Model Komunikasi MassaHanum IlmiModel-model komunikasi massa yang dijelaskan dalam dokumen tersebut meliputi model jarum hipodermik, model komunikasi satu tahap, model komunikasi dua tahap, dan model komunikasi tahap ganda. Model komunikasi dua tahap menyatakan bahwa pengaruh media massa dipengaruhi oleh komunikasi antarpribadi, dengan media massa sebagai sumber informasi awal dan pemuka pendapat sebagai penyebar informasi selanjutnya ke publik.
La comunicación en la era digitalAlicia Barco AndradeEl documento describe los cambios traídos por la era digital en la comunicación, incluyendo nuevos procesos, productos, mercados y formas de vida. Explica el concepto del "prosumidor" y cómo la comunicación se presenta en mundos virtuales e hipermedios. También analiza los paradigmas de la comunicación tradicional versus digital y provee ejemplos de narrativas mediáticas en diferentes formatos.
Evolution of human communicationNikhil KadamInformation and the Evolution of Human Communication. Animals communicate by exchanging signals that contain information. ... In the course of human evolution, the emergence of a special set of cognitive abilities and social motivations changed the way in which information is transmitted by a given signal.
Theories and effects of mass communication (20082423 somi, kim)Sophie KimMass communication involves an organization using technology to communicate with a large audience. There are four major categories of mass communication theory: postpositivism, hermeneutic theory, critical theory, and normative theory. Mass communication effects examines how media content impacts individuals and society, as well as how living in a media-saturated world changes interactions and culture. Understanding media effects requires examining messages, mediums, owners, and audiences.
AdvertisingBhavana RohidekarAdvertising is a paid form of non-personal communication used to promote organizations, products, services, or ideas. It aims to influence audiences through mass media like television, radio, magazines and newspapers. Advertising is important for creating brand awareness and image. It helps companies introduce new products to large audiences in a cost-effective manner. Regulations govern advertising to prevent false, misleading, or unethical claims. Advertising must consider legal, social, cultural and ethical aspects to avoid harming audiences like children.
Public relation ppt A AThe document discusses public relations, including its definition, objectives, tools, and importance. Some key points include:
- Public relations involves managing communication between an organization and its key audiences to build favorable relationships. It aims to influence perception through earned media rather than paid advertising.
- Objectives of PR include building product awareness, creating interest, and informing the public. Tools include media relations, social media, brochures, events, and newsletters.
- PR is important for building a brand image, capitalizing on opportunities, promoting brand values, and strengthening community relations. It provides credibility through third-party endorsement.
CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONMakaha RutendoCorporate communication is a set of activities involved in managing and orchestrating all internal and external communications aimed at creating favorable point of view among stakeholders on which the company depends.
Lect1 IntroHafidz HussinThe document lists the importance of various competencies in making hiring decisions. Oral communication, self-motivation, and problem-solving were ranked as the top three most important competencies, followed by decision-making, teamwork, leadership, and work experience. Other important competencies included written communication, time management, human relations, creativity, academic performance, and multilingual ability.
Communicationsadeenedian08The document defines communication as the transmission of information from one person to another through various means such as speech, writing, or signs. It describes the basic process of communication as having 4 key components - encoding by the sender, transmission through a medium, decoding by the receiver, and feedback from the receiver to the sender. Verbal communication involves spoken or written language while non-verbal communication relies on body language, gestures, facial expressions and other symbolic signs to convey information.
Brief guide to corporate marketing communications tacticsNina GadThis document provides a guide to developing an integrated marketing communication strategy. It outlines the key internal and external communication channels a company should utilize to build their corporate brand, create awareness, engage customers, and ensure employees represent the brand consistently. These channels include sponsorships, PR, corporate social responsibility, events, intranet activations, newsletters, and digital platforms like social media, websites and email marketing. The communication strategy is meant to position the company's brand, engage customers and answer why they should be chosen.
The Fundamentals of CommunicationDawn BartzThe document discusses the fundamentals of communication. It defines communication as the process of generating meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages. It then outlines the key components of communication, including the channel, feedback, encoding, decoding, noise, and context. Finally, it identifies different types of communication such as intrapersonal, interpersonal, public, mass communication, and digital communication. Effective communication requires a clear message to be sent and received with understanding between participants.
Role of new media in corporate communicationDr. Shalini PandeyNew media, role of new media, corporate communication, new media and corporate communication, role of new media in corporate communication
Tindakan dan Komunikasi Public RelationsAbdau Qur'aniDokumen tersebut membahas tentang tindakan public relations dan komunikasi organisasi, termasuk definisi, strategi, dan contoh kasus respons organisasi terhadap keluhan masyarakat. Dokumen ini juga membahas mengenai publisitas sebagai salah satu teknik public relations, termasuk definisi, fungsi, prinsip, dan dampaknya bagi organisasi.
Radio journalismjlynners11Radio journalism has evolved significantly since the first radio broadcast in 1920. It grew rapidly during World Wars 1 and 2 due to its ability to quickly distribute news and information (paragraphs 1-3). Television began siphoning radio's audience in the 1950s, forcing radio to reinvent itself through new formats and technologies (paragraphs 4-6). Satellite delivery of programming in the 1980s and deregulation in the 1990s led to further changes, including consolidation of ownership (paragraphs 7-8). Today, radio remains popular for mobile listening, and new technologies may bring more changes (paragraphs 9-11).
Presentation on DATA COMMUNICATION by Cj SubhamSubham MojumdarData Communication Topic for 5th semester ETC branch.
SKDAV Govt. Polytechnic, Rourkela
(i) Introduction
(ii) Basic Parts of Data Communication
(iii)Data Transmission Types
(iv)Types of Serial Data Transmission
(v)Data Transmission Modes
Fundamental of communicationTenneti SaiprasadThis document defines communication and describes the fundamental elements and processes of communication. It discusses forms of communication including oral, written, and nonverbal communication. The basic elements of the communication process are identified as the sender, encoding, medium, decoding, receiver, feedback, and noise. Vertical, horizontal, and lateral communication flows in organizations are explained. Potential barriers to effective communication are outlined, including sender and receiver factors, cultural diversity, information overload, and perception differences. Strategies to make communication more effective include knowing your subject, focusing on purpose, knowing your audience, and being organized. Nonverbal communication skills are important for decoding emotional messages through paralanguage, kinesics, eye contact, touch, and physical distance.
1. introduction data commHumayoun KabirThis document provides an introduction to data communication. It discusses key topics such as:
- Data communication involves the exchange of data between devices via transmission media.
- Common transmission modes include simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex.
- Communication channels include narrowband, voice band, and broadband channels.
- Computer networks allow simultaneous access to shared data and devices from multiple nodes.
Effective public relations and media strategyBilal MuhammadThe document provides an overview of the textbook "Effective Public Relations and Media Strategy" by Dr. C.V. Narismaha Reddi, who is considered the father of modern public relations in India. The book is a textbook for public relations that covers topics such as what public relations is, the public relations process, media relations, crisis management, corporate public relations, celebrity public relations, and public relations for non-governmental organizations. It includes case studies from the Indian corporate sector and is written in a way that is easy to understand.
Introduction to communicationDr Shafayat MalikCommunication is the process of exchanging information between individuals or groups. There are several types of communication discussed in the document. Inter-personal communication occurs between two people through both verbal and non-verbal means. Group communication takes place between three or more individuals who see themselves as part of a group. Public communication is more formal and occurs when one person addresses an audience. Mass communication uses various media to deliver information to a large, diverse audience.
Advertising agencies in pakistanNEO NEWS NETWORKThe advertising industry in Pakistan was in a poor state after independence in 1947 as major advertising hubs in India became part of India. The first local advertising agency, Wilintas International Karachi, was established and several international agencies later opened Pakistan offices. While local agencies struggled with limited resources, international agencies dominated the market. After 1950, many new local agencies were established but international agencies closed in 1955 due to policies, benefiting local agencies. Now there are over 100 agencies in Pakistan, most with branches across major cities. The future of advertising agencies in Pakistan is promising but they must adapt to changing global trends.
Mehamai Bidang bidang komunikasiErwin RasyidMateri ini disampaikan pada Mata Kuliah Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi | Program Studi Komunikasi | Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Pr consultanciesGomala SukumaranThis document discusses public relations consultancies and their role. It notes that PR consultancies have grown significantly since the 1980s and now offer full PR services rather than just specialist help. Consultancies act as both advisers, providing expert opinion, and agents, handling PR strategies and tactics on behalf of clients. They can take on various levels of involvement from acting as the PR department to providing specialized support. Using consultancies provides flexibility but also comes with less long-term commitment than an in-house PR team.
Forms of CommunicationWe Learn - A Continuous Learning Forum from Welingkar's Distance Learning Program.There are different forms of communication and a particular form of communication is determined on the basis of the audience to whom we plan to communicate. So, it’s important to understand these various forms in order to hone one’s communication skills.
For more such innovative content on management studies, join WeSchool PGDM-DLP Program:
Public relation ppt A AThe document discusses public relations, including its definition, objectives, tools, and importance. Some key points include:
- Public relations involves managing communication between an organization and its key audiences to build favorable relationships. It aims to influence perception through earned media rather than paid advertising.
- Objectives of PR include building product awareness, creating interest, and informing the public. Tools include media relations, social media, brochures, events, and newsletters.
- PR is important for building a brand image, capitalizing on opportunities, promoting brand values, and strengthening community relations. It provides credibility through third-party endorsement.
CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONMakaha RutendoCorporate communication is a set of activities involved in managing and orchestrating all internal and external communications aimed at creating favorable point of view among stakeholders on which the company depends.
Lect1 IntroHafidz HussinThe document lists the importance of various competencies in making hiring decisions. Oral communication, self-motivation, and problem-solving were ranked as the top three most important competencies, followed by decision-making, teamwork, leadership, and work experience. Other important competencies included written communication, time management, human relations, creativity, academic performance, and multilingual ability.
Communicationsadeenedian08The document defines communication as the transmission of information from one person to another through various means such as speech, writing, or signs. It describes the basic process of communication as having 4 key components - encoding by the sender, transmission through a medium, decoding by the receiver, and feedback from the receiver to the sender. Verbal communication involves spoken or written language while non-verbal communication relies on body language, gestures, facial expressions and other symbolic signs to convey information.
Brief guide to corporate marketing communications tacticsNina GadThis document provides a guide to developing an integrated marketing communication strategy. It outlines the key internal and external communication channels a company should utilize to build their corporate brand, create awareness, engage customers, and ensure employees represent the brand consistently. These channels include sponsorships, PR, corporate social responsibility, events, intranet activations, newsletters, and digital platforms like social media, websites and email marketing. The communication strategy is meant to position the company's brand, engage customers and answer why they should be chosen.
The Fundamentals of CommunicationDawn BartzThe document discusses the fundamentals of communication. It defines communication as the process of generating meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages. It then outlines the key components of communication, including the channel, feedback, encoding, decoding, noise, and context. Finally, it identifies different types of communication such as intrapersonal, interpersonal, public, mass communication, and digital communication. Effective communication requires a clear message to be sent and received with understanding between participants.
Role of new media in corporate communicationDr. Shalini PandeyNew media, role of new media, corporate communication, new media and corporate communication, role of new media in corporate communication
Tindakan dan Komunikasi Public RelationsAbdau Qur'aniDokumen tersebut membahas tentang tindakan public relations dan komunikasi organisasi, termasuk definisi, strategi, dan contoh kasus respons organisasi terhadap keluhan masyarakat. Dokumen ini juga membahas mengenai publisitas sebagai salah satu teknik public relations, termasuk definisi, fungsi, prinsip, dan dampaknya bagi organisasi.
Radio journalismjlynners11Radio journalism has evolved significantly since the first radio broadcast in 1920. It grew rapidly during World Wars 1 and 2 due to its ability to quickly distribute news and information (paragraphs 1-3). Television began siphoning radio's audience in the 1950s, forcing radio to reinvent itself through new formats and technologies (paragraphs 4-6). Satellite delivery of programming in the 1980s and deregulation in the 1990s led to further changes, including consolidation of ownership (paragraphs 7-8). Today, radio remains popular for mobile listening, and new technologies may bring more changes (paragraphs 9-11).
Presentation on DATA COMMUNICATION by Cj SubhamSubham MojumdarData Communication Topic for 5th semester ETC branch.
SKDAV Govt. Polytechnic, Rourkela
(i) Introduction
(ii) Basic Parts of Data Communication
(iii)Data Transmission Types
(iv)Types of Serial Data Transmission
(v)Data Transmission Modes
Fundamental of communicationTenneti SaiprasadThis document defines communication and describes the fundamental elements and processes of communication. It discusses forms of communication including oral, written, and nonverbal communication. The basic elements of the communication process are identified as the sender, encoding, medium, decoding, receiver, feedback, and noise. Vertical, horizontal, and lateral communication flows in organizations are explained. Potential barriers to effective communication are outlined, including sender and receiver factors, cultural diversity, information overload, and perception differences. Strategies to make communication more effective include knowing your subject, focusing on purpose, knowing your audience, and being organized. Nonverbal communication skills are important for decoding emotional messages through paralanguage, kinesics, eye contact, touch, and physical distance.
1. introduction data commHumayoun KabirThis document provides an introduction to data communication. It discusses key topics such as:
- Data communication involves the exchange of data between devices via transmission media.
- Common transmission modes include simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex.
- Communication channels include narrowband, voice band, and broadband channels.
- Computer networks allow simultaneous access to shared data and devices from multiple nodes.
Effective public relations and media strategyBilal MuhammadThe document provides an overview of the textbook "Effective Public Relations and Media Strategy" by Dr. C.V. Narismaha Reddi, who is considered the father of modern public relations in India. The book is a textbook for public relations that covers topics such as what public relations is, the public relations process, media relations, crisis management, corporate public relations, celebrity public relations, and public relations for non-governmental organizations. It includes case studies from the Indian corporate sector and is written in a way that is easy to understand.
Introduction to communicationDr Shafayat MalikCommunication is the process of exchanging information between individuals or groups. There are several types of communication discussed in the document. Inter-personal communication occurs between two people through both verbal and non-verbal means. Group communication takes place between three or more individuals who see themselves as part of a group. Public communication is more formal and occurs when one person addresses an audience. Mass communication uses various media to deliver information to a large, diverse audience.
Advertising agencies in pakistanNEO NEWS NETWORKThe advertising industry in Pakistan was in a poor state after independence in 1947 as major advertising hubs in India became part of India. The first local advertising agency, Wilintas International Karachi, was established and several international agencies later opened Pakistan offices. While local agencies struggled with limited resources, international agencies dominated the market. After 1950, many new local agencies were established but international agencies closed in 1955 due to policies, benefiting local agencies. Now there are over 100 agencies in Pakistan, most with branches across major cities. The future of advertising agencies in Pakistan is promising but they must adapt to changing global trends.
Mehamai Bidang bidang komunikasiErwin RasyidMateri ini disampaikan pada Mata Kuliah Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi | Program Studi Komunikasi | Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Pr consultanciesGomala SukumaranThis document discusses public relations consultancies and their role. It notes that PR consultancies have grown significantly since the 1980s and now offer full PR services rather than just specialist help. Consultancies act as both advisers, providing expert opinion, and agents, handling PR strategies and tactics on behalf of clients. They can take on various levels of involvement from acting as the PR department to providing specialized support. Using consultancies provides flexibility but also comes with less long-term commitment than an in-house PR team.
Forms of CommunicationWe Learn - A Continuous Learning Forum from Welingkar's Distance Learning Program.There are different forms of communication and a particular form of communication is determined on the basis of the audience to whom we plan to communicate. So, it’s important to understand these various forms in order to hone one’s communication skills.
For more such innovative content on management studies, join WeSchool PGDM-DLP Program:
KBS 공영방송의 이해 강좌 최종결과보고서 (2 jan 2014)Han Woo PARKKBS 방송문화연구소는 공영방송 강좌 지원 사업 협약식을 가졌다. 이에 따라 해당 대학 학생이 공영방송을 주제로 한 3학점 정규 강의를 수강한다.
이날 KBS 방송문화연구소는 청년세대들에게 공영방송의 가치를 공유하고 보다 적극적인 수용자를 육성하기 위해 관련 강좌들을 지원하기로 했다.
100313 제2회블로그네트워크포럼 1 1 정지훈 트위터 페이스북뜨고블로그는진다?TNM Media정지훈
우리들병원 생명과학기술연구소장.
파워블로그 ‘하이컨셉&하이터치(’ 운영자
한양대학교 의과대학 졸업
서울대학교 보건대학원 석사
미국 남가주대학(USC) 의공학 박사
Public relations strategy chapter 1 intro to pr커뮤니케이션북스(주) Here are some potential PR plans and programs KT&G could implement:
- Launch a CSR campaign to promote their social contribution activities to improve public perception.
- Partner with public health organizations on smoking prevention programs to demonstrate their commitment to public health.
- Diversify their marketing communications to showcase their other business areas beyond cigarettes.
- Conduct market research to better understand customer and public opinions to guide strategy.
- Engage in transparent policy advocacy on tobacco regulations while promoting harm reduction products.
- Implement a internal CSR program to motivate employees as ambassadors of the company's efforts.
The goal is to shift public discussion away from just cigarettes and towards KT&G's broader activities and efforts to be
2. 학습 목표
1 커뮤니케이션의 정의와 유형 및 기본 구성요인
2 매스 커뮤니케이션의 정의와 특징
3 매스 미디어의 범위, 특성 및 기능
4 매스 미디어 환경의 변화와 함의
3. 1. 커뮤니케이션의 본질
1) 커뮤니케이션 과정
커뮤니케이션이란 : 송신자 - 수신자 간 정보교환 과정
커뮤니케이션의 기본 요소
송신자 메시지를 부호화해서 수신자에게 보냄
부호화 메시지를 인간의 감각기관에 의해서 인지될 수 있도록 전환
채널 메시지 전달에 이용되는 전송체계
해독 수신자가 송신자의 생각과 아이디어(메시지)를 인지하는 과정
피드백 송신자에게 받은 메시지에 대한 수신자의 반응
잡음 메시지의 송수신을 방해하거나 간섭하는 것
4. 1. 커뮤니케이션의 본질
슈람의 SMCR(Source-Message-Channel-Receiver) 모델과 잡음
의미적 잡음 :
수신자가 메시지의 내용이나
단어를 제대로 해석하지 못할
채널 잡음 : 경우에 발생
일어나는 외부 간섭
부호화 해독
(Encoding) (Decoding)
송신자 메시지 채널 수신자
(Source) (Message) (Channel) (Receiver)
심리적 잡음 :
피드백 커뮤니케이션 과정에서
(feedback) 오해로 이끌 수 있는
내부 요인
5. 1. 커뮤니케이션의 본질
2) 커뮤니케이션의 유형
커뮤니케이션 참여자의 수에 의한 분류
① 인간 내 커뮤니케이션 : 개인 내부의 커뮤니케이션
② 대인 커뮤니케이션 : 2인간 의사소통
③ 집단 커뮤니케이션 : 3인 이상 집단 내 의사소통(소집단 – 12명 미만, 대집단 – 12명 이상)
④ 조직 커뮤니케이션 : 구조화된 조직 내 커뮤니케이션
⑤ 매스 커뮤니케이션 : 매스 미디어를 이용한 커뮤니케이션
커뮤니케이션 방향성에 의한 분류
① 일방향(one-way) 커뮤니케이션 : 송신자 → 수신자
② 양방향(two-way) 커뮤니케이션 : 송신자 ↔ 수신자
③ 상호작용적 커뮤니케이션 : 송신자 ↔ 수신자, 실시간 피드백이 가능
6. 1. 커뮤니케이션의 본질
3) 매스 커뮤니케이션의 특징
라스웰 모델
송신자 채널/ 매체 수신자
(Sender/ Source) (Channel/ Media) (Reciever)
메시지 영향
(Message) (Impact)
라스웰 모델에 따른 매스 커뮤니케이션 예시
인쇄시설, 종이,
일간 신문 독자
정부 비판 정부 정책 불신
7. 2. 매스 미디어의 범위, 특성과 기능
1) 매스미디어의 중요성
매체 이용의 일반성
① TV : 가구당 수상기 1.6대, 평일 평균 시청시간 2.9시간, 일/공휴일 4시간 육박
② 케이블/ 위성방송 : 케이블 가입자 1522만(2010년 6월), 직접 위성방송 가입 250만 세대
③ 인터넷 : 16 ~ 74세 2008년 기준 77%으로, G20 국가 중 1위
④ 신문 : 국민 46.4% 이상 신문 구독(2010년), 열독시간은 하루 평균 15분
⑤ 라디오 : 하루 평균 라디오 청취시간 55분(평일)
매체의 사회적 중요성 : 현실의 사회적 구성
매스미디어는 외부 세상을 거울처럼 객관적으로 반영하기보다는 어떤 가치, 이념적 틀(frame),
문화적 원칙 등에 따라 세상의 성격을 구성하고 해석하는 데 중심적인 역할을 담당
8. 2. 매스 미디어의 범위, 특성과 기능
2) 매스미디어의 범위와 주요 특성
호소 유형에 따른 특성
① 인쇄 매체 : 시각에 호소
② 라디오 : 청각에 호소
③ 전통적 영상매체(TV, 영화 등) : 시각과 청각에 호소
④ 인터넷 : 시각과 청각에 호소, 실시간 피드백 가능
도달 범위에 따른 특성
① 전통적 매스 미디어(지상파 TV/ 라디오, 신문(중앙 일간지), 책, 영화 등) : 전국 대중
② 지방 신문 : 지역 주민
③ 케이블 TV : 세분화/ 전문화된 대중
④ 인터넷 : 글로벌 시민
분배 방식에 따른 특성
① 인쇄 매체 : 동일 내용의 복제품 생산
② 라디오/ TV : 전통적으로 메시지 복제하지 않음
9. 2. 매스 미디어의 범위, 특성과 기능
메시지 포맷에 따른 특성
① 책 : 픽션, 논픽션, 전기, 과학픽션, 참고서 등
② 영화 : 공포, 코미디, 미스터리, 액션과 모험, 멜로 등
③ 잡지 : 남성, 여성, 패션, 시사 등
④ TV : 멜로드라마, 시트콤, 역사극, 게임 쇼, 뉴스, 대담과 토론, 자연다큐멘터리 등
* 동일한 테마의 반복 : 상업적 인기는 특정 테마의 포맷을 장르에 따라 변환하기도 함
예) 영화 스타워즈 → TV 시리즈 → 소설
다양한 매스 미디어의 공통 분모
: 모든 매스 미디어는 시간 혹은 지면을 팔아 수익을 냄
① TV : 광고주에게 광고 시간을 판매
② 신문/ 잡지 : 광고주에게 지면을 판매
③ 포털 사이트 및 기타 인터넷 : 인터넷 공간 판매
* 기본적으로 매스 미디어는 비즈니스를 계속하기 위해 광고주에게 수용자를 전달함
11. 2. 매스 미디어의 범위, 특성과 기능
3) 매스미디어의 사회적 기능
환경 감시 기능
01 : 사회에서 어떠한 일들이 일어나고 있는지를 추적
02 해석 혹은 상관조정 기능
: 사건들을 연결하고 해석하여 대중에게 어떠한 의미를 주는지를 알려줌
03 가치 전수 또는 사회화 기능
: 후속 세대에게 문화적 유산을 전수함으로써 한 사회를 유지함
04 오락 기능
: 대중의 기호를 만족시키고 생활에 활력을 불어 넣어 줌
12. 3. 매스 미디어 환경의 변화
★ 바란(Baran)의 견해
다국적 기업들에 의한 미디어 소유 집중
이익창출의 극대화를 위한 세계화
미디어 환경 지나친 경쟁에서 촉발된 과다 상업주의화
수용자 선택 증가에 힘입은 수용자 세분화
기술 발전에 의한 미디어 융합
14. 3. 매스 미디어 환경의 변화
소유의 집중
① 1990년대 초반부터 불어 닥치기 시작한 미디어 회사들의 인수와 합병은 결과적으로 거대한
초국적 혹은 다국적 복합기업들에 의한 소유 집중 현상 초래
② 복합기업에 의한 과점 현상은 수익 증진에 더 많은 관심을 초점을 둘 가능성 초래
③ 이에 따라 의견과 관점의 다양성이 제한됨으로써 민주주의 발전에 도움을 주지 못할 위험성
① 소수의 거대 초국적 복합기업들이 경쟁적 환경에서 최대한의 이익을 창출하기 위해 전 세계를 단일
시장으로 만들 필요
② 세계화 찬성 : 초국적 기업들이 수익을 위해 지역별이나 국가별로 고유한 문화, 사회적 가치와 관습들
을 존속하는 데 노력할 것이라고 생각
③ 세계화 비판 : 경제적 종속과 함께 문화식민지에 대한 심각한 우려
15. 3. 매스 미디어 환경의 변화
과다 상업주의화
① 최근 신문이나 방송에서 광고량이 증가추세에 있다는 사실은 지나친 상업주의화를 단적으로 보여줌
② 방송의 간접광고처럼 프로그램 속에 상업적 내용의 혼재가 늘어나고 있는 현상은 많은 사람들에게
고통을 주기도 함(특히 지각능력이 떨어지는 청소년들에 유해한 영향을 미칠 수 있음)
③ 다양한 미디어 분배망들의 출현과 더욱 세분화되는 수용자에 도달하는 데 소요되는 비용은
상업주의화의 심화를 초래
수용자 세분화
① 기술의 발달에 따라 특정 계층에 호소하려는 수많은 매체와 채널이 등장하면서 수용자는 과거와
비교할 수 없을 만큼 많은 선택권을 가지게 됨
② 수용자가 세분화되면서 광고주들을 끌어들이기 위해 각 매체와 채널은 보다 특정 집단의 사람들을
찾아야만 함 → 협송, 틈새 마케팅, 혹은 표적화
③ 수용자가 취향 공중으로 변해갈수록, 통일되고 획일적이었던 대중문화에는 많은 변화가 일어날
것으로 전망됨
16. 3. 매스 미디어 환경의 변화
미디어 융합
① 기술적 융합을 통해 미디어 간의 경계가 무너짐
② 가능한 많은 전송채널을 이용함으로써 동일한 제작물을 최대한 활용하여 최고의 수익을 창출하려는
강한 동기를 가지게 됨(one-source, multi-use)
③ 미디어 간 경쟁이 날로 심화되고 있는 현실에서 거대한 전체 수용자에게 도달하기가 점차 어렵다는
사실을 알고 있는 기업들은 여러 미디어를 통해 세분화된 수용자들에게 도달하려고 함
미디어 환경 변화로 인한 결과
① 미디어 환경의 변화는 수용자에게 정보와 엔터테인먼트를 개별적으로 결합하는 힘, 선택하는 힘,
거부하는 힘 등을 더 많이 부여할 수 있게 됨
② 소수 복합기업들의 소유 집중과 미디어의 혼합은 매스 커뮤니케이션 과정에서 힘의 균형을 기업
쪽으로 기울게 하면서 수용자 구성원에게 불리하게 작용할 수 있는 문제점이 남아 있음
17. 생각할 문제
1. 현대사회에서 매스미디어가 없다면 우리의 일상생활은 어떻게 변할 것인가?
2. 매스미디어는 우리 사회가 발전하는 데 제 역할과 기능을 하고 있는가? ;
만약 그렇지 않다면 우리는 어떠한 행동을 할 수 있는가?
3. 자신은 매스미디어에 의해서 어떠한 영향을 받았다고 생각하는가? ;
또한 다른 사람들에게 미치는 영향은 어느 정도라고 여기는가?
4. 정보화 시대에 매스미디어가 올바른 역할과 기능을 발휘하기 위해서 소비자인 우리와
전문종사자들은 각각 어떠한 역할을 해야 하는가?
5. 새로운 형식의 커뮤니케이션 기술은 어떠한 잠재력을 가지고 있으며 이와 동시에
제기되는 위협은 무엇인가?