Java 女子部 講義資料
This presentation is used to lecture about the introduction of Java Virtual Machine at Java Japan User Group (Girls).
This document discusses using Spring Cloud Netflix to connect microservices. It covers:
- An overview of Netflix and Spring Cloud
- How to use Spring Cloud Netflix libraries like Eureka, Ribbon and Hystrix to implement service discovery, load balancing and fault tolerance between microservices
- Demos of creating Eureka service registry and registering producer/consumer services
The document discusses various boilerplate patterns related to building microservices using the Spring Framework and Spring Cloud. It outlines patterns for application coordination, configuration, operations for the JVM, runtime platform provisioning, and microservice operations. It also introduces Spring Cloud projects like Config Server, Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, Stream, and Sleuth that can help implement these patterns to build cloud-native microservice architectures.
Java 女子部 講義資料
This presentation is used to lecture about the introduction of Java Virtual Machine at Java Japan User Group (Girls).
This document discusses using Spring Cloud Netflix to connect microservices. It covers:
- An overview of Netflix and Spring Cloud
- How to use Spring Cloud Netflix libraries like Eureka, Ribbon and Hystrix to implement service discovery, load balancing and fault tolerance between microservices
- Demos of creating Eureka service registry and registering producer/consumer services
The document discusses various boilerplate patterns related to building microservices using the Spring Framework and Spring Cloud. It outlines patterns for application coordination, configuration, operations for the JVM, runtime platform provisioning, and microservice operations. It also introduces Spring Cloud projects like Config Server, Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, Stream, and Sleuth that can help implement these patterns to build cloud-native microservice architectures.
Event Driven Microservices with Spring Cloud Stream #jjug_ccc #ccc_ab3Toshiaki Maki
The document describes Spring Cloud Stream, an event-driven microservice framework built on Spring Boot and Spring Integration. It provides primitives for building message-driven microservices including persistent publish-subscribe messaging, consumer groups, and support for multiple message brokers like RabbitMQ and Kafka. Applications are developed as message sources, sinks and processors. Spring Cloud Stream handles mapping of applications to messaging infrastructure.
2015 0228 OpenStack swift; GMO Internet ServicesNaoto Gohko
GMO Internet Inc., has been service provided by the quotient material made of the fact that OpenStack Swift the ConoHa VPS brand and GMO Apps Cloud. discussed the differences between the physical configuration of the OpenStack Swift at rackspace and ConoHa, was carried out optimization of the configuration.
In addition, you have an implementation that provided by Dual-head on multiple merchandise by invoking the swift-proxy for each service.
パフォーマンス?保守性?セキュリティ?稼働率など様々な要素を最適化しなければならないサイト構築と運用。旧態依然のAMPアーキテクチャでは限界です。そこで登場したのがSSG(Static Site Generator)であり、さらにそれをリファインしたJAMstackです。
Windows Server 2016 で作るシンプルなハイパーコンバージドインフラ (Microsoft TechSummit 2016)Takamasa Maejima
2016年11月に開催された Microsoft TechSummit 2016 での、Windows Server 2016 ストレージ機能 (SDS) を活用したハイパーコンバージドインフラ (HCI) に関するセッションスライドです。
[イベント名] Microsoft TechSummit 2016
[開催日] 2016年11月1日
[セッションID] CDP-002
[セッションタイトル] Windows Server 2016 で作るシンプルなハイパーコンバージドインフラ
17. Open Source Conference 2014 Hokkaido
Agent Analyzer
CPU アーキテクチャ x86 または x86_64※1 不問
Linux※2 不問
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
CentOS 6
Fedora 20
Windows 7/8/8.1
Windows Server 2008/2012
OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Java バージョン
OpenJDK 6+
Oracle Java 6+
OpenJDK 7+
Oracle Java 7+
GUI 不要 必要
※1 SSE4 または AVX に対応している CPU では,より低負荷での動作が可能
※2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux,CentOS,Fedora 用 RPM パッケージ配布中
18. Open Source Conference 2014 Hokkaido
? ダウンロード!
? Agent のインストールは,とても簡単
? Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Fedora の場合は,RPM ファイルで
? AP サーバ等の起動スクリプトの,Java 起動オプションに
? Analyzer は,ほぼゼロインストール
? zip ファイルを展開,外部ライブラリ※を入れて jar ファイルを
※ 別途 JGraphX,JFreeChart,JCommon が必要
% java -agentlib:heapstats Test
% java -jar heapstats.jar