Se dicessi "CQRS+ES"? state gi cercando su wikipedia questo talk 竪 per voi. Introduzione a CQRS ed Event Sourcing per persone che odiano gli acronimi. 100% fluff free.
Intervento tenuto al meeting #programmersinpadua il 15 settembre 2015
1 anno di sviluppo prodotto con un team distribuitomichele franzin
Sviluppare un prodotto con un team distribuito 竪 una sfida non banale sotto molti aspetti: far funzionare bene il team, sviluppare il prodotto, rispettare tempi e budget...
In questo talk vorremmo condividere alcune delle esperienze fatte in un lavoro durato oltre un anno e che ci ha messi pi湛 volte alla prova per raggiungere il risultato promesso.
Intervento tenuto al Tech Meetup Tour di Codemotion il 26 ottobre 2015
Trasformare un'applicazione monolitica in microservices (versione #daje)michele franzin
C'竪 un enorme interesse intorno alle architetture a microservice ... quasi ogni conferenza IT ha una sessione che ne parla.
Una chiara idea dei benefici / insidie che questo approccio porta con s辿 竪 cruciale per adottarlo con successo in un progetto.
In questa presentazione condivido alcune delle esperienze fatte durante lo smantellamento di un'applicazione monolitica in microservices.
Vengono analizzati alcuni dei motivi che giustificano l'adozione di questo tipo di architettura, analizzate alcune delle questioni pi湛 importanti da considerare e rivelo alcuni approcci che hanno avuto successo nella nostra esperienza.
Presentazione tenuta al Codemotion 2016 a Roma.
Nota: Questa 竪 una versione adattata della presentazione, senza effetti e animazioni.
Introduction to CQRS - command and query responsibility segregationAndrew Siemer
A high level introduction to CQRS (command and query responsibility segregation), CQS (command query separation), DDD (domain driven design), DDD-D ...with distributed, and how all those weave together.
The document provides recipes for building CQRS architectures. It begins with an introduction and agenda. Lesson 1 discusses a basic layered architecture, noting its limitations in scalability and evolvability. Lesson 2 introduces n-layered architecture with dependency injection to improve decoupling but it also has scalability issues. Lesson 3 explains the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern, separating read and write operations for improved scalability and flexibility. It provides code examples of implementing CQRS. The document aims to help architects evolve monolithic systems to more scalable and maintainable architectures.
Building scalable application with sql serverChris Adkin
Chris Adkin has 15 years of IT experience and 14 years of experience as a DBA working with various sectors. He has over 10 years of experience with SQL Server from version 2000. He provides his email and Twitter contact information. The document then discusses various topics related to database design and performance including OLTP vs OLAP characteristics, data modeling best practices, indexing strategies, query optimization techniques, and concurrency control methods.
CQRS Design Pattern Presentation (Java).pptxKnoldus Inc.
CQRS is one of the important pattern when querying between microservices. We can use CQRS design pattern in order to avoid complex queries to get rid of inefficient joins. CQRS stands for Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. Basically this pattern separates read and update operations for a database.
This document discusses CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and event sourcing architectures. It begins by introducing the speaker and providing an overview of CQRS and event sourcing. It then contrasts typical N-tier architectures with some limitations around complexity, validation, and auditing. CQRS is presented as a solution to address these limitations by separating reads from writes and using an event sourcing approach. Key aspects of CQRS are explained, including commands, queries, read models, events, aggregates, and event stores. Pros and cons are listed, and then a demo is promised to illustrate the concepts discussed.
This document discusses CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and event sourcing architectures. It begins by introducing the speaker and providing an overview of CQRS and event sourcing. It then contrasts typical N-tier architectures with some limitations around complexity, validation, and auditing. CQRS is presented as a solution to address these limitations by separating reads from writes and using an event sourcing approach. Key aspects of CQRS are explained, including commands, queries, read models, events, aggregates, and event stores. Pros and cons are listed, and then a demo is promised to illustrate the concepts discussed.
Cqrs and Event Sourcing Intro For Developerswojtek_s
The document provides an introduction to CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns. It defines CQRS as separating operations that mutate data from those that query it. Benefits include improved performance, scalability, and team organization. Event Sourcing is described as managing state by appending events rather than altering state, allowing reconstruction of past states. Examples of implementing CQRS evolutionarily are given, from separating commands and queries to using separate models and storage engines. Pros and cons of both patterns are outlined. The document concludes with advice on when and how to apply these patterns.
This document summarizes a presentation about distributed query optimization in SQL Server. It discusses how SQL Server's query optimizer handles queries that span multiple servers by pushing operations like filters, aggregates, and joins to remote data sources when possible. It provides examples of query plans that can and cannot be distributed. It also covers related topics like distributed transactions, double hop authentication, and troubleshooting queries that do not get distributed as expected.
This document provides an overview of JavaScript for enterprise applications. It discusses why JavaScript has a reputation for being weak and dynamic, and responses to common accusations about JavaScript. It also covers JavaScript paradigms like structured programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, and event-driven programming. Additionally, it summarizes Node.js runtime, ES6 features, generators, Ramda.js, communicating sequential processes, Koa.js, PM2 process manager, and building hybrid mobile apps with Cordova.
CQRS recipes or how to cook your architectureThomas Jaskula
The principles of CQRS is very simple. Separate Reads from Writes. Although when you try to implement it in you can face many technical and functional problems. This presentation starts from very simple architecture and while business requirements are added we consider other architecture ending with a CQRS + DDD + ES one.
The document discusses CQRS+ES (Command Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing), an architectural pattern that separates reading and writing data. CQRS divides an application into command and query components, where commands change state without returning data, and queries return data without changing state. Event sourcing records state changes as a sequence of events. The patterns improve scalability by allowing separate optimization of reads and writes. Benefits include reduced complexity, flexibility, testability, and easy integration with external systems through use of events and separation of read and write models and data stores. The document provides an overview of CQRS+ES and its benefits for addressing issues like large read/write imbalances, complex domain logic,
1) CQRS is an architectural pattern that separates read and write operations into different models. This allows for optimized read and write models and behaviors.
2) The basic CQRS architecture involves separating the read and write concerns into different layers - a thin read layer for optimized querying and presentation, a domain model for business logic and validation, and command handlers that process commands to enact changes.
3) CQRS does not require eventual consistency - the read and write models can be kept perfectly consistent through mechanisms like event sourcing that propagate write events to the read models.
When many developers think of Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), they envision separate datastores for reads and writes, linked together by some kind of event-based synchronization mechanism. The reality is that for many domains this is overkill, while for others it still doesnt solve fundamental concurrency issues.
Presented at Conferencia Rails 2010
You probably follow the motto skinny controller, fat model, which is a good thing. Skinny controllers are definitely the way to go but, as your domain logic grows, its very easy to end up with a model overweight problem, which is not so good. The issue is that your ActiveRecord objects have to deal with too many different responsibilities: validation, business rules, awareness of its own persistence, filtering
Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern that promises to improve the maintainability, performance and scalability of your applications by helping to separate concerns in your system. This pattern, along with Event Sourcing and other Domain-Driven Design ideas, is gaining increased popularity, particularly among developers building solutions for rich / complex domains.
This talk will introduce these concepts and show different ways we can (re)architect our Rails application in order to get their benefits. From a simple implementation using just the tools in the room to a implementation in all its full glory using NoSQL data stores and messaging queues.
All those who have a Rails projects complex enough to abuse of model callbacks, de-normalize the database or use presenter objects, may get benefits in terms of simplicity and maintainability from implementing the ideas Ill present in this talk.
This Knolx session is all about Slick, a library for accessing relational databases using an interface similar to the Scala collections library.
Through this session, we'll get familiar with slick and how it's better than ORMs. We'll learn how we map Scala datatypes with the relational database in slick, covering most of the basics here and give you everything you need to be productive with the library through a short demo.
The agenda of the session is:
~ What is Slick
~ Features of Slick
~ ORM vs Slick
~ Some Core Concepts
~ How Mapping Occurs?
~ SQL vs Slick Examples
~ Benefits of Slick
~ Supported Databases
Transactions and Concurrency Control PatternsVlad Mihalcea
This document discusses transactions and concurrency control patterns. It begins by providing background on transactions, including the history and definitions of ACID properties. It then covers topics like locking, multi-version concurrency control, isolation levels, and phenomena that can occur with concurrent transactions like dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads. The document also discusses challenges that have emerged with large-scale systems and patterns beyond traditional ACID properties to handle things like logical transactions and state management across multiple requests.
The document discusses how to focus on business value when developing software. It advocates using domain-driven design and concrete patterns like CQRS and MVVM. Bifrost is introduced as an open-source framework that implements these approaches. Domain-driven design is said to help create a common language between developers and domain experts. CQRS separates reads from writes for better performance and scalability. Bifrost promotes good practices for line-of-business applications but is flexible enough that only relevant components need be used.
This document provides an introduction to the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern for building scalable multi-user systems. CQRS separates read and write operations by using different models and data stores for each. Commands represent write operations that mutate state, while queries return data without modifying it. The CQRS pattern is useful for large, distributed systems with complex business logic where separating reads and writes can improve scalability. It allows splitting development tasks between teams and optimizing read and write operations independently. The document reviews the key components of CQRS including commands, events, domain objects, and persistent view models and provides an example implementation using .NET.
Bringing Oracle databases to the cloud involves major tectonic shifts: (1) hardware resources are no longer static and (2) expense model is pay-per-use. Previously, as long as your current servers were surviving the workload, no one cared whether they were under-utilized. Now, this difference can be immediately monetized because the resource elasticity means that you can give it back. As a result, the total quality of the code base (+performance tuning) has a direct impact on cost. This presentation will share some of the corresponding best practices: code instrumentation, profiling, code management, resource optimization etc. Overall, you can make your system cloud-friendly, but doing so takes explicit effort and serious thinking!
The document discusses several high performance architectural patterns:
- Event sourcing, which models data as a sequence of immutable events and allows reconstructing past states;
- CQRS, which separates read and write operations into different models for improved performance;
- LMAX Disruptor, a high performance inter-thread messaging library that enables lock-free, wait-free, bounded queues for passing data between threads.
When combined, these patterns enable building highly scalable and available systems by allowing separate scaling of read and write workloads, easy evolution of data models, and maximizing throughput with disruption-free concurrency.
OSCON 2015 covered topics including reactive programming languages, cloud security, the Internet of Things, DevOps, scaling with Docker, big data, Go, and microservices. Docker can help with deploy scripts, configuration management, and handling different environments. Building code with Docker combines configuration management and scripting. Docker compose and Docker swarm can be used for managing infrastructure with microservices, which break large applications into many small independently deployable services using different technology stacks. Cassandra 3.0 includes role-based authorization, user-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, and a new storage engine and materialized views. Maintaining quality in distributed systems presents constant challenges including technical debt, breakage, responsible decision-making regarding tradeoffs,
This document discusses refactoring in software development. It defines refactoring as changing code without altering external behavior in order to improve internal structure. Reasons to refactor include improving design, making code easier to understand, finding bugs, and programming faster. Refactoring involves identifying "bad smells" in code like duplicated code, long functions, and comments. It also discusses different types of refactoring like TTD refactoring and planned refactoring. The document lists examples of bad smells and provides a bibliography of references on refactoring.
The presentation introduces SQLCLR, which allows developers to write .NET code in SQL Server 2005. It discusses developing and managing SQLCLR applications, monitoring performance, and best practices. SQLCLR enables rich functionality within the database by running .NET code, but also presents security and management challenges that require care and oversight. The speaker demonstrates examples of SQLCLR applications and stresses the importance of transparency, testing, and teamwork between developers and database administrators.
The presentation introduces SQLCLR, which allows developers to write .NET code in SQL Server 2005. It discusses developing and managing SQLCLR applications, monitoring performance, and best practices. SQLCLR enables rich functionality within the database by running .NET code, but requires careful management to avoid potential security and performance issues. The speaker demonstrates examples using SQLCLR for string manipulation and custom aggregates.
Sono sempre di pi湛 gli sviluppatori che usano sistemi per il controllo di versione del software e tra questi strumenti Git 竪 diventato uno standard de-facto. Cloni, Pull(i), Commit(ti), push(i) ...niente di pi湛 semplice, vero? ti 竪 mai capitato di aggiungere un commit sul branch sbagliato (ed ovviamente push-ato sul repository remoto)? ...o di voler correggere il tuo codice con un singolo commit preso di un branch completamente diverso (ma niente altro)? ...mai trovato intrappolato in un conflitto di merge mentre git ti trascina nella tana del bianconiglio? Niente paura, abbiamo un paio di comandi esotici che renderanno pi湛 semplice la tua vita da programmatore (e quella dei tuoi colleghi).
Come ti smantello un'app monolitica in microservicesmichele franzin
Presentazione tenuta al Rubyday 2015 a Torino.
C'竪 un enorme interesse intorno alle architetture microservice ... quasi ogni conferenza IT ha una sessione che ne parla.
Una chiara idea dei benefici / insidie che questo approccio porta con s辿 竪 cruciale per adottarla con successo in un progetto.
In questa presentazione condivido alcune delle esperienze fatte durante lo smantellamento di un'applicazione monolitica in microservices.
Analizzo alcuni dei motivi che giustificano l'adozione di questo tipo di architettura, parlo delle questioni pi湛 importanti da considerare e rivelo alcuni approcci che hanno avuto successo nella nostra esperienza.
Nota: Questa 竪 una versione adattata della presentazione, senza effetti e animazioni.
Cqrs and Event Sourcing Intro For Developerswojtek_s
The document provides an introduction to CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns. It defines CQRS as separating operations that mutate data from those that query it. Benefits include improved performance, scalability, and team organization. Event Sourcing is described as managing state by appending events rather than altering state, allowing reconstruction of past states. Examples of implementing CQRS evolutionarily are given, from separating commands and queries to using separate models and storage engines. Pros and cons of both patterns are outlined. The document concludes with advice on when and how to apply these patterns.
This document summarizes a presentation about distributed query optimization in SQL Server. It discusses how SQL Server's query optimizer handles queries that span multiple servers by pushing operations like filters, aggregates, and joins to remote data sources when possible. It provides examples of query plans that can and cannot be distributed. It also covers related topics like distributed transactions, double hop authentication, and troubleshooting queries that do not get distributed as expected.
This document provides an overview of JavaScript for enterprise applications. It discusses why JavaScript has a reputation for being weak and dynamic, and responses to common accusations about JavaScript. It also covers JavaScript paradigms like structured programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, and event-driven programming. Additionally, it summarizes Node.js runtime, ES6 features, generators, Ramda.js, communicating sequential processes, Koa.js, PM2 process manager, and building hybrid mobile apps with Cordova.
CQRS recipes or how to cook your architectureThomas Jaskula
The principles of CQRS is very simple. Separate Reads from Writes. Although when you try to implement it in you can face many technical and functional problems. This presentation starts from very simple architecture and while business requirements are added we consider other architecture ending with a CQRS + DDD + ES one.
The document discusses CQRS+ES (Command Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing), an architectural pattern that separates reading and writing data. CQRS divides an application into command and query components, where commands change state without returning data, and queries return data without changing state. Event sourcing records state changes as a sequence of events. The patterns improve scalability by allowing separate optimization of reads and writes. Benefits include reduced complexity, flexibility, testability, and easy integration with external systems through use of events and separation of read and write models and data stores. The document provides an overview of CQRS+ES and its benefits for addressing issues like large read/write imbalances, complex domain logic,
1) CQRS is an architectural pattern that separates read and write operations into different models. This allows for optimized read and write models and behaviors.
2) The basic CQRS architecture involves separating the read and write concerns into different layers - a thin read layer for optimized querying and presentation, a domain model for business logic and validation, and command handlers that process commands to enact changes.
3) CQRS does not require eventual consistency - the read and write models can be kept perfectly consistent through mechanisms like event sourcing that propagate write events to the read models.
When many developers think of Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), they envision separate datastores for reads and writes, linked together by some kind of event-based synchronization mechanism. The reality is that for many domains this is overkill, while for others it still doesnt solve fundamental concurrency issues.
Presented at Conferencia Rails 2010
You probably follow the motto skinny controller, fat model, which is a good thing. Skinny controllers are definitely the way to go but, as your domain logic grows, its very easy to end up with a model overweight problem, which is not so good. The issue is that your ActiveRecord objects have to deal with too many different responsibilities: validation, business rules, awareness of its own persistence, filtering
Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern that promises to improve the maintainability, performance and scalability of your applications by helping to separate concerns in your system. This pattern, along with Event Sourcing and other Domain-Driven Design ideas, is gaining increased popularity, particularly among developers building solutions for rich / complex domains.
This talk will introduce these concepts and show different ways we can (re)architect our Rails application in order to get their benefits. From a simple implementation using just the tools in the room to a implementation in all its full glory using NoSQL data stores and messaging queues.
All those who have a Rails projects complex enough to abuse of model callbacks, de-normalize the database or use presenter objects, may get benefits in terms of simplicity and maintainability from implementing the ideas Ill present in this talk.
This Knolx session is all about Slick, a library for accessing relational databases using an interface similar to the Scala collections library.
Through this session, we'll get familiar with slick and how it's better than ORMs. We'll learn how we map Scala datatypes with the relational database in slick, covering most of the basics here and give you everything you need to be productive with the library through a short demo.
The agenda of the session is:
~ What is Slick
~ Features of Slick
~ ORM vs Slick
~ Some Core Concepts
~ How Mapping Occurs?
~ SQL vs Slick Examples
~ Benefits of Slick
~ Supported Databases
Transactions and Concurrency Control PatternsVlad Mihalcea
This document discusses transactions and concurrency control patterns. It begins by providing background on transactions, including the history and definitions of ACID properties. It then covers topics like locking, multi-version concurrency control, isolation levels, and phenomena that can occur with concurrent transactions like dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads. The document also discusses challenges that have emerged with large-scale systems and patterns beyond traditional ACID properties to handle things like logical transactions and state management across multiple requests.
The document discusses how to focus on business value when developing software. It advocates using domain-driven design and concrete patterns like CQRS and MVVM. Bifrost is introduced as an open-source framework that implements these approaches. Domain-driven design is said to help create a common language between developers and domain experts. CQRS separates reads from writes for better performance and scalability. Bifrost promotes good practices for line-of-business applications but is flexible enough that only relevant components need be used.
This document provides an introduction to the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern for building scalable multi-user systems. CQRS separates read and write operations by using different models and data stores for each. Commands represent write operations that mutate state, while queries return data without modifying it. The CQRS pattern is useful for large, distributed systems with complex business logic where separating reads and writes can improve scalability. It allows splitting development tasks between teams and optimizing read and write operations independently. The document reviews the key components of CQRS including commands, events, domain objects, and persistent view models and provides an example implementation using .NET.
Bringing Oracle databases to the cloud involves major tectonic shifts: (1) hardware resources are no longer static and (2) expense model is pay-per-use. Previously, as long as your current servers were surviving the workload, no one cared whether they were under-utilized. Now, this difference can be immediately monetized because the resource elasticity means that you can give it back. As a result, the total quality of the code base (+performance tuning) has a direct impact on cost. This presentation will share some of the corresponding best practices: code instrumentation, profiling, code management, resource optimization etc. Overall, you can make your system cloud-friendly, but doing so takes explicit effort and serious thinking!
The document discusses several high performance architectural patterns:
- Event sourcing, which models data as a sequence of immutable events and allows reconstructing past states;
- CQRS, which separates read and write operations into different models for improved performance;
- LMAX Disruptor, a high performance inter-thread messaging library that enables lock-free, wait-free, bounded queues for passing data between threads.
When combined, these patterns enable building highly scalable and available systems by allowing separate scaling of read and write workloads, easy evolution of data models, and maximizing throughput with disruption-free concurrency.
OSCON 2015 covered topics including reactive programming languages, cloud security, the Internet of Things, DevOps, scaling with Docker, big data, Go, and microservices. Docker can help with deploy scripts, configuration management, and handling different environments. Building code with Docker combines configuration management and scripting. Docker compose and Docker swarm can be used for managing infrastructure with microservices, which break large applications into many small independently deployable services using different technology stacks. Cassandra 3.0 includes role-based authorization, user-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, and a new storage engine and materialized views. Maintaining quality in distributed systems presents constant challenges including technical debt, breakage, responsible decision-making regarding tradeoffs,
This document discusses refactoring in software development. It defines refactoring as changing code without altering external behavior in order to improve internal structure. Reasons to refactor include improving design, making code easier to understand, finding bugs, and programming faster. Refactoring involves identifying "bad smells" in code like duplicated code, long functions, and comments. It also discusses different types of refactoring like TTD refactoring and planned refactoring. The document lists examples of bad smells and provides a bibliography of references on refactoring.
The presentation introduces SQLCLR, which allows developers to write .NET code in SQL Server 2005. It discusses developing and managing SQLCLR applications, monitoring performance, and best practices. SQLCLR enables rich functionality within the database by running .NET code, but also presents security and management challenges that require care and oversight. The speaker demonstrates examples of SQLCLR applications and stresses the importance of transparency, testing, and teamwork between developers and database administrators.
The presentation introduces SQLCLR, which allows developers to write .NET code in SQL Server 2005. It discusses developing and managing SQLCLR applications, monitoring performance, and best practices. SQLCLR enables rich functionality within the database by running .NET code, but requires careful management to avoid potential security and performance issues. The speaker demonstrates examples using SQLCLR for string manipulation and custom aggregates.
Sono sempre di pi湛 gli sviluppatori che usano sistemi per il controllo di versione del software e tra questi strumenti Git 竪 diventato uno standard de-facto. Cloni, Pull(i), Commit(ti), push(i) ...niente di pi湛 semplice, vero? ti 竪 mai capitato di aggiungere un commit sul branch sbagliato (ed ovviamente push-ato sul repository remoto)? ...o di voler correggere il tuo codice con un singolo commit preso di un branch completamente diverso (ma niente altro)? ...mai trovato intrappolato in un conflitto di merge mentre git ti trascina nella tana del bianconiglio? Niente paura, abbiamo un paio di comandi esotici che renderanno pi湛 semplice la tua vita da programmatore (e quella dei tuoi colleghi).
Come ti smantello un'app monolitica in microservicesmichele franzin
Presentazione tenuta al Rubyday 2015 a Torino.
C'竪 un enorme interesse intorno alle architetture microservice ... quasi ogni conferenza IT ha una sessione che ne parla.
Una chiara idea dei benefici / insidie che questo approccio porta con s辿 竪 cruciale per adottarla con successo in un progetto.
In questa presentazione condivido alcune delle esperienze fatte durante lo smantellamento di un'applicazione monolitica in microservices.
Analizzo alcuni dei motivi che giustificano l'adozione di questo tipo di architettura, parlo delle questioni pi湛 importanti da considerare e rivelo alcuni approcci che hanno avuto successo nella nostra esperienza.
Nota: Questa 竪 una versione adattata della presentazione, senza effetti e animazioni.
Presentazione dei concetti alla base dei Microservices per valutare se e quando adottarli in un progetto.
Intervento tenuto al DigitalMEET il 24 ottobre 2015
- Git is an open source version control system designed to handle large projects efficiently with non-linear and distributed development.
- It uses cryptographic authentication and supports HTTP, FTP, SSH, rsync or its own Git protocol.
- Basic Git workflow involves making changes, staging them with git add, and committing with descriptive messages. History can be explored with commands like git log and git show.
This document discusses RubyGems and the process for creating and publishing a Ruby gem. It explains that a gem is a packaged Ruby application or library with a name and version. It then provides steps for building a gem using different tools like Bundler, Jeweler, and Hoe+Echoe. It also outlines the process of building, installing and publishing a gem to including using a Rubygems API key in the credentials file.
A comprehensive guide to Starlink technology and its availability in Florida.pdfInternet Bundle Now
Explore how Internet Bundle Now offers Starlink technology in Florida, its benefits, pricing, and customer service for seamless connectivity in remote areas.
The engagement is no longer about choice. Modern social media algorithms prioritize comments, shares and real conversations. Brands should encourage discussion and meaningful interactions to promote material visibility and audience loyalty.
A professional freelance digital marketer based in Chandigarh. I specialize in SEO, social media marketing, and paid advertising to help businesses grow their online presence and generate leads. With a data-driven approach, I craft result-oriented strategies tailored to your brands success.
Kalin Karakehayov - The mindset and habits for building an SEO EmpireKalin Karakehayov
My presentation about "The mindset and habits of building an SEO empire" from The SEO Mastery Summit in Saigo. I removed a few fun slides about the growth of that could be taken out of context without what I said about them.
Learn how to use Microsoft Authenticator on Mac for secure logins and two-factor authentication. Get step-by-step setup guides, tips, and troubleshooting help at Enhance your Mac security with Microsofts trusted authentication tool today!
The Importance of Customer Support for Starlink Users in Florida.pdfInternet Bundle Now
Explore the importance of customer support for Starlink users in Florida. Discover how Internet Bundle Now enhances the Starlink experience with exceptional service.
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Download GTA 5 PC V4 3DM - How to Install and Play GTA 5 on PC Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) is one of the most popular and successful video games of all time.
Discover how Internet Bundle Now, your trusted Internet service provider, enhances cybersecurity users through innovative solutions and dedicated support.
Building a Multiplatform SDKMAN in JavaFX [JavaOne]Jago de Vreede
SDKMAN is one of the most popular ways to install/upgrade Java or other build tooling on your system. It works great from the command line, but what if you could bring its power to a graphical interface? And what if it worked seamlessly on Windows too? In this talk, we will use SDKMAN as an example of how to build a multiplatform native application using JavaFX for the UI and GraalVM to compile native images. We will dive into the process of creating native apps with GraalVM, distributing them with GitHub, and identifying some limitations of native Java applications. Plus, well explore alternative methods for shipping native apps across platforms. By the end of this session, you will have practical insights on how to build and distribute native apps with or without JavaFX.
From a train to a transit system: enabling self-directed user journeysMichael Priestley
Presented at World IA Day Toronto, 2023
When we publish our org chart, the user of our website pays the price: the content they need to complete a journey may be spread across many different parts of a website, or even across different websites for the same company. If instead we organize the website around audience needs and interests, we can accommodate users starting their journey at many different points, and enable them to explore and progress on their own terms.
A website organized around audience needs has the potential to improve search rank, engagement, and journey progression, by logically connecting content across the website in ways that both Google and the user can understand and navigate.
In this presentation I'll share our rationale, as well as the results of our first steps towards applying a topic-oriented IA to our website.
Client Relations in a Virtual World Maintaining Trust and Communicationjohn823664
As businesses embrace remote and hybrid work models, maintaining strong client relationships in a virtual environment has become more important than ever. This presentation explores the challenges of digital client interactions, effective communication strategies, and best practices for fostering trust. Learn how to leverage advanced communication tools, ensure data security, and personalize digital interactions to build long-term client relationships.
Discover real-world success stories and see how empowers businesses with seamless collaboration tools, secure virtual meetings, and structured engagement strategies.
Stay ahead in the digital age! Download the presentation now to transform your virtual client relationships.
#VirtualClientRelations #RemoteWork #DigitalTrust #ClientEngagement #OnlineCommunication #BusinessGrowth #RemoteTeams #ClientSuccess #remotingwork #WorkFromAnywhere
The Decision Buy-In Algorithm - RVAJS 2025John Riviello
While making large technical decisions such as deciding which JavaScript framework to build your web app in are difficult, getting buy-in for those decisions is even more challenging. It turns out other industries have a tried-and-true success formula for this that us in tech can leverage today!
6. is an architectural pattern proposed by Greg
Young that segregates reads and writes of a
system into two separate subsystems.
7. writes are usually asynchronous and
stored in a transactional storage while
reads are eventually consistent and
retrieved from de-normalised views
CQRS (details)
Designer of Eiffel
programming language
Coined open/closed
principle and design
by contract
Introduced command
query separation
9. Use of commands and queries separates write and read concerns
Read state from data store
Does not change state
Has a return value
Reduced complexity
Focus on the business
15. Fear of change
Mental leap
All-Or-Nothing approach
is easy
CQRS = Event Sourcing and vice versa
requires an eventual consistent read store
requires a bus/queues/asynchronous messaging
17. Udi Dahan
Most people using CQRS (and event sourcing too)
shouldn't have done so
It's important to note though, that these are things you
can do, not necessarily things you should do.
Separating the read and write models can be quite costly