The document provides information about Malaysia's participation in the GITEX Technology Week 2012 trade fair in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from October 14-18, 2012. It outlines the details of the event, terms of participation for Malaysian companies, and application process and deadlines. MATRADE will cover space rental, stand construction, basic furnishings, and promotion for participating Malaysian companies, which pay an 8,000 RM fee. Applications from Malaysian ICT companies are due by May 18, 2012. The document also lists financial support programs available for eligible Malaysian SME exhibitors.
This document is a master's thesis that examines how management consulting firms effectively market and sell their services. It also aims to discover differences between large and small consulting firms. The author thanks various individuals who provided support and guidance during the thesis process. A literature review covers theories on transitioning from transactional to relationship marketing and the relationship lifecycle model. The study involved interviews and a questionnaire sent to 25 consulting firms to analyze their marketing methods and the factors influencing their choices. The results supported the theories and found relationship-based marketing is more important for less standardized services, while recommendations and references were the most effective marketing tools. Differences between large and small firms were found to be less significant than their similarities.
The document provides information about Malaysia's participation in the GITEX Technology Week 2012 trade fair in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from October 14-18, 2012. It outlines the details of the event, terms of participation for Malaysian companies, and application process and deadlines. MATRADE will cover space rental, stand construction, basic furnishings, and promotion for participating Malaysian companies, which pay an 8,000 RM fee. Applications from Malaysian ICT companies are due by May 18, 2012. The document also lists financial support programs available for eligible Malaysian SME exhibitors.
This document is a master's thesis that examines how management consulting firms effectively market and sell their services. It also aims to discover differences between large and small consulting firms. The author thanks various individuals who provided support and guidance during the thesis process. A literature review covers theories on transitioning from transactional to relationship marketing and the relationship lifecycle model. The study involved interviews and a questionnaire sent to 25 consulting firms to analyze their marketing methods and the factors influencing their choices. The results supported the theories and found relationship-based marketing is more important for less standardized services, while recommendations and references were the most effective marketing tools. Differences between large and small firms were found to be less significant than their similarities.
This document summarizes observations from a conference held 20 years after the Bhopal disaster in India. The conference discussed progress in resolving the tragedy and advancing process safety. While safety has improved worldwide since 1984, the contaminated Bhopal plant site has seen little progress in decommissioning. Hazardous chemicals remain poorly stored, though mitigation recently started. The lesson is that we must ensure chemical accidents are properly concluded and do not further endanger public health.
The document provides instructions for candidates applying for admission to Ramjas College for the 2011-2012 academic year. It lists the following key points:
1. Candidates must bring original certificates and documents for verification.
2. Minimum cut-off percentages for admission to different streams are provided.
3. Criteria for calculating aggregate percentages based on best of four subjects is explained.
4. Contact information for grievance redressal is listed.
This presentation provides an overview and introduction to the FYE 101-First Year Experience course taught online. The instructor, Mary Jo Davis, outlines the course objectives, topics, assignments, policies, and expectations. Over the course of 8 weeks, students will participate in discussions, reflections, group work, and individual assignments to help acclimate to university life and resources, examine goals and career paths, and develop skills for academic success. Students are encouraged to contact the instructor or refer to the syllabus for any additional questions.
The document discusses science communication and open-mindedness. It quotes Lawrence Krauss saying that open-mindedness means allowing our beliefs to conform to reality rather than reality conforming to our beliefs. It also includes multiple citations and links to images on Flickr related to science communication.
1. This document outlines strategies for using social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogs for music content creation and community management. It discusses setting up profiles, posting engaging content, and interacting with fans.
2. Specific tips include customizing Facebook pages, using hashtags on Twitter, growing a YouTube channel, selecting useful Wordpress plugins, and sharing relevant content and exclusives with fans while maintaining a consistent brand presence across platforms.
3. Interacting daily, answering fans' questions, and engaging with them in real-time is emphasized over just self-promotion to build loyal communities and measure success through real-world metrics like downloads, sales and live attendance.
1) Autopsies of victims found severe pulmonary edema and a "cherry red" discoloration of the lungs. Microscopic analysis showed damage to the trachea and lungs, including thickened alveolar septa and fluid-filled alveoli.
2) Further autopsies over subsequent years found progressive pulmonary fibrosis and right heart failure. Later autopsies showed more organized fibrosis in the lungs.
3) The study resolved several issues around the progression of injuries from the gas leak and confirmed exposure to multiple toxic chemicals including methyl isocyanate and hydrogen cyanide.
Authentic Venture developed tracking and asset management solutions using .NET and Azure to help companies manage IT assets and boost productivity. Their AsseTrax solution allows users to track stolen laptops, while their IT asset management application helps firms inventory software licenses and hardware. Authentic Venture also created eTrax to monitor employee internet usage and reduce unproductive time. Moving their applications to SaaS models on Azure provided benefits like lower costs and easier maintenance over on-premises options.
This document appears to be a collection of disjointed notes and messages that do not form a coherent whole. It includes an apology for taking a budget, mentions of cheap costs, company and people's names, and various topics but lacks context and a clear overall purpose or narrative.
Spencer Ogden is an energy recruitment specialist firm with expertise in oil and gas, nuclear, renewables, and other energy sectors. They represent energy professionals at all levels and recruit both nationally and internationally for clients. As the energy sector undergoes rapid changes, Spencer Ogden approaches skills shortages by thinking across sectors and facilitating clients' and candidates' changing needs.
Tech 2.0: Tech Tips to Boost Office ProductivityJohn Chen
The document discusses technology tips to boost office productivity. It outlines tools for collaboration using mobile devices, virtual sharing, personal teleconferencing, and sharing content. Popular tools mentioned include Evernote, Google Apps, Trello, Basecamp, Dropbox, Join.Me, and Doodle. The presenters encourage living in the cloud, using cross-platform and cross-device tools that have low or no cost. They invite attendees to a follow-up deep dive session and provide contact information.
This document provides definitions and explanations of culinary terms. It discusses culinary art and the levels of skills and experience in the food industry. It explains why chefs wear certain items of clothing and protective gear like scarves, aprons, chef shoes, and chef caps. It also defines general kitchen layout, the aims and objectives of cooking, causes of distractions and haste in the kitchen, and the importance of following safety procedures and maintaining personal grooming and hygiene. Finally, it discusses cooking materials, food constituents, stages of cooking sugar, effects of heat on proteins and fats, and defines various culinary terms like raising agents, gluten, and types of yeast.
The document provides an overview and market analysis of Callture's cloud-based business phone service. It summarizes that the global IP PBX market is predicted to reach $9.05 billion by 2015. Callture positions itself as a cloud-based phone service provider that offers fully integrated and automated service at all-inclusive low pricing, targeting small and medium enterprises. The document outlines Callture's services and competitive advantages over traditional on-premise phone systems, such as lower total cost of ownership, centralized management, scalability, and redundancy.
How Twitter Saved My Life; Not Really, but Maybe?John Chen
My Ignite session for ASAE's annual conference, August 6-10 in St. Louis. The presentation is my story of how I used Twitter to save my life. It's really about turning online relationships into offline friends and networks.
The Youtube video of this presentation is available after the last slide.
The document discusses the evolution of computer systems used in manufacturing from early reorder point systems to more advanced modern systems like MRP, JIT, and MRP II. A manufacturing information system is defined as a computer-based system that works with other functional systems to support management in solving manufacturing problems. It consists of input subsystems, output subsystems, and users.
The Marzoni Casual Collection for 2011 features a variety of casual clothing styles. The collection includes t-shirts, jeans, shorts, and casual dresses available in cotton, linen, and other breathable fabrics suited for warm weather. Colors for the season are bright and vibrant with an emphasis on blues, greens, and yellows to capture the feeling of summer.
The document outlines the Go Global ASEAN project which aims to help companies expand their ICT business to markets in Southeast Asia. It provides details on coaching and market access programs in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Bangladesh. Scheduled activities from January to September 2012 are listed and include trade missions, forums, and sales and marketing missions to the target countries. Brief country facts are also provided on population, education, economic growth, internet/mobile users, and the business environment for foreign companies.
This document summarizes Facebook's Data Freeway and Puma systems for real-time analytics. Data Freeway is a scalable data streaming framework that includes components like Scribe, Calligraphus, and Continuous Copier to reliably stream data at high throughput with low latency. Puma is Facebook's real-time aggregation engine that uses Data Freeway to perform aggregations on streaming data as it arrives and store results in HBase, enabling real-time queries with latency of only seconds. It was improved from initial versions Puma2 and Puma3 by supporting more complex aggregations and queries.
Building Mission Critical Messaging System On Top Of HBase
Facebook chose HBase as the storage system for its messaging platform due to HBase's high write throughput, good random read performance, horizontal scalability, and automatic failover. Facebook stores messages, metadata, and search indices in HBase. To improve performance and reliability, Facebook developed the system on a production-stabilized branch of HBase, used shadow testing, added extensive monitoring, and contributed improvements back to the HBase community.
3. ĵƣHadoop ѡ
ʵ (facebook,cloudera
HADOOP-1700 Ϊ 2008-07-24 ύ 2 bug fix
HDFS-265 Ϊ 2010-05-21 ύĵϲ 0.21.0
0.21.0 ð汾Ϊȶ releaseδʹã˴ݸı䣬
䲢ܱ汾õ hbase ݲѡ hadoop 0.21.0
ѡ cdh3b2 йܲԣҪ append/sync ܵʵ״
¼ɲóۣ HADOOP-1700 append/sync ʵֿ
ǶԱ cdh3b2 0.20-append, Ա汾
ַ֧棬0.20-append Ҫ facebook ƶ CDH3b2 cloudera
DZȽ cdh3b2 0.20-append ڹϵIJ汾ҪܺͲõ
patch ϴͬС졣±жԱ汾е patch
Cdh3 0.20-append
ȶ [HDFS-1056] - Multi-node RPC deadlocks during HDFS-1258 Clearing namespace quota on
block recovery "/" corrupts fs image.
[HDFS-1122] - client block verification may result HDFS-955 New implementation of
in blocks in DataBlockScanner prematurely saveNamespace() to avoid loss of edits
[HDFS-1197] - Blocks are considered "complete"
prematurely after commitBlockSynchronization or
DN restart
[HDFS-1186] - 0.20: DNs should interrupt writers at
start of recovery
[HDFS-1218] - 20 append: Blocks recovered on
startup should be treated with lower priority during
block synchronization
[HDFS-1260] - 0.20: Block lost when multiple DNs
trying to recover it to different genstamps
[HDFS-127] - DFSClient block read failures cause
open DFSInputStream to become unusable
[HDFS-686] - NullPointerException is thrown while
merging edit log and image
[HDFS-915] - Hung DN stalls write pipeline for far
longer than its timeout
[HADOOP-6269] - Missing synchronization for
defaultResources in Configuration.addResource
[HADOOP-6460] - Namenode runs of out of
memory due to memory leak in ipc Server
[HADOOP-6667] - RPC.waitForProxy should retry
through NoRouteToHostException
[HADOOP-6722] - NetUtils.connect should check
that it hasn't connected a socket to itself
4. ĵƣHadoop ѡ
[HADOOP-6723] - unchecked exceptions thrown in
IPC Connection orphan clients
[HADOOP-6724] - IPC doesn't properly handle
IOEs thrown by socket factory
[HADOOP-6762] - exception while doing RPC I/O
closes channel
[HADOOP-2366] - Space in the value for can cause great problems
[HADOOP-4885] - Try to restore failed replicas of
Name Node storage (at checkpoint time)
[HDFS-142] - In 0.20, move blocks being written
into a blocksBeingWritten directory
[HDFS-611] - Heartbeats times from Datanodes
increase when there are plenty of blocks to delete
[HDFS-895] - Allow hflush/sync to occur in parallel
with new writes to the file
[HDFS-877] - Client-driven block verification not
[HDFS-894] - DatanodeID.ipcPort is not updated
when existing node re-registers
[HADOOP-4655] - FileSystem.CACHE should be HDFS-1041
ref-counted DFSClient.getFileChecksum(..) should
retry if connection to
HDFS-927 DFSInputStream retries too
many times for new block locations
Misc [HDFS-1161] - Make DN minimum valid volumes HADOOP-6637 Benchmark for
configurable establishing RPC session. (shv)
[HDFS-1209] - Add conf HADOOP-6760 WebServer shouldn't
dfs.client.block.recovery.retries to configure number increase port number in case of negative
of block recovery attempts
[HDFS-455] - Make NN and DN handle in a
intuitive way comma-separated configuration strings
[HDFS-528] - Add ability for safemode to wait for a
minimum number of live datanodes
[HADOOP-1849] - IPC server max queue size
should be configurable
[HADOOP-4675] - Current Ganglia metrics
implementation is incompatible with Ganglia 3.1
[HADOOP-4829] - Allow FileSystem shutdown
hook to be disabled
[HADOOP-5257] - Export namenode/datanode
functionality through a pluggable RPC layer
5. ĵƣHadoop ѡ
[HADOOP-5450] - Add support for
application-specific typecodes to typed bytes
[HADOOP-5891] - If dfs.http.address is default,
SecondaryNameNode can't find NameNode
ϱDzѷ֣CDH3b2 0.20-append ˸ȶԸĽ append
ܵ bug fix 0.20-append еһЩ patchҲ˺ҪĸĽǵĿ
Ƽáԣѡ cdh3b2 Ϊ߰汾 0.20-append
patchڽ merge
ѡ汾ܹ֧ append/sync ܣ CDH3b2 0.20.0 C append
汾ǻԽȶ hadoop 0.20.2 hadoop 0.21.0 һµĴ汾 .0
Ϊȶ release δʹúͲԣѡ CDH3b2 0.20.0 C
CDH3b2 0.20.0 C append 汾ıȽУCDH3b2 0.20.0-append
ϵͳȶԺ append ֧֣ӵиĸĽѡ CDH3b2 Ϊ
߰汾 0.20-append 6 patchǻᰴաȶ--ܡ
˳ڽ merge
ѡ CDH3b2 Ϊ for hbase Ļ߰汾
6. ĵƣHadoop ѡ
append Ϊٷṩ append unit test Mini cluster вԡΪ֤
append/sync ʵʼȺ״Ⱥ append/sync ܲ
TestFileAppend Уcase ͨ
FileAppend:Ҫ sync append ܵļ
FileAppend2: Ҫ sync append ܵļ
ģ̶߳Զļ append
д io.bytes.per.checksum
д루 2 io.bytes.per.checksum
FileAppend3 Ҫ sync append ܵķϳԡҪ֤
checksum 龰ȷԡ
7. ĵƣHadoop ѡ
д 1 block
Close ļ
Append ʽļ
д 0.5 block
ȡ 1.5 block ֤ļ
дļ 1.5 block
д 1/4 block
1.75 block ֤ļ
clientA ļ
clientA д
clientA close ļ
clientA append ļ
client append ļڴ
close ļ
ʹһ datanode Ŀ corrupt
append ļ
close ļ
д 25687B
close ļ
append ļ
д 5877B
close ļ
[ע] hdfs ÿ io.bytes.per.checksum(ĬΪ 512)һ checksum case
֤ checksum ʱappend ǷЧ
FileAppend4 Ҫ sync append ܵ fail over