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IES Juanelo Turriano
惆惘悋愕悸 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惶悋惠 悴悋 悋惘愆
惆惘悋愕悸 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惶悋惠 悴悋 悋惘愆惆惘悋愕悸 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惶悋惠 悴悋 悋惘愆
惆惘悋愕悸 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惶悋惠 悴悋 悋惘愆
愕惘 惡愕
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惡悋惘惡惠 愕悴惆 悋愕 悋惓悋惓惡悋惘惡惠 愕悴惆 悋愕 悋惓悋惓
惡悋惘惡惠 愕悴惆 悋愕 悋惓悋惓
悋悖愕惘悋惘 悋惺悸 悋惡 悖忰慍悋惡 悋悒悋 悋愆悋悵
悋悖愕惘悋惘 悋惺悸  悋惡 悖忰慍悋惡 悋悒悋 悋愆悋悵悋悖愕惘悋惘 悋惺悸  悋惡 悖忰慍悋惡 悋悒悋 悋愆悋悵
悋悖愕惘悋惘 悋惺悸 悋惡 悖忰慍悋惡 悋悒悋 悋愆悋悵
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IES Juanelo Turriano
惆惘悋愕悸 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惶悋惠 悴悋 悋惘愆
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惆惘悋愕悸 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惶悋惠 悴悋 悋惘愆
愕惘 惡愕
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