This document is a magazine created by Erasmus students at the Pan-European University in Bratislava, Slovakia. It contains tips and guides for future Erasmus students, including a survival guide to Bratislava, the top 10 places to hang out in the city, international cuisine recipes, fashion from the Erasmus street style, and interviews with current Erasmus students about their experiences. The magazine aims to welcome future exchange students and help them settle into life in Bratislava during their time abroad.
The document summarizes a Comenius multilateral partnership project from 2010-2012 called "Let's CreEducate" that involved partners from Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, and other countries. The project aimed to promote cultural diversity and appreciation of different national identities in Europe through creative teaching and learning methods. Students would develop skills like cooperation, communication, and understanding of other cultures. The first project meeting took place in La Coruna, Spain, and students commented positively about interacting with partners from other countries and visiting different places.
This document lists course descriptions for an Information Systems and Cybersecurity Bachelor of Science degree at ITT Technical Institute. The courses cover topics such as written analysis, ethics, risk management, network security, access security, Windows security, Linux security, web application security, security policies, hacking countermeasures, cybercrime forensics, security auditing, and a capstone project. Related courses include statistics, psychology, environmental science, and research methods.
Starting a small business can be tough. Here's a few thoughts on everything from knowing yourself, to practical tools, to contracts.
ºÝºÝߣs are general, contact me with questions.
The weekly meeting of Enigma Studios discussed planning for upcoming projects. They decided on an idea for their short film and options for actors and filming locations. Tasks for the week included following the production schedule and meeting all deadlines.
O documento apresenta uma introdu??o ¨¤ engenharia t¨ºxtil, discutindo o que ¨¦ engenharia t¨ºxtil, sua rela??o com outras engenharias e disciplinas tecnol¨®gicas. Tamb¨¦m aborda a hist¨®ria da ind¨²stria t¨ºxtil e os principais processos industriais envolvidos, como prepara??o de fios, tecelagem e beneficiamento de tecidos. Por fim, discute aspectos da cotonicultura brasileira e o perfil da ind¨²stria t¨ºxtil no pa¨ªs.
This document provides an overview of media filtration systems from an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. It describes the multi-layered filter media that can filter down to 5-10 microns and remove iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. Granular activated carbon filters are also described that can reduce chlorine, taste, odor, and dissolved organic materials. The document lists standard construction materials and equipment, operating parameters, and optional configurations for the filtration systems.
El documento describe los fundamentos de un curr¨ªculo flexible, sist¨¦mico y hol¨ªstico que incorpore la multidisciplinariedad, la interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad. Explica que los fundamentos filos¨®ficos, psicol¨®gicos y sociol¨®gicos determinan c¨®mo una persona concibe un curr¨ªculo y que debe estar orientado a establecer objetivos claros para la educaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n resalta la importancia de incorporar nuevos enfoques pedag¨®gicos y did¨¢cticos que permitan conectar los conocimientos con situ
Este documento presenta una estrategia de marketing para un nuevo repelente de insectos. Incluye un an¨¢lisis del mercado objetivo, la metodolog¨ªa de investigaci¨®n utilizada, los hallazgos clave y la estrategia de comunicaci¨®n, creativa y medios planificada. El plan se centra en una mujer ama de casa como grupo objetivo y promueve los beneficios de la larga duraci¨®n de protecci¨®n del nuevo repelente.
El documento presenta una lecci¨®n sobre el uso de los art¨ªculos "a", "an" y "the" en ingl¨¦s. La lecci¨®n incluye actividades para repasar el conocimiento previo de los estudiantes, describir el uso de "a" y "an", practicar ejercicios y evaluar el progreso de los estudiantes.
Jiesheng Hardware is a factory that manufactures lathe parts, CNC parts, and other machined aluminum, brass, and steel components using CNC lathes and machining centers. They produce custom precision CNC turning parts in a variety of materials like aluminum, brass, and steel. Lisa Lee invites potential customers to contact her at Jiesheng Hardware to learn more about their product offerings and services.
Entrepreneur Jonathan Newman launched a new shoe brand called ?l¨¦ Insiders with no experience in the shoe industry. He was inspired by colorful indoor shoes he saw at a trade show that were neither slippers nor street shoes. Newman believed these stylish yet comfortable indoor shoes could displace the boring slipper market. Facing near impossible odds of getting shelf space in traditional shoe stores, Newman decided to sell directly to the gift market instead. Through minimal social media marketing and word of mouth, ?l¨¦ Insiders began gaining customers. While social media gives startups a small voice, Newman feels he is "one hashtag away from the promised land" of greater success.
This document provides information on eligibility standards and benefit amounts for various public assistance programs in Alabama, including SSI, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, Social Security retirement and disability benefits, and the Alabama Elderly Simplified Application Project food assistance program. Key details covered include income and resource limits, premium amounts, coverage provided by different programs, and effective dates for eligibility thresholds.
The document summarizes NTPC's leave rules for its employees. It outlines the different types of leaves available - casual leave and special casual leave. Casual leave is intended for personal reasons and entitlement is 12 days per year for executives/supervisors and 10-12 days for others. Special casual leave of up to 30 days per year can be granted for representing company in tournaments or attending professional meetings. The rules also specify how leaves are calculated for part years and that unused casual leave lapses at the end of each calendar year.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?Georgia Jones
The student collected feedback on a draft trailer they created from peers on YouTube and teachers. The feedback highlighted some common conventions missing from the trailer, such as title cards, and areas that could increase suspense like extending shot lengths. Positive feedback also noted strong use of different shots. Implementing suggestions to improve lighting contrasts, quick cuts, and syncing them to sound effects helped make the trailer seem more professional and suspenseful, better appealing to the target horror/thriller genre audience.
This thesis analyzes the Rxbot malware. Rxbot is a win32 bot that belongs to the Agobot family. The analysis includes a static code analysis of Rxbot's source code to understand its modularity and configuration. A dynamic analysis examines Rxbot's process-level and network-level behaviors when built and executed. The analysis also describes tricks used by botmasters to evade detection. Finally, the thesis proposes future work analyzing botnets using honeypots.
El documento describe los conceptos generales de los sistemas y tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n en las empresas. Define un sistema de informaci¨®n como un conjunto de elementos interrelacionados que recopilan, procesan, almacenan y distribuyen informaci¨®n para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Explica los elementos clave de un sistema de informaci¨®n como procedimientos, equipos, usuarios e informaci¨®n. Adem¨¢s, clasifica diferentes tipos de sistemas de informaci¨®n como sistemas de procesamiento de transacciones, automatizaci¨®n de oficinas, gesti¨®n del conocimiento, inform
Este documento define conceptos clave relacionados con el desempleo como poblaci¨®n inactiva, poblaci¨®n activa y tasa de desempleo. Explica que la tasa de desempleo en M¨¦xico en abril de 2015 fue de 4.6% y describe diferentes tipos de desempleo como estacional, c¨ªclico y estructural. Tambi¨¦n analiza las causas y consecuencias del desempleo en las personas y la econom¨ªa.
The document outlines an Austrian National Group Meeting for the VOICES network, which connects teachers across Europe, discussing how teachers and schools can benefit from VOICES membership and participation in international projects, and sharing reports from a conference in Brussels and a teacher training program abroad. Representatives from Austrian schools also discussed their international experiences and expectations of VOICES.
The document is a guidebook about teenagers and their future lives created as part of a Comenius school partnership project between schools in Germany, Italy, Latvia, Spain, and Turkey. It contains short texts written by students from each country about their expectations for the future before, during, and after participating in the international exchange project. The guidebook includes reflections on the importance of learning languages, traveling abroad, making new friends internationally, and gaining a broader perspective on different cultures and possible career paths. It serves to document how the students' views of their own futures may have changed as a result of taking part in the multinational educational experience.
Despite the presence of hundreds of Chinese students in Amsterdam, there was no official Chinese student society until Zijian Wang started organizing gatherings and celebrations. Wang helped welcome new Chinese students and organized events for holidays like Chinese New Year which have been well-attended. He has also started a Facebook group for Chinese students at the HvA that now has about 70 members. Wang acknowledges challenges in catering to students from different regions of China but hopes his student society can help newcomers feel less isolated and encourage them to speak up if excluded from conversations in Dutch.
This document summarizes a student's experience participating in a transnational Erasmus+ project hosted by their school in Romania. The project focused on using numbers in fields like art and music to develop English communication skills. The student gained experience presenting to and working with students from partner countries. They learned about applying mathematics concepts like the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci sequence in history and art. The multi-day project involved students working in international teams on presentations about these topics in famous works. The student believes such international collaborative projects are very useful for developing social, language and general knowledge skills.
Erasmus plus itet capitini wroclaw 2020 - STAYlucilla5
Giacomo Capanni spent January and February 2020 in Wroclaw, Poland as part of the Erasmus student exchange program. He found the experience highly formative as it allowed him to understand how students live in another European country. He was able to make new friends, learn about Polish culture and history, and gain work experience interning at a startup company. While he faced some challenges adjusting to independent living abroad initially, overall the exchange helped him mature and gain confidence in himself. He encourages all students to consider participating in the Erasmus program.
The document summarizes a teacher's experience at the SO(u)L Camp for teachers held in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia. It provides details about the camp, including its aims to give teachers opportunities to reflect on and explore their beliefs about teaching in an international environmentally friendly setting. The teacher found it to be a fantastic experience where they learned innovative and practical teaching ideas. The camp also looked at helping teachers cope with pressures while creating a special atmosphere through its international group of sharing teachers.
This document discusses an Erasmus+ project that a school hopes to participate in to travel to the Czech Republic. The project would allow students and teachers to learn about Czech culture and education system by visiting a school there and communicating with Czech students and teachers. It is hoped that participating in the project will improve English language skills and cultural understanding. A list of participating students and the assisting teacher is included.
El documento describe los fundamentos de un curr¨ªculo flexible, sist¨¦mico y hol¨ªstico que incorpore la multidisciplinariedad, la interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad. Explica que los fundamentos filos¨®ficos, psicol¨®gicos y sociol¨®gicos determinan c¨®mo una persona concibe un curr¨ªculo y que debe estar orientado a establecer objetivos claros para la educaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n resalta la importancia de incorporar nuevos enfoques pedag¨®gicos y did¨¢cticos que permitan conectar los conocimientos con situ
Este documento presenta una estrategia de marketing para un nuevo repelente de insectos. Incluye un an¨¢lisis del mercado objetivo, la metodolog¨ªa de investigaci¨®n utilizada, los hallazgos clave y la estrategia de comunicaci¨®n, creativa y medios planificada. El plan se centra en una mujer ama de casa como grupo objetivo y promueve los beneficios de la larga duraci¨®n de protecci¨®n del nuevo repelente.
El documento presenta una lecci¨®n sobre el uso de los art¨ªculos "a", "an" y "the" en ingl¨¦s. La lecci¨®n incluye actividades para repasar el conocimiento previo de los estudiantes, describir el uso de "a" y "an", practicar ejercicios y evaluar el progreso de los estudiantes.
Jiesheng Hardware is a factory that manufactures lathe parts, CNC parts, and other machined aluminum, brass, and steel components using CNC lathes and machining centers. They produce custom precision CNC turning parts in a variety of materials like aluminum, brass, and steel. Lisa Lee invites potential customers to contact her at Jiesheng Hardware to learn more about their product offerings and services.
Entrepreneur Jonathan Newman launched a new shoe brand called ?l¨¦ Insiders with no experience in the shoe industry. He was inspired by colorful indoor shoes he saw at a trade show that were neither slippers nor street shoes. Newman believed these stylish yet comfortable indoor shoes could displace the boring slipper market. Facing near impossible odds of getting shelf space in traditional shoe stores, Newman decided to sell directly to the gift market instead. Through minimal social media marketing and word of mouth, ?l¨¦ Insiders began gaining customers. While social media gives startups a small voice, Newman feels he is "one hashtag away from the promised land" of greater success.
This document provides information on eligibility standards and benefit amounts for various public assistance programs in Alabama, including SSI, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, Social Security retirement and disability benefits, and the Alabama Elderly Simplified Application Project food assistance program. Key details covered include income and resource limits, premium amounts, coverage provided by different programs, and effective dates for eligibility thresholds.
The document summarizes NTPC's leave rules for its employees. It outlines the different types of leaves available - casual leave and special casual leave. Casual leave is intended for personal reasons and entitlement is 12 days per year for executives/supervisors and 10-12 days for others. Special casual leave of up to 30 days per year can be granted for representing company in tournaments or attending professional meetings. The rules also specify how leaves are calculated for part years and that unused casual leave lapses at the end of each calendar year.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?Georgia Jones
The student collected feedback on a draft trailer they created from peers on YouTube and teachers. The feedback highlighted some common conventions missing from the trailer, such as title cards, and areas that could increase suspense like extending shot lengths. Positive feedback also noted strong use of different shots. Implementing suggestions to improve lighting contrasts, quick cuts, and syncing them to sound effects helped make the trailer seem more professional and suspenseful, better appealing to the target horror/thriller genre audience.
This thesis analyzes the Rxbot malware. Rxbot is a win32 bot that belongs to the Agobot family. The analysis includes a static code analysis of Rxbot's source code to understand its modularity and configuration. A dynamic analysis examines Rxbot's process-level and network-level behaviors when built and executed. The analysis also describes tricks used by botmasters to evade detection. Finally, the thesis proposes future work analyzing botnets using honeypots.
El documento describe los conceptos generales de los sistemas y tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n en las empresas. Define un sistema de informaci¨®n como un conjunto de elementos interrelacionados que recopilan, procesan, almacenan y distribuyen informaci¨®n para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Explica los elementos clave de un sistema de informaci¨®n como procedimientos, equipos, usuarios e informaci¨®n. Adem¨¢s, clasifica diferentes tipos de sistemas de informaci¨®n como sistemas de procesamiento de transacciones, automatizaci¨®n de oficinas, gesti¨®n del conocimiento, inform
Este documento define conceptos clave relacionados con el desempleo como poblaci¨®n inactiva, poblaci¨®n activa y tasa de desempleo. Explica que la tasa de desempleo en M¨¦xico en abril de 2015 fue de 4.6% y describe diferentes tipos de desempleo como estacional, c¨ªclico y estructural. Tambi¨¦n analiza las causas y consecuencias del desempleo en las personas y la econom¨ªa.
The document outlines an Austrian National Group Meeting for the VOICES network, which connects teachers across Europe, discussing how teachers and schools can benefit from VOICES membership and participation in international projects, and sharing reports from a conference in Brussels and a teacher training program abroad. Representatives from Austrian schools also discussed their international experiences and expectations of VOICES.
The document is a guidebook about teenagers and their future lives created as part of a Comenius school partnership project between schools in Germany, Italy, Latvia, Spain, and Turkey. It contains short texts written by students from each country about their expectations for the future before, during, and after participating in the international exchange project. The guidebook includes reflections on the importance of learning languages, traveling abroad, making new friends internationally, and gaining a broader perspective on different cultures and possible career paths. It serves to document how the students' views of their own futures may have changed as a result of taking part in the multinational educational experience.
Despite the presence of hundreds of Chinese students in Amsterdam, there was no official Chinese student society until Zijian Wang started organizing gatherings and celebrations. Wang helped welcome new Chinese students and organized events for holidays like Chinese New Year which have been well-attended. He has also started a Facebook group for Chinese students at the HvA that now has about 70 members. Wang acknowledges challenges in catering to students from different regions of China but hopes his student society can help newcomers feel less isolated and encourage them to speak up if excluded from conversations in Dutch.
This document summarizes a student's experience participating in a transnational Erasmus+ project hosted by their school in Romania. The project focused on using numbers in fields like art and music to develop English communication skills. The student gained experience presenting to and working with students from partner countries. They learned about applying mathematics concepts like the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci sequence in history and art. The multi-day project involved students working in international teams on presentations about these topics in famous works. The student believes such international collaborative projects are very useful for developing social, language and general knowledge skills.
Erasmus plus itet capitini wroclaw 2020 - STAYlucilla5
Giacomo Capanni spent January and February 2020 in Wroclaw, Poland as part of the Erasmus student exchange program. He found the experience highly formative as it allowed him to understand how students live in another European country. He was able to make new friends, learn about Polish culture and history, and gain work experience interning at a startup company. While he faced some challenges adjusting to independent living abroad initially, overall the exchange helped him mature and gain confidence in himself. He encourages all students to consider participating in the Erasmus program.
The document summarizes a teacher's experience at the SO(u)L Camp for teachers held in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia. It provides details about the camp, including its aims to give teachers opportunities to reflect on and explore their beliefs about teaching in an international environmentally friendly setting. The teacher found it to be a fantastic experience where they learned innovative and practical teaching ideas. The camp also looked at helping teachers cope with pressures while creating a special atmosphere through its international group of sharing teachers.
This document discusses an Erasmus+ project that a school hopes to participate in to travel to the Czech Republic. The project would allow students and teachers to learn about Czech culture and education system by visiting a school there and communicating with Czech students and teachers. It is hoped that participating in the project will improve English language skills and cultural understanding. A list of participating students and the assisting teacher is included.
Summary of the project ancient rome in your modern town finalhappyhospital
The "Ancient Rome in Your Modern Town" project allowed students from Turkey, Spain, Romania and Bulgaria to learn about Roman history and culture. Students introduced themselves and their hometowns. They then researched local Roman ruins and settlements. Students also studied Roman religion, art, literature and music. Other areas of research included cuisine, daily life, architecture, sculptures and theatres. Students shared their findings through presentations and recreated artifacts. The project aimed to help students appreciate their cultural heritage and see how history can benefit tourism. It also helped develop students' communication, research and language skills through Latin lessons and cultural exchanges.
Newsletter 3 - Teachers' Training Event Coimbra, PortugalFCS project
Our third newsletter describing the teachers' training event of the "Family, Community and School. The troika of my values" , ERASMUS+ project that took place in Coimbra, Portugal
This document provides information for volunteers serving at the Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi organization in Liepaja, Latvia. It introduces the organization's mission of using non-formal education to help children and teenagers. It describes the typical age groups volunteers may work with and gives an overview of activities. The document then provides practical information for volunteers such as locations, recommended places to visit in Liepaja and Latvia, currency, and an introduction to the Erasmus+ program supporting the volunteer service. Volunteers are encouraged to be open-minded and will gain skills through their experience.
Diseminare curs Comenius octombrie 2010, LONDRA,prof. Velicu Magdalena, Coleg...Maggy72
Curs adresat profesorilor de limba engleza care vor sa se familiarizeze cu noi metode moderne de predare a limbii centrate pe elev, care vor sa ia contact direct cu cultura si civilizatia britanica si nu in ultimul rand profesorilor care vor sa-si imbunatateasca fluenta si cunostintele in limba engleza.
Speaking in tongues from anna maine (brown spring 2013)Granadaentusmanos
The document summarizes the author's experience studying abroad in Granada, Spain through Brown University's translation program. Some key points:
- The author immersed herself in Spanish culture by learning flamenco, eating fish, and kissing cheeks when greeting others.
- She chose to study in Granada for its Spanish language immersion and proximity to Morocco, where she took a trip to learn about Arabic and Muslim culture.
- In Granada, the author took classes at the Center for Modern Languages and the Faculty of Translation, balancing academics with cultural activities like language exchanges.
- She also traveled independently to Valencia and participated in a program visiting Morocco, gaining confidence in navigating unfamiliar places
Speaking in tongues from anna maine (brown spring 2013)Granadaentusmanos
The document summarizes the author's experience studying abroad in Granada, Spain through Brown University's translation program. Some key points:
- The author immersed herself in Spanish culture by learning flamenco, eating fish, and kissing cheeks when greeting others.
- She chose to study in Granada for its Spanish language immersion and proximity to Morocco, where she took a trip to practice Arabic.
- In Granada, the author took classes at the Center for Modern Languages and the Faculty of Translation, making local friends through a language exchange.
- Independent travel to Valencia gave her freedom but required vigilance as a female traveler alone.
- Overall, the experience improved her
Newsletter 2 - 1st Exchange of pupils in Istanbul, TurkeyFCS project
The document summarizes the first short-term exchange of students and teachers that took place in Istanbul, Turkey from February 16-20, 2015 as part of the Erasmus+ project "FAMILY, COMMUNITY, SCHOOL: The Troika of My Values!". Students and teachers from 7 countries participated in cultural activities and workshops to learn about each other's values and traditions. Key events included visiting historic sites in Istanbul, selecting the official project logo, learning about Turkish culture through art and dance, and building relationships across countries. The exchange laid the foundation for future collaboration within the project.
This document is the June 2008 issue of the monthly newsletter "GE Vibes" for the Generation Europe community. It includes the following articles:
- An interview with Livia Tr¨¦fois and C¨¦line Langendries, who work on media education projects for young people in Belgium such as developing young people's skills as citizen journalists.
- A report on Generation Europe participating in the 3rd Forum of the Forum for Azerbaijani Students in Europe in Brussels, where a GE member moderated a conference on the Caucasus region.
- A profile of Ma?a Mazariegos, the GE National Ambassador for Luxembourg, who shares her experience of becoming a journalist at the Tageblatt newspaper
This document provides information about the schools involved in the Comenius project "Living in my city, Improving my city". It lists the names of students and teachers from four schools: Institut Tarragona in Spain, Lexby Skola in Sweden, Mosaik-Gymnasium Oberhavel in Germany, and Publiczne Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace Politechniki Lodzkiej in Poland. It also provides brief descriptions and background about each school, their locations, programs offered, and facilities. The project aimed to have students from these four European schools collaborate on activities and study visits to develop a pro-European vision of teaching and learning.
This document is a newsletter from the 24th English Society (ENS) Executive Committee and Newsletter Sub-Committee at City University. It contains various articles and interviews. The main articles include:
1. A dialogue between two exchange students from Myanmar and India where they discuss hiking in Hong Kong and their experiences so far.
2. An interview with a student who went on an exchange to Germany about the challenges of learning a new language and culture.
3. Profiles of three final year students in the Bachelor of Arts in English Studies program, discussing their extracurricular activities, internship experiences, and future plans.
4. Interviews with two professors about teaching experiences, advice for students
2. There is a?special edition of LIKE magazine pev? in your hands; it?s unique in its diversity. Our Erasmus
students have prepared it, and we believe this will become an annual creative tradition. Supervised
by our lecturer Zuzana Ihnatova at the Media Practice subject, they could be addressing issues that
are interesting for many students from different parts of Europe. We could again explore Bratislava
city during day and at night from their point of view. An interesting fashion street style together
with cooking tips helped us to taste all the sorts. We?ve kept in mind the future Erasmus students
who may find not only travel tips in this issue. They will have the opportunity to skim through the
things that will wait at them and won?t miss them. All that, because Bratislava, as a metropolis
among European metropolis, offers a lot of experience. Enjoy this unique LIKE magazine issue, where
we could do something really European. We have proved, despite different origin we can be creating
Enjoy reading and see you soon in Bratislava,
Radovan Kope?n?
4 International Erasmus +
6 Survival guide in Bratislava
8 TOP 10 places to hand out in
10 Tips & tricks: Traveling
around Slovakia
12 International cuisine
14 Erasmus street style
16 Survival guide in Bratislava
LIKE magaz¨ªn pev? |
Publisher: Pan-European University
Professional supervisor: Mgr. Zuzana Ihn¨¢tov¨¢, PhD.
Proofreading: Mgr. Juraj Babic
Editors: Marco Silva, Serena Baldares, Enrico Coppola, M¨¢rio Pi?o, Luciano Ferlisi, Soraia Fonseca, Mi?a Sajovic, Maja Kova?
Photographers: Maja Kova?, Lorenzo Manzoli
Photographer of the Cover: Lorenzo Manzoli
Graphical design: Matej Chudada
3. and return to school. However, PEU is more
developed and has a lot of technological
materials that students can use at their
Maja: ¡°Since I am a mass media student, I
loved the fact that PEU offers a huge media
studio with everything you need for a great
photo shooting or filming a video. I truly
miss practical work at my University in Ljubl-
jana, so doing a lot of useful and interesting
projects in English is just perfect to me. I
also admire PEU Like team, which is creating
a truly good magazine.¡±
Have you learnt anything new during your
stay here?
Mi?a: ¡°I have certainly improved my English
a lot. Moreover, I've learned the differences
between Slovakia and Slovenia, because
a lot of people have confused us. I've also
learned a lot about the other cultures and
I've made a lot of new friends here. A life
experience for sure.¡±
Marco: ¡°Actually, yes¡ Since everything has
to be in English, I improved my English skills
a lot and widened my vocabulary, too. In the
courses that I took I gained new knowled-
ge and I worked and studied things that I
didn¡¯t expect I would have ever done. By the
way, I learned how to cook better, be more
organized, organize the cheapest trips and
be independent.¡±
Luciano: ¡°I have improved my English, just
that¡ and some words in Portuguese and
Slovak. I also know myself better now, and
I discover different cultures and the way of
thinking. DOBRE!¡±
Soraia: ¡°The main thing is that I have impro-
ved my English and also met new people
speaking different languages. I will never
forget the experience of traveling around
Europe. I learned more about different co-
untries, their cooking recipes and different
Maja: ¡°I got a lot of practical things from my
Erasmus+ experience: from new languages
to cooking and orientation skills. I also
learned a lot about Slovakia. I got new
knowledge from mass media and marketing
subjects and I saw a few beautiful capitals
around Europe.¡±
Mi?a: ¡°The thing is that we have become
a family. It was nice to see the differences
of other cultures and how we managed to
cooperate. One of my best memories is the
bungee jump off the Lafranconi Bridge. I
am definitely planning to do it again in the
Marco: ¡°I will never forget the people I¡¯ve
met here, the city of Bratislava, the cold we-
ather and the never-ending times I laughed
and had good times with Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, Slovak and Slovenian friends.
Erasmus+ experience will stay in my memory
Soraia: ¡°I was very impressed by the capital.
Even though it is small, it still has a little bit
of everything. So, I will always remember
the city, most importantly because of the
memories I got here with the people that I
met and places that I¡¯ve seen.¡±
Maja: ¡°Probably, it¡¯s the feeling of free-
dom and independence in the completely
unknown city with amazing international
friends from all around the Europe. In pre-
vious few months I've?learned?and experien-
ced a lot. Shortly: Erasmus+ was, from my
point of view, one of the best decisions I
have ever made.¡±
What are the differences between your
university and the Pan-European Univer-
Mi?a: ¡°There aren't any huge differences
in the school systems, because we are still
a part of similar cultures. Our lectures in
Slovenia are only two hours long each, but
three hours is too much for me - I couldn't
get used to that. Maybe, from my point of
view, our faculty is better organized.¡±
Marco: ¡°My university in Leiria is always full
of people. At PEU, I was sharing my classes
with only a few people and that was quite
strange to me. I know I only had two classes
per week, but still¡ And PEU is also much
more modern than my Portuguese college.¡±
Luciano: My university in Rome is really full
of people, and bigger than PEU. The buil-
dings are older and less comfortable. It is
easier at PEU to talk with the professors, and
find the help if you have any problems.
Soraia: ¡°My university in Portugal, we have
more projects and study programs to
improve the relations among students,
and also to motivate old people to study
4 5
4. Kaufland or Tesco stores to get
the higher quality. If you are in
love with fresh fruit and vege-
table, you should definitely visit
Star¨¢ Tr?nica (Trnavsk¨¦ m?to) or
Mileti?ova vegetable market.
4- Public transport
Public transport in the city is
very well organized. Bratislava
offers buses, trams and trol-
leybuses. If you miss one, don¡¯t
worry because five or ten minu-
tes later another one will arrive.
The transit is very efficient and
you can move from one side of
the city to the other in less than
one hour. To avoid a 50 Euro fine
from a ticket inspector (if you
don¡¯t have a ticket), you should
buy the public transport per-
manent ticket for 35 Euro (for
three months) ¨C only if you are
a student and of age up to 26.
To understand timetables easier
and if you don¡¯t want to wait for
the bus in the Winter for ten mi-
nutes, you should download an
application to check arrivals and
departures. There are plenty of
them on the net. If you speak
a different language from the
Slovak one, you may have some
difficulties remembering and
understanding the names of the
stops. Don¡¯t worry, in just few
weeks you will have them in the
¡°little finger¡± (You will have it at
your fingertips).
5- Free time in Bratislava
Bratislava is so called a ¡°little-
-big¡± city, if you don't count the
area of Pert?alka. After a couple
of weeks, you will run out of
things to do in the capital. Free
time is never a problem (come
on, it's Erasmus+)¡ For sure, you
must visit these attractions:
The Bratislava Castle, enjoying
the main square, look for the
three most famous man statues,
Slav¨ªn Monument, Devin Castle,
find the St. Martin¡¯s Cathedral,
The Blue Church and many
more. Also enjoy some traditio-
nal and famous coffee houses
such as La Putika, Urban House¡
and you will be surprised how
many shopping centers you can
find (Eurovea, Central, Polus,
Aupark, Shopping Palace, Bory
Mall, etc.). Furthermore, you
should enjoy the Danube river
view. And it¡¯s important that you
take a lift up to the UFO Tower ¨C
you will have the opportunity to
have the best view - the entire
city, the river, Austrian hills with
fields of windmills, drivers below
¡°your feet¡± - make sure to visit it
on a sunny day. Try to make the
best of your time and enjoy the
best parts of Bratislava and after
a while you will feel like home!
In general, the way to be suc-
cessful during your stay is to read
emails and follow instructions ¨C
both properly. Deadlines are very
important. Please, read all docu-
ments you must fill in during your
whole mobility program ¨C there
are some important notes and
explanations at the end. It will
make the whole process easier
and more pleasant for you and us
as well. I recommend you to look
for accommodation in advance.
There are some new dormitories
which may be booked quickly. To
find a flat for a short stay and for
good money can be a bit hard.
Try not to be keen on list of
courses which is sent to you
before your mobility. The courses
may not be all open due to low
amount of students or overlap-
ping our timetable. It is possible
that you will change your LA
completely after seeing courses.
It is your privilege to change
it. We recommend you to start
your Erasmus+ with ¡°Welcome
Week¡±. It is the best way to get
to know the rest of international
students and to settle down
in Bratislava. Usually, there are
prepared various activities by
ESN PEU and our International
Department. It is normally held
during the first week of a term
or one week before. Please, keep
in mind, that at PEU you can miss
only 25% of classes per course
during a term. In case you miss
more, you may be required to
bring a ¡°paper from a doctor¡±.
Otherwise, it is possible you will
fail the course.
After finishing and passing all
your exams, you are free to leave
back home. During Fall term
you can complete them before
Christmas. In case you are not
able to pass them somehow, the
exams period continues after
New Year¡¯s Eve. The Summer
term may last till the end of May.
1- Mini Slovak Dictionary:
When you arrive in a new co-
untry, communication with the
locals can be one of the biggest
obstacles. To help you a bit, we
prepared this mini Slovak dic-
tionary with the most frequent
Slovak words just for you:
Ahoj. ¨C Hello.
Dobr? de¨¾/Dobr¨¦ r¨¢no/Dobr?
ve?er. ¨C Hello/Good morning/
Good evening.
Dovidenia/Dovi. ¨C Good-bye/
?akujem. ¨C Thank you.
Dobr¨² chu?. ¨C Enjoy your meal.
Na zdravie. ¨C Cheers.
Milujem ?a. ¨C I love you.
Jedno pivo. ¨C One beer.
Nech sa p¨¢?i. ¨C Here you are.
Dobre. ¨C Good.
2- Searching for a flat/dorm in
In case you prefer a flat, you
should start looking for one
four months before you actually
arrive at the city. The rent of
the properties in the city center
is high. On the other hand,
the city is small and the public
transport connections are really
When it comes to dormitories,
you have more or less these
three options:
Student-House: It is a really nice
student dorm in great shape.
You can get a 3-bed room for
175eur/month, and there is a
mutual kitchen, gym for free, a
bar, a 24/7 restaurant, the rooms
are cleaned every week, there
are even student offices, and a
sauna on Sundays for free. The
Wi-Fi connection is sometimes
weak and you have to pay to use
the laundry.
Student-Residence: Nice and
new dormitory very well loca-
ted. Only 10 minute walk to the
city center through the SNP
Bridge and 5 minute walk to the
Aupark shopping center. It has
great bus connections to other
city parts. This year, the residen-
ce is full of domestic students,
but they are trying to get more
foreign ones, therefore, don¡¯t be
afraid and try it!
Uninova Hostel: It¡¯s quite far
away from the city center, so
you should know that you need
to travel around the city a lot.
On the other hand, this is the of-
ficial PEU dormitory, where you
can meet other school mates.
3- Shops to buy food
Talking about food, everyone
is always looking for the best
price and quality proportion.
In Bratislava, comparing the
European average, prices can
be considered low, but it is
always a bit more expensive in
the city center. There are some
good alternatives: the LIDL and
Kaufland supermarkets are the
best choice in the city. You can
find cheaper food, drinks, bread,
cakes, muffins, slices of pizza
and a lot more there. We recom-
mend you to buy vegetable in
6 7
5. Bar Rock
Although the beer is a little expensive here, this place is the
perfect choice for Rock lovers! During the weekends you can
enjoy live music and good old rock music hits.
Urban House/Space
This is the most fascinating and relaxing place with urban
decoration and nice staff. They serve the best tea and the
most beautiful cappuccino in the capital. You will meet a lot
of alternative and international people, who just love to hang
out or work in a modern cool open office.
Perfect place to grab a cheap,
but still very delicious lunch
or dinner. The prices vary
from 4 to 8 Euro. During the
Spring/Summer time you
can sit outside and enjoy the
heartbeat of the city. And
during the winter time, enjoy
a glass of wine with great mu-
sic and Parisian style d¨¦cor.
Slovak Pub
If you want to try great tradi-
tional Slovak cuisine, come to
this restaurant! You will be so
content after trying ¡°Bryndzo-
v¨¦ halu?ky¡± (Cottage cheese
dumplings) or a creamy garlic
soup and a glass of good
Slovak or Czech beer.
La Putika
It¡¯s one of the most popular
local cafes in Bratislava and if
you want to go there have a
plan B in your mind, because
it is reserved or full at rush
hours. We recommend you
to try Clipper Teas or Hot Cho-
colate there, though.
Shtoor Caf¨¦
Best Chai Tea Latte in
Bratislava, which tastes like
Christmas in a cup. It is said
that Shtoor is the Slovak ver-
sion of the famous Starbucks.
Because it¡¯s very popular, you
can find it in many places of
the city center.
Nu Spirit Club
It¡¯s a nice place to dance your
shoes off. They offer different
kinds of music and two dance
floors, from R&B, Deep House
and live concerts.
Bar On
The cheapest bar to have a
good time before going to a
club. It¡¯s the place to grab a
beer, glass of wine and some
tequila shots for more or
less than one Euro. You can
also enjoy and play with your
friends a table soccer game or
billiard. Just to let you know -
be careful! Some people may
certainly get aggressive or
too drunk after midnight.
Mlynska Dolina
The perfect student atmo-
sphere mixed with great
parties. You can meet there a
lot of local students, also new
Erasmus friends and dance in
Unique or Elam Club. But be
sure to go there during the
week (we recommend you
Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
because many students leave
the city for the weekends.
Kc Dunaj
It is one of our favorite places
in Bratislava. It offers different
kinds of events every day,
from chill-out music, indie
electronic or movie presen-
tation nights. It feels like you
are inside of a community
center with the perfect city
center view.
DayLife: Bratislavahassomereallycoolcoffeehouses.
8 9
6. ticket). You can expect 4h30m
of travelling from the Hlavna
Stanica main station to Hlavni
stanice main station in Prague.
The bus costs around 12€ (one
way) and 24€ (return ticket), but
it depends on the agency and
the days.
Good to know: Also Czech
Republic is already in European
Union, but they still use their
own currency, so you need to
exchange your money. The
money in Prague is Czech Crown
and the currency exchange is
about 1€ = 26,675 crowns.
TOP 2:
1. Start your day visiting the
central Vaclavsk¨¦ n¨¢mest¨ª ¡°Ven-
ceslaw¡± Square, which is always
full of tourists. From this square,
you can walk to the beautiful
astronomic clock made partly of
gold, which is on Central Square.
All around the square you can
find various restaurants, but try
to find something to eat a bit
away from the square, becau-
se service there can be quite
2. The other interesting point
is the Charles Bridge, and then
you can continue your way to
the Prague castle, the largest
historical castle area in Europe.
We recommend visiting Dlouha
Street, which is full of bars and
pubs at night. There you can
find NOD, a chill-out place for
drinking the original Czech beer
before going to some lively
clubs. Don¡¯t miss the party in
Karlovy Lazne, the biggest club
in Central Europe, or in James
Dean pub.
The fourth place for the emo-
tional history is Cracow. It is
the most visited city in Poland,
always full of tourists. It is loca-
ted 453km from Bratislava and
it¡¯s connected by train, which
costs 33€ (one way) and 66€
(return ticket) for 6h30min of
Good to know: Poland is in EU,
but they use their currency,
so you need to exchange your
money. The money in Cracow
is Zloty Polish and the currency
exchange is 1€ = 4,214 Zl.
TOP 2:
The best place to start is ¡°Rynek
Glowny¡±, the heart of the
old city. It¡¯s called ¡°The Main
Market¡±. If you walk round the
corner, you can visit the street
of ¡°Kazimierz¡± where you can
see amazing castle and pretty
It¡¯s impossible to stay in Cracow
and forget ¡°Auschwitz¡±. There
you can have one of the most
emotional experiences in your
life, walking in the concentra-
tion camp and visiting the hor-
rible places, where many people
were dying during the World
War II. Slogan ¡°Arbeit macht Frei¡±,
which is still present at the top
of the entrance gate, explains a
lot. The bus costs 10€.
These are only 4 of the most
beautiful cities that you can visit
around Bratislava. You can even
visit Brno (The Czech Republic
¨C Moravia), Berlin (Germany),
Kosice (the second biggest city
in Slovakia), Bucharest (Roma-
nia), Salzburg (Austria, where
Mozart was born) and even
much more¡ But first, you need
to explore Bratislava to the ma-
ximum. Then you can continue
your journey all around the
Europe! Don¡¯t miss this expe-
rience and enjoy your Erasmus+
program in Bratislava, Slovakia!
Vienna, the capital city of
Austria, is located only 60km
from Bratislava and it is really
well connected by trains, buses
and boats. Vienna is a historical
and cultural city with a beautiful
architecture, so you should put
it on your ¡°traveling¡± wish list.
How to get there?
Train will cost you only 7€ (one
way) and 13€ (return ticket) for
one hour of travel, from the
Hlavna Stanica main station - in
Bratislava to the Hauptbahnhof
main station in Austria. You can
also take a bus. For example:
Slovak Lines company with
express lines that start from
Letisko Airport or from another
stop in the center of Bratislava
directly to Vienna (HBF Wieol-
ner G¨²rtel. The price is 14.30€
(return ticket). The price of the
boat depends on the day, but
usually it is from 18 € to 26 € (It
depends on the day, the hour
and the availability).
TOP 2:
The best place to start your trip
is in the heart of the centre:
Stefanplatz. You can easily arrive
at Cathedral of St. Stefan Dom
and then enjoy the walk down
the shopping street to buy some
souvenirs. One of them is the
famous Mozart balls (Mozart
Kugeln in german). Don¡¯t forget
to try original Sacher cake at
¡°Sacher Hotel¡±!
Sch?nbrunn Castle and the
Zoo are convenient to the city
center. The Castle of the princess
Sissi and the breathtaking gar-
dens of the Imperial Palace are
on the ¡°must see¡± list. Behind the
castle you can visit the amazing
Zoo with over 550 of different
animal species. The price of the
ticket for students is 8€.
Budapest, the capital city of
Hungary, is located 204km from
Bratislava and you can get there
by train or bus. (The cities are
connected with an exciting
highway.) Train costs 9.50€ (one
way) and 17.50€ (return ticket).
You can expect 2h40m of travel-
ling from the main station (Hlav-
na Stanica) to Keleti. There are
also different travelling agencies
for buses, but the tickets cost
around 12€ (one way) and 24€
(return ticket).
Good to know: Hungary is the
part of European Union but
they don¡¯t use Euro currency,
so you need to exchange your
money. The money in Budapest
is HUF (Hungarian Forint) and
the currency exchange is 1€ ?
304,487 HUF. We recommend
you to change money in an of-
ficial ¡®¡¯Cash Change¡¯¡¯ shop in the
center of the city. Don¡¯t change
money at the airport or train
TOP 2:
The best thing to do in Bu-
dapest is to stay in Pest (the
student¡¯s part of the city) and
during the day enjoy travelling
around Buda. The most impor-
tant place to visit during the ni-
ghts is Szimplakert, amazing bar
in the Jewish district, where you
can experience magic moments
of live music and great interna-
tional environment.
Don¡¯t miss to take a photo with
a Chain?Bridge?and visit one of
the most beautiful parliaments
in the world (It was built by Slo-
vak builders many years ago.).
Prague is our third place. The
capital city of Czech Republic
is located only 320km from
Bratislava and you can go there
also by train or bus. (This time,
the highway in the part of the
Czech Republic is a great ¡°sha-
king¡± experience in some parts,
even though it has been under
vast reconstruction and you
must pay the highway ticket
as well). The train costs 26.50€
(one way) and 38.50€ (return
Night life in Budapest is crazy!
Soraia and Luciano enjoying
the view on Charels Bridge.
Group photos are a must! Delicious food on every corner. Yummy!
10 11
7. like
-spaghetti n.7 800gr.
-tomatoes cherry 1kg
-oil 4spoons
-pepper 1
-basil 250gr.
-garlic 2cloves
-salt 1spoon for tomatoes and 3
spoon for pasta
- parmesan100gr.
Steps: Start cutting the
cherry tomatoes; then cook
only oil, garlic and pepper
just 2minutes in a big pan.
Then, remove the garlic and
add into the pan cherry
tomatoes, salt and basil. Cook
for 5 minutes with a lid, and
after put away the lid and
finish cooking at a low heat.
Meantime, prepare a
pot with water and when it is
boiling, put in the Spaghetti
for the time indicated on
the box. When the Spaghetti
is ready, put this one in the
pan where the tomato sauce
is and mix it all together,
choking the flame. At the
end, put a portion in a plate
with parmesan and a little bit
of oil.
Italian receipt
-vegetable oil
Steps: First you need to cut the potatoes and the onion
and add there salt. Then you need to put olive oil on the
pan. When the oil is very hot, you have to put the onion on.
Partly cooked onion mix with potatoes and cook them to-
gether until potatoes are cooked as well. Then you have to
beat eggs and mix them with potatoes and onion. On the
other pan, you have to put olive oil and add the mixture of
eggs, potatoes and onion. When you think that one side is
cooked, you have to turn the omelet. At the end you only
need to prepare the table and eat it.
Traditional Dish from Portugal
Start cleaning all the vegetables and then cut cetriol,
onion, tomatoes and feta cheese on little pieces. After put
all in a big bowl and add black olives, oil and oregano. Mix
all together and serve!
-tomatoes 3big for salad
-cetriol 2 little
-black olive 8
-onion 1
-feta cheese 200gr.
-oil 4spoons
-salad 150gr.
Greek receipt
-vegetable oil
Steps: Put potatoes in the salted water and boil them. Then
slice the onion in little bits and then put it in the pan. Add
some oil and fry them until the onion bits start turning yel-
low. During the frying check if potatoes are already boiled.
When they are done, peel them and slice them in the pan.
Mix onions with the potato and add some salt if necessary.
Leave them in the pan for a bit just to mix the aroma of the
Traditional Dish from Slovenia
Steps: Bacalhau ¨¤ Br¨¢s (Cod ¨¤ la Br¨¢s) is made from shreds of
salted cod (bacalhau), onions and thinly chopped (matchs-
tick sized) fried potatoes in a bound of scrambled eggs. It is
usually garnished with black olives and sprinkled with fresh
Mix olive oil, onions and some garlic in the frying pan. After,
add the codfish (it has to be cooked in water before) and
few minutes later add the chopped fried potatoes. After
everything is well-cooked, mixture everything with the
scrambled eggs. If you want, you can add some pepper,
black olives and fresh parsley. Enjoy the meal!
-shreds of salted cod (bacalhau)
-chopped (matchstick sized) fried potatoes
-eggs (scrambled)
-olive oil
-extra: black olives, fresh parsley, pepper
Traditional Dish from Portugal
12 13
8. Mi?a & Tajda from Slovenia.
Since Bratislava can be a really freezing
city during the cold months, these two
girls didn't forget about fashionable winter
essentials. Warm coats, colorful scarves and
funny DIY bag (LV = Lord Voldemort) are part
of Mi?a¡¯s everyday casual outfit. On the other
hand, Tajda is totally in love with timeless
black and cozy sweaters.
Alberto and Enrico from Italy, Nikolaidis
from Greece.
These three Erasmus+ students love to travel
a lot. When they are exploring unknown pla-
ces around Bratislava or Slovakia, they always
wear comfortable sneakers and casual pie-
ces, such as jeans and colorful jumpers.
Michaela from Slovakia.
The stylish mix of a big grey hat, pink lipstick and statement
necklace is a great proof that Michaela loves fashion and
everything that comes with it. This young lady is also a perfect
example that a big smile on your face can be the most beautiful
accessory you can wear.
Matej & Barbora from Slovakia.
Probably one of the most likable Erasmus+ buddies at PEU like to
wear casual but yet elegant clothes. Since they are both very busy
they prefer high-quality materials and comfortable design.
Serena from Italy.
This extra fashionable Italian chic always
puts together the most awesome urban
combination. Trendy backpacks, cool shoes
and interesting accessories are on Serena¡¯s
daily list. She believes that you can wear
anything if you want and feel good in it.
Dominika from Slovakia. She has built her
very own style which suits her perfectly.
Unique flower crowns, big sunglasses and
some retro pieces are on the Dominika¡¯s
¡°must have¡± list.
Famousquoteaboutstreetstyleis:¡°Style?isawayto?say?who?you?are?without?having to?speak.¡±Wefoundout
14 15