5 hapa te thjeshte drejt suksesit ne planifikimin strategjik hapi #3Vehap Kola
Imagjinoni organizat?n tuaj si nj? peshk, q? noton n? nj? akuarium dhe q? rast pas rasti kthen shikimin nga bota e jashtme.
Me q?llim q? t? krijojm? pamjen e plot? t? Gjendjes Aktuale t? organizat?s suaj, duhet t? fokusoheni n? k?to 3 shtresa:
1. Bota e Jashtme. P?r organizat?n tuaj, kjo paraqet forcat makro q? jan? n? loj? dhe q? mund t? ushtrojn? ndikim mbi pun?n tuaj. Politika dhe legjislacioni, forcat ekonomike, prirjet sociale apo p?rparimet teknologjike.
2. Akuariumi n? t? cilin po notoni. K?tu, ju gjeni klient?t/p?rfituesit tuaj, njer?zit t? cil?ve ju sh?rbeni, donator?t tuaj, konkurrent?t tuaj dhe, n? fund, bashk?pun?tor?t tuaj. Pra, ?far? po ndodh me k?to njer?z q? rrethojn? organizat?n tuaj dhe q? mund t? ken? ndikim n? veprimtarin? tuaj dhe pamjen e suksesit?
3. Peshku C organizata juaj. K?tu ju shihni ?far? po ndodh brenda organizat?s: n? mesin e stafit, bordit dhe infrastruktur?s s? organizat?s tuaj.
Job listings, company details and candidate resumes make up a significant portion of data needs for a company in the recruitment industry. Since the web is an ever growing repository of insightful data, it makes sense to look for more efficient ways to harvest this data apart from traditional methods. Scraping job listings using new-age technologies like web scraping could be the way to go if you¨re looking to scale with lesser effort.
ARCIMBOLDO, Giuseppe, Featured Paintings in Detail, (1)guimera
The document describes Giuseppe Arcimboldo's 1590 painting "Four Seasons in One Head". The painting depicts the four seasons as a composite head made of objects representing each season. Spring is represented by a small flower and straw cloak. Summer is represented by cherries, damsons, and a straw cloak. Autumn is represented by grapes and apples hidden in ivy. Winter, which produces nothing, is depicted as a knotty tree trunk with moss beard and twig horns. The painting was commissioned by Don Gregorio Comanini and included his description of its symbolism.
La compa?┴a Iberia organizar│ un concurso en Facebook del 9 al 13 de mayo para promocionar Costa Rica. Los participantes deber│n encontrar un billete escondido en una imagen para ganar 120.000 Avios. El ganador ser│ seleccionado al azar y deber│ proporcionar sus datos personales para canjear el premio.
Dzielimy si? naszymi kilkuletnimi do?wiadczeniami w prowadzeniu biznesu w sieci, ogarnianiu domu i dzieci i siebie... Nie jest ?atwo, ale nam sprawia wielk? frajd?! Zobacz czego nauczy?y?my si? na w?asnych b??dach prowadz?c portal www.mamopracuj.pl.
Teknika e vizualizimit eshte nje instrument i fuqishem ne lehtesimin e sesioneve te Brainstorming ne grup. Fuqite dhe avantazhet e saj, ashtu sikunder shmangia e pikave te dobeta te metodave tradicionale ne Brainstorming e bejne ate gjeresisht te perdorshme nga konsulentet dhe nga vete ekipet.
This document provides an overview of MongoDB, including its key features such as document-oriented storage, full index support, replication and high availability, auto sharding, querying capabilities, and fast in-place updates. It also discusses MongoDB's architecture for replication, sharding, and configuration servers.
Proposal ini membahas pengembangan agregat ringan buatan untuk beton bertulang ringan struktural dengan bahan baku lempung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan inovasi teknologi pembuatan agregat ringan buatan dari lempung dan bahan tambahan agar memenuhi syarat untuk beton struktural. Metodologi penelitian meliputi pembuatan dan pengujian agregat, pembuatan dan pengujian benda uji beton, serta penyusunan panduan pembuatan agregat
Turkish miniature artist Hasan Kale amazes with his ability to paint detailed works on any small object he finds, transforming needles, seeds, wings and sugar lumps into canvases. He often depicts panoramic views of Istanbul, the city that inspires him, on these tiny surfaces.
Cubo de LEDs de 4x4x4, controlado por el microprocesador TM4C123GH6PM, de Texas Instruments. Se muestran detalles acerca del diagrama el└ctrico, interfaz de hardware y software.
La compa?┴a Blue Star Line construir│ una r└plica del Titanic llamada Titanic II en un astillero chino, con planes para que navegue en 2018. Aunque Titanic II ser│ 4 metros m│s ancho que el original, tendr│ la misma longitud, altura y peso, pero cumplir│ con los est│ndares modernos de seguridad y usar│ materiales interiores m│s nuevos. El empresario australiano Clive Palmer, propietario de Blue Star Line, espera recrear la experiencia hist┏rica del viaje original del Titanic antes de su hundimiento en 1912.
The document discusses the history and current state of the relationship between the United States and China. While economic ties between the two countries have grown significantly in recent decades, political and security issues have also increased tensions as both countries view each other increasingly as strategic competitors. Looking ahead, managing the cooperation and competition between the U.S. and China will likely remain an ongoing challenge for both sides.
Dzielimy si? naszymi kilkuletnimi do?wiadczeniami w prowadzeniu biznesu w sieci, ogarnianiu domu i dzieci i siebie... Nie jest ?atwo, ale nam sprawia wielk? frajd?! Zobacz czego nauczy?y?my si? na w?asnych b??dach prowadz?c portal www.mamopracuj.pl.
Teknika e vizualizimit eshte nje instrument i fuqishem ne lehtesimin e sesioneve te Brainstorming ne grup. Fuqite dhe avantazhet e saj, ashtu sikunder shmangia e pikave te dobeta te metodave tradicionale ne Brainstorming e bejne ate gjeresisht te perdorshme nga konsulentet dhe nga vete ekipet.
This document provides an overview of MongoDB, including its key features such as document-oriented storage, full index support, replication and high availability, auto sharding, querying capabilities, and fast in-place updates. It also discusses MongoDB's architecture for replication, sharding, and configuration servers.
Proposal ini membahas pengembangan agregat ringan buatan untuk beton bertulang ringan struktural dengan bahan baku lempung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan inovasi teknologi pembuatan agregat ringan buatan dari lempung dan bahan tambahan agar memenuhi syarat untuk beton struktural. Metodologi penelitian meliputi pembuatan dan pengujian agregat, pembuatan dan pengujian benda uji beton, serta penyusunan panduan pembuatan agregat
Turkish miniature artist Hasan Kale amazes with his ability to paint detailed works on any small object he finds, transforming needles, seeds, wings and sugar lumps into canvases. He often depicts panoramic views of Istanbul, the city that inspires him, on these tiny surfaces.
Cubo de LEDs de 4x4x4, controlado por el microprocesador TM4C123GH6PM, de Texas Instruments. Se muestran detalles acerca del diagrama el└ctrico, interfaz de hardware y software.
La compa?┴a Blue Star Line construir│ una r└plica del Titanic llamada Titanic II en un astillero chino, con planes para que navegue en 2018. Aunque Titanic II ser│ 4 metros m│s ancho que el original, tendr│ la misma longitud, altura y peso, pero cumplir│ con los est│ndares modernos de seguridad y usar│ materiales interiores m│s nuevos. El empresario australiano Clive Palmer, propietario de Blue Star Line, espera recrear la experiencia hist┏rica del viaje original del Titanic antes de su hundimiento en 1912.
The document discusses the history and current state of the relationship between the United States and China. While economic ties between the two countries have grown significantly in recent decades, political and security issues have also increased tensions as both countries view each other increasingly as strategic competitors. Looking ahead, managing the cooperation and competition between the U.S. and China will likely remain an ongoing challenge for both sides.
11. 2 jav? 1 vit2 C 5 muaj
E vog?l Madh?siae org. E madhe
Konsensusi rreth misionitI lart? I ul?t
Konsensusi rreth prioriteteveI lart? I ul?t
Informacioni p?r mjedisin e
jasht?mdhe t? brendsh?m
I disponuesh?m Jo i disponuesh?m
Sa koh? keni n? dispozicion?
13. Si ?sht?
?far? ?sht? e
Si zhvendosemi
Procesi i Planifikimit
Editor's Notes
#2: P?rsh?ndetje dhe mir?seerdh?t n? ^5 Hapa t? Thjesht? drejt Suksesit n? Planifikimit Strategjik ̄.
P?rg?zime q? nd?rmor?t k?t? hap drejt transformimit t? organizat?s suaj jofitimprur?se!
#3: Un? jam Vehap Kola dhe do t¨ju udh?heq p?rgjat? k?tyre sesioneve t? trajnimit.
Un? jam K?shillues i Akredituar i Metod?s B?rtham? p?r sip?rmarrjet e vogla dhe t? mesme nga GIZ dhe Auditor i Teknologjis? dhe Inovacionit Strategjik p?r sip?rmarrjet e vogla dhe t? mesme. Gjat? nj? dekade angazhimi si konsulent, kam ndihmuar shum? biznese dhe organizata t? hartojn? planet e tyre t? biznesit dhe/ose planet strategjik?.
K?shtu, bashk? me partner? t? tjer? n? fush?n e sh?rbimeve t? biznezit, kemi themeluar kompanin? e konsulenc?s SpinHead Consultants q? t? mb?shtesim dhe ndihmojm? organizatat dhe sip?rmarrjet n? hartimin e planeve strategjik? dhe atyre t? biznesit, zhvillimin organizativ, menaxhimin e projekteve dhe menaxhimin e ndryshimit.
#4: N? k?t? trajnim n? pes? sesione, ju do t? ndiqni 5 prezantime t? shkurtra t? lehta p?r t¨u kuptuar dhe flet?-pune konkrete q? do t¨ju ndihmojn? t? nd?rtoni nj? plan strategjik inteligjent, me q?llim q? ju, stafi, bordi dhe donator?t tuaj nuk do t? ken? nevoj? t¨ju pyesin m? se ku po shkon organizata juaj dhe si do t? arrini n? at? pik?.
#5: Le t? fillojm? me sesionin e sot?m.
Hapi nr. 1: P?rgatituni!
Procesi i planifikimit strategjik mund t? ndryshoj? n? m?nyr? dramatike nga organizata n? organizat?, n? var?si t? historis? s? organizat?s suaj, madh?sis?, q?llimeve dhe n? var?si t? faktit n?se keni b?r? planifikim strategjik m? par? apo kjo ?sht? hera juaj e par?.
Prandaj, ?sht? e r?nd?sishme q? t? projektoni nj? proces q? do t? funksionoj? p?r ju.
#6: Le ta nisim pun?n p?rgatitore duke ju familjarizuar me procesin e planifikimit strategjik.
Planifikimi strategjik nis duke par? nga gjendja e d?shiruar e organizat?s suaj.
Ku po shkon organizata juaj dhe ?far? doni t? jeni n? t? ardhmen?
N? k?t? faz?, ju do t¨i p?rgjigjeni pyetjes, ?far? ?sht? e mundur p?r organizat?n tuaj?
M? tej, ne do t¨i hedhim nj? sy gjendjes aktuale t? organizat?s. Kjo ?sht? faza kur ju ndizni shqis?n tuaj analitike dhe p?rcaktoni cil?t faktor?, brenda dhe jasht?, po ushtrojn? ndikim real mbi gjendjen aktuale t? organizat?s.
N? fund, ne do t? p?rcaktojm? se ?far? hapash duhet t? nd?rmarr? organizata juaj p?r t? lidhur dy buz?t e honit nd?rmjet gjendjes aktuale dhe gjendjes s? d?shiruar dhe p?r ta transferuar organizat?n tuaj nga gjendja aktuale n? at? t? d?shiruar.
#7: Ju mund t? shtroni pyetjen, sa koh? do t? doj? ky proces? P?rgjigja e shkurt?r ?sht?: varet.
#12: Organizatat mund t? ken? nevoj? p?r koh? q? varion nga 2 jav? n? 1 vit a m? shum? p?r t? zhvilluar nj? plan strategjik.
Pjesa m? e madhe e organizatave e p?rfundojn? procesin e planifikimit strategjik brenda 2-5 muajsh.
P?r t? p?rcaktuar sa koh? ju duhet, merrni n? konsiderat? faktor?t e m?posht?m:
Madh?sia e organizat?s: sa m? t? vegj?l t? jeni, p?r pasoj? do t¨u duhet t? p?rfshini m? pak njer?z n? proces, aq m? pak koh? do t? marr?. Sa m? t? m?dhenj t? jeni, aq m? shum? koh? do t? doj?.
Konsensusi p?r misionin e organizat?s: n?se bini n? nj? mendje p?r arsyen e ekzistenc?s s? organizat?s suaj, at?her? procesi i planifikimit strategjik p?r ju do t? k?rkoj? m? pak koh?. Por, n?se juve ju duhet ky proces i planifikimit strategjik q? t¨ju ndihmoj? ta arrini k?t? konsensus, at?her? do t¨ju duhet t? parashikoni m? shum? koh?.
E nj?jta gj? ndodh me konsensusin rreth prioriteteve organizative: a bieni dakord p?r m?nyr?n si duhet t¨i harxhoj? koh?n dhe parat? organizata juaj? N?se po, parashikoni m? pak koh?. N?se jo, parashikoni m? shum?.
Informacioni p?r mjedisin tuaj t? jasht?m dhe t? brendsh?m: a dispononi tashm? t? dh?na rreth konkurrent?ve? Ose nj? vrojtim me p?rshtypje nga donator?t tuaj? N?se po, procesi juaj do t? jet? m? i shkurt?r. N?se asnj? prej k?tyre t? dh?nave nuk i dispononi, at?her? do t¨ju duhet koh? t¨i mblidhni gjat? procesit t? planifikimit strategjik.
N? fund, por jo p?r nga r?nd?sia, sa koh? keni n? dispozicion? Tregohuni t? ndersh?m me veten n? k?t? pik?. N?se nuk e p?rfytyroni dot t? nd?rtoni bashk? nj? plan strategjik p?r m? pak se nj? muaj, jepini vetes m? shum? koh?. Ose, n?se 6 muaj ting?llojn? qesharake si koh? pritjeje p?r planin strategjik p?rfundimtar, at?her? realizojeni m? shpejt.
#13: Tani ?sht? koha t¨i v?m? m?simet n? veprim. Pas k?tij prezantimi ju do t? pajiseni me nj? flet?-pune q? do t¨ju udh?heq? p?rgjat? nj? ushtrimi t? thjesht? p?r t? p?rcaktuar se k? t? p?rfshini n? procesin tuaj t? planifikimit strategjik dhe si.
B?ni ?¨mos ta plot?soni tani me q?llim q? t¨i afroheni nj? hap zhvillimit t? nj? plani strategjik mbres?l?n?s p?r organizat?n tuaj.
#14: Falemiderit p?r v?mendjen dhe do t? kthehemi n? sesionin e ardhsh?m, gjat? t? cilit ne do t? studiojm? ?far? ?sht? e mundur p?r organizat?n tuaj.