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Jaunie Vanagi
We work everyday in order to help children and teenagers spending their free time in
a more healthy, ludic and interesting way. Don't you want to join us?
Hello, new volunteer
Welcome to LJV
About EVS
About Latvia
Must-visit Places
Latvian Tips
From volunteers to volunteers
3From volunteers to volunteers
In this booklet, you will find a lot of practical information which may help you in case you're coming to
do an European Volunteering Service (EVS) at the child and youth union Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi.
In this document, you can find what you are going to do in this organization, ideas for your free time,
new and good games to play during your work time, some very useful vocabulary tips for beginners
and a lot of other useful facts about Latvia as well. This is all made by volunteers. Who else can tell
you which is the best way to live and do a volunteer job in this fantastic city called Liepaja?
So, come in! Take off your shoes: feel at home!
With love,
Those who can, do. Those who can do more,
Unknown but wise author
From volunteers to volunteers
Welcome to Liepaja Jaunie Vanagi
Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi is an organization, near the centre of Liepaja, the third biggest city in Latvia.
In this organization, we work with kids and youngsters, through non-formal educational techniques.
Well explain you later what does this mean, but - from now - keep this in mind: non formal education rocks!
We organise events (such as: spanish lessons, national evenings, birthday parties and summer camps),
regular meetings, games and other activities as well. We do it in order to educate the children, the teenagers
and the youth of Liepaja and help them improve their sense of friendship and solidarity.
The age of the children with whom you may work goes from 6 years old to 11 years old. At this age is very
important to be fluent in latvian language (you can learn some important words from the vocabulary list), but
don't worry: you will have latvian lessons which will allow you to learn this amazing language.
The teenagers are from 11 to 15 years old. In this age - as you may know from your own experience - they are a
bit rebels and sometimes seems impossible to start an activity. That is why is really important to choose the
correct activity... and take it easy! Energy and motivation are important qualities in a leader.
Youth people - most of them are regular members of this organization, are the most autonomous and interesting
group. You can do whatever activity you want with them and you will have fun and know them a little bit better
From volunteers to volunteers
Regular activities or events take place normally in the
main and central meeting point of Liepajas Jaunie
Vanagi. Its in this place that latvian lessons take place
and, also, where we plan the activities that you will do as
a leader. AGAIN: If youre worried about something, dont
! Youll have the opportunity to learn everything you need
to know to be able to work with children or youngsters.
Actually, you will learn it by watching other latvian
leaders... and, most important than that, you will learn it
by doing it!
If you have energy, motivation and you want to learn
more about work with children, come and join us! You,
for sure, will have a great time with all of us!
From volunteers to volunteers
BEWARE: Evolution ahead!
You might ask yourself what you get
from Youthpass. We can answer your
question right away - before providing
you with more information. Maybe
some of these reasons motivate you to
read on:
#1: Youthpass provides better quality of
learning  you plan it, reflect upon it
and collect outcomes!
#2: You have the right to receive a
Youthpass Certificate with information
about your project and your learning
#3: Youthpass is the opportunity to
certify your participation in an activity
funded by the Youth in Action
#4: During the Youthpass process you
as a learner decide what you want to
learn, how, with whom and the way you
want to formulate it in your document.
The whole process, the same as the
Youth Initiative project itself, depends
on your ideas, motivation and creativity.
Check more information here:
You, foreigner from some other part of the world,
will arrive here as a volunteer, in this small
country, with 2 million people, to do some
volunteering work, so be prepared and open-
minded for a lot of good experiences.
Like all the EVS volunteers you will have the
chance to go an arrival training, which will help
you to understand a little bit better the latvian
culture; apart from that, you'll also have the
opportunity to meet others volunteers from
strange and also exciting countries. Depending on
the duration of your project, you may also have
the chance to attend a mid-term training, where
you can share your EVS experience with others.
As you maybe also know, you don't have to worry
about your health insurance, because in the EVS
project is included a health insurance with AXA. In
fact all this project is coordinated by Erasmus+
program, an official organization for youth in
Europe. Check here more information:
The main idea as a volunteer is to help Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi and, in return, improve your skills:
Communication in the mother tongue; Communication in foreign languages; Mathematical
competence and basic competences in science and technology; Digital competence; Learning to
learn; Social and civic competences; Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and Cultural awareness
and expression.
From volunteers to volunteers
8From volunteers to volunteers
Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe with 2,070,371 inhabitants and a territory of
64,589 km2. The capital is Riga, a nice city called the 'Paris of the North' for ts incredible life, art
nouveau and street musicians. The official language of this country is latvian, but it coexists with
Now, some technical information: the currency is euro. The international dealing code for Latvia is
+371, but if you want to call somebody you can also press 00371 and the number. The airport is
situated eight miles (13km) south west from Riga, with one bus directly to the city center. Do not lose
any chance to visit and spend time in this amazing capital city of the Baltics!
All Latvia has the same hour ( GMT+ 2 , GMT+3 from April till November). This country has 4 main
regions: Latgale, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme. All of them are very interesting and amazing, specially
if you like forests and lakes. Latvia takes it all!
9From volunteers to volunteers
There is in Kurzeme a very beautiful city named Liepaja, which is located on the Baltic sea, with a
population of 82 386 inhabitants. The city is known as "The city where the wind bornt. Liepaja is a city
of rock, adventures and green surroundings. Actually, did you know that Latvia is the third greenest
country in the world?
You can always have fun in Liepaja. It is a city which suits you, with a very calm daytime and a very
active atmosphere during the night. People are calm and polite. The city is protected with policemen:
100% sure you'll feel protected. This third biggest city in Latvia is known by its musicians and famous
latvian rock stars. Because of that, from time to time, you'll find some golden stars in the middle of the
street. Don't forget to follow them. They'll lead you to good places.
In this city you can find different entertainment places and museums and a lot of beautiful churches
and cathedrals. Also, cats. There are cats everywhere. Nevertheless, there is a list of places that you
must visit. Check it out:
# Karosta: one of the oldest parts of Liepaja and the main attraction for tourists. Take a look on
The old soviet union Bunkers, an amazing group of old houses in the sea, built a long time ago,. It
can be also really interesting to go into the houses above. They are not straight anymore, so when you
are inside you feel youre in an anti-gravity zone. Desertic beaches and dark basements offer you an
interesting day. If you want to understand a little bit more about the history of Latvia, Karosta is a must-
see place for sure.
# Olympic Center: If you like sports, there is an olympic center, hosting a spa, a swimming pool,
a gym and many other opptions of sports. Also, do not lose the opportunity to try the traditional folk
dances, with latvian people. This will allow you, from one hand, to practice your new latvian language
and, from the other hand, to learn more about latvian culture.
It is very easy to have new friends, in Latvia, specially after one burzis (friendly meetings in the
evening or night); also, be ready for tasty food or sweets, because Latvia has a lot of different kind of
sweets. And dont forget: If you like Latvia, Latvia likes you back.
# Fountaine: The first impression a visitor gets is, of course, the Fontaine Palace. What makes this
bar so interesting for all people? You can go in every day of the week and enjoy a different topic.
Evenings like sexy Tuesday and concerts on fridays are normal. Next to this place is the amazing food
shop. It is open until the late night and you can buy delicious Dumpling, Kebab, Hamburgers or some
of the best French fries.
# Beach: One of the best beaches all around Europe for its small sand and sunny summer days.
That why it seems to be the perfect place to go running or chill out. Also, a lot of sportsmen go there to
do wind or kite surfing.
# Park: Next to the sea and close to the city center there is an amazing park with the FC Liepaja
stadium inside. There, you will have the possibility to play tennis, sit in an outdoor bar or just chill out
on the benches, listening to live music, watch football, take part in big events, etc
# Darbnica: The best place to stop and drink a traditional latvian beer, or a tea or eat the best apple
pie of the world. Check out more information here: https://www.facebook.com/darbnicacafe
# Kursas Putni: An adorable cafeteria with an outside area for smokers. Check out more
information here: https://www.facebook.com/kursasputni
# Classical Music: If you are interested in classical music, go to one of the churches. Sometimes
there are choir concerts happening in there. One of the churches hosts the biggest organ in Europe. In
the same church you can go upstairs and have an amazing view around the whole city. On the one
side, the sea and, on the other, the lake.
# Hockey Center: For the the whole year it is possible to go ice-skating there. But, during the
winter, you dont have to spend money for it, because all lakes are frozen. The hockey Center is
located on the other side of the bridge.
It would be boring to tell you everything about Liepaja. So its time to
put your shoes on and go to have fun in this small, beautiful town!
From volunteers to volunteers
Labdien! Good day! Buenos Dias! Guten Tag!
Sveiks! Hello! Hola! Hallo!
au! Ciao! Adios! Hi!
Labrit! Good morning! Buenas
Guten Morgen!
Labvakar! Good evening! Buenasnoches Guten Abend!
Arlabunakti! Good night! Buenas noches! Gute Nacht!
Mani sauc My name is. Me llamo... Ich heie...
Kas tu esi? Who are you? Quien eres? Wer bist du?
Es esmu. I am Yo soy... Ich bin...
K tev iet? How are you? Como va? Wie geht es dir?
Labi! Good! Bien! Gut!
鳥oti pat朝kam Glad to meet you Encantado de
Sehr angenehm
Visu labu! All the best! Que todo vaya
Alles Gute!
Uz redz邸anos! Goodbye! Nos vemos! Auf
From volunteers to volunteers
At! Bye! Adios! Tsch端ss!
Es nerunju
I dont speak
No hablo let坦n. Ich spreche kein
Es nesaprotu. I dont
No entiendo. Ich verstehe es
Ko? What? Qu辿? Was?
Es nezinu. I dont know. Yo no s辿. Ich wei es
Kur atrodas? Where is? Donde est叩...? Wo ist...?
Cik ir maks? How much is it? Cuando cuesta? Wie viel kostet
Es gribtu I would like Yo querr鱈a... Ich h辰tte gerne...
L笛dzu. Please. Por favor. Bitte.
Paldies. Thank you. Gracias. Danke.
Piedodiet, l笛dzu. Excuse me,
Perd坦neme, por
Atvainojiet! Sorry! Perd坦n! Entschuldigung!
I like/dont like. Me gusta / No
me gusta.
Mir gef辰llt/gef辰llt
From volunteers to volunteers
itas/邸it This/that Estas / Esta Dies/das
Es I Yo ich
Tu You Tu du
Ms We Nosotros wir
Jus You Vosotros Ihr
Vi邸 , via He, she l / Ella er, sie
Vii , vias They (m, f) Ellos / Ellas sie (pl.)
Viens, Divi,
Tr朝s, etri,
Pieci, Se邸i,
Septii, Astoi,
Devii, Desmit
One, Two,
Three, Four,
Five, Six,
Seven, Eight,
Nine, Ten
Uno, Dos, Tres,
Cuatro, Cinco,
Seis, Siete,
Ocho, Nueve,
eins, zwei, drei,
vier, f端nf,
sechs, sieben,
acht, neun,
The main meeting point of Liepajas Jaunie
Vanagi is what is called 'The office', which is
located in Klaipedas iela 96a, Liepja, LV-
3416, Latvija.
You can look our webpage in:
Chech a list of cool games for kids and
youngsters here: http://bit.ly/1c6nbmr
If you want to mail us, you can do it through:
Plus, find us on Facebook:
We are looking forward
to hear from you :)
From volunteers to volunteers

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Hello new-volunteer

  • 1. 1 Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi We work everyday in order to help children and teenagers spending their free time in a more healthy, ludic and interesting way. Don't you want to join us?
  • 2. 2 Contents 2 3 5 7 9 10 14 17 Hello, new volunteer Welcome to LJV About EVS About Latvia Must-visit Places Latvian Tips Contacts From volunteers to volunteers
  • 3. 3From volunteers to volunteers HELLO, NEW VOLUNTEER! In this booklet, you will find a lot of practical information which may help you in case you're coming to do an European Volunteering Service (EVS) at the child and youth union Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi. In this document, you can find what you are going to do in this organization, ideas for your free time, new and good games to play during your work time, some very useful vocabulary tips for beginners and a lot of other useful facts about Latvia as well. This is all made by volunteers. Who else can tell you which is the best way to live and do a volunteer job in this fantastic city called Liepaja? So, come in! Take off your shoes: feel at home! With love,
  • 4. 4 Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer. Unknown but wise author From volunteers to volunteers
  • 5. 5 Welcome to Liepaja Jaunie Vanagi Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi is an organization, near the centre of Liepaja, the third biggest city in Latvia. In this organization, we work with kids and youngsters, through non-formal educational techniques. Well explain you later what does this mean, but - from now - keep this in mind: non formal education rocks! We organise events (such as: spanish lessons, national evenings, birthday parties and summer camps), regular meetings, games and other activities as well. We do it in order to educate the children, the teenagers and the youth of Liepaja and help them improve their sense of friendship and solidarity. The age of the children with whom you may work goes from 6 years old to 11 years old. At this age is very important to be fluent in latvian language (you can learn some important words from the vocabulary list), but don't worry: you will have latvian lessons which will allow you to learn this amazing language. The teenagers are from 11 to 15 years old. In this age - as you may know from your own experience - they are a bit rebels and sometimes seems impossible to start an activity. That is why is really important to choose the correct activity... and take it easy! Energy and motivation are important qualities in a leader. Youth people - most of them are regular members of this organization, are the most autonomous and interesting group. You can do whatever activity you want with them and you will have fun and know them a little bit better everyday. From volunteers to volunteers
  • 6. 6 Regular activities or events take place normally in the main and central meeting point of Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi. Its in this place that latvian lessons take place and, also, where we plan the activities that you will do as a leader. AGAIN: If youre worried about something, dont ! Youll have the opportunity to learn everything you need to know to be able to work with children or youngsters. Actually, you will learn it by watching other latvian leaders... and, most important than that, you will learn it by doing it! If you have energy, motivation and you want to learn more about work with children, come and join us! You, for sure, will have a great time with all of us! From volunteers to volunteers
  • 7. 7 BEWARE: Evolution ahead! You might ask yourself what you get from Youthpass. We can answer your question right away - before providing you with more information. Maybe some of these reasons motivate you to read on: #1: Youthpass provides better quality of learning you plan it, reflect upon it and collect outcomes! #2: You have the right to receive a Youthpass Certificate with information about your project and your learning outcomes. #3: Youthpass is the opportunity to certify your participation in an activity funded by the Youth in Action programme. #4: During the Youthpass process you as a learner decide what you want to learn, how, with whom and the way you want to formulate it in your document. The whole process, the same as the Youth Initiative project itself, depends on your ideas, motivation and creativity. Check more information here: http://bit.ly/1KNxzL8 You, foreigner from some other part of the world, will arrive here as a volunteer, in this small country, with 2 million people, to do some volunteering work, so be prepared and open- minded for a lot of good experiences. Like all the EVS volunteers you will have the chance to go an arrival training, which will help you to understand a little bit better the latvian culture; apart from that, you'll also have the opportunity to meet others volunteers from strange and also exciting countries. Depending on the duration of your project, you may also have the chance to attend a mid-term training, where you can share your EVS experience with others. As you maybe also know, you don't have to worry about your health insurance, because in the EVS project is included a health insurance with AXA. In fact all this project is coordinated by Erasmus+ program, an official organization for youth in Europe. Check here more information: http://bit.ly/1FmRanw The main idea as a volunteer is to help Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi and, in return, improve your skills: Communication in the mother tongue; Communication in foreign languages; Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; Digital competence; Learning to learn; Social and civic competences; Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and Cultural awareness and expression. From volunteers to volunteers
  • 8. 8From volunteers to volunteers Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe with 2,070,371 inhabitants and a territory of 64,589 km2. The capital is Riga, a nice city called the 'Paris of the North' for ts incredible life, art nouveau and street musicians. The official language of this country is latvian, but it coexists with russian. Now, some technical information: the currency is euro. The international dealing code for Latvia is +371, but if you want to call somebody you can also press 00371 and the number. The airport is situated eight miles (13km) south west from Riga, with one bus directly to the city center. Do not lose any chance to visit and spend time in this amazing capital city of the Baltics! All Latvia has the same hour ( GMT+ 2 , GMT+3 from April till November). This country has 4 main regions: Latgale, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme. All of them are very interesting and amazing, specially if you like forests and lakes. Latvia takes it all!
  • 9. 9From volunteers to volunteers There is in Kurzeme a very beautiful city named Liepaja, which is located on the Baltic sea, with a population of 82 386 inhabitants. The city is known as "The city where the wind bornt. Liepaja is a city of rock, adventures and green surroundings. Actually, did you know that Latvia is the third greenest country in the world? You can always have fun in Liepaja. It is a city which suits you, with a very calm daytime and a very active atmosphere during the night. People are calm and polite. The city is protected with policemen: 100% sure you'll feel protected. This third biggest city in Latvia is known by its musicians and famous latvian rock stars. Because of that, from time to time, you'll find some golden stars in the middle of the street. Don't forget to follow them. They'll lead you to good places.
  • 10. 10 In this city you can find different entertainment places and museums and a lot of beautiful churches and cathedrals. Also, cats. There are cats everywhere. Nevertheless, there is a list of places that you must visit. Check it out: # Karosta: one of the oldest parts of Liepaja and the main attraction for tourists. Take a look on The old soviet union Bunkers, an amazing group of old houses in the sea, built a long time ago,. It can be also really interesting to go into the houses above. They are not straight anymore, so when you are inside you feel youre in an anti-gravity zone. Desertic beaches and dark basements offer you an interesting day. If you want to understand a little bit more about the history of Latvia, Karosta is a must- see place for sure. # Olympic Center: If you like sports, there is an olympic center, hosting a spa, a swimming pool, a gym and many other opptions of sports. Also, do not lose the opportunity to try the traditional folk dances, with latvian people. This will allow you, from one hand, to practice your new latvian language and, from the other hand, to learn more about latvian culture.
  • 11. 11 It is very easy to have new friends, in Latvia, specially after one burzis (friendly meetings in the evening or night); also, be ready for tasty food or sweets, because Latvia has a lot of different kind of sweets. And dont forget: If you like Latvia, Latvia likes you back. # Fountaine: The first impression a visitor gets is, of course, the Fontaine Palace. What makes this bar so interesting for all people? You can go in every day of the week and enjoy a different topic. Evenings like sexy Tuesday and concerts on fridays are normal. Next to this place is the amazing food shop. It is open until the late night and you can buy delicious Dumpling, Kebab, Hamburgers or some of the best French fries. # Beach: One of the best beaches all around Europe for its small sand and sunny summer days. That why it seems to be the perfect place to go running or chill out. Also, a lot of sportsmen go there to do wind or kite surfing. # Park: Next to the sea and close to the city center there is an amazing park with the FC Liepaja stadium inside. There, you will have the possibility to play tennis, sit in an outdoor bar or just chill out on the benches, listening to live music, watch football, take part in big events, etc
  • 12. 12 # Darbnica: The best place to stop and drink a traditional latvian beer, or a tea or eat the best apple pie of the world. Check out more information here: https://www.facebook.com/darbnicacafe # Kursas Putni: An adorable cafeteria with an outside area for smokers. Check out more information here: https://www.facebook.com/kursasputni # Classical Music: If you are interested in classical music, go to one of the churches. Sometimes there are choir concerts happening in there. One of the churches hosts the biggest organ in Europe. In the same church you can go upstairs and have an amazing view around the whole city. On the one side, the sea and, on the other, the lake.
  • 13. 13 # Hockey Center: For the the whole year it is possible to go ice-skating there. But, during the winter, you dont have to spend money for it, because all lakes are frozen. The hockey Center is located on the other side of the bridge. It would be boring to tell you everything about Liepaja. So its time to put your shoes on and go to have fun in this small, beautiful town! From volunteers to volunteers
  • 14. 14 LATVIAN ENGLISH SPANISH GERMAN Labdien! Good day! Buenos Dias! Guten Tag! Sveiks! Hello! Hola! Hallo! au! Ciao! Adios! Hi! Labrit! Good morning! Buenas ma単anas! Guten Morgen! Labvakar! Good evening! Buenasnoches Guten Abend! Arlabunakti! Good night! Buenas noches! Gute Nacht! Mani sauc My name is. Me llamo... Ich heie... Kas tu esi? Who are you? Quien eres? Wer bist du? Es esmu. I am Yo soy... Ich bin... K tev iet? How are you? Como va? Wie geht es dir? Labi! Good! Bien! Gut! 鳥oti pat朝kam Glad to meet you Encantado de conocerte Sehr angenehm Visu labu! All the best! Que todo vaya bien! Alles Gute! Uz redz邸anos! Goodbye! Nos vemos! Auf Wiedersehen! From volunteers to volunteers
  • 15. 15 LATVIAN ENGLISH SPANISH GERMAN At! Bye! Adios! Tsch端ss! Es nerunju latviski I dont speak latvian No hablo let坦n. Ich spreche kein lettisch. Es nesaprotu. I dont understand. No entiendo. Ich verstehe es nicht. Ko? What? Qu辿? Was? Es nezinu. I dont know. Yo no s辿. Ich wei es nicht. Kur atrodas? Where is? Donde est叩...? Wo ist...? Cik ir maks? How much is it? Cuando cuesta? Wie viel kostet es? Es gribtu I would like Yo querr鱈a... Ich h辰tte gerne... L笛dzu. Please. Por favor. Bitte. Paldies. Thank you. Gracias. Danke. Piedodiet, l笛dzu. Excuse me, please. Perd坦neme, por favor. Entschuldige, bitte. Atvainojiet! Sorry! Perd坦n! Entschuldigung! Man patik/nepatik. I like/dont like. Me gusta / No me gusta. Mir gef辰llt/gef辰llt nicht. From volunteers to volunteers
  • 16. 16 LATVIAN ENGLISH SPANISH GERMAN itas/邸it This/that Estas / Esta Dies/das Es I Yo ich Tu You Tu du Ms We Nosotros wir Jus You Vosotros Ihr Vi邸 , via He, she l / Ella er, sie Vii , vias They (m, f) Ellos / Ellas sie (pl.) Viens, Divi, Tr朝s, etri, Pieci, Se邸i, Septii, Astoi, Devii, Desmit One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco, Seis, Siete, Ocho, Nueve, Diez eins, zwei, drei, vier, f端nf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn
  • 17. 17 CONTACTS The main meeting point of Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi is what is called 'The office', which is located in Klaipedas iela 96a, Liepja, LV- 3416, Latvija. You can look our webpage in: http://www.liepajasjv.lv/ Chech a list of cool games for kids and youngsters here: http://bit.ly/1c6nbmr If you want to mail us, you can do it through: liepajasjv@liepajasjv.lv Plus, find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiepajasJaunieVanagi We are looking forward to hear from you :) From volunteers to volunteers