This document discusses neural mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides definitions for several key concepts related to neural mechanosensitivity, including hyperalgesia, secondary hyperalgesia, allodynia, and wind-up. It also discusses the validity and use of neurodynamic tests in clinical practice, as well as techniques for nerve palpation and quantitative sensory testing to evaluate mechanosensitivity. The importance of communicating findings to patients through narrative, beliefs, meaning, and dialogue is emphasized.
The document appears to be an agenda for a seminar on the peripheral nervous system by manual therapist Svein Kristiansen. The agenda includes:
- A welcome and introduction from 9:00-9:45
- A session on the sensitive nervous system from 9:00-9:45
- A session on mechanosensitivity basics tests from 10:00-12:00
- Lunch from 12:00-13:00
- A session on challenging common beliefs and changing practice from 13:00-14:00
- Breaks in the afternoon
- A closing reflection on 40 years of neurodynamics from 16:00-16:15
The document discusses the evolution
This document discusses nerve mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides background on mechanosensitivity and reviews evidence on the validity of common neurodynamic tests. It also discusses how to perform nerve palpation and assessments of hypersensitivity, allodynia, and wind-up. The document emphasizes the importance of clearly communicating with patients about examination findings and linking them to the meaning, beliefs, and narrative around their pain.
This document discusses nevral mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides definitions for concepts like hyperalgesia, secondary hyperalgesia, allodynia, and wind-up. It also discusses how to perform nerve palpation and quantitative sensory testing in clinical practice. The importance of communicating findings to patients through narratives, metaphors, addressing their beliefs, and creating meaning is emphasized.
This document discusses neural mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides background on mechanosensitivity and how it relates to nerve pathology and the pain experience. It also discusses the validity of common neurodynamic tests and considerations for properly performing them in clinical practice. Sensory profiling through quantitative sensory testing is mentioned as a way to further understand pain mechanisms at play for individual patients. The importance of communicating findings to patients through narrative, metaphor, and addressing their beliefs is also covered.
This document discusses neural mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides background on mechanosensitivity and its role in protective nerve responses. It then discusses the validity of various neurodynamic tests and their ability to differentiate conditions. It also covers how to properly perform nerve palpation and other clinical tests for mechanosensitivity. Finally, it discusses using quantitative sensory testing to create sensory profiles for patients and how to communicate findings to help patients understand the meaning and mechanisms of their pain.
1) Biological organisms have sophisticated protective responses to threats, including pain. Pain is a conscious experience that motivates protective action in the entire organism, and is particularly well-developed in humans.
2) Opioid use can lead to hyperalgesia and neuropathic changes in the nervous system that sensitize pain pathways. Gradual tapering is recommended for treatment. There is no evidence opioids work better than placebo for chronic pain.
3) While opioid prescribing continues to increase, effective long-term drug therapies for pain are unlikely to emerge. Non-drug approaches may play a larger role in pain management and help reduce harms.
The document discusses several key points regarding physiotherapists' use of data and evidence-based practice:
1) Published data must be understood in the context of patients' narratives and socio-cultural backgrounds, as data alone does not capture the full reality of patients or physiotherapists' experiences.
2) Physiotherapists should use sufficient data to free themselves from traditions and habits, but should not be swayed by gadgets or marketing. They must look to data to develop their practice in positive ways.
3) Ignoring biological or psychosocial aspects of patients' conditions for the sake of abandoning the biomedical model is misguided. Differentiating conditions is important for reasoning and
This document discusses the integration of different types of knowledge in physiotherapy practice, including clinical, research, intuitive, theoretical, situational, experiential, and ethical knowledge. It emphasizes that clinical expertise comes from the application of scientific evidence within the patient's values and goals, using experience and different types of clinical reasoning. The document also includes quotes advocating for patient-centered care focused on empowering patients through advice and strategies rather than just manual techniques, as well as calls for physiotherapists to think critically and not be swayed by tradition or gadgets without data to support them.
This document discusses nerve mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides background on mechanosensitivity and reviews evidence on the validity of common neurodynamic tests. It also discusses how to perform nerve palpation and assessments of hypersensitivity, allodynia, and wind-up. The document emphasizes the importance of clearly communicating with patients about examination findings and linking them to the meaning, beliefs, and narrative around their pain.
This document discusses nevral mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides definitions for concepts like hyperalgesia, secondary hyperalgesia, allodynia, and wind-up. It also discusses how to perform nerve palpation and quantitative sensory testing in clinical practice. The importance of communicating findings to patients through narratives, metaphors, addressing their beliefs, and creating meaning is emphasized.
This document discusses neural mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides background on mechanosensitivity and how it relates to nerve pathology and the pain experience. It also discusses the validity of common neurodynamic tests and considerations for properly performing them in clinical practice. Sensory profiling through quantitative sensory testing is mentioned as a way to further understand pain mechanisms at play for individual patients. The importance of communicating findings to patients through narrative, metaphor, and addressing their beliefs is also covered.
This document discusses neural mechanosensitivity and neurodynamic testing. It provides background on mechanosensitivity and its role in protective nerve responses. It then discusses the validity of various neurodynamic tests and their ability to differentiate conditions. It also covers how to properly perform nerve palpation and other clinical tests for mechanosensitivity. Finally, it discusses using quantitative sensory testing to create sensory profiles for patients and how to communicate findings to help patients understand the meaning and mechanisms of their pain.
1) Biological organisms have sophisticated protective responses to threats, including pain. Pain is a conscious experience that motivates protective action in the entire organism, and is particularly well-developed in humans.
2) Opioid use can lead to hyperalgesia and neuropathic changes in the nervous system that sensitize pain pathways. Gradual tapering is recommended for treatment. There is no evidence opioids work better than placebo for chronic pain.
3) While opioid prescribing continues to increase, effective long-term drug therapies for pain are unlikely to emerge. Non-drug approaches may play a larger role in pain management and help reduce harms.
The document discusses several key points regarding physiotherapists' use of data and evidence-based practice:
1) Published data must be understood in the context of patients' narratives and socio-cultural backgrounds, as data alone does not capture the full reality of patients or physiotherapists' experiences.
2) Physiotherapists should use sufficient data to free themselves from traditions and habits, but should not be swayed by gadgets or marketing. They must look to data to develop their practice in positive ways.
3) Ignoring biological or psychosocial aspects of patients' conditions for the sake of abandoning the biomedical model is misguided. Differentiating conditions is important for reasoning and
This document discusses the integration of different types of knowledge in physiotherapy practice, including clinical, research, intuitive, theoretical, situational, experiential, and ethical knowledge. It emphasizes that clinical expertise comes from the application of scientific evidence within the patient's values and goals, using experience and different types of clinical reasoning. The document also includes quotes advocating for patient-centered care focused on empowering patients through advice and strategies rather than just manual techniques, as well as calls for physiotherapists to think critically and not be swayed by tradition or gadgets without data to support them.
1. 13.01.2019
Neurodynamic tests are not
diagnostic for entrapment
neuropathies, but detect heightened
neural mechanosensitivity
State of the art nevrodynamikk
Tradisjonellt sett p奪 som et lokalt problem for eksempel lumbar
radikulopati, carpal tunnel syndrom etc forklart gjennom
Nerve / blod infiltrasjon (Rydevik 1977), Schwann celler og
demyelinering (MacKinnon 2002), og Ektopiske endringer i
ionekanaler (Devor 2006)
Dette skulle resultere i ganske klare symptombilder som f淡lger
m淡nster, anatomiske kart og dermatomale begrensninger
(ingen gull
- Caliandro 2006
- Murphy 2009
- De le Penas 2009
- Schmid 2011
- Thoomes 2012
- Genavay 2010
- Bland 2005
- Bland 2007
- Nikolaidis 2010
- Ronnberg 2007
- Nevroinnflammasjon
- Immun celler cytokiner senker
grensen for fyringsterksel
- Ektopisk aktivitet b奪de for nosisptorer
or mekanosensitive nevroner
- Dyrefors淡k har tidligere p奪vist sterk
axonale tap men dette er ikke
overf淡rbart til klinikken
- Schmid (2011) viser til sv脱rt liten
skade gir intraneural innflammasjon
kan forklare hyperalgesi bade lokalt og
I dermatomet.
- Nerveskade aktiverer makrofager,
lymfocytter og glia celler
- Sannsynlig aktivering av ektopisk
aktivitet I bakhornet
- Anatomisk n脱rhet til andre type
nerveceller I bakhornet ved hjelp av
nevroinnflammasjon s淡rger igjen for
nedsatt fyringsterksel ogs奪 I
- Klinisk eksempel ville v脱re fyring av
tibialis nerven rundt malleoulen fyrer,
dermed ogs奪 L4 DRG senker
terskelen for bade fibularis og
femoralis nervene skaper ekstra
territorial hypersensitivitet
- Samme prosess kan skje i ryggmargen
- Store nerveskader har allerede blitt
assosiert med endringer gjennom glia
celler i bade mellomhjernen og
- Funksjonelle endringer som h淡 / ve
diskrimenering, reorganisering av den
somatosensoriske korteks og endring
av kroppsoppfattelse
- Mye som tyder p奪 at disse
mekanismene kan st奪 bak forklaringen
p奪 bilaterale
symptomer,kontralaterale symptomer
og fantomsmerter.
2. 13.01.2019
Mer vs
Klassisk Nerverotsaffeksjon
Tegn & Symptomer
Ryggsmerter + utstr奪ling
Brennende / Skytende
Klare agg / lettende faktorer
Utstr奪ling f淡lger dermatomet til
spesifikk nerverot
Prikking / Nummenhet
Avlastende posisjon finnes
Kliniske Funn
Nevrologisk status nedsatt
(refleks, kraft, sensibilitet)
Nevrodynamisk tester
(SLR, Slump test +ve ?)
Palpasjon av nervevev
(Iscias nerve, peroneus nerve +ve)
Klassisk perifer nerve entrapment
Tegn & Symptomer
Utstr奪ling + ryggsmerter)
Brennende / Skytende
Uklar agg / lett faktorer
Utstr奪ling f淡lger oftest den perifere
innervasjonen av nerven
Prikking & Nummenhet er mer
Autonom system involvering
Kliniske funn
Nevrologi (refleks, kraft,
sensibilitet) oftest normal
Nevrodynamikk +ve
Palpasjon av relevant nervevev +ve
Sensibilitetsendringer til kulde &
varme ?
Langvarig avklemming = muskel
atrofi ?
EMG, Nevrografi, MRI ?
FAKTA PR 21.11.2018
Nevroimmunologi Kliniske nevrologiske tester De nevrodynamiske testene (NDT)
- Ekstradermatomale symptomer er
helt vanlig i nevropatier
- Grunnlaget for dette er store
variasjoner blant menneskenes
- Immuninflammatorisk respons som
奪rsak til spredning av symptomer
sannsynligvis gjennom fyring i
bakhornet (DRG)
- Fyringsterskelen senkes og
nevronene i bakhornet fyrer oftere
og enklere
- Aktivering av GLIA celler i b奪de
ryggmarg og h淡yere senter mulig
forklaring for sentral sensitivisering
og speil symptomer
- Nevrologiske tester (refleks, styrke,
sensibilitet, elektrodiagnostikk) tester
muligens kun en br淡kdel av
symptomatiske pasienter
- Testene tester A beta og motor fibre
som utgj淡r kun 20% av fibrene i en
- Dyrefors淡k har til n奪 fokusert p奪
relativt store skader, noe som ikke
ligner p奪 det som skjer hos
- Sm奪skader (entrapments) virker som
om det blir mer signifikant skade p奪
de sm奪 fiberne A delta og C
- Testene er standard men tolkningene
varierer kraftig i klinisk praksis
- Testene, isolert sett, har liten eller
ingen klinisk verdi
- Mange ekte nerveaffeksjoner mister
funksjon men endrer ikke
mekanosensitivitet og har dermed
negative NDT
- Negative tester utelukker ikke
- Positiv testrespons m奪 ikke bety 淡kt
perifer sensitisering men kan v脱re et
tegn p奪 sentral sensitisering
P奪 tide med 奪 utfordre common beliefs?
Kliniske Funn Ikke Stemmer?
Nevrologisk status er normal
Nevrodynamiske tester er normale
Palpasjon av nervevev er normalt
Symptomer er langt forbi
- men anamnesen sier at dette er
nevrogene mekanismer / plager?
3. 13.01.2019
Normal nevrologisk testing?
De tykke myelinbelagte nervefiberne utgj淡r kun 20% (motor
og touch), resten utgj淡r 80% (varme, kulde, nosisepsjon)
De sm奪 fiberne lar seg ikke teste i klinikken p奪 en god m奪te
enda (QST) og det er fullt mulig at disse degenerer og
skaper mindre mekanosensitivitet
Normal nevrodynamisk testing?
58% av pasienter med lx radikulopati hadde ve SLR (Suri, 2013)
Det kan v脱re at de med negativ SLR / Slump har en st淡rre skade
p奪 de sm奪 nervefiberne enn de med positiv SLR / Slump
Nervi Nevorum gj淡r at pasientene mulig blir mindre
mekanosensitive for nevrodynamiske tester
Symptomer p奪 utsiden av grensene?
66% av pasienter med lx radikulopati har symptomer utenfor
dermatomale grenser (Murphy, 2009)
Kan dette v脱re pga nevroinnflammasjon, utslipp av cytokiner og
spredning gjennom en nevroimmun respons?
I klinikken betyr det da ikke at radikulopatier eller andre nerve
entrapments m奪 f淡lge noe som helst m淡nster
The Double Crush Syndrome
McComas et al 1974
Antok at flere sm奪 impingements langs en
perifer nerve kunne f奪 en summert effekt p奪
Scmid et al 2013
Etablert sammenheng i litteraturen
Kan forklares gjennom axoplasmisk endring i
samme forl淡p
Kan forklares gjennom immun hukommelse i
nervesymtpomer som ikke er i samme bane
Hvordan p奪virker dette v奪r behandling?
I kirurgi eller via injeksjosterapi #perifert kan det gi store
Nervemobilisering perifert har vist 奪 redusere aktivitet b奪de lokalt
men ogs奪 i DRG i ryggmargen (Schimd et al 2011)
I rotter i Brasil viser det seg at nevrodynamiske 淡velser kan
p奪virke glia celler i DRG til 奪 senke innflamasjon (Da Silva, 2015)
4. 13.01.2019
Kan vi bruke screening verkt淡yene ? Vitenskapen sier ganske tydelig JA valid og reliabelt
Sensitivitet / Spesifisitet 80 %