The netherlands geographyJayla GreenThe Netherlands has low-lying land areas below sea level protected by dikes and dunes, as well as higher land further inland. About half the country is below sea level, with the lowest areas no more than 3 feet above it. The Rhine and Meuse rivers deposited silt and gravel over time, creating fertile farmland. Peat soil was also used for farming, fuel, and salt production. The climate is mild with rainfall throughout the year. Several animal reserves help protect endangered species in the Netherlands like roe deer, red deer, and beavers whose natural habitats have been impacted by water pollution and development.
Czech Republic PresentationAyhan SEZDİRMEZThe Czech Republic is a parliamentary republic located in Central Europe. It has an area of 78,866 km2 and a population of 10.6 million people. Prague is the capital and largest city. The Czech Republic has a long history and is known for its castles, forests, and beer culture. Some of its famous citizens include writers Jaroslav Seifert and filmmaker Miloš Forman, as well as athletes like hockey player Jaromír Jágr.
Bosna i Hercegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) ppt by Emrah Ponjevic Emrah PonjevićBosna i Hercegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) presentation by Emrah Ponjevic
Sjedinjene Američke DržaveMiroslav MudrinićOvu prezentaciju je napravio Ognjen Milićecić 7b učenik OŠ "Ivo Lola Ribar" Sombor i prezentovao je na času geografije 2015. godine.
United arab emiratesAhu Erdoğdu ALPASLANThe document provides an overview of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It notes that the UAE is located in Western Asia, bordering Oman and Saudi Arabia, and has a land area of 77,700 km2. The UAE is made up of 7 emirates, with Abu Dhabi as the capital. The population is approximately 4 million people, most of whom are Muslim. The country was established in 1971 when the British withdrew. Major cities include Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the most populous city. Popular tourist attractions include the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi, and desert safaris.
SerbiaGlobal Ties AkronSerbia is located in Southeastern Europe in the Balkan region. It borders 8 countries and has a population of about 7.2 million people. The capital and largest city of Serbia is Belgrade. Serbian history dates back over 8,500 years, with the Serbian state first emerging in the 7th century AD. Serbia has faced occupation by the Ottoman Empire and conflict in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and it declared independence from Yugoslavia in 2006. The economy relies on manufacturing and exports, and key challenges include unemployment, corruption, and ethnic tensions with neighbors over territory.
Kraljevina svedskazivanovic_03Ovo je prezentacija o Kraljevini Svedskoj.Moze se koristiti kao nastavni materijal za geografiju za sesti razred osnovne skole.Sve na prezentaciji je provereno tacno,sto je potvrdio moj nastavnik geografije.Molim da ne skidate tekst sa prezentacije,ako pravite za skolu,osim ako ne mozete nesto da nadjete na internetu.Ako imate nekih pitanja,obratite mi se na mejl:
Makedonija Tanja Notaroš GagićEdukacija Obrazovni portalPrezentacija za predmet "Geografija" 6. razred - "Makedonija"
Tanja Notaroš Gagić - Osnovna škola "Branko Radičević" Novi Sad
Powerpoint prezentacija nemačkadaliborkrekoza osnovnu skolu
kad preuzmete prezentaciju ubacite hyperlink ja nisam preuzwt powerpoint koristio sam sam online powerpoint.
Jordan Presentationguest00aacd0Jordan is a Middle Eastern country located between Syria, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Iraq and the Red Sea. It has a combination of Mediterranean and desert climates. The official currency is the Jordanian dinar. Hospitality and generosity are highly valued in Jordanian culture. Popular tourist attractions include historical sites like Jerash and Um Qais, as well as natural areas like Wadi Mujib nature reserve.
Denmark PPTMona LizaDenmark is a Scandinavian country located in Northern Europe. Some key facts about Denmark include:
- The capital and largest city is Copenhagen.
- Denmark has a population of approximately 5.6 million people and has a predominantly Christian population that mostly speaks Danish.
- Denmark has a highly developed economy and ranks highly in measures of quality of life, education, health care, civil liberties, and human development.
Savezna Republika č첹Miroslav MudrinićGeografski prikaz Nemačke. Rad mog učenika Jovana Zubovića 6.d razred OŠ "Ivo Lola Ribar" Sombor 2017. godine.
Nastavnik Miroslav Mudrinić.
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John EgglestonsapatpatiesTeaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul GandhicyprubaanuInternet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Sjedinjene Američke DržaveMiroslav MudrinićOvu prezentaciju je napravio Ognjen Milićecić 7b učenik OŠ "Ivo Lola Ribar" Sombor i prezentovao je na času geografije 2015. godine.
United arab emiratesAhu Erdoğdu ALPASLANThe document provides an overview of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It notes that the UAE is located in Western Asia, bordering Oman and Saudi Arabia, and has a land area of 77,700 km2. The UAE is made up of 7 emirates, with Abu Dhabi as the capital. The population is approximately 4 million people, most of whom are Muslim. The country was established in 1971 when the British withdrew. Major cities include Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the most populous city. Popular tourist attractions include the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi, and desert safaris.
SerbiaGlobal Ties AkronSerbia is located in Southeastern Europe in the Balkan region. It borders 8 countries and has a population of about 7.2 million people. The capital and largest city of Serbia is Belgrade. Serbian history dates back over 8,500 years, with the Serbian state first emerging in the 7th century AD. Serbia has faced occupation by the Ottoman Empire and conflict in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and it declared independence from Yugoslavia in 2006. The economy relies on manufacturing and exports, and key challenges include unemployment, corruption, and ethnic tensions with neighbors over territory.
Kraljevina svedskazivanovic_03Ovo je prezentacija o Kraljevini Svedskoj.Moze se koristiti kao nastavni materijal za geografiju za sesti razred osnovne skole.Sve na prezentaciji je provereno tacno,sto je potvrdio moj nastavnik geografije.Molim da ne skidate tekst sa prezentacije,ako pravite za skolu,osim ako ne mozete nesto da nadjete na internetu.Ako imate nekih pitanja,obratite mi se na mejl:
Makedonija Tanja Notaroš GagićEdukacija Obrazovni portalPrezentacija za predmet "Geografija" 6. razred - "Makedonija"
Tanja Notaroš Gagić - Osnovna škola "Branko Radičević" Novi Sad
Powerpoint prezentacija nemačkadaliborkrekoza osnovnu skolu
kad preuzmete prezentaciju ubacite hyperlink ja nisam preuzwt powerpoint koristio sam sam online powerpoint.
Jordan Presentationguest00aacd0Jordan is a Middle Eastern country located between Syria, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Iraq and the Red Sea. It has a combination of Mediterranean and desert climates. The official currency is the Jordanian dinar. Hospitality and generosity are highly valued in Jordanian culture. Popular tourist attractions include historical sites like Jerash and Um Qais, as well as natural areas like Wadi Mujib nature reserve.
Denmark PPTMona LizaDenmark is a Scandinavian country located in Northern Europe. Some key facts about Denmark include:
- The capital and largest city is Copenhagen.
- Denmark has a population of approximately 5.6 million people and has a predominantly Christian population that mostly speaks Danish.
- Denmark has a highly developed economy and ranks highly in measures of quality of life, education, health care, civil liberties, and human development.
Savezna Republika č첹Miroslav MudrinićGeografski prikaz Nemačke. Rad mog učenika Jovana Zubovića 6.d razred OŠ "Ivo Lola Ribar" Sombor 2017. godine.
Nastavnik Miroslav Mudrinić.
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John EgglestonsapatpatiesTeaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
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2. BENELUX -> Belgium+Hollandia
Általános jellemző:
* kis terület
* nagy népsűrűség
* kevés természeti erőforrás
* gazdasági fejlettség
* „munkamegosztás egymás között”
* Sűrű úthálózat – átmenő forgalom
3. Hollandia és a tenger
4. Jellegzetességei
Holland-alföld + mélyföld (1/3)
Dűnesorok – védőgátak
Vihardagályok + süllyed a terület -> Fríz-szigetek – maradvány
Gátakkal védik a partokat, a vizeket kiszivattyúzzák csatornákon kivezetik
5. MZG - mezőgazdaság
Belterjes állattenyésztés – vezető ágazat – fríz tehenek – szabadon legelnek
Magas tejhozam ->fajtanemesítés
Takarmánynövények – szántóföldeken
Ijssel-tó + Rajna-torkolat – zöldség- és virágkertészetek
Fűtött üvegházak – zöldség és gyümölcs
6. Ipar
- Két kikötője: Rotterdam és Amszterdam
- Külföldi nyersanyag
- Külföldi árusítás
Forgalmas kikötő – „Európa kapuja”
9. Általános
Tája: Északról DK felé emelkedik
FALNDRIA Belterjes gazdálkodás: ipari növények, kertgazdaságok
Textilipar - szőnyegszövés
- Brüsszel, NATO, Európai Bizottság