvíIFS CzechPříspěvek z odborného semináře „Vodárenská nádrž Vír jako zdroj povrchové vody pro vodárenské soustavy“, autor Pavel Bláhovec, ředitel obchodu IFS
Optimise-GB's Lean Six Sigma's DMAIC & DMADV Programme imporvement plan Manag...Simon Misiewicz====Please provide feedback (SWOT analysis) as I am going to develop this online====
Optimise-GB provides you with an Excel template for programme improvement plan using lean six sigma’s DMAIC & DMADV methodology. The template provides guidance of process improvement from designing, measuring, analysing to improving, controlling and verifying the initiative.
The template provides you with guidance notes of h0ow to follow the DMAIC & DMADV process as well as use the individual excel sheets. The template includes: task lists, programme charter, business case, process map, spaghetti diagrams, Pareto chart, statistical analysis, issues log, solutions, lessons learned.
If you have any questions on simon@optimise-gb.com and visit www.optimise-gb.com for more details. Many thanks Simon Misiewicz
Ben's two year presentationjudygioThis document announces a concert event titled "A Concert To Remember" that will take place on November 11th. The concert is being presented by both Keene State University and Westfield State University for the second year. The event is part of an annual concert series held by the two universities.
CLIL training SpainJosé Luis EstefaniThe document discusses CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) training for primary teachers in Andalucía, Spain. It outlines an ambitious CLIL scheme launched in Andalucía from 2004-2008 to establish 400 CLIL schools, with goals to expand to 500 schools in 2009 and 1200 by 2012. It also describes the various levels of CLIL training provided, including language courses, regional conferences, and local seminars and workshops organized through universities and education authorities to support teachers in developing their CLIL skills and methodology.
Jw day 3 (unit 4)Angala MariaThis document outlines the lesson plan for a vocabulary class. It includes directions for student activities like a "Do Now," vocabulary word instruction led by the teacher, student-led word practice, and a homework assignment. The objective is for students to be able to read, write and understand words with consonant suffixes by the end of the lesson. The document provides structure and steps for the class to build vocabulary skills through interactive activities.
EHISTO Project flyersGrial - University of SalamancaEHISTO Project: European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education
Library Instruction: PowerPoint (Turning Point Technologies)Julie Anne KentPowerPoint presentation polling with Turning Point Technologies clickers. Pre-session, pre-testing.
Linked instatwitbooktrest navigating the social seasChristopher SpencerA presentation about navigating the current social media scene, circa 2013. This presentation deeply utilizes data from an infographic presented in this blog post. http://socialbarrel.com/how-brands-can-choose-the-right-social-media-platforms-for-their-goals-infographic/52084/
CitySDK Overview and DemoTyrone GrandisonThe document summarizes the CitySDK project, which aims to streamline how open data is used to build apps for cities through open-source tools. The CitySDK provides a code library, guides, and ecosystem to improve access and usability of open data. It abstracts multiple API requests into single calls and supports integrating various APIs. Users are encouraged to get involved by participating in civic hacking events and submitting solutions to Challenge.gov.
Jw day 4 (unit 3)Angala MariaThis document outlines a vocabulary lesson plan taught by Ms. Angala at Jefferson Academy in Washington DC. The lesson introduces 5 new words to students and teaches reading, spelling, writing, and using the words in sentences through various activities like word drills, dictation, and skywriting. The objectives are for students to read, write, and spell the words 80% of the time by the end of the lesson as measured by quick checks. Homework includes writing the words 3 times in different colors and using them in sentences.
Paychex One Source SolutiontmccarreyPaychex One-Source Solutions provides a comprehensive selection of HR services and support options that are easy to use and flexible. It offers one-on-one service from dedicated professionals, centralized control and data management, customizable solutions, and reliability backed by nearly 40 years of industry experience serving over 570,000 clients. The personalized service model supports organizations across the entire employee lifecycle from recruiting and hiring to retention.
VALS Project Overview at the Third Meeting TimeGrial - University of SalamancaThe document summarizes the third meeting of the VALS project, which took place in Udine, Italy on February 23-24, 2015. The meeting addressed administrative and financial issues, reviewed progress on the first year's activities and initial results of the second round of the Semester of Code virtual placements. Key objectives of the meeting were to discuss work package deliverables, identify reporting responsibilities, and address challenges in increasing student and university engagement in the project. Overall conclusions focused on making the virtual placement process more flexible to increase participation.
Strategies and Tactics for Accelerating IT ModernizationTyrone GrandisonThe document outlines strategies for accelerating IT modernization at the US Department of Commerce. It discusses using agile development and lean startup methods with data engineers and scientists to help bureaus rapidly create data products, education, and science. The game plan involves teaching people, demonstrating products, using open source tools, and making data openly available to empower innovation.
The Creative Economy within the United States of AmericaTyrone GrandisonThe creative economy in the United States spans many industries and employs over 14 million workers, accounting for just under 10% of the total workforce. Major metro areas like San Jose, Washington D.C., and San Francisco have the highest percentages of creative jobs. The U.S. Department of Commerce works to support economic growth, opportunity, intellectual property, trade, and development in the creative economy.
Course 1: Create and Prepare Debian7 VM TemplateImad DaouThe following Course will focus mainly on a private Virtual Environment such VirtualBox or VMware Station. However, if you are willing to setup straight on DigitalOcean or Vultr, then you can skip Course1 and jump to Course2. But, I highly recommend to go through Course1 to build In-house local Web Hosting Server for testing or developing purpose. After all, the concept is same on either Private or Public Virtual environment.
Patrones pedagógicos y docencia en redGrial - University of SalamancaCongreso Iberoamericano de Aprendizaje Mediado por Tecnología. CIAMTE 2013. México, D. F., 26 de agosto de 2013.
079 fmi rapportMinistère de l'Économie et des FinancesRapport du conseil d’administration du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) : conclusions dans le cadre de l’examen annuel de la France au titre de l’article IV des statuts du Fonds
Lundi 25 juillet 2011
White Paper: Great Culture. Great Workplace. Lessons from America’s Best Comp...barbarajahnckeOrganizational culture is an untapped, powerful strategic tool in building a successful business today. A company\'s story, its successes, its history and its people influence its culture and can be leveraged to attract employees, intrigue customers and build a tangible connection to a company.
As a seven-time national Best Company to Work for in America and designers of workplace experiences, Kahler Slater knows how important culture is to overall business success. To build upon our knowledge base of working with outstanding companies, we decided to benchmark our peer Best Companies to explore how they intentionally design work experiences and spaces that manifest their great cultures.
We are passionate about sharing this knowledge and applying it to all of the work we do as experience designers.
The power of share point mobile solutions - NYC 2016tonerzIn this session I will show how SharePoint 2013 can be used to deliver Mobile web solutions for a wide range of use case scenarios:
-Retail data collection
-Emergency/Disaster relief service
-On-Site inspection
-Time sheets
-Help Desk
I will go through how the mobile web solutions work, what considerations have been made and what value has been provided when building these mobile web solutions using SharePoint 2013. I hope every attendee walks away with an expanded horizon of what they could do with mobile web solutions in their SharePoint environment.
Ben's two year presentationjudygioThis organization aims to empower youth and stomp out trends of depression, bullying, and teen suicide through various programs. They offer the We C.A.R.E. program which cultivates emotional expression, presentations and workshops at schools, annual concerts to remember lost lives, care packages for grieving families, and empowerment products. They also maintain a website with suicide prevention resources and present to parents and teachers on factors that contribute to suicide risk.
Hvad gør de bedste bedst? Commercial Gap analyseNormik (Nørgård Mikkelsen)B2B analyse ved Wilke og Nørgård Mikkelsen. Gennemgang af Commercial Gap analysens hovedkonklusioner og anbefalinger til indsatsområder.
Brug LinkedIn til Social selling, Digital Works, PlastindustrienPlastindustrienSådan kan du gøre brug af LinkedIn til at styrke dit B2B salg. Nicolai Hæggelin fra Digital Works gav 21/3 inputs til Plastindustriens medlemmer.
Ben's two year presentationjudygioThis document announces a concert event titled "A Concert To Remember" that will take place on November 11th. The concert is being presented by both Keene State University and Westfield State University for the second year. The event is part of an annual concert series held by the two universities.
CLIL training SpainJosé Luis EstefaniThe document discusses CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) training for primary teachers in Andalucía, Spain. It outlines an ambitious CLIL scheme launched in Andalucía from 2004-2008 to establish 400 CLIL schools, with goals to expand to 500 schools in 2009 and 1200 by 2012. It also describes the various levels of CLIL training provided, including language courses, regional conferences, and local seminars and workshops organized through universities and education authorities to support teachers in developing their CLIL skills and methodology.
Jw day 3 (unit 4)Angala MariaThis document outlines the lesson plan for a vocabulary class. It includes directions for student activities like a "Do Now," vocabulary word instruction led by the teacher, student-led word practice, and a homework assignment. The objective is for students to be able to read, write and understand words with consonant suffixes by the end of the lesson. The document provides structure and steps for the class to build vocabulary skills through interactive activities.
EHISTO Project flyersGrial - University of SalamancaEHISTO Project: European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education
Library Instruction: PowerPoint (Turning Point Technologies)Julie Anne KentPowerPoint presentation polling with Turning Point Technologies clickers. Pre-session, pre-testing.
Linked instatwitbooktrest navigating the social seasChristopher SpencerA presentation about navigating the current social media scene, circa 2013. This presentation deeply utilizes data from an infographic presented in this blog post. http://socialbarrel.com/how-brands-can-choose-the-right-social-media-platforms-for-their-goals-infographic/52084/
CitySDK Overview and DemoTyrone GrandisonThe document summarizes the CitySDK project, which aims to streamline how open data is used to build apps for cities through open-source tools. The CitySDK provides a code library, guides, and ecosystem to improve access and usability of open data. It abstracts multiple API requests into single calls and supports integrating various APIs. Users are encouraged to get involved by participating in civic hacking events and submitting solutions to Challenge.gov.
Jw day 4 (unit 3)Angala MariaThis document outlines a vocabulary lesson plan taught by Ms. Angala at Jefferson Academy in Washington DC. The lesson introduces 5 new words to students and teaches reading, spelling, writing, and using the words in sentences through various activities like word drills, dictation, and skywriting. The objectives are for students to read, write, and spell the words 80% of the time by the end of the lesson as measured by quick checks. Homework includes writing the words 3 times in different colors and using them in sentences.
Paychex One Source SolutiontmccarreyPaychex One-Source Solutions provides a comprehensive selection of HR services and support options that are easy to use and flexible. It offers one-on-one service from dedicated professionals, centralized control and data management, customizable solutions, and reliability backed by nearly 40 years of industry experience serving over 570,000 clients. The personalized service model supports organizations across the entire employee lifecycle from recruiting and hiring to retention.
VALS Project Overview at the Third Meeting TimeGrial - University of SalamancaThe document summarizes the third meeting of the VALS project, which took place in Udine, Italy on February 23-24, 2015. The meeting addressed administrative and financial issues, reviewed progress on the first year's activities and initial results of the second round of the Semester of Code virtual placements. Key objectives of the meeting were to discuss work package deliverables, identify reporting responsibilities, and address challenges in increasing student and university engagement in the project. Overall conclusions focused on making the virtual placement process more flexible to increase participation.
Strategies and Tactics for Accelerating IT ModernizationTyrone GrandisonThe document outlines strategies for accelerating IT modernization at the US Department of Commerce. It discusses using agile development and lean startup methods with data engineers and scientists to help bureaus rapidly create data products, education, and science. The game plan involves teaching people, demonstrating products, using open source tools, and making data openly available to empower innovation.
The Creative Economy within the United States of AmericaTyrone GrandisonThe creative economy in the United States spans many industries and employs over 14 million workers, accounting for just under 10% of the total workforce. Major metro areas like San Jose, Washington D.C., and San Francisco have the highest percentages of creative jobs. The U.S. Department of Commerce works to support economic growth, opportunity, intellectual property, trade, and development in the creative economy.
Course 1: Create and Prepare Debian7 VM TemplateImad DaouThe following Course will focus mainly on a private Virtual Environment such VirtualBox or VMware Station. However, if you are willing to setup straight on DigitalOcean or Vultr, then you can skip Course1 and jump to Course2. But, I highly recommend to go through Course1 to build In-house local Web Hosting Server for testing or developing purpose. After all, the concept is same on either Private or Public Virtual environment.
Patrones pedagógicos y docencia en redGrial - University of SalamancaCongreso Iberoamericano de Aprendizaje Mediado por Tecnología. CIAMTE 2013. México, D. F., 26 de agosto de 2013.
079 fmi rapportMinistère de l'Économie et des FinancesRapport du conseil d’administration du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) : conclusions dans le cadre de l’examen annuel de la France au titre de l’article IV des statuts du Fonds
Lundi 25 juillet 2011
White Paper: Great Culture. Great Workplace. Lessons from America’s Best Comp...barbarajahnckeOrganizational culture is an untapped, powerful strategic tool in building a successful business today. A company\'s story, its successes, its history and its people influence its culture and can be leveraged to attract employees, intrigue customers and build a tangible connection to a company.
As a seven-time national Best Company to Work for in America and designers of workplace experiences, Kahler Slater knows how important culture is to overall business success. To build upon our knowledge base of working with outstanding companies, we decided to benchmark our peer Best Companies to explore how they intentionally design work experiences and spaces that manifest their great cultures.
We are passionate about sharing this knowledge and applying it to all of the work we do as experience designers.
The power of share point mobile solutions - NYC 2016tonerzIn this session I will show how SharePoint 2013 can be used to deliver Mobile web solutions for a wide range of use case scenarios:
-Retail data collection
-Emergency/Disaster relief service
-On-Site inspection
-Time sheets
-Help Desk
I will go through how the mobile web solutions work, what considerations have been made and what value has been provided when building these mobile web solutions using SharePoint 2013. I hope every attendee walks away with an expanded horizon of what they could do with mobile web solutions in their SharePoint environment.
Ben's two year presentationjudygioThis organization aims to empower youth and stomp out trends of depression, bullying, and teen suicide through various programs. They offer the We C.A.R.E. program which cultivates emotional expression, presentations and workshops at schools, annual concerts to remember lost lives, care packages for grieving families, and empowerment products. They also maintain a website with suicide prevention resources and present to parents and teachers on factors that contribute to suicide risk.
Hvad gør de bedste bedst? Commercial Gap analyseNormik (Nørgård Mikkelsen)B2B analyse ved Wilke og Nørgård Mikkelsen. Gennemgang af Commercial Gap analysens hovedkonklusioner og anbefalinger til indsatsområder.
Brug LinkedIn til Social selling, Digital Works, PlastindustrienPlastindustrienSådan kan du gøre brug af LinkedIn til at styrke dit B2B salg. Nicolai Hæggelin fra Digital Works gav 21/3 inputs til Plastindustriens medlemmer.
Gode råd til opstart af virksomhedBrønderslev ErhvervGode råd til opstart af virksomhed.
Der er mange ting at huske og undersøge ved opstart af virksomhed. Her er en række gode råd for vores oplæg til iværksætterkurset i Brønderslev. http://www.betc.dk/Kompetencebank.asp
Demo Retail Performance&Satisfaction 2010Retail Institute Scandinavia A/SDemonstrations udgave af brancheanalysen Retail Performance&Satisfaction 2010.
Demoen er baseret på fiktive tal fra hårde hvidevarebranchen. Så kæderne og branchen er virkelige - men det er tallene ikke.
INFO: Sector and retailers are real - but the figures are fiction (dummy figures for demonstration purposes only)
Oplæg jobmulighed Aalborg UniversitetBrønderslev ErhvervMit oplæg for de nye kandidater der står på spring for at komme ud på det nordjyske arbejdsmarked. Fremtiden er god.
IndustriKvarteret - Podcast for virksomhederBrønderslev ErhvervBeskrivelse af Brønderslev Erhvervs podcast IndustriKvarteret.
Episoderne kan alle høres på
Vi laver de forskellige episoder af podcastet emnebaseret. Dvs vi tager en specialist ind og taler med hende eller ham i en lille time.
Resultatet kan du høre her. Emnerne har været pressehåndtering, automatisering af produktion og støtteprogrammer for virksomheder.
Det Sociale Værksted nr 2 2015Brønderslev ErhvervPlancher fra det sociale værksted, med fokus på sociale medier og automatisering af opslag.
Husk det er gratis at deltage i vores små kurser og ved deltagelse giver plancherne også bedre mening :)
Præsentation af Bronderslev ErhvervBrønderslev ErhvervPræsentation af Brønderslev Erhverv og de opgaver vi løser som erhvervskontor.
Med bl.a. rådgivning, tilskud og inspiration.
Vi klarer erhvervsservice i tæt samarbejde med mange forskellige aktører, kommunalt, regionalt og nationalt.
Sociale Medier - kom i gangBrønderslev ErhvervHer er oversigt og tanker for hvordan du får sparket gang i din virksomheds tilstedeværelse på de sociale medier.
Du får også her er de links til oprettelse af virksomheds-profiler på Facebook, Google+ og Linkedin.
Det sociale værksted - sociale medier for virksomhederBrønderslev ErhvervOplæg fra vores it-værksted med fokus på virksomhedernes brug af de sociale medier.
Vi tog fat i LinkedIn, Facebook og Google+
Iværksætterkursus trin 2 - oplæg om markedsføringBrønderslev ErhvervIndlæg fra første kursusgang på Iværksætterkursus trin 2. Indhold rettet mod markedsføring i praksis.
Oplæg til rådgivere - Brønderslev Erhverv 2012Brønderslev ErhvervOplæg om støtteordninger for virksomheder og rådgivere. præsenteret for rådgivere i Brønderslev Kommune 2012, af Brønderslev Erhverv & Turisme
Iværksætterkursus trin 2Brønderslev ErhvervKursus til dig der har egen virksomhed men gerne vil blive endnu bedre til markedsføring og udvide dit netværk.
Du kan læse mere om kurset på http://www.betc.dk/Ivaerksaettertrin2.asp
6. Hvem er dine kunder?
B2C (Private) B2B (Virksomheder)
Inddele fx efter: Inddele fx efter:
• Branche
• Alder
• Antal medarbejdere
• Køn • Omsætning
• Geografi • Geografi
• Familiestatus • Marked
• Uddannelse • Økonomisk styrke
• Job B2G (Det offentlige)
• Interesser Her bruges SKI-kontrakter.
Du kan læse mere på:
• Bolig (ejer/lejer) www.ski.dk
7. markedsbeskrivelse
• Den typiske privatkunde: • Hvorfor køber kunden dit
• Mand/kvinde: produkt?
• Alder:
• Uddannelse: • Geografisk afgrænsning af
• Arbejde:
– I Danmark:
• Livsstil: – I udlandet:
• Den typiske • Realistisk antal kunder:
virksomhedskunde: – Begrundelse:
• Virksomhedsbranche: – Gennemsnitligt forbrug i kr.
• Størrelse/ansatte: pr. kunde
• Alder: Se mere her
• Antal: http://www.startvaekst.dk/forretningsplan
10. Vælg dine platforme
Hvor er dine kunder, der skal du så være
Dine platforme kunne være:
• Visitkort, bil m. logo, hjemmeside,
nyhedsbrev, rabatkuponer, tilbudsaviser
• Men vigtigst – Spor din markedsføring
11. վæԲ
• Dit mål er at sælge varen ikke
• Hvis kunden har spørgsmål har
du ikke forklaret det godt nok
• Det er kun 0,1 % af dine
potentielle kunder der stiller
spørgsmål -resten går bare