This document provides an overview of a workshop on healing relationships with love. The workshop will explore transcending myths about love, the four stages of finding a soulmate, and formulas for creating relationships. Attendees will learn techniques like heart coherence to change their love vibrational setpoint. The goal is to complete the past, appreciate the present, and create a new future for love by manifesting a soulmate through applying principles like being a source of love oneself.
This text contains the principles to renew our medical system toward the consciousness of love.
I hope to have many feedbacks and comments from you
A life coach helps clients achieve greater joy in their lives by guiding them to identify their deepest desires and overcome obstacles holding them back. A coach listens without judgment, helps clients access their inner truth, build self-belief and take actions aligned with living fully from a place of inner wisdom and fulfillment. The purpose is to support clients awakening their true self and bring more joy into their lives.
286 me first values or heavenly values pt1MyWonderStudio
This document discusses the conflict between "me first" values of the natural man and the heavenly values taught by Jesus and in the Bible. It outlines some of the heavenly values like selflessness, humility, love, honesty, unity, and dependence on God. It acknowledges that adopting heavenly values requires changing one's mindset and can feel like a "culture shock" but that over time, as one spends more time with God and learns from Him, their carnal values weaken and heavenly values increase and become more important in their life. It encourages the reader to dive into God's heavenly values.
This document outlines the first step of a 7-step transformational journey focused on connecting with one's heart. Step 1 invites reflection on current needs and feelings, areas of stored emotion, and habitual reactions. It then guides contemplation of happy memories to identify primary emotions like love and joy. The goal is to use these emotions to craft a statement of purpose that expresses one's drive to inspire others through service. Completing this first step prepares one to cross a threshold into further transformation.
Understanding Love -- Self-Help Regarding Psychological HealingMaria772Nielson
This document discusses psychological healing and conscious loving in relationships. It states that past emotional wounds and unresolved issues get stored in our body and mind, acting as barriers to self-understanding, awareness, and spiritual growth. These wounds also contribute to relationship problems. The document recommends taking responsibility for one's role in the relationship and working towards resolving one's own psychological issues in order to free oneself from the past and have a healthy relationship.
The document discusses responding to someone who asked "why am I here?". It says the author received a similar question 18 years ago. When responding, they asked questions to understand the person's perspective before providing hope and showing God's love. The goal is to build a relationship and understand them, not just give a pat answer. Judging others without understanding their experiences leaves "much to be desired".
This document provides practical steps for developing self-respect, compassionate relationships, and becoming fully human. It discusses discovering one's true identity, purpose and calling in life. Topics include dealing with inner critics, fears, loneliness, anger, guilt and hurt. The document presents mindfulness and pausing as central practices, and explores love, lovingkindness and unconditional love. The goal is to actualize one's potential through psychological work, spiritual practice and receiving grace to become loving, free of ego fears and generous with one's gifts.
S.s. 101 From root to crown - Sacred Sexuality 101Darlan Costa
S.s. 101 From root to crown - Sacred Sexuality 101
Youre About To Embark On An Unprecedented, Transformational Journey...
Tags: root to crown,from root to crown,root to crown chakra,crown,root,yoga from root to crown,chakra from root to crown,crown to root,chakras music from root to crown,crown chakra,chakra tune-up root to crown,root to crown binaural beats,chakra groove form root to crown chakra,root to crown chakra balancing,root chakra,full chakra tune-up root to crown,chakra tune-up music root to crown,root chakra to crown chakra healing,root crown,root and crown,tooth crown
Sacred Sexuality 101- root to crown,from root to crown,root to crown chakra,crown,root,yoga from root to crown,chakra from root to crown,crown to root,chakras music from root to crown,crown chakra,chakra tune-up root to crown,root to crown binaural beats,chakra groove form root to crown chakra,root to crown chakra balancing,root chakra,full chakra tune-up root to crown,chakra tune-up music root to crown,root chakra to crown chakra healing,root crown,root and crown,tooth crown
Connections is a new Spiritual Community in Brevard County, FL and streaming live every Sunday through the World Wide Web. What this short presentation to see if it resonates with you. We look forward to Connecting with you! ~Scott
This document discusses how mental fitness, conscious unity, and spiritual practices can lead to healing of the mind, body, and spirit. It provides three research studies showing connections between love, focused meditation, and self-healing. Examples of yoga sun salutations and guided imagery are provided as exercises to improve mental fitness. The conclusion is that techniques that connect us to our spiritual core can help us achieve higher states of consciousness and unity.
Chakra meditations with james philip heart chakraNature Relaxing
Heart Chakra meditations can be a powerful tool for promoting emotional balance, enhancing compassion and love, healing emotional wounds, improving relationships, and boosting overall well-being and health. By practicing Heart Chakra meditations regularly, we can connect with the energy of the Heart Chakra and cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and forgiveness towards ourselves and others.
It is encouraged to incorporate Heart Chakra meditations into daily practice, even if just for a few minutes a day. These meditations can be done in a quiet, peaceful place or even on-the-go. The most important thing is to focus on cultivating feelings of love, compassion, and forgiveness towards ourselves and others.
In conclusion, Heart Chakra meditations can be a powerful tool for anyone seeking greater emotional and spiritual well-being. By incorporating these meditations into our daily practice, we can connect with the energy of the Heart Chakra, cultivate feelings of love and compassion, and experience greater peace and joy in our lives.
This document discusses spirituality and forgiveness in relationships. It argues that spirituality is important for relationships as love and God are interconnected. Spirituality involves being in relationship with one's partner, family, others and nature or God. True forgiveness and vulnerability are necessary for genuine love and spiritual growth. The story of the Road to Emmaus is presented as an example of rediscovering love and spirituality through openness, understanding and forgiveness.
The document discusses the Violet Flame, a divine energy that can transmute negativity. It explains that the Violet Flame resides at the core of all energy and can awaken the divine spark within when consciously invoked. It then provides a 4-step method to call upon the Violet Flame through meditation: [1] Bringing the Violet Flame into the body, [2] Spinning it around the body, [3] Asking it to transmute all negative energies, [4] Filling the body with healing light. Regular practice of this meditation using Violet Flame decrees can help transform karma and raise one's vibration to a higher state of love, light and spiritual advancement.
The document discusses the Violet Flame, a divine energy that can transmute negativity. It explains that the Violet Flame resides at the core of all energy and can awaken the divine spark within when consciously invoked. It then provides a 4-step method to call upon the Violet Flame through meditation: [1] Bring the Violet Flame into your body, [2] Spin it around your entire energy field, [3] Ask it to transmute all negative energies, [4] Fill yourself with divine light. Regular practice of this meditation can help dissolve lifetimes of unresolved issues and align us with our higher selves.
As we enter the new potentiality of a year (2015), we step forward into possibility, probability, facing some of the same challenges of 2014, yet with a new-found self-belief, a newly discovered wisdom, and an evolving bravery. As the 2014 ebbs, it's a good time for reflection, to ask questions of the self, for instance:
Spiritual Mind Treatment in 5 Simple Stepshelengraves58
This document provides an overview of the Science of Mind approach to prayer called Spiritual Mind Treatment. It involves connecting with the divine spirit within and affirming positive beliefs about the desired outcome rather than begging or asking God for something. The 5 steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment are outlined which include unification, realization, thanksgiving, and release. Examples are given for each step when applying it to areas like prosperity, courage, and well-being. The document suggests that life is a mirror that reflects one's thoughts and Spiritual Mind Treatment can help the reader create the life they desire.
This document discusses finding your calling and place of service in the church. It encourages self-reflection on your passions, spiritual gifts, leadership style, and maturity in faith. Participants are guided through exercises to identify areas they feel inspired to serve based on their profile. The document stresses that everyone has a role to play and seasons of service may change over life stages. It prompts setting a specific, realistic yet challenging goal to work towards to find your ministry.
This document outlines an agenda for a Soul Yoga Intensive workshop with the following parts:
- Part 1 introduces a new era focused on the soul and heart rather than the ego.
- Part 2 involves looking back at the gifts of 2012 and celebrating accomplishments and attempts.
- Part 3 guides participants on moving forward from the heart/soul through creating an "Act of Power Statement" and strategies for success.
The workshop encourages participants to listen to their soul, follow their energy and desires, and embrace their strengths to shape shift their reality in aligned with their soul's path.
This document summarizes bonding psychotherapy practices in a therapeutic community (TC) for treating young adults. The TC uses bonding groups and other tools to help clients develop self-worth, form relationships, and address issues from past trauma. Clients are assessed and bonding therapy focuses on emotions, attitudes, and attachment styles. Groups explore feelings in the present moment to facilitate insight and acceptance of past experiences. Testing shows TC improves secure attachment and reduces symptoms over time.
This document summarizes bonding psychotherapy practices in a therapeutic community (TC) for treating substance abuse. It describes how bonding therapy and the TC aim to facilitate insight and acceptance of painful past experiences by providing human warmth from peers and staff. Testing is used to assess clients' attachment styles and symptom burden. Bonding groups focus on exploring emotions, attitudes, and attachment defects from a here-and-now perspective to build self-worth and relationship skills. Outcomes include reduced anxiety, improved trust and intimacy, and relief of symptoms.
This document discusses positive psychology and how to find true happiness. It argues that true happiness comes from feeling pleasures and engagement, and finding meaning and satisfaction in life. It identifies character strengths like wisdom, courage, humanity, and justice that comprise our "real self" and notes that using our strengths leads to growth and happiness. The document provides exercises and tips for increasing positive feelings and meaning, such as acts of kindness, gratitude, and focusing on strengths to build one's real self and live an authentic, happy life.
This document provides an introduction to the Here & Now meditation technique. It discusses how the mind can be the source of suffering through its imprecision, "shoulds" and judgments. The meditation aims to tame the mind and experience the original, wordless mind of stillness beyond thoughts of past and future. It introduces some key concepts like the difference between the original mind and secondary mind of words, and how separating from identification with the mind can help overcome feelings of lack and suffering.
This document discusses self-transformation and outlines a 7-stage process. It defines self-transformation as consciously changing one's thoughts, actions, and behaviors through mental activity to experience more happiness and fulfillment. The 7 stages are: 1) Acknowledge your current state, 2) Forgive others who have harmed you, 3) Let go of people and situations that cause suffering, 4) Accept both perfection and imperfection within yourself, 5) Love yourself unconditionally, 6) Surrender desires to control others and their perspectives, and 7) Create and reinvent yourself by changing what you don't like. Actualizing your own potential requires discovering your essence rather than copying others.
Self-Love sounds so simple and yet, how do we get there? How do we understand and overcome the negative habits that sabotage our potential and happiness? This presentation will provide you with gentle and practical insights and visualisations to set you on your way to finding self-love.
Journeying with Students into Healthy Relationships & SexualityMatthew Martin
WHO: youth pastors, youth workers, and campus leaders
WHAT: We'll will explore why and how teens and young adults are struggling with relationships and sexuality, and how as leaders we can journey with them towards greater wholeness and godliness.
How and why teens struggle emotionally, relationally and sexually
What's required for healthy relationships and sexuality?
Addictive behaviour and relationships, strategies for pursuing health and freedom
Understanding sexual identity and how to help same-sex attracted teens
Making your youth group a safer place for hurting teens
The River: components of a curriculum for Christ-centred healing and wholeness
Most of us have experienced rejection, shame, and blame while growing up. Cory experienced more of these things than anyone Ive ever known.
Because Cory didnt grow up with joy being a part of his life, he found that the interactive gratitude exercise from Jim Wilder, Anna Kang, John Loppnow, and Sungshim Loppnows book, Joyful Journey, was helpful in processing his internal dialogue of negative thoughts so he could experience joy from God through Immanuel Journaling.
Cory noted that his Immanuel Journaling has been enhanced by the seven soul care principles from Dr. Rob Reimers book, Soul Care: 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul.
He participates in the weekly soul care mens group that I co-lead.
We cultivate these seven principles: identity, repentance, overcoming family sin patterns, forgiveness, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance.
See the profile of Cory, application of the seven soul care principles, and Immanuel Journaling in the attached Year-End Sync Newsletter.
Learn how to engage in dialogue with God in attached, Immanuel Journaling Lesson.
The document discusses domestic violence and healthy relationships. It covers topics like toxic love vs healthy love, love languages, spiritual healing and recovery, forgiveness, and relaxation techniques. The agenda includes love confusion, forgiveness, and spiritual healing. It provides information on determining love languages, signs of healthy families, and how to learn a child's love language. Key principles discussed are that pure love is unconditional and our love language is how we most easily receive love.
Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2e
Any form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing
Sacred Sexuality 101- root to crown,from root to crown,root to crown chakra,crown,root,yoga from root to crown,chakra from root to crown,crown to root,chakras music from root to crown,crown chakra,chakra tune-up root to crown,root to crown binaural beats,chakra groove form root to crown chakra,root to crown chakra balancing,root chakra,full chakra tune-up root to crown,chakra tune-up music root to crown,root chakra to crown chakra healing,root crown,root and crown,tooth crown
Connections is a new Spiritual Community in Brevard County, FL and streaming live every Sunday through the World Wide Web. What this short presentation to see if it resonates with you. We look forward to Connecting with you! ~Scott
This document discusses how mental fitness, conscious unity, and spiritual practices can lead to healing of the mind, body, and spirit. It provides three research studies showing connections between love, focused meditation, and self-healing. Examples of yoga sun salutations and guided imagery are provided as exercises to improve mental fitness. The conclusion is that techniques that connect us to our spiritual core can help us achieve higher states of consciousness and unity.
Chakra meditations with james philip heart chakraNature Relaxing
Heart Chakra meditations can be a powerful tool for promoting emotional balance, enhancing compassion and love, healing emotional wounds, improving relationships, and boosting overall well-being and health. By practicing Heart Chakra meditations regularly, we can connect with the energy of the Heart Chakra and cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and forgiveness towards ourselves and others.
It is encouraged to incorporate Heart Chakra meditations into daily practice, even if just for a few minutes a day. These meditations can be done in a quiet, peaceful place or even on-the-go. The most important thing is to focus on cultivating feelings of love, compassion, and forgiveness towards ourselves and others.
In conclusion, Heart Chakra meditations can be a powerful tool for anyone seeking greater emotional and spiritual well-being. By incorporating these meditations into our daily practice, we can connect with the energy of the Heart Chakra, cultivate feelings of love and compassion, and experience greater peace and joy in our lives.
This document discusses spirituality and forgiveness in relationships. It argues that spirituality is important for relationships as love and God are interconnected. Spirituality involves being in relationship with one's partner, family, others and nature or God. True forgiveness and vulnerability are necessary for genuine love and spiritual growth. The story of the Road to Emmaus is presented as an example of rediscovering love and spirituality through openness, understanding and forgiveness.
The document discusses the Violet Flame, a divine energy that can transmute negativity. It explains that the Violet Flame resides at the core of all energy and can awaken the divine spark within when consciously invoked. It then provides a 4-step method to call upon the Violet Flame through meditation: [1] Bringing the Violet Flame into the body, [2] Spinning it around the body, [3] Asking it to transmute all negative energies, [4] Filling the body with healing light. Regular practice of this meditation using Violet Flame decrees can help transform karma and raise one's vibration to a higher state of love, light and spiritual advancement.
The document discusses the Violet Flame, a divine energy that can transmute negativity. It explains that the Violet Flame resides at the core of all energy and can awaken the divine spark within when consciously invoked. It then provides a 4-step method to call upon the Violet Flame through meditation: [1] Bring the Violet Flame into your body, [2] Spin it around your entire energy field, [3] Ask it to transmute all negative energies, [4] Fill yourself with divine light. Regular practice of this meditation can help dissolve lifetimes of unresolved issues and align us with our higher selves.
As we enter the new potentiality of a year (2015), we step forward into possibility, probability, facing some of the same challenges of 2014, yet with a new-found self-belief, a newly discovered wisdom, and an evolving bravery. As the 2014 ebbs, it's a good time for reflection, to ask questions of the self, for instance:
Spiritual Mind Treatment in 5 Simple Stepshelengraves58
This document provides an overview of the Science of Mind approach to prayer called Spiritual Mind Treatment. It involves connecting with the divine spirit within and affirming positive beliefs about the desired outcome rather than begging or asking God for something. The 5 steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment are outlined which include unification, realization, thanksgiving, and release. Examples are given for each step when applying it to areas like prosperity, courage, and well-being. The document suggests that life is a mirror that reflects one's thoughts and Spiritual Mind Treatment can help the reader create the life they desire.
This document discusses finding your calling and place of service in the church. It encourages self-reflection on your passions, spiritual gifts, leadership style, and maturity in faith. Participants are guided through exercises to identify areas they feel inspired to serve based on their profile. The document stresses that everyone has a role to play and seasons of service may change over life stages. It prompts setting a specific, realistic yet challenging goal to work towards to find your ministry.
This document outlines an agenda for a Soul Yoga Intensive workshop with the following parts:
- Part 1 introduces a new era focused on the soul and heart rather than the ego.
- Part 2 involves looking back at the gifts of 2012 and celebrating accomplishments and attempts.
- Part 3 guides participants on moving forward from the heart/soul through creating an "Act of Power Statement" and strategies for success.
The workshop encourages participants to listen to their soul, follow their energy and desires, and embrace their strengths to shape shift their reality in aligned with their soul's path.
This document summarizes bonding psychotherapy practices in a therapeutic community (TC) for treating young adults. The TC uses bonding groups and other tools to help clients develop self-worth, form relationships, and address issues from past trauma. Clients are assessed and bonding therapy focuses on emotions, attitudes, and attachment styles. Groups explore feelings in the present moment to facilitate insight and acceptance of past experiences. Testing shows TC improves secure attachment and reduces symptoms over time.
This document summarizes bonding psychotherapy practices in a therapeutic community (TC) for treating substance abuse. It describes how bonding therapy and the TC aim to facilitate insight and acceptance of painful past experiences by providing human warmth from peers and staff. Testing is used to assess clients' attachment styles and symptom burden. Bonding groups focus on exploring emotions, attitudes, and attachment defects from a here-and-now perspective to build self-worth and relationship skills. Outcomes include reduced anxiety, improved trust and intimacy, and relief of symptoms.
This document discusses positive psychology and how to find true happiness. It argues that true happiness comes from feeling pleasures and engagement, and finding meaning and satisfaction in life. It identifies character strengths like wisdom, courage, humanity, and justice that comprise our "real self" and notes that using our strengths leads to growth and happiness. The document provides exercises and tips for increasing positive feelings and meaning, such as acts of kindness, gratitude, and focusing on strengths to build one's real self and live an authentic, happy life.
This document provides an introduction to the Here & Now meditation technique. It discusses how the mind can be the source of suffering through its imprecision, "shoulds" and judgments. The meditation aims to tame the mind and experience the original, wordless mind of stillness beyond thoughts of past and future. It introduces some key concepts like the difference between the original mind and secondary mind of words, and how separating from identification with the mind can help overcome feelings of lack and suffering.
This document discusses self-transformation and outlines a 7-stage process. It defines self-transformation as consciously changing one's thoughts, actions, and behaviors through mental activity to experience more happiness and fulfillment. The 7 stages are: 1) Acknowledge your current state, 2) Forgive others who have harmed you, 3) Let go of people and situations that cause suffering, 4) Accept both perfection and imperfection within yourself, 5) Love yourself unconditionally, 6) Surrender desires to control others and their perspectives, and 7) Create and reinvent yourself by changing what you don't like. Actualizing your own potential requires discovering your essence rather than copying others.
Self-Love sounds so simple and yet, how do we get there? How do we understand and overcome the negative habits that sabotage our potential and happiness? This presentation will provide you with gentle and practical insights and visualisations to set you on your way to finding self-love.
Journeying with Students into Healthy Relationships & SexualityMatthew Martin
WHO: youth pastors, youth workers, and campus leaders
WHAT: We'll will explore why and how teens and young adults are struggling with relationships and sexuality, and how as leaders we can journey with them towards greater wholeness and godliness.
How and why teens struggle emotionally, relationally and sexually
What's required for healthy relationships and sexuality?
Addictive behaviour and relationships, strategies for pursuing health and freedom
Understanding sexual identity and how to help same-sex attracted teens
Making your youth group a safer place for hurting teens
The River: components of a curriculum for Christ-centred healing and wholeness
Most of us have experienced rejection, shame, and blame while growing up. Cory experienced more of these things than anyone Ive ever known.
Because Cory didnt grow up with joy being a part of his life, he found that the interactive gratitude exercise from Jim Wilder, Anna Kang, John Loppnow, and Sungshim Loppnows book, Joyful Journey, was helpful in processing his internal dialogue of negative thoughts so he could experience joy from God through Immanuel Journaling.
Cory noted that his Immanuel Journaling has been enhanced by the seven soul care principles from Dr. Rob Reimers book, Soul Care: 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul.
He participates in the weekly soul care mens group that I co-lead.
We cultivate these seven principles: identity, repentance, overcoming family sin patterns, forgiveness, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance.
See the profile of Cory, application of the seven soul care principles, and Immanuel Journaling in the attached Year-End Sync Newsletter.
Learn how to engage in dialogue with God in attached, Immanuel Journaling Lesson.
The document discusses domestic violence and healthy relationships. It covers topics like toxic love vs healthy love, love languages, spiritual healing and recovery, forgiveness, and relaxation techniques. The agenda includes love confusion, forgiveness, and spiritual healing. It provides information on determining love languages, signs of healthy families, and how to learn a child's love language. Key principles discussed are that pure love is unconditional and our love language is how we most easily receive love.
Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2e
Any form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing
HypeLadies -Women Empower Women At, we believe in celebrating ...Susanna
**HypeLadies - Women Empowerment**
At ****, we believe in celebrating the modern woman by providing a one-stop destination for **self-improvement** and **personal growth**. Our platform is designed to empower women by offering valuable insights that foster **empowerment** and a strong **mindset**. With a focus on **continuous learning**, we guide women in **goal setting**, **self-care**, and maintaining **positive vibes** to boost their **mental wellness**.
By embracing **life goals**, **motivation**, and a **success mindset**, we inspire women to cultivate **confidence** and embark on their **growth journey**. At HypeLadies, we believe that when women come together, they truly **empower** one another to achieve greatness. **Believe in yourself**, because you are capable of so much!**HypeLadies - Women Empower Women**
At ****, we believe in celebrating the modern woman by offering a comprehensive platform that inspires, empowers, and supports women everywhere. Our mission is to create a space where women can access valuable content, build their confidence, and grow in every aspect of their lives.
We provide a diverse range of resources that support women in their journey of **self-improvement**, **personal growth**, and **empowerment**. Join our community and be a part of a movement where **women empower women**.
SelfImprovement, PersonalGrowth, Empowerment, MindsetMatters, ContinuousLearning, GoalSetting, SelfCare, PositiveVibes, MentalWellness, LifeGoals, Motivation, SuccessMindset, ConfidenceBuilding, GrowthJourney, BelieveInYourself
How to Create Space for Deeper Mental ProcessesSOFTTECHHUB
We live in a world that's always on. Our phones buzz, emails pile up, and to-do lists never end. It's hard to find a quiet moment, let alone come up with fresh ideas. But here's the thing - creativity isn't a luxury. It's how we solve problems, innovate, and move forward. Without it, we're just running in place.
This constant noise in our lives makes it tough to think clearly. We're always reacting, never reflecting. And when we do try to be creative, our minds feel cluttered. It's like trying to paint in a room full of people shouting at you.
Learning Objective: Examine tips and strategies to increase positive study habits
Learning to study effectively is a skill that benefits everyone, even the smartest in the class. When polled, most college students would agree that they needed to learn how to study when they started college properly. In this seminar, we will address preparatory study principles, such as setting goals, knowing your learning style, being an active reader, participating in study groups, organizing your notes and study materials, and writing drafts of papers, which can help all students improve their study skills and perform better.
After this seminar, the participants will be able to:
a.油油 油Identify the traits of successful studying candidates.油
b.油油 油Generate methods for achieving successful studying habits.
c.油油 油Outline methods for implementing successful studying techniques.
THE OMNIPOTENT CODES by Ayas Ganguly (Un-Cut Edition)talksrick
This Pocket Book Contains Some so-called "Forbidden by the Society" Techniques Thatll Make You a Master at Making Others Bow DownAnd Will Stop You from Bowing down to Others.
~ Author
Learning objective: Encourage innovation in the face of adversity. Panelists will discuss strategies for cultivating innovation and promoting a resilient growth mindset.
Upgrade your kitchen with affordable RTA cabinets that combine style, durability, and budget-friendly pricing. These ready-to-assemble cabinets offer easy installation without compromising on quality. Choose from modern, shaker, and European-style designs to match your space. Perfect for homeowners, contractors, and remodelers seeking wholesale savings. Enjoy high-quality materials and craftsmanship at unbeatable prices. Get the best RTA cabinets for your kitchen today.
SWOT Analysis for Personal Growth & Character Development004mabubakarmirza
SWOT Analysis for Personal Growth & Character Development. You can use the following steps to improve yourself and highlight the keypoint about yourself.
2. Key Topics we'll be exploring...
Three Myths about Love you Must Transcend
The Four Stages of the Path to Soulmate Love
The Relationship Creation Formula
How We Create our Realities
Changing your Love Vibrational Set point
Healing your Relationship with Love
The Key to Manifesting Soulmate Love
10. 04
Connection Relating Relationship
The Relationship Creation Formula
We live in a created world. Relationship is the by-product of
connecting and relating with others. Want a relationship? Start
connecting and relating to others from a loving space!
12. 03
Joy, Peace, Love
(Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth)
Pride, Anger
Fear, Anxiety
Guilt, Shame
Apathy, Grief
(Scarcity, Lack, Limitation)
Reverse Manifestation Process
What you hold in
consciousness (beliefs)
Thoughts + Emotions
What you hold in your
Mental, Emotional and
Energetic awareness
13. Alignment with the energetic field or
Higher Love/Wisdom/Power that
nurtures and supports all life for the
Highest Good of all (Heart)
Linear, Rational Thinking (Mind)
Victimhood and helplessness. Angry
at life. Blaming others for what they
are doing to me. A sense of feeling
powerless, hopeless, with an
increase need to control others and
life. Recurrent feelings of Im not
okay and needing something or
someone outside self to validate,
affirm or give meaning.
The beginning of integrity, personal
ownership and self-empowerment. A
willingness to try new things and see
the world as a benevolent place.
Stages of Change
Emotional stages are more permeant
or seasonal and can be transcended
overtime as we shift our
emotional/energetic frequency or
certain healing takes place.
Emotional stages refer primarily to
the level of being and our perception
of the world.
14. 04
Neurological Levels of
Hierarchy of levels our neurological system
uses to order its relationship with the
world. As human beings, we can make
changes to our environment, behaviors,
capabilities, beliefs, and identity.
To ensure sustainable change, it must be
done at the level of identity (ei. When I
change the way I see or experience myself)
Beliefs and Values
15. 04
Higher Self
Infinite Potential
Revised Neurological
Levels of Change
Our current identity is a human
fabrication and will therefore be limited
by past experience or prior knowledge.
To transcend our own identity and our
ego's resistance to change, we align
with our Higher Self instead (Christ Self,
Buddha Nature, Atman Presence, Divine
Beliefs and Values
The level of this program
16. 04
Your Triune Nature
I AM Presence: Your Divine Identity, or the
part of you that is pure Light and always
one with God, Source, or Divinity
Higher Self: The Mediator between your
human identity and your Divine Identity.
The Christian mystics sometimes referred
to the Mediator as the inner man of the
Human Identity: Your personality, self-
identity, or ego. This human fabrication is
a product of social, cultural, and family
programs. It is limited by its own nature.
Human Identity
Limited "self"
Your personality or ego
Higher Self
Infinite Self
Christ Self, Buddha
Nature, etc
Source, The Divine
18. Heart Coherence
Your heart is the generator of the largest
electromagnetic field of your body. The
quality of this field will determine your current
vibrational set point.
When your heart field is incoherent, you
struggle to make good decisions about money
and fail to see money-making opportunities
that are right in front of you.
But when your heart field is coherent, you
make better decisions about money, can
easily identify opportunities to create money,
and are more open to receiving. This is
because we live in a coherent Universe, and
when you become coherent within yourself,
you align with the Universe itself.
19. 03
The two hemispheres of the brain communicate easily (Cortical
The Amygdala is bypassed, or its negative effect neutralized
All three intelligence systems Head/Heart/Gut harmonize and
begin to operate in unity
The immune system is enhanced and strengthened
There's a reduction in the aging process (Telomere effect)
The entire nervous and cardiovascular system is de-stressed
Higher state of cognition that leads to Whole Brain / Accelerated
Learning or capacity to learn fast and retain information
Increased capacity for better decision making
Increased capacity to feel compassion towards self and others
When you are in a state of Coherence...
Benefits of Coherence
20. 03
To energize your heart, we'll be using HeartMath's Heart
Coherence Technique. The steps are as follow:
Heart Focus: Place a hand over the heart.
Heart Breathing: Breathe into your heart slowly, deeply, and
evenly. For example 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, etc.
Heart Feeling: Activate the feelings of care, gratitude,
appreciation or compassion. This shifts the vibration of your
heart to 0.1 Hz.
Three Steps to Heart Coherence
22. 04
the Past
the Present
the Future
Forgive yourself, others,
and life for your past
relationship mistakes.
Ask to be forgiven for
your past mistakes.
Make peace in your
heart. It's time to move
Appreciate your existing relationships, and
the gifts and blessings each onf of them
brings to your life.
What you appreciate appreciates!
Remember Jesus's Teachings:
"To he who has, more shall be given; to he
who has not, even that which they have
shall be taken away."
Create a new story
about love that defines
the kind of relationship
with a partner you'd like
to have.
Start taking the
necessary action steps!
Healing your Relationship with Love
23. Complete the Past
Forgive yourself, others, and life for your past money mistakes. Ask to be forgiven for your
past mistakes. Make peace in your heart. It's time to move on!
Here are some examples...
Dear Divine, I am sorry for all the past mistakes I've made regarding love and
relationships. Please forgive me, as I also forgive others and myself, fully, wholly, and
Dear________ (name of the person you harmed), I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love
you. Thank you.
Dear all the souls that my soul and my ancestor's souls have hurt, harmed and taken
advantage of in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime. I sincerely apologize for the
mistakes my soul and my ancestor's souls made in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime.
Please forgive us. I have learned my lessons. I'm sorry. I love you. I appreciate you.
24. Appreciate the Present
Create a list of people you feel deeply connected to and feel appreciation for them.
Feel appreciation for yourself, for how far you have come, for all the people in your life,
and for the Divine forces that inspire and guide your life.
Using the power of your heart, radiate love and appreciation to all the people, past and
present, who are part of your learning experience in this lifetime.
Appreciate your existing relationships, and the gifts and blessings each onf of them brings
to your life. What you appreciate appreciates! Remember Jesus's Teachings: "To he who
has, more shall be given; to he who has not, even that which they have shall be taken away."
25. Create the Future
Create a new love story that defines the kind of relationship with a romantic partner you'd
like to have. Be sure to create elements of being/doing/having. Start taking the necessary
action steps! Here's a sample vision declaration statement that will help you align your new
love future with the whole:
"By the Grace of God, I, Carlos, now choose to.....
BE: Be in a deeply loving, harmonious relationship with someone who is....
DO: We enjoy cooking together, traveling, and...
HAVE: Our relationship is an expression of the love we share for each other...
All this or better, according to the Highest Good, knowing I'm worthy of prosperity,
abundance, and wealth."
26. 04
Bonus Materials Included
Visioning for your Soulmate
The Soulmate Call
Releasing a Person
The Path to Soulmate Love Book & Audiobook
Contains the seven steps to finding true romance in
today's world.
The Path to Soulmate Love 28-Day Workbook
Daily journaling exercises and inspiration.
Three Guided Meditations:
28. The Law of
The more you share your love in relationship
with others, the more love you'll experience
in your life.
29. 04
You are the Love
You Seek!
Where have I stopped giving?
How am I keeping love away from me?
Am I willing to heal my relationship with
love starting today?
If love is not flowing into your life is
because you either stopped giving
(creatively sharing your love with others) or
have blocks to receiving. (anger, pride, fear,
apathy, guilt, or shame)
Ask yourself,
Ultimately, you are the love you seek!
30. 04
You must Act!
To fully embody this new love story,
what action steps must I take?
What must I let go of? (habits, beliefs,
people, places, etc)
What must I embrace?
Who must I become?
Once you've created your new love story
in the form of a vision declaration, be
sure to start acting in alignment with
your new choices.
Ask yourself,
32. 04
Heart Tapping
Heart Tapping is a powerful tool to help you clear
mental, emotional, and energetic blocks around
love. The technique combines Heart Coherence, EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique), Kinesiology,
Emotion Code, Access Consciousness's Clearing
Statement, and affirmative prayer. Here's the
statement used during our tapping session:
"In the name of Divine Love, I, Mary, willingly
delete, uncreate, neutralize and transmute the
cause, record, or memory of anything and
everything, conscious or unconscious, keeping me
from attracting, receiving, and enjoying love. Right
or wrong, good or bad, to the point of creation and
destruction, at all levels of manifestation, to the
smallest quantum particles, across timelines,
dimensions, and universes, without avoidance or
resistance. Amen."
33. 04
Finally, let your future relationship with
love be an expression of these TRUTHS:
Love is never the problem; how we relate to others is.
Your relationship with love can be healed through forgiveness and love.
We live in an infinitely abundant Universe where there's a perfect other for you.
You're enough, and you're worthy of love, intimacy, and connection.
Love is something you bring to your relationships.
You create love (without getting lucky) by connecting and relating with others
from a real, vulnerable, loving place.
There's no need to struggle, make sacrifices, or sell your soul for love.
You are the love you seek!