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How To Build The Next
Generation of Greener
Hopper Dredges
Vinton Bossert, P.E.
Stephen Wright
Ethan Wiseman
Presentation for:
New York, NY
November 2015
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Dredging Efficiency (Hopper Dredge Design 101)
Least Cost vs. Maximum Production
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Dredging Efficiency
Least Cost
 Most Efficient Hull
 Most Efficient Propulsion System
 Most Efficient Pumping System
 Crew Size Matched to Automation
 Least First Cost
 Least Maintenance
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Dredging Efficiency
Maximum Production
 Largest Hopper
 Most Maneuverable
 Highest Density Excavation
 Most Efficient Hopper Loading
 Fastest Loaded Speed to Disposal Site
 Fastest Unloading
 Fastest Speed Returning Empty
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Best Available Technologies (BAT) Today
 Hull Technologies
 Dredging Technologies
 Machinery Technologies
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Hull Technologies
 Minimum Lightship Weight
 Maximize Hopper Size for Hull
 Reduced Freeboard Loadline
 Hydrodynamic Improvements
Around Recessed Hopper Doors &
 Balanced Trim Without Ballast
 Better Maneuverability  Z-Drive
Maximize Hopper Size for Hull Envelope
LtWt + Dwt = Disp
Every lb Steel = lb Sand Cannot Carry
Maximize Hopper Size for Hull Envelope
 Less Sloping Plate
 Larger Hopper Doors
2012 Hopper Plan
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Better Maneuverability  Z-Drive Propulsion
Drawing from Thrustmaster of Texas
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 Least Weight, Lowest Cost
 Tier IV Engines
 CFD Analysis To Optimize Propulsion
 Shared Power Systems
 Environmentally Acceptable Fluids
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 CFD Analysis
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 Shared Power Systems  Optimum
Engine Loading
 Diesel-Electric - PMS
 Flexible Arrangement  wt, trim, cargo
 Main Engine Powered Pumps &
Generators with CRPP
 Ease of Construction - modular
 DC Technology  Optimum BSFC
 Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
 Cold Ironing
 Dual Fuel  LNG/CNG
Diesel-Electric Plant
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 DC Grid
 No Synchronization of Generators
 Minimize Harmonics
 Gen RPM Matched to Load
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Power Management System:
 Optimize number of generators and feeds connected to the bus
relative to fuel efficiency and provide a sufficient reserve capacity of
power based on user defined presets.
 Provide proportional load sharing in a symmetrical & asymmetrical
plant configurations.
 Automatically manage Large Loads
 Automatically control Load Shedding.
 Automatically Restart Engines Generator/or Storage to restore
power following a Black Out Condition.
 Automatically provide Load Limiting integral to the CPP system.
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 Dual Fuel  LNG/CNG:
 No Urea Injection, No Sulfer, No Particulates
 U.S. Reserves are Huge
 Significant Op Cost Savings - Increase as Oil Price Rises
Broader Applications for Hybrid Power System
 Permanent Magnet Motors: Smaller and Lighter compared to
Induction Motors and Alternator.
 Further Improves Efficiency Difference between DE and
Conventional system
 Battery Banks: Battery banks provide Peak Shaving, so
Generator Power managed more efficiently.
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 Environmentally Acceptable Fluids
 Water Fluid Power Applications
 Hopper Door Operators
 Hydraulically Operated Valves
 Draghead Davits/Swell
 Draghead Visor Actuators
 CPP Servo System
 Engine Coolants
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 New Dredge Pumps
 Over-The-Bow Pumpout Systems
 Shallow Draft
 Active Dragheads
 Large Hopper Doors
 Automated Dredging Process Control
VOSTA LMG Bow Coupling
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 New Dredge Pumps
 High Efficiency > 87%
 Better Wear Characteristics
 Hi Chrome White Iron
 Diverter Technology
 Better Suction (NPSH)
Characteristics (skewed vanes)
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 New Dredge Pumps
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 Active Dragheads
 More Pump NPSH is available for
 Excavating Teeth
 Adjustable Visor
IHCs Wild Dragon速 Draghead
VOSTA LMG Draghead
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
 Automated Dredging Process Control
 Free Up Officers to Optimize Operations
 Operate 24-7 Without Fatigue  One Man Bridge
 Algorithms Continuously Learn/Adjust/Improve -
Maximize Production without Plugging Pipeline
 Variable Hopper Fill Rate Reduces Overflow Losses
 Replacement Every 7-10 Years
 Highest Efficiency Gains Optimize
Interrelationship of Propulsion, Draghead
Visor, and Dredge Pump Speed
Water Hydraulic Systems
Water Hydraulic Systems
Water Hydraulic Technical Considerations
 Design Approach  Typically lapped spool type
designs; Internal Leakage is part of design;
rely on internal leakage for lubrication
 Practical Realities  Plunger floats; minimal
metal to metal contact, no requirement for high
strength/anti corrosive materials
 Physics  Oil allows for higher pressure drops
and higher velocities, creating smaller
components, but at a price of energy loss
 Economic Impact  Manufactured in volume,
price points relatively low given large market
size (several $Billion per year)
 Design Approach  Zero Leakage  internal
leakage damages base materials; water is a
cutting agent at high pressure and velocity.
Avoidance of internal leakage is key to success
 Practical Realities  Given zero leak
requirement, most valves use soft packers;
lack of lubricity and difficult application
environment often requires high strength, more
exotic materials such as stainless
 Physics  Water does not compress, makes it
more efficient to pump; zero leakage makes it
more energy efficient
 Economic Impact  Manufactured in low
quantity, price points higher, much smaller
market ($100 M)
Oil Hydraulics Water Hydraulics
Zero Leakage  Environmentally Friendly  Higher Efficiency  Lower Total Cost of Ownership
Water Hydraulic Fluid Additives
 Purpose - Many Biodegradable additives aid the use of water as a hydraulic
fluid. Water is limited in its ability to lubricate (low viscosity). It also can be a
media for biological growth, and it freezes at a relatively high temp.
 Corrosion Control  Synthetic additives bond to the internals of the system and
prohibit or slow corrosion
 Algae Control  Algaecides mix with the fluid and prevent growth of biologics
which can degrade system performance
 Lubricity Assistance  Other additives are design to add lubricity to the fluid
making it slippery and enhancing life of components
 Freezing Control - Additives such as Propylene glycol (FDA approved food
additive) lower the freezing temperature of the water
Additives Serve Many Purposes
Initial Cost - Water Hydraulics vs Oil Hydraulics
Fluid Cost - Water Hydraulics vs Oil Hydraulics
Description Tank
EAL Cost WH Cost
Reservoir 350 Gal $13,300 $350
Storage Tank 2000 Gal $76,000 $0
Fluid Makeup $38/Gal $1/gal
350 Gal $13,300 $350
Water Hydraulics is filled directly from potable water system.
No clean up cost or fines associated with Water Hydraulics.
No storage or handling costs for Water Hydraulics.
Filling the Hopper
Emptying the Hoppers
Dredge MURDENs Water Hydraulic System
How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges
Eliminate Inefficiency
 Wasted Fuel
 Environmental Impacts
 Personal Injuries
 Unnecessary Exhaust Aftertreatments
 Unnecessary Fines
 Over-crewed Vessels
 Antiquated Practices
 Legacy Equipment
Contact Information:
Vinton Bossert
President  Bossert Dredge Consulting
(302) 740-1841
Stephen Wright
Partner  SanSailTEC, LLC
(917) 374-2836
Ethan Wiseman
Naval Architect & Marine Engineer
(516) 640-0554

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How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges - final

  • 1. How To Build The Next Generation of Greener Hopper Dredges Vinton Bossert, P.E. Stephen Wright Ethan Wiseman Presentation for: IMarEST New York, NY November 2015
  • 2. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging Efficiency (Hopper Dredge Design 101) Least Cost vs. Maximum Production
  • 3. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging Efficiency Least Cost Most Efficient Hull Most Efficient Propulsion System Most Efficient Pumping System Crew Size Matched to Automation Least First Cost Least Maintenance
  • 4. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging Efficiency Maximum Production Largest Hopper Most Maneuverable Highest Density Excavation Most Efficient Hopper Loading Fastest Loaded Speed to Disposal Site Fastest Unloading Fastest Speed Returning Empty
  • 5. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Best Available Technologies (BAT) Today Hull Technologies Dredging Technologies Machinery Technologies
  • 6. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Hull Technologies Minimum Lightship Weight Maximize Hopper Size for Hull Envelope Reduced Freeboard Loadline Hydrodynamic Improvements Around Recessed Hopper Doors & Propulsion Balanced Trim Without Ballast Better Maneuverability Z-Drive Propulsion
  • 7. Maximize Hopper Size for Hull Envelope LtWt + Dwt = Disp Every lb Steel = lb Sand Cannot Carry Older Newer
  • 8. Maximize Hopper Size for Hull Envelope Less Sloping Plate Larger Hopper Doors 2012 Hopper Plan
  • 9. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Better Maneuverability Z-Drive Propulsion Drawing from Thrustmaster of Texas
  • 10. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Machinery Least Weight, Lowest Cost Tier IV Engines CFD Analysis To Optimize Propulsion Shared Power Systems Environmentally Acceptable Fluids
  • 11. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Machinery
  • 12. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges CFD Analysis
  • 13. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Machinery Shared Power Systems Optimum Engine Loading Diesel-Electric - PMS Flexible Arrangement wt, trim, cargo Main Engine Powered Pumps & Generators with CRPP Ease of Construction - modular DC Technology Optimum BSFC Hybrid Energy Storage Systems Cold Ironing Dual Fuel LNG/CNG
  • 15. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Machinery DC Grid No Synchronization of Generators Minimize Harmonics Gen RPM Matched to Load
  • 16. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Machinery Power Management System: Optimize number of generators and feeds connected to the bus relative to fuel efficiency and provide a sufficient reserve capacity of power based on user defined presets. Provide proportional load sharing in a symmetrical & asymmetrical plant configurations. Automatically manage Large Loads Automatically control Load Shedding. Automatically Restart Engines Generator/or Storage to restore power following a Black Out Condition. Automatically provide Load Limiting integral to the CPP system.
  • 17. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Machinery Dual Fuel LNG/CNG: No Urea Injection, No Sulfer, No Particulates U.S. Reserves are Huge Significant Op Cost Savings - Increase as Oil Price Rises
  • 18. Broader Applications for Hybrid Power System Permanent Magnet Motors: Smaller and Lighter compared to Induction Motors and Alternator. Further Improves Efficiency Difference between DE and Conventional system Battery Banks: Battery banks provide Peak Shaving, so Generator Power managed more efficiently.
  • 19. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Machinery Environmentally Acceptable Fluids Water Fluid Power Applications Hopper Door Operators Hydraulically Operated Valves Draghead Davits/Swell Compensators Draghead Visor Actuators CPP Servo System Engine Coolants Lubricants
  • 20. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging New Dredge Pumps Over-The-Bow Pumpout Systems Shallow Draft Active Dragheads Large Hopper Doors Automated Dredging Process Control VOSTA LMG Bow Coupling
  • 21. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging New Dredge Pumps High Efficiency > 87% Better Wear Characteristics Hi Chrome White Iron Diverter Technology Better Suction (NPSH) Characteristics (skewed vanes)
  • 22. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging New Dredge Pumps
  • 23. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging Active Dragheads More Pump NPSH is available for Density Jet-assisted Excavating Teeth Adjustable Visor IHCs Wild Dragon速 Draghead VOSTA LMG Draghead
  • 24. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Dredging Automated Dredging Process Control Free Up Officers to Optimize Operations Operate 24-7 Without Fatigue One Man Bridge Algorithms Continuously Learn/Adjust/Improve - Maximize Production without Plugging Pipeline Variable Hopper Fill Rate Reduces Overflow Losses Replacement Every 7-10 Years
  • 25. Automation Highest Efficiency Gains Optimize Interrelationship of Propulsion, Draghead Visor, and Dredge Pump Speed
  • 28. Water Hydraulic Technical Considerations Design Approach Typically lapped spool type designs; Internal Leakage is part of design; rely on internal leakage for lubrication Practical Realities Plunger floats; minimal metal to metal contact, no requirement for high strength/anti corrosive materials Physics Oil allows for higher pressure drops and higher velocities, creating smaller components, but at a price of energy loss Economic Impact Manufactured in volume, price points relatively low given large market size (several $Billion per year) Design Approach Zero Leakage internal leakage damages base materials; water is a cutting agent at high pressure and velocity. Avoidance of internal leakage is key to success Practical Realities Given zero leak requirement, most valves use soft packers; lack of lubricity and difficult application environment often requires high strength, more exotic materials such as stainless Physics Water does not compress, makes it more efficient to pump; zero leakage makes it more energy efficient Economic Impact Manufactured in low quantity, price points higher, much smaller market ($100 M) Oil Hydraulics Water Hydraulics Zero Leakage Environmentally Friendly Higher Efficiency Lower Total Cost of Ownership
  • 29. Water Hydraulic Fluid Additives Purpose - Many Biodegradable additives aid the use of water as a hydraulic fluid. Water is limited in its ability to lubricate (low viscosity). It also can be a media for biological growth, and it freezes at a relatively high temp. Corrosion Control Synthetic additives bond to the internals of the system and prohibit or slow corrosion Algae Control Algaecides mix with the fluid and prevent growth of biologics which can degrade system performance Lubricity Assistance Other additives are design to add lubricity to the fluid making it slippery and enhancing life of components Freezing Control - Additives such as Propylene glycol (FDA approved food additive) lower the freezing temperature of the water Additives Serve Many Purposes
  • 30. Initial Cost - Water Hydraulics vs Oil Hydraulics
  • 31. Fluid Cost - Water Hydraulics vs Oil Hydraulics Description Tank Volume EAL Cost WH Cost Reservoir 350 Gal $13,300 $350 Storage Tank 2000 Gal $76,000 $0 Fluid Makeup $38/Gal $1/gal Fluid Contamination 350 Gal $13,300 $350 Notes: Water Hydraulics is filled directly from potable water system. No clean up cost or fines associated with Water Hydraulics. No storage or handling costs for Water Hydraulics.
  • 34. Dredge MURDENs Water Hydraulic System
  • 35. How To Build Greener Hopper Dredges Eliminate Inefficiency Wasted Fuel Environmental Impacts Personal Injuries Unnecessary Exhaust Aftertreatments Unnecessary Fines Over-crewed Vessels Antiquated Practices Legacy Equipment
  • 36. DISCUSSION & QUESTIONS Contact Information: Vinton Bossert President Bossert Dredge Consulting vintonbossert@comcast.net (302) 740-1841 Stephen Wright Partner SanSailTEC, LLC swright@sansailtec.com (917) 374-2836 Ethan Wiseman Naval Architect & Marine Engineer ethan.wiseman@gmail.com (516) 640-0554