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The birth of Modernism in the 1930s, 40s & 50s


Married 1932

Acquired dairy farm on the Yarra River
flood plain in Bulleen  became self
sufficient property known as Heide.

Established the Heide Circle and
encouraged artists to visit and work

John Reed was a lawyer but later gave it
up to become Editor of the angry
penguins magazine.

Sunday Reed was the daughter of a
wealthy family from Toorak. Studied
some art but not much exists today.


Albert Tucker

Joy Hester

Sidney Nolan

John Percival

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  • 1. + HEIDE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART The birth of Modernism in the 1930s, 40s & 50s
  • 2. + JOHN AND SUNDAY REED Married 1932 Acquired dairy farm on the Yarra River flood plain in Bulleen became self sufficient property known as Heide. Established the Heide Circle and encouraged artists to visit and work there. John Reed was a lawyer but later gave it up to become Editor of the angry penguins magazine. Sunday Reed was the daughter of a wealthy family from Toorak. Studied some art but not much exists today.
  • 3. + MODERNISM in MELBOURNE Albert Tucker Joy Hester Sidney Nolan John Percival