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Hot press magazine is released on a fortnightly basis, it 
bases its articles mainly on music and politics. Its located 
in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in June 1977. The 
magazine title Hot press is the clever pun used which is 
normally referred to as an Irish airing cupboard. The title 
also suggests it has everything you need to know about 
music because a traditional Irish airing cupboard holds 
almost everything. This mkaes the magazine relatable 
and friendly. 
The magazine has a circulation 17,179 (ABC, january-december 
2012) the magazine is directed at adults 
ranging from 18-35 which is 90% of their readership. The 
magazine is available throughout all of northern and the 
republic of Ireland, giving them a wider target audience. 
The magazine is equally based towards males and 
females, males at 52% and females 48%. 
The magazines colours are gold, black and grey, the 
magazine is dark and has a rock and roll look to it whilst 
having a premium rich look to it. With this house style 
we can safely assume its not based on pop music but 
more rock and roll with u2 of course, arctic monkeys 
etc. All writing on the front cover are in block capitals 
suggest that all the information is important. The issue 
volume and number is feature beside the date, which 
lets us know how long the magazine has been running 
suggesting its a successful magazine. 
The O in Hot press has a symbol of flames in the middle of 
it further emphasises the word hot suggesting the 
magazine and its content is on fire smugly implying they 
are the best. The main image is of u2, which takes up 70% 
of the page and this might help attract readers to the 
magazine and also attract new readers. None of the men 
on the cover make eye contact with the readers, which 
maybe suggest they have some embarrassing details in 
their interview because its strange that they dont make 
eye contact. This also suggests u2 are focused on their 
music and not their image. 
The mise en scene in the main image has been carefully 
chosen to highlight certain aspects of the band. They 
have a very relaxed look to them, which in itself helps the 
audience connect with them. Two of the musicians are 
wearing sunglasses which might suggest their hiding 
from something perhaps in their past, one musician is 
wearing a tight woolly hat which is normally seen on 
someone who Works outdoors, this might suggest how 
far they have worked to get to where they are. 
The big interview is seen on the cover in faint writing, 
which doesnt directly attract the reader to what it says, 
but it keeps focus on the main image yet this coverline 
becomes more apparent when looking at the main image. 
The word big suggests its an interview not to be missed 
attracting more readers. Also the writing under the 
coverline reads BONO, EDGE, And LARRY AND ADAM 
TALK TO OLAF, this is in block capitals which is further 
emphasising their house style with block capitals. The 
magazine chose to print all band members names which is 
strange as bono is the one everyone will recognise. 
More Coverlines appear on the strapline of the front 
cover they are placed in that place so that the reader sees 
them when the have finished looking at the rest of the 
magazine. The wording is very direct and only tells them 
of more things featured in the magazine. The mode of 
address is presented in quite a formal way as its laid out 
if very professional and laid out in a non cluttered 
manner. On the front cover I feel it suggests its based 
mainly for men, this is solely based on its appearance as 
none of it has a female look to it and its house style and 
colours are more likely to attract male readers.
Hot Press is a music magazine produced by Niall stokes 
from Dublin, Ireland. It was founded in 1977 and has 
become one of Ireland most popular music magazines to 
buy. At first glance at the contents page its very strange in 
its layout and design and doesnt stick to the conventional 
contents page layout, yet its still a very effective in helping 
people navigate to their desired pages but I would say its 
very dull in its colour with its white background ad plain 
font I cant help but feel they could have made it more 
attractive with a more bold choice of colours and font style. 
The first thing that does jump out is the multi coloured fire 
symbol which related back to the symbol front the cover 
page making it known to be a Hot press magazine, which is 
widely recognised 
Some contents pages can be hard to read and understand but 
the author has clearly laid this out in a way which makes it 
very easy and clear to navigate, which makes it more 
attractive and enticing to its audience, with its block capitals 
to its simplistic layout o with everything in boxes with the 
page numbers underneath in a small bubble. The masthead 
says Contents which is easily understood with a sub-title 
saying HOT PRESS 3820, however the title along with all 
the green dots take up at least half the page which leaves a 
black and white image of 3 band men each standing on a 
different step of the escalator, this image suggests to the 
audience that they are still pursuing a career and gigging. 
Along the image there is a number 28 anchoring the phrase 
HIGH FLYING WORDS this is used because the 
interview is done on a plane. Below this is another 
appearance for john lydon which will take place on page 36 
humour used to encourage more readers. 
The second Contents page has a lot more in it, with more 
pictures, no dots, and more information and laid out in a 
more attractive way because the first page was taken up 
a lot by the masthead in large block capitals. This 
magazine is slit u pinto 5 topics upfront, features, 
wildlife, critical mass and whats going on, this makes it 
easier for the readers to navigate without having to go 
through pages to find what they want. This makes it 
more interesting the title wildlife might suggest that 
there is more than just music in the magazine gaining a 
wider range of audience. There i also page numbers 
along Side these so people can navigate with ease. 
I noticed that the artists names are in capital letters on the 
page to make them stand out jimmy Chamberlin is one 
of the head headliners because he was on the news lately 
become the new liveone music company. The contents 
page is very strange in comparison the conventional 
contents page we are all used to seeing normally 
everything goes down the side but they have decided to 
put everything in boxes with a small circle that has the 
page number in it. One box is larger than the others which 
clearly means its a more important story than the others 
which was u2 who got 100m from apple to release the 
new album onto iTunes for free, I can see why they took 
apple up on their offer than have definitely made more 
this way rather than selling their album the normal way. 
I enjoyed analysing this contents page as its has a very 
different house style compared to other magazines, which 
made it more interesting for me to read and analyze. But 
other magazines such as Q are better known than Hot 
press and also it has a more colourful and attractive house 
style in comparison to this magazine, which could lose 
them readership but Hot Press is cheaper than Q which 
might gain then readers.
Hot press cover analysis

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Hot press cover analysis

  • 1. Hot press magazine is released on a fortnightly basis, it bases its articles mainly on music and politics. Its located in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in June 1977. The magazine title Hot press is the clever pun used which is normally referred to as an Irish airing cupboard. The title also suggests it has everything you need to know about music because a traditional Irish airing cupboard holds almost everything. This mkaes the magazine relatable and friendly. The magazine has a circulation 17,179 (ABC, january-december 2012) the magazine is directed at adults ranging from 18-35 which is 90% of their readership. The magazine is available throughout all of northern and the republic of Ireland, giving them a wider target audience. The magazine is equally based towards males and females, males at 52% and females 48%. The magazines colours are gold, black and grey, the magazine is dark and has a rock and roll look to it whilst having a premium rich look to it. With this house style we can safely assume its not based on pop music but more rock and roll with u2 of course, arctic monkeys etc. All writing on the front cover are in block capitals suggest that all the information is important. The issue volume and number is feature beside the date, which lets us know how long the magazine has been running suggesting its a successful magazine. The O in Hot press has a symbol of flames in the middle of it further emphasises the word hot suggesting the magazine and its content is on fire smugly implying they are the best. The main image is of u2, which takes up 70% of the page and this might help attract readers to the magazine and also attract new readers. None of the men on the cover make eye contact with the readers, which maybe suggest they have some embarrassing details in their interview because its strange that they dont make eye contact. This also suggests u2 are focused on their music and not their image. The mise en scene in the main image has been carefully chosen to highlight certain aspects of the band. They have a very relaxed look to them, which in itself helps the audience connect with them. Two of the musicians are wearing sunglasses which might suggest their hiding from something perhaps in their past, one musician is wearing a tight woolly hat which is normally seen on someone who Works outdoors, this might suggest how far they have worked to get to where they are. The big interview is seen on the cover in faint writing, which doesnt directly attract the reader to what it says, but it keeps focus on the main image yet this coverline becomes more apparent when looking at the main image. The word big suggests its an interview not to be missed attracting more readers. Also the writing under the coverline reads BONO, EDGE, And LARRY AND ADAM TALK TO OLAF, this is in block capitals which is further emphasising their house style with block capitals. The magazine chose to print all band members names which is strange as bono is the one everyone will recognise. More Coverlines appear on the strapline of the front cover they are placed in that place so that the reader sees them when the have finished looking at the rest of the magazine. The wording is very direct and only tells them of more things featured in the magazine. The mode of address is presented in quite a formal way as its laid out if very professional and laid out in a non cluttered manner. On the front cover I feel it suggests its based mainly for men, this is solely based on its appearance as none of it has a female look to it and its house style and colours are more likely to attract male readers.
  • 2. Hot Press is a music magazine produced by Niall stokes from Dublin, Ireland. It was founded in 1977 and has become one of Ireland most popular music magazines to buy. At first glance at the contents page its very strange in its layout and design and doesnt stick to the conventional contents page layout, yet its still a very effective in helping people navigate to their desired pages but I would say its very dull in its colour with its white background ad plain font I cant help but feel they could have made it more attractive with a more bold choice of colours and font style. The first thing that does jump out is the multi coloured fire symbol which related back to the symbol front the cover page making it known to be a Hot press magazine, which is widely recognised Some contents pages can be hard to read and understand but the author has clearly laid this out in a way which makes it very easy and clear to navigate, which makes it more attractive and enticing to its audience, with its block capitals to its simplistic layout o with everything in boxes with the page numbers underneath in a small bubble. The masthead says Contents which is easily understood with a sub-title saying HOT PRESS 3820, however the title along with all the green dots take up at least half the page which leaves a black and white image of 3 band men each standing on a different step of the escalator, this image suggests to the audience that they are still pursuing a career and gigging. Along the image there is a number 28 anchoring the phrase HIGH FLYING WORDS this is used because the interview is done on a plane. Below this is another appearance for john lydon which will take place on page 36 saying THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN this is humour used to encourage more readers. The second Contents page has a lot more in it, with more pictures, no dots, and more information and laid out in a more attractive way because the first page was taken up a lot by the masthead in large block capitals. This magazine is slit u pinto 5 topics upfront, features, wildlife, critical mass and whats going on, this makes it easier for the readers to navigate without having to go through pages to find what they want. This makes it more interesting the title wildlife might suggest that there is more than just music in the magazine gaining a wider range of audience. There i also page numbers along Side these so people can navigate with ease. I noticed that the artists names are in capital letters on the page to make them stand out jimmy Chamberlin is one of the head headliners because he was on the news lately become the new liveone music company. The contents page is very strange in comparison the conventional contents page we are all used to seeing normally everything goes down the side but they have decided to put everything in boxes with a small circle that has the page number in it. One box is larger than the others which clearly means its a more important story than the others which was u2 who got 100m from apple to release the new album onto iTunes for free, I can see why they took apple up on their offer than have definitely made more this way rather than selling their album the normal way. I enjoyed analysing this contents page as its has a very different house style compared to other magazines, which made it more interesting for me to read and analyze. But other magazines such as Q are better known than Hot press and also it has a more colourful and attractive house style in comparison to this magazine, which could lose them readership but Hot Press is cheaper than Q which might gain then readers.