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The passive VS active
audience debate
How do audiences read media texts?
What we will be exploring
 How do we decode media texts? (The ideologies
within them?)
 Why do we respond in certain ways?
 Do we believe everything we are told?
 Do media texts effect the audience and society?
The Passive Audience Idea
 Effects theory was developed in the 1920s, and looks at how media
texts influence those who consume them, particularly (in recent
decades) how negative messages, i.e. sexual and violent
content, can affect the most vulnerable of audience groups.
 It reflected the dominant views in society
about the media and the audience
  reflecting a middle class
fear of the masses (working class.)
 Fears of the potential effect this would
have on public order and status quo in society.
 Many of these ideas came from the philosophers school The
Frankfurt School from theorists - Max Horkheimer , Theodor Adorno
, Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse.
The Hypodermic Needle Effect
(or Silver Bullet approach)
 This theory states that the audience takes in and
believes the ideologies in all media texts.
 where the audience is
seen as passive 
empty vessels who play
no role in interacting with
the media texts concerned.
 The theory states that these texts function in a one-
directional communication process  the audience
does not think or disagree with the messages and
values within the media text.
Problems With the Effects Theories
 In recent decades theorists have noted many
problems with Effects theory .
 Many feel it is out of date and that it vastly
underestimates the audiences,
 this has led to the development of more complex
theories about active audience participation in
the reading of media texts.
The Encoding  Decoding Model
: Active Audience Theory (1980)
 Encoding-Decoding is an active audience
theory developed by Stuart Hall which
examines the relationship between a text
and its audience.
 Encoding is the process by which a text
is constructed by its producers.
 Decoding is the process by which the
audience reads, understands and
interprets a text.
The Encoding  Decoding Model
 The Media
ideologies into
the media texts
The audience
 an active process 
they think!
Halls Encoding  Decoding model
 Hall states that texts are polysemic, meaning they
may be read differently by different people,
depending on their identity, cultural knowledge and
The encoding decoding model
 You will be shown couple of scenes from the
popular TV series  and now movie  The
Simpsons. When watching the clips, think
about the elements of the show that make it
successful in targeting both young and old
audiences, especially its humour.
For example, a 45 year old man and a 10 year
old girl would sit down to watch exactly the
same episode and yet receive it entirely
differently  why?
 Spiderpig- Simpsons the Movie Teaser
 The Simpsons  Marges Dream
Halls Reception Theory
 Reception theory focuses on the role of the audience
in the interpretation of a text, instead of on the text
 In other words, the theory suggests that audiences play
an active role in reading texts,
 that each person has the ability to interpret the same
text differently, and that a text by itself  i.e. without a
reader  has no specific meaning.
Halls Reception Theory
 He termed these different readings of the ideologies
in media texts as
 The preferred reading
 The negotiated reading
 The oppositional reading
 Stuart Hall
Stuart Halls Reception Theory
 This clip of a BBC news feature discusses the case of a teenage
homosexual from Iran, seeking asylum in the UK based on claims
that he would be murdered if he returned home due to the
countrys homophobic attitudes and laws.
 When watching the clip, think about the audience theory of
Encoding-Decoding  What would the preferred, negotiated and
oppositional readings of this story be, taking into consideration
the way the BBC present the story  i.e. the preferred reading 
and what types of audience groups would take each particular
 Consider the following audience groups when thinking about
your answer:
 Homosexual people.
 Those classed as homophobic.
 The British caucasian population.
 Iranian people living in the UK.
 British Catholics.
 The British Muslim population.
 British Atheists.
Spectator , Audience, Response
(Patrick Philips 2000)
 See pack.
Sothe media does not effect us
at all?
The Uses and Gratifications Theory
Blumler, McQuail and Brown (1983)
 Task in pack
Two-step Flow Theory
(Katz and Lazarsfield 1955)
 See pack
The Pick n Mix Approach to Audience
(David Gauntlett)
 This is the idea that we pick and mix our media
( an active choice)
 We select how we form our identities using
media texts.
 E.g. Magazines allow readers to check is this ok?
 It means that there was no harm in making a
gender specific statement in magazines- readers
are given more credit than to just accept this idea=
 A pick and mix reader
 He claims that we can not assume that people are
simply influenced by media texts.

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how do audiences read media texts.pptx

  • 1. The passive VS active audience debate How do audiences read media texts?
  • 2. What we will be exploring How do we decode media texts? (The ideologies within them?) Why do we respond in certain ways? Do we believe everything we are told? Do media texts effect the audience and society?
  • 3. The Passive Audience Idea Effects theory was developed in the 1920s, and looks at how media texts influence those who consume them, particularly (in recent decades) how negative messages, i.e. sexual and violent content, can affect the most vulnerable of audience groups. It reflected the dominant views in society about the media and the audience reflecting a middle class fear of the masses (working class.) Fears of the potential effect this would have on public order and status quo in society. Many of these ideas came from the philosophers school The Frankfurt School from theorists - Max Horkheimer , Theodor Adorno , Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse.
  • 4. The Hypodermic Needle Effect (or Silver Bullet approach) This theory states that the audience takes in and believes the ideologies in all media texts. where the audience is seen as passive empty vessels who play no role in interacting with the media texts concerned. The theory states that these texts function in a one- directional communication process the audience does not think or disagree with the messages and values within the media text.
  • 5. Problems With the Effects Theories In recent decades theorists have noted many problems with Effects theory . Many feel it is out of date and that it vastly underestimates the audiences, this has led to the development of more complex theories about active audience participation in the reading of media texts.
  • 6. The Encoding Decoding Model : Active Audience Theory (1980) Encoding-Decoding is an active audience theory developed by Stuart Hall which examines the relationship between a text and its audience. Encoding is the process by which a text is constructed by its producers. Decoding is the process by which the audience reads, understands and interprets a text.
  • 7. The Encoding Decoding Model The Media ENCODE ideologies into the media texts The audience DECODE the Messages an active process they think!
  • 8. Halls Encoding Decoding model Hall states that texts are polysemic, meaning they may be read differently by different people, depending on their identity, cultural knowledge and opinions.
  • 9. The encoding decoding model You will be shown couple of scenes from the popular TV series and now movie The Simpsons. When watching the clips, think about the elements of the show that make it successful in targeting both young and old audiences, especially its humour. For example, a 45 year old man and a 10 year old girl would sit down to watch exactly the same episode and yet receive it entirely differently why? Spiderpig- Simpsons the Movie Teaser The Simpsons Marges Dream
  • 10. Halls Reception Theory Reception theory focuses on the role of the audience in the interpretation of a text, instead of on the text itself. In other words, the theory suggests that audiences play an active role in reading texts, that each person has the ability to interpret the same text differently, and that a text by itself i.e. without a reader has no specific meaning.
  • 11. Halls Reception Theory He termed these different readings of the ideologies in media texts as The preferred reading The negotiated reading The oppositional reading Stuart Hall
  • 12. Stuart Halls Reception Theory This clip of a BBC news feature discusses the case of a teenage homosexual from Iran, seeking asylum in the UK based on claims that he would be murdered if he returned home due to the countrys homophobic attitudes and laws. When watching the clip, think about the audience theory of Encoding-Decoding What would the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings of this story be, taking into consideration the way the BBC present the story i.e. the preferred reading and what types of audience groups would take each particular reading? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRIPGhRtB28
  • 13. Consider the following audience groups when thinking about your answer: Homosexual people. Those classed as homophobic. The British caucasian population. Iranian people living in the UK. British Catholics. The British Muslim population. British Atheists.
  • 14. Spectator , Audience, Response (Patrick Philips 2000) See pack.
  • 15. Sothe media does not effect us at all?
  • 16. The Uses and Gratifications Theory Blumler, McQuail and Brown (1983) Task in pack
  • 17. Two-step Flow Theory (Katz and Lazarsfield 1955) See pack
  • 18. The Pick n Mix Approach to Audience (David Gauntlett) This is the idea that we pick and mix our media ( an active choice) We select how we form our identities using media texts. E.g. Magazines allow readers to check is this ok? It means that there was no harm in making a gender specific statement in magazines- readers are given more credit than to just accept this idea= A pick and mix reader He claims that we can not assume that people are simply influenced by media texts.