Mass communication: A critical, social scientific and cultural approachDr. Aitza Haddad Nu?ez
Chapter 1: Mass Communication: A Critical Approach Chapter 15: Social Scientific and Cultural Approaches to Media ResearchCampbell, R., et al. (2011). Media Essentials: A Brief Introduction. Bedford/St.Martin¡¯s. p.3-29, p.420-443
Cours #1 Histoire de la t¨¦l¨¦communication et des m¨¦diasAlexandre Moussier
Dans ce cours nous revenons sur l'¨¦volution de la communication et de ses moyens. Histoire de la t¨¦l¨¦communication et des m¨¦dias. (l' ¨¦volution des technologies, internet, t¨¦l¨¦vision, t¨¦l¨¦graphe etc.)
The document discusses the Uses and Gratifications theory of media analysis. It originated in the mid-20th century as researchers began studying why and how people use media rather than focusing only on media effects. Jay Blumler and Elihu Katz developed the Uses and Gratifications model in 1974 to understand how individuals use media to fulfill various needs and what gratifications they obtain. The theory suggests that people actively seek out specific media to meet personal needs and that this helps explain patterns of media consumption. However, some argue the theory lacks clarity and fails to consider broader social influences on media use.
The document outlines Stuart Hall's theories about representation and media. Hall argues that meaning is not fixed, but is constructed through what is present, absent, and different in a representation. He also argues that audiences play a role in generating meaning from representations, though power structures like ideology and stereotyping try to fix meanings. Specifically, Hall notes that stereotypes in media both reflect and shape social attitudes. A key strategy is to deconstruct representations from within to open up multiple meanings.
M¨¦moire Master Communication Chlo¨¦ Lecourt - PPA 2014Chlo¨¦ Lecourt
L¡¯objet de ce m¨¦moire, co-¨¦crit avec Patricia Seixas, est d¡¯analyser si le fonctionnement des r¨¦seaux sociaux est conciliable avec la protection de la vie priv¨¦e des individus.
MQTT avec Mosquitto et Paho - DevFest Brest 2019Laurent Gu¨¦rin
Pr¨¦sentation MQTT au DevFest du Bout du Monde - Brest 2019 (MQTT avec Moquitto, Paho, Java, Python, GoLang, Websocket, JavaScript, Cloud, etc )
[M¨¦moire] En quoi l¡¯¨¦mergence des m¨¦dias sociaux bouleverse-t-elle les strat¨¦...Aurore Hondarrague
Ce travail d¡¯¨¦tude et de recherche montre en quoi l¡¯¨¦mergence des m¨¦dias
sociaux a boulevers¨¦ les strat¨¦gies relationnelles des marques. Les possibilit¨¦s de
communication offertes aux marques sur les m¨¦dias sociaux ont fait na?tre un
nouveau champ du marketing, le Community Management Marketing (CMM), qui
consiste ¨¤ influencer les comportements et les attitudes des consommateurs en
s¡¯appuyant sur des logiques communautaires et en utilisant les m¨¦dias sociaux
comme supports de communication.
Le premier changement concerne les consommateurs. Les m¨¦dias sociaux
ont modifi¨¦ leur relation aux marques. Ils sont devenus plus critiques, se sont
organis¨¦s en communaut¨¦s de marques et sont entr¨¦s en concurrence avec les
discours des marques.
Les m¨¦dias sociaux ont ¨¦galement boulevers¨¦ le paysage m¨¦diatique. Leur
mont¨¦e en puissance co?ncide avec les difficult¨¦s que rencontrent les autres m¨¦dias.
La modification des attentes relationnelles de consommateurs remet en cause les
mod¨¨les traditionnels de communication. De nouvelles pratiques, qui utilisent les
m¨¦dias sociaux comme outils dans la relation aux consommateurs, ont commenc¨¦ ¨¤
La formalisation de ces pratiques a donn¨¦ naissance ¨¤ un nouveau domaine
de la communication, le Community Management Marketing. Le CMM reste une
expertise en cours de cr¨¦ation, qui pose de nombreuses questions aux
professionnels de la communication quant ¨¤ son r?le et ¨¤ l¡¯ampleur des changements
qu¡¯elle implique pour les organisations et les th¨¦ories de l¡¯information et de la
The document outlines the key aspects of Newsroom 3.0, which provides organizations with the tools, process and support to effectively communicate in the digital age. It discusses positioning every organization as a media company that tells its story across all media in a coherent, open and responsive way. Newsroom 3.0 enables organizations to influence conversations, deeply engage stakeholders and distribute content through owned and social digital channels on a 24/7 basis. It emphasizes using an editorial strategy, content planning, social optimization and community building to maximize engagement.
Operating system is an integrated set of program that controls the resources of a computer system and provides its users with an interface or virtual machine that is easier to use than the bare machine
New media such as social media and online platforms have affected traditional media in several ways:
- News is now a more social experience as people rely on social networks to learn about current events.
- While original reporting still comes from journalists, social media allows citizens to influence story impact.
- What gains traction online differs from mainstream press - social platforms rarely share the same top story.
- Blogs are more similar to traditional press in their news agenda, while YouTube and Twitter focus on different topics.
- Internet usage is rising as advertisers explore new avenues, and print sales/subscriptions are declining.
- The interplay between new and traditional media will continue to evolve as platforms develop new partnerships.
The presentation explains about the Mass Media scenario, its Social responsibility and the phenomena of commercialization in Mass Media.theory, Change, Entertainment
Le paradigme linguisitique, Introduction aux th¨¦ories de la communication (Li...Amar LAKEL, PhD
Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian professor who coined the phrase "the medium is the message". He proposed that the medium itself, not just the content, should be the focus of study. McLuhan believed that media forms have a greater influence on society than the messages they convey. He argued that new technologies introduce changes in human affairs by accelerating and altering the scale of functions. McLuhan's work highlighted how technological communication advances affect culture and society through their introduction of new media, rather than just their messages.
The document discusses four normative theories of the press: the authoritarian theory, libertarian theory, social responsibility theory, and Soviet communist theory. Under the authoritarian theory, all forms of communication are controlled by governing elites or authorities to protect national interests. The libertarian theory advocates for complete press freedom with no government control. The social responsibility theory balances press freedom with reasonable controls and social obligations. Finally, the Soviet communist theory views media as an instrument of the state to promote communist ideology and governance.
Outils de communication en ligne en biblioth¨¨queAlice Bernard
Dans le cadre de la formation d'auxili¨¨re de biblioth¨¨que (ABF Poitou-Charentes) - Les sevices aux publics. 10 f¨¦vrier 2014 (6h), Media Centre-Ouest
Smartphones and tablets are powerful tools for journalists that can improve speed, productivity and the ability to capture moments. They replace other tools while not changing the underlying journalism. The document discusses useful apps for photos, videos, social media, news, organization and other tasks on smartphones and tablets. It also provides tips for shooting and editing videos, using tablets for reporting, involving audiences and developing a mobile strategy. The document emphasizes becoming proficient with mobile devices and apps to take advantage of their capabilities for breaking news coverage and delivery to audiences.
L'¨¦tude des mass media, Introduction aux th¨¦ories de la communication (Licence)Amar LAKEL, PhD
M¨¦moire m¨¦dias sociaux et d¨¦veloppement durable B¨¦atrice Boudet
Ce m¨¦moire vise ¨¤ ¨¦tudier le r?le des m¨¦dias sociaux dans la mobilisation des publics autour du d¨¦veloppement durable. Il offre une analyse crois¨¦e des caract¨¦ristiques propres aux m¨¦dias sociaux et des attentes et perceptions des individus en mati¨¨re de d¨¦veloppement durable.
Advertising can have both positive and negative effects. Positively, it provides consumers with information to make purchase decisions, encourages competition which can lead to lower prices and better products, and supports economic growth. However, it can also manipulate consumers psychologically and promote materialism. Advertising may disproportionately impact vulnerable groups through stereotyping. The relationship between advertising, business, and society is complex with reasonable arguments on both sides.
M¨¦moire Master Communication Chlo¨¦ Lecourt - PPA 2014Chlo¨¦ Lecourt
L¡¯objet de ce m¨¦moire, co-¨¦crit avec Patricia Seixas, est d¡¯analyser si le fonctionnement des r¨¦seaux sociaux est conciliable avec la protection de la vie priv¨¦e des individus.
MQTT avec Mosquitto et Paho - DevFest Brest 2019Laurent Gu¨¦rin
Pr¨¦sentation MQTT au DevFest du Bout du Monde - Brest 2019 (MQTT avec Moquitto, Paho, Java, Python, GoLang, Websocket, JavaScript, Cloud, etc )
[M¨¦moire] En quoi l¡¯¨¦mergence des m¨¦dias sociaux bouleverse-t-elle les strat¨¦...Aurore Hondarrague
Ce travail d¡¯¨¦tude et de recherche montre en quoi l¡¯¨¦mergence des m¨¦dias
sociaux a boulevers¨¦ les strat¨¦gies relationnelles des marques. Les possibilit¨¦s de
communication offertes aux marques sur les m¨¦dias sociaux ont fait na?tre un
nouveau champ du marketing, le Community Management Marketing (CMM), qui
consiste ¨¤ influencer les comportements et les attitudes des consommateurs en
s¡¯appuyant sur des logiques communautaires et en utilisant les m¨¦dias sociaux
comme supports de communication.
Le premier changement concerne les consommateurs. Les m¨¦dias sociaux
ont modifi¨¦ leur relation aux marques. Ils sont devenus plus critiques, se sont
organis¨¦s en communaut¨¦s de marques et sont entr¨¦s en concurrence avec les
discours des marques.
Les m¨¦dias sociaux ont ¨¦galement boulevers¨¦ le paysage m¨¦diatique. Leur
mont¨¦e en puissance co?ncide avec les difficult¨¦s que rencontrent les autres m¨¦dias.
La modification des attentes relationnelles de consommateurs remet en cause les
mod¨¨les traditionnels de communication. De nouvelles pratiques, qui utilisent les
m¨¦dias sociaux comme outils dans la relation aux consommateurs, ont commenc¨¦ ¨¤
La formalisation de ces pratiques a donn¨¦ naissance ¨¤ un nouveau domaine
de la communication, le Community Management Marketing. Le CMM reste une
expertise en cours de cr¨¦ation, qui pose de nombreuses questions aux
professionnels de la communication quant ¨¤ son r?le et ¨¤ l¡¯ampleur des changements
qu¡¯elle implique pour les organisations et les th¨¦ories de l¡¯information et de la
The document outlines the key aspects of Newsroom 3.0, which provides organizations with the tools, process and support to effectively communicate in the digital age. It discusses positioning every organization as a media company that tells its story across all media in a coherent, open and responsive way. Newsroom 3.0 enables organizations to influence conversations, deeply engage stakeholders and distribute content through owned and social digital channels on a 24/7 basis. It emphasizes using an editorial strategy, content planning, social optimization and community building to maximize engagement.
Operating system is an integrated set of program that controls the resources of a computer system and provides its users with an interface or virtual machine that is easier to use than the bare machine
New media such as social media and online platforms have affected traditional media in several ways:
- News is now a more social experience as people rely on social networks to learn about current events.
- While original reporting still comes from journalists, social media allows citizens to influence story impact.
- What gains traction online differs from mainstream press - social platforms rarely share the same top story.
- Blogs are more similar to traditional press in their news agenda, while YouTube and Twitter focus on different topics.
- Internet usage is rising as advertisers explore new avenues, and print sales/subscriptions are declining.
- The interplay between new and traditional media will continue to evolve as platforms develop new partnerships.
The presentation explains about the Mass Media scenario, its Social responsibility and the phenomena of commercialization in Mass Media.theory, Change, Entertainment
Le paradigme linguisitique, Introduction aux th¨¦ories de la communication (Li...Amar LAKEL, PhD
Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian professor who coined the phrase "the medium is the message". He proposed that the medium itself, not just the content, should be the focus of study. McLuhan believed that media forms have a greater influence on society than the messages they convey. He argued that new technologies introduce changes in human affairs by accelerating and altering the scale of functions. McLuhan's work highlighted how technological communication advances affect culture and society through their introduction of new media, rather than just their messages.
The document discusses four normative theories of the press: the authoritarian theory, libertarian theory, social responsibility theory, and Soviet communist theory. Under the authoritarian theory, all forms of communication are controlled by governing elites or authorities to protect national interests. The libertarian theory advocates for complete press freedom with no government control. The social responsibility theory balances press freedom with reasonable controls and social obligations. Finally, the Soviet communist theory views media as an instrument of the state to promote communist ideology and governance.
Outils de communication en ligne en biblioth¨¨queAlice Bernard
Dans le cadre de la formation d'auxili¨¨re de biblioth¨¨que (ABF Poitou-Charentes) - Les sevices aux publics. 10 f¨¦vrier 2014 (6h), Media Centre-Ouest
Smartphones and tablets are powerful tools for journalists that can improve speed, productivity and the ability to capture moments. They replace other tools while not changing the underlying journalism. The document discusses useful apps for photos, videos, social media, news, organization and other tasks on smartphones and tablets. It also provides tips for shooting and editing videos, using tablets for reporting, involving audiences and developing a mobile strategy. The document emphasizes becoming proficient with mobile devices and apps to take advantage of their capabilities for breaking news coverage and delivery to audiences.
L'¨¦tude des mass media, Introduction aux th¨¦ories de la communication (Licence)Amar LAKEL, PhD
M¨¦moire m¨¦dias sociaux et d¨¦veloppement durable B¨¦atrice Boudet
Ce m¨¦moire vise ¨¤ ¨¦tudier le r?le des m¨¦dias sociaux dans la mobilisation des publics autour du d¨¦veloppement durable. Il offre une analyse crois¨¦e des caract¨¦ristiques propres aux m¨¦dias sociaux et des attentes et perceptions des individus en mati¨¨re de d¨¦veloppement durable.
Advertising can have both positive and negative effects. Positively, it provides consumers with information to make purchase decisions, encourages competition which can lead to lower prices and better products, and supports economic growth. However, it can also manipulate consumers psychologically and promote materialism. Advertising may disproportionately impact vulnerable groups through stereotyping. The relationship between advertising, business, and society is complex with reasonable arguments on both sides.
This document discusses the changing media environment and the rise of social media and mobile optimization. It notes that mass media is being replaced by social media, where users can participate and co-create value through platforms like Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter. A key aspect of social media culture is the idea of a "gift economy" where people give, receive, and reciprocate knowledge and information. Some questions are raised about how this changes the role of education and the professor, and possibilities like social learning, online dialogues, teamwork projects, and blending offline and online learning activities. Time management is highlighted as a key challenge for Facebook-based teaching.
21. According to the World Association of Newspapers, Johann Carolus (1575 - 1634) was the publisher of the first newspaper, called Relation aller F¨¹rnemmen und gedenckw¨¹rdigen Historien (Collection of all distinguished and commemorable news). The Relation was first published in Strassburg, Germany, in 1605.
22. Jean Fran?ois de Troy (Paris 1679 - Rome 1752), Reading from Moli¨¨re around 1728
25. ??(???? ??)? ??? ??, ??? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ???."A Salon of Ladies" by Abraham Bosse
27. Coffee-houses were fashionable meeting places for political, philosophical and cultural debates. Politicians and businessmen could sit, discuss and read newspapers.
40. The Age of JournalismThe age of journalism, as form of expression and communication of news and ideas, began in England with the first weekly magazine ¡°A Current of General News¡±, published in 1622/23. Throughout the 17th century other magazines (¡°MercuriusBritannicus¡± was the most famous one) and, mainly, political pamphlets and moral tracts were published cheaply and distributed widely. These magazines opened the way to a fuller development of the periodicals, reviews and newspapers of the next century. The abolition of the Licensing Act in 1694 put an end to the heavy censorship that had previously prevailed to the detriment of free speech and press, and allowed journalists greater freedom to criticize and debate, although some forms of punishment such as fines, the pillory and even, sometimes, imprisonment, remained for libel towards the highest institutions, namely the Monarchy, Parliament and Church (in other European countries, censorship wasn¡¯t abolished till 1848). (Part 2? ??)