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1) Homer is Hungry
     Someone has an idea for a
     Idea for a bill is presented
      in one house of Congress
       Money bills only in House
2) Homer decides hes hungry for
            a donut
            Bill introduced in Congress
            Bill gets a number and
             assigned to a standing
3) Homer decides which donut
         he wants
          The bill is sent to a
          Subcommittee holds
           hearings where experts
           testify for and against the
          Subcommittee sends the
           bill back to full committee
4) Homer reconsiders
               Back in the full committee,
                  they can
               B. Approve bill
               C. Rewrite language and
                  approve bill
               D. Reject bill
               E. Amend (make real
                  changes) and approve bill
5 - A) Homer drives to donut store

               In the WHOLE House of
                Origin, congresspeople
                debate, maybe amend, and
                vote on bill
               If passed, bill goes to other
5 - B) Homer stops at a red light
             Other House debates,
              maybe amends, and votes
              on bill
5 - C) Homer arrives at donut store

             If bill passes both Houses,
              it goes to the President
6 - A) Homer finally gets his
           President signs bill into
7) The donut store makes Homer
            President can hold the bill
6 - B) Homer finally gets his
           Even if president refuses
            to sign bill, if Congress is
            in session, bill becomes
            law in 10 days
          ***If Congress not in
            session, bill dies (pocket
8) The donut store is closed - no
             President can veto the bill
              (reject it)
9) Homer drives to another store

            The bill goes back to both
             houses of Congress for
6 - C) Homer finally gets his donut!

              If Congress passes bill by
               2/3 majority in both
               houses, bill becomes law
              This is called overriding a
10) Oh no! Homer ate a poison
          gas donut!
           The Judicial branch can
            interpret laws
           If they are found
            unconstitutional, they are
            struck down - no longer

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Homer donut odyssey

  • 1. 1) Homer is Hungry Someone has an idea for a bill Idea for a bill is presented in one house of Congress Money bills only in House
  • 2. 2) Homer decides hes hungry for a donut Bill introduced in Congress Bill gets a number and assigned to a standing committee
  • 3. 3) Homer decides which donut he wants The bill is sent to a subcommittee Subcommittee holds hearings where experts testify for and against the bill Subcommittee sends the bill back to full committee
  • 4. 4) Homer reconsiders Back in the full committee, they can B. Approve bill C. Rewrite language and approve bill REJECT! D. Reject bill E. Amend (make real changes) and approve bill
  • 5. 5 - A) Homer drives to donut store In the WHOLE House of Origin, congresspeople debate, maybe amend, and vote on bill If passed, bill goes to other house
  • 6. 5 - B) Homer stops at a red light Other House debates, maybe amends, and votes on bill
  • 7. 5 - C) Homer arrives at donut store If bill passes both Houses, it goes to the President
  • 8. 6 - A) Homer finally gets his donut! President signs bill into law.
  • 9. 7) The donut store makes Homer wait President can hold the bill unsigned
  • 10. 6 - B) Homer finally gets his donut! Even if president refuses to sign bill, if Congress is in session, bill becomes law in 10 days ***If Congress not in session, bill dies (pocket veto)
  • 11. 8) The donut store is closed - no donuts! President can veto the bill (reject it)
  • 12. 9) Homer drives to another store The bill goes back to both houses of Congress for debate
  • 13. 6 - C) Homer finally gets his donut! If Congress passes bill by 2/3 majority in both houses, bill becomes law This is called overriding a veto
  • 14. 10) Oh no! Homer ate a poison gas donut! The Judicial branch can interpret laws If they are found unconstitutional, they are struck down - no longer legal