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Healing your Relationship with Love
Key Topics we'll be exploring...
Three Myths about Love you Must Transcend
The Four Stages of the Path to Soulmate Love
The Relationship Creation Formula
How We Create our Realities
Changing your Love Vibrational Set point
Healing your Relationship with Love
The Key to Manifesting Soulmate Love
Three Myths about Love
you Must Transcend
Love Hurts
Myth #1
No One will Ever Love Me
Myth #2
Love Exists Outside of Me
Myth #3
The Four Stages of the
Path to Soulmate Love
Attraction Dating
Commitment Soulmate Love
Stage 1 Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
How Relationships are
Connection Relating Relationship
The Relationship Creation Formula
We live in a created world. Relationship is the by-product of
connecting and relating with others. Want a relationship? Start
connecting and relating to others from a loving space!
How We
Create Our Realities
Joy, Peace, Love
(Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth)
Pride, Anger
Fear, Anxiety
Guilt, Shame
Apathy, Grief
(Scarcity, Lack, Limitation)
Reverse Manifestation Process
What you hold in
consciousness (beliefs)
Thoughts + Emotions
What you hold in your
Mental, Emotional and
Energetic awareness
Alignment with the energetic field or
Higher Love/Wisdom/Power that
nurtures and supports all life for the
Highest Good of all (Heart)
Linear, Rational Thinking (Mind)
Victimhood and helplessness. Angry
at life. Blaming others for what they
are doing to me. A sense of feeling
powerless, hopeless, with an
increase need to control others and
life. Recurrent feelings of Im not
okay and needing something or
someone outside self to validate,
affirm or give meaning.
The beginning of integrity, personal
ownership and self-empowerment. A
willingness to try new things and see
the world as a benevolent place.
Stages of Change
Emotional stages are more permeant
or seasonal and can be transcended
overtime as we shift our
emotional/energetic frequency or
certain healing takes place.
Emotional stages refer primarily to
the level of being and our perception
of the world.
Neurological Levels of
Hierarchy of levels our neurological system
uses to order its relationship with the
world. As human beings, we can make
changes to our environment, behaviors,
capabilities, beliefs, and identity.
To ensure sustainable change, it must be
done at the level of identity (ei. When I
change the way I see or experience myself)
Beliefs and Values
Higher Self
Infinite Potential
Revised Neurological
Levels of Change
Our current identity is a human
fabrication and will therefore be limited
by past experience or prior knowledge.
To transcend our own identity and our
ego's resistance to change, we align
with our Higher Self instead (Christ Self,
Buddha Nature, Atman Presence, Divine
Beliefs and Values
The level of this program
Your Triune Nature
I AM Presence: Your Divine Identity, or the
part of you that is pure Light and always
one with God, Source, or Divinity
Higher Self: The Mediator between your
human identity and your Divine Identity.
The Christian mystics sometimes referred
to the Mediator as the inner man of the
Human Identity: Your personality, self-
identity, or ego. This human fabrication is
a product of social, cultural, and family
programs. It is limited by its own nature.
Human Identity
Limited "self"
Your personality or ego
Higher Self
Infinite Self
Christ Self, Buddha
Nature, etc
Source, The Divine
Changing your Love
Vibrational Setpoint
Heart Coherence
Your heart is the generator of the largest
electromagnetic field of your body. The
quality of this field will determine your current
vibrational set point.
When your heart field is incoherent, you
struggle to make good decisions about money
and fail to see money-making opportunities
that are right in front of you.
But when your heart field is coherent, you
make better decisions about money, can
easily identify opportunities to create money,
and are more open to receiving. This is
because we live in a coherent Universe, and
when you become coherent within yourself,
you align with the Universe itself.
The two hemispheres of the brain communicate easily (Cortical
The Amygdala is bypassed, or its negative effect neutralized
All three intelligence systems  Head/Heart/Gut harmonize and
begin to operate in unity
The immune system is enhanced and strengthened
There's a reduction in the aging process (Telomere effect)
The entire nervous and cardiovascular system is de-stressed
Higher state of cognition that leads to Whole Brain / Accelerated
Learning or capacity to learn fast and retain information
Increased capacity for better decision making
Increased capacity to feel compassion towards self and others
When you are in a state of Coherence...
Benefits of Coherence
To energize your heart, we'll be using HeartMath's Heart
Coherence Technique. The steps are as follow:
Heart Focus: Place a hand over the heart.
Heart Breathing: Breathe into your heart slowly, deeply, and
evenly. For example 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, etc.
Heart Feeling: Activate the feelings of care, gratitude,
appreciation or compassion. This shifts the vibration of your
heart to 0.1 Hz.
Three Steps to Heart Coherence
Healing our Relationship
with Love
the Past
the Present
the Future
Forgive yourself, others,
and life for your past
relationship mistakes.
Ask to be forgiven for
your past mistakes.
Make peace in your
heart. It's time to move
Appreciate your existing relationships, and
the gifts and blessings each onf of them
brings to your life.
What you appreciate appreciates!
Remember Jesus's Teachings:
"To he who has, more shall be given; to he
who has not, even that which they have
shall be taken away."
Create a new story
about love that defines
the kind of relationship
with a partner you'd like
to have.
Start taking the
necessary action steps!
Healing your Relationship with Love
Complete the Past
Forgive yourself, others, and life for your past money mistakes. Ask to be forgiven for your
past mistakes. Make peace in your heart. It's time to move on!
Here are some examples...
Dear Divine, I am sorry for all the past mistakes I've made regarding love and
relationships. Please forgive me, as I also forgive others and myself, fully, wholly, and
Dear________ (name of the person you harmed), I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love
you. Thank you.
Dear all the souls that my soul and my ancestor's souls have hurt, harmed and taken
advantage of in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime. I sincerely apologize for the
mistakes my soul and my ancestor's souls made in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime.
Please forgive us. I have learned my lessons. I'm sorry. I love you. I appreciate you.
Appreciate the Present
Create a list of people you feel deeply connected to and feel appreciation for them.
Feel appreciation for yourself, for how far you have come, for all the people in your life,
and for the Divine forces that inspire and guide your life.
Using the power of your heart, radiate love and appreciation to all the people, past and
present, who are part of your learning experience in this lifetime.
Appreciate your existing relationships, and the gifts and blessings each onf of them brings
to your life. What you appreciate appreciates! Remember Jesus's Teachings: "To he who
has, more shall be given; to he who has not, even that which they have shall be taken away."
Create the Future
Create a new love story that defines the kind of relationship with a romantic partner you'd
like to have. Be sure to create elements of being/doing/having. Start taking the necessary
action steps! Here's a sample vision declaration statement that will help you align your new
love future with the whole:
"By the Grace of God, I, Carlos, now choose to.....
BE: Be in a deeply loving, harmonious relationship with someone who is....
DO: We enjoy cooking together, traveling, and...
HAVE: Our relationship is an expression of the love we share for each other...
All this or better, according to the Highest Good, knowing I'm worthy of prosperity,
abundance, and wealth."
Bonus Materials Included
Visioning for your Soulmate
The Soulmate Call
Releasing a Person
The Path to Soulmate Love Book & Audiobook
Contains the seven steps to finding true romance in
today's world.
The Path to Soulmate Love 28-Day Workbook
Daily journaling exercises and inspiration.
Three Guided Meditations:
The Key to Manifesting
Soulmate Love
The Law of
The more you share your love in relationship
with others, the more love you'll experience
in your life.
You are the Love
You Seek!
Where have I stopped giving?
How am I keeping love away from me?
Am I willing to heal my relationship with
love starting today?
If love is not flowing into your life is
because you either stopped giving
(creatively sharing your love with others) or
have blocks to receiving. (anger, pride, fear,
apathy, guilt, or shame)
Ask yourself,
Ultimately, you are the love you seek!
You must Act!
To fully embody this new love story,
what action steps must I take?
What must I let go of? (habits, beliefs,
people, places, etc)
What must I embrace?
Who must I become?
Once you've created your new love story
in the form of a vision declaration, be
sure to start acting in alignment with
your new choices.
Ask yourself,
Heart Tapping
Heart Tapping
Heart Tapping is a powerful tool to help you clear
mental, emotional, and energetic blocks around
love. The technique combines Heart Coherence, EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique), Kinesiology,
Emotion Code, Access Consciousness's Clearing
Statement, and affirmative prayer. Here's the
statement used during our tapping session:
"In the name of Divine Love, I, Mary, willingly
delete, uncreate, neutralize and transmute the
cause, record, or memory of anything and
everything, conscious or unconscious, keeping me
from attracting, receiving, and enjoying love. Right
or wrong, good or bad, to the point of creation and
destruction, at all levels of manifestation, to the
smallest quantum particles, across timelines,
dimensions, and universes, without avoidance or
resistance. Amen."
Finally, let your future relationship with
love be an expression of these TRUTHS:
Love is never the problem; how we relate to others is.
Your relationship with love can be healed through forgiveness and love.
We live in an infinitely abundant Universe where there's a perfect other for you.
You're enough, and you're worthy of love, intimacy, and connection.
Love is something you bring to your relationships.
You create love (without getting lucky) by connecting and relating with others
from a real, vulnerable, loving place.
There's no need to struggle, make sacrifices, or sell your soul for love.
You are the love you seek!

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Heart to Heart: Healing your Relationship with Love

  • 1. HEART TO HEART WORKSHOP WITH GABRIEL GONSALVES Healing your Relationship with Love
  • 2. Key Topics we'll be exploring... Three Myths about Love you Must Transcend The Four Stages of the Path to Soulmate Love The Relationship Creation Formula How We Create our Realities Changing your Love Vibrational Set point Healing your Relationship with Love The Key to Manifesting Soulmate Love 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 04
  • 3. Three Myths about Love you Must Transcend
  • 5. 04 No One will Ever Love Me Myth #2
  • 6. 04 Love Exists Outside of Me Myth #3
  • 7. The Four Stages of the Path to Soulmate Love
  • 8. 03 04 Attraction Dating Commitment Soulmate Love Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
  • 10. 04 Connection Relating Relationship The Relationship Creation Formula We live in a created world. Relationship is the by-product of connecting and relating with others. Want a relationship? Start connecting and relating to others from a loving space!
  • 11. How We Create Our Realities
  • 12. 03 Spirit Joy, Peace, Love (Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth) Creativity Willingness Courage Pride, Anger Fear, Anxiety Guilt, Shame Apathy, Grief (Scarcity, Lack, Limitation) Death Reverse Manifestation Process Actions Results What you hold in consciousness (beliefs) Thoughts + Emotions What you hold in your Mental, Emotional and Energetic awareness
  • 13. Alignment with the energetic field or Higher Love/Wisdom/Power that nurtures and supports all life for the Highest Good of all (Heart) Linear, Rational Thinking (Mind) Victimhood and helplessness. Angry at life. Blaming others for what they are doing to me. A sense of feeling powerless, hopeless, with an increase need to control others and life. Recurrent feelings of Im not okay and needing something or someone outside self to validate, affirm or give meaning. The beginning of integrity, personal ownership and self-empowerment. A willingness to try new things and see the world as a benevolent place. Peace Joy Love Reason Acceptance Willingness Neutrality Courage Pride Anger Desire Fear Grief Apathy Guilt Shame 600 540 500 400 350 310 250 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 30 20 Emotional Stages of Change Emotional stages are more permeant or seasonal and can be transcended overtime as we shift our emotional/energetic frequency or certain healing takes place. Emotional stages refer primarily to the level of being and our perception of the world. 04
  • 14. 04 Neurological Levels of Change Hierarchy of levels our neurological system uses to order its relationship with the world. As human beings, we can make changes to our environment, behaviors, capabilities, beliefs, and identity. To ensure sustainable change, it must be done at the level of identity (ei. When I change the way I see or experience myself) Identity Who Beliefs and Values Why Capabilities How Behaviors What Environment Where
  • 15. 04 Higher Self Infinite Potential Revised Neurological Levels of Change Our current identity is a human fabrication and will therefore be limited by past experience or prior knowledge. To transcend our own identity and our ego's resistance to change, we align with our Higher Self instead (Christ Self, Buddha Nature, Atman Presence, Divine Identity) Identity Who Beliefs and Values Why Capabilities How Behaviors What Environment Where The level of this program
  • 16. 04 Your Triune Nature I AM Presence: Your Divine Identity, or the part of you that is pure Light and always one with God, Source, or Divinity Higher Self: The Mediator between your human identity and your Divine Identity. The Christian mystics sometimes referred to the Mediator as the inner man of the heart. Human Identity: Your personality, self- identity, or ego. This human fabrication is a product of social, cultural, and family programs. It is limited by its own nature. Human Identity Limited "self" Your personality or ego Higher Self Infinite Self Christ Self, Buddha Nature, etc I AM Presence Source, The Divine
  • 18. Heart Coherence Your heart is the generator of the largest electromagnetic field of your body. The quality of this field will determine your current vibrational set point. When your heart field is incoherent, you struggle to make good decisions about money and fail to see money-making opportunities that are right in front of you. But when your heart field is coherent, you make better decisions about money, can easily identify opportunities to create money, and are more open to receiving. This is because we live in a coherent Universe, and when you become coherent within yourself, you align with the Universe itself. 04
  • 19. 03 The two hemispheres of the brain communicate easily (Cortical Facilitation) The Amygdala is bypassed, or its negative effect neutralized All three intelligence systems Head/Heart/Gut harmonize and begin to operate in unity The immune system is enhanced and strengthened There's a reduction in the aging process (Telomere effect) The entire nervous and cardiovascular system is de-stressed Higher state of cognition that leads to Whole Brain / Accelerated Learning or capacity to learn fast and retain information Increased capacity for better decision making Increased capacity to feel compassion towards self and others When you are in a state of Coherence... Benefits of Coherence L R
  • 20. 03 To energize your heart, we'll be using HeartMath's Heart Coherence Technique. The steps are as follow: STEP 1 Heart Focus: Place a hand over the heart. STEP 2 Heart Breathing: Breathe into your heart slowly, deeply, and evenly. For example 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, etc. STEP 3 Heart Feeling: Activate the feelings of care, gratitude, appreciation or compassion. This shifts the vibration of your heart to 0.1 Hz. Three Steps to Heart Coherence
  • 22. 04 Complete the Past Appreciate the Present Create the Future Forgive yourself, others, and life for your past relationship mistakes. Ask to be forgiven for your past mistakes. Make peace in your heart. It's time to move on! Appreciate your existing relationships, and the gifts and blessings each onf of them brings to your life. What you appreciate appreciates! Remember Jesus's Teachings: "To he who has, more shall be given; to he who has not, even that which they have shall be taken away." Create a new story about love that defines the kind of relationship with a partner you'd like to have. Being/Doing/Having Start taking the necessary action steps! Healing your Relationship with Love
  • 23. Complete the Past Forgive yourself, others, and life for your past money mistakes. Ask to be forgiven for your past mistakes. Make peace in your heart. It's time to move on! Here are some examples... 04 Dear Divine, I am sorry for all the past mistakes I've made regarding love and relationships. Please forgive me, as I also forgive others and myself, fully, wholly, and completely. Dear________ (name of the person you harmed), I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. Dear all the souls that my soul and my ancestor's souls have hurt, harmed and taken advantage of in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime. I sincerely apologize for the mistakes my soul and my ancestor's souls made in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime. Please forgive us. I have learned my lessons. I'm sorry. I love you. I appreciate you.
  • 24. Appreciate the Present Create a list of people you feel deeply connected to and feel appreciation for them. Feel appreciation for yourself, for how far you have come, for all the people in your life, and for the Divine forces that inspire and guide your life. Using the power of your heart, radiate love and appreciation to all the people, past and present, who are part of your learning experience in this lifetime. Appreciate your existing relationships, and the gifts and blessings each onf of them brings to your life. What you appreciate appreciates! Remember Jesus's Teachings: "To he who has, more shall be given; to he who has not, even that which they have shall be taken away." 04
  • 25. Create the Future Create a new love story that defines the kind of relationship with a romantic partner you'd like to have. Be sure to create elements of being/doing/having. Start taking the necessary action steps! Here's a sample vision declaration statement that will help you align your new love future with the whole: 04 "By the Grace of God, I, Carlos, now choose to..... BE: Be in a deeply loving, harmonious relationship with someone who is.... DO: We enjoy cooking together, traveling, and... HAVE: Our relationship is an expression of the love we share for each other... All this or better, according to the Highest Good, knowing I'm worthy of prosperity, abundance, and wealth."
  • 26. 04 Bonus Materials Included Visioning for your Soulmate The Soulmate Call Releasing a Person The Path to Soulmate Love Book & Audiobook Contains the seven steps to finding true romance in today's world. The Path to Soulmate Love 28-Day Workbook Daily journaling exercises and inspiration. Three Guided Meditations:
  • 27. The Key to Manifesting Soulmate Love
  • 28. The Law of Circulation The more you share your love in relationship with others, the more love you'll experience in your life. 04
  • 29. 04 You are the Love You Seek! Where have I stopped giving? How am I keeping love away from me? Am I willing to heal my relationship with love starting today? If love is not flowing into your life is because you either stopped giving (creatively sharing your love with others) or have blocks to receiving. (anger, pride, fear, apathy, guilt, or shame) Ask yourself, Ultimately, you are the love you seek!
  • 30. 04 You must Act! To fully embody this new love story, what action steps must I take? What must I let go of? (habits, beliefs, people, places, etc) What must I embrace? Who must I become? Once you've created your new love story in the form of a vision declaration, be sure to start acting in alignment with your new choices. Ask yourself,
  • 32. 04 Heart Tapping Heart Tapping is a powerful tool to help you clear mental, emotional, and energetic blocks around love. The technique combines Heart Coherence, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Kinesiology, Emotion Code, Access Consciousness's Clearing Statement, and affirmative prayer. Here's the statement used during our tapping session: "In the name of Divine Love, I, Mary, willingly delete, uncreate, neutralize and transmute the cause, record, or memory of anything and everything, conscious or unconscious, keeping me from attracting, receiving, and enjoying love. Right or wrong, good or bad, to the point of creation and destruction, at all levels of manifestation, to the smallest quantum particles, across timelines, dimensions, and universes, without avoidance or resistance. Amen."
  • 33. 04 Finally, let your future relationship with love be an expression of these TRUTHS: Love is never the problem; how we relate to others is. Your relationship with love can be healed through forgiveness and love. We live in an infinitely abundant Universe where there's a perfect other for you. You're enough, and you're worthy of love, intimacy, and connection. Love is something you bring to your relationships. You create love (without getting lucky) by connecting and relating with others from a real, vulnerable, loving place. There's no need to struggle, make sacrifices, or sell your soul for love. You are the love you seek!