云中漫步 颠覆创新_创业邦春季创新峰会主题演讲 Cloud Innovation in ChinaChinaNetCloud
President of ChinaNetCloud, Yinan Gu's keynote speech at 2016 DEMO CHINA in Beijing, May 11.
Cloud Innovation in China, Speech at DEMO China in May, 2016 in Bejing by Yinan Gu, ChinaNetCloud's President (in Mandarin)
An Integration Trend of Terminal Devices, IoT and Cloud for High-speed Mobile Networks (for MOPCON 2016)
廣義物聯網範疇包括終端裝置、網路、雲端、及感測裝置等等。由於技術的成熟,越來越多的裝置將可整合嵌入式系統的軟硬體及連網能力,因而變得更智慧化。隨著高速網路越來越成熟,雲端將與物聯網及終端的距離越來越近。這個主題中,我們將探討物聯網發展趨勢以及 4G/5G 等高速移動網路將如何影響物聯網與移動終端的架構。和沛移動透過獨創的『雲記憶延伸技術 (CME)』開發出 Tera 級雲端手機系統,同時也提出 Data-centric IoT 架構,將裝置本地與雲端空間無縫融合,讓開發者不再需要處理雲端接取細節,也讓使用者不再受到裝置容量限制,而能盡情享受雲端終端整合為生活帶來的便利與優點。
In this presentation, a possible integration trend of the IoT, Mobile Terminals, and Cloud for the emerging 4G/5G high-speed mobile networks will be introduced. Hope Bay (HB) Mobile Inc. has proposed the patented “Cloud Memory Extension (CME)” Technology and the “Data-centric IoT” architecture, so that the system space of the mobile and IoT devices can be merged with the cloud storage seamlessly. In this way, the logical space of the devices could be extended without any limitation. A new tera-byte level cloud phone, namely “Tera”, has also been designed and developed by HB mobile based on the CME technology. With CME, Developers will be able to create applications easily since the details of the device-to-cloud communications has been hidden; instead, cloud data can be accessed from within the device local file systems directly.
Humix is an open-source robot framework based on Bluemix, IoT Foundation and Watson AI. It was created at a hackathon and uses a loosely-coupled microservices architecture. Humix robots like Humix Omega can perform tasks like reporting temperature, syncing heart rate with its owner, and communicating through channels such as IRC, Facebook Messenger, speech recognition and text-to-speech. The Humix Next Generation platform allows users to build and manage their own homemade robots by registering robot members and modules.
云中漫步 颠覆创新_创业邦春季创新峰会主题演讲 Cloud Innovation in ChinaChinaNetCloud
President of ChinaNetCloud, Yinan Gu's keynote speech at 2016 DEMO CHINA in Beijing, May 11.
Cloud Innovation in China, Speech at DEMO China in May, 2016 in Bejing by Yinan Gu, ChinaNetCloud's President (in Mandarin)
An Integration Trend of Terminal Devices, IoT and Cloud for High-speed Mobile Networks (for MOPCON 2016)
廣義物聯網範疇包括終端裝置、網路、雲端、及感測裝置等等。由於技術的成熟,越來越多的裝置將可整合嵌入式系統的軟硬體及連網能力,因而變得更智慧化。隨著高速網路越來越成熟,雲端將與物聯網及終端的距離越來越近。這個主題中,我們將探討物聯網發展趨勢以及 4G/5G 等高速移動網路將如何影響物聯網與移動終端的架構。和沛移動透過獨創的『雲記憶延伸技術 (CME)』開發出 Tera 級雲端手機系統,同時也提出 Data-centric IoT 架構,將裝置本地與雲端空間無縫融合,讓開發者不再需要處理雲端接取細節,也讓使用者不再受到裝置容量限制,而能盡情享受雲端終端整合為生活帶來的便利與優點。
In this presentation, a possible integration trend of the IoT, Mobile Terminals, and Cloud for the emerging 4G/5G high-speed mobile networks will be introduced. Hope Bay (HB) Mobile Inc. has proposed the patented “Cloud Memory Extension (CME)” Technology and the “Data-centric IoT” architecture, so that the system space of the mobile and IoT devices can be merged with the cloud storage seamlessly. In this way, the logical space of the devices could be extended without any limitation. A new tera-byte level cloud phone, namely “Tera”, has also been designed and developed by HB mobile based on the CME technology. With CME, Developers will be able to create applications easily since the details of the device-to-cloud communications has been hidden; instead, cloud data can be accessed from within the device local file systems directly.
Humix is an open-source robot framework based on Bluemix, IoT Foundation and Watson AI. It was created at a hackathon and uses a loosely-coupled microservices architecture. Humix robots like Humix Omega can perform tasks like reporting temperature, syncing heart rate with its owner, and communicating through channels such as IRC, Facebook Messenger, speech recognition and text-to-speech. The Humix Next Generation platform allows users to build and manage their own homemade robots by registering robot members and modules.
Humix is an open-source framework for building robots using Bluemix and IoT services with a pub/sub architecture. It can connect hundreds of sensors and thousands of APIs/services. Example sensors include temperature, humidity, light, speakers/mics. It can perform tasks like reporting sensor data, changing eye color based on sentiment analysis of messages, estimating ages from photos, and more. The micro-service architecture allows for easy programming and customization to build unique robotic behaviors and skills.
IBM TW InterConnection - Humix IntroductionJeffrey Liu
1) The document discusses Humix, an AI assistant created using IBM Bluemix and IoT foundation during a 6th Hackathon Taiwan coding session.
2) Humix can listen to IRC communication, understand sentiment, and respond in basic Chinese using various sensors, APIs, and services available on Bluemix.
3) The micro-service architecture of Humix allows for easy programming and customization using a drag-and-drop interface to explore more capabilities on Bluemix.
This document discusses a meeting that was held to address an issue. Several people attended the meeting to discuss their different perspectives on the issue. However, no resolution was reached during the meeting and further discussion is still needed to find an acceptable solution.
Paydata is a UK-based reward management consultancy that provides HR professionals with salary data, insights, and tools to help manage pay and reward practices. It offers services including salary benchmarking, reward strategy and design, pay review and analysis, and employee engagement. Paydata consultants work to develop customized reward strategies and review pay packages to attract, retain, and motivate employees within legal compliance and budget. Customers praise Paydata for its professionalism, responsiveness, delivery of quality service on time and budget, and challenging thinking as reward professionals.
Prashant, a software developer from India, was struggling with work-life balance and feeling stressed due to working long hours and having little personal time. His colleague introduced him to the Results Only Work Environment (ROWE) concept, where employees are evaluated based on results rather than time spent working. Prashant suggested this to his boss, who agreed to let Prashant lead a project on implementing ROWE. After one month of allowing flexible schedules and work locations, employee engagement and productivity increased. Prashant and his colleagues were happier having more time for personal activities while still completing their work.
This document contains a career summary and objective for an applicant named Rachit Kushwaha. It summarizes his work experience as a Software Engineer at KPIT Technologies developing HMI applications for instrument clusters. It also lists his academic credentials including a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering with 8.55 CGPA. Key skills include embedded C programming, CAN protocol, and tools like CANoe, Lauterbach emulator, and Trace-32 debugger.
Весьма востребованными являются в настоящее время и модульные машины контактной сварки благодаря своим несомненным достоинствам, к числу которых можно отнести в первую очередь функциональность и универсальность.Ассортимент изделий, выпускаемых предприятием, может быть весьма многочисленным. Это обусловливает необходимость в выполнении различных видов сварочных работ. Оборудование подобного рода отличается не только габаритными размерами, но и высокой ценой. Поэтому приобретение большого количества сварочных машин в большинстве случаев не является целесообразным.
Гораздо более удобным и выгодным будет монтаж модульного оборудования для сварки, которое предусматривает использование широкого набора конфигураций и аксессуаров. К примеру, с помощью таких машин можно выполнять как одностороннюю, так и двухстороннюю сварку, потребитель имеет возможность выбрать вариант с радиальным или линейным перемещением верхнего плеча. Модульный принцип конструкции позволяет применять различные виды электродов и аксессуаров.
1) A student-made music video for Beyoncé's "Run the World (Girls)" effectively uses green screen techniques, varied scenes, and visuals linked to lyrics to keep the viewer interested.
2) The video incorporates necessary dance scenes shot from different angles using good lighting to seem realistic and choreographed.
3) Shots are cut in quick succession according to the beat, with more gentle movements and lighting for slower parts and more aggressive movements for faster parts, following the emotions in the lyrics believably.
4) Different shot types like close-ups and mid shots featuring makeup, backgrounds, and themes keep the viewer visually engaged and reminded of the focus.
Dokumen tersebut berisi soalan-soalan ujian tentang penggunaan kata kerja dan kata ganti dalam bahasa Melayu. Terdapat 12 soalan pilihan ganda yang mencakup topik seperti kegiatan seharian, cuaca, pekerjaan, dan perbincangan.
Photography has changed the author's life in several positive ways by getting him out of his comfort zone, teaching new skills, and allowing him to see the world differently. It also provides a conversation topic, challenges his creativity, acts as a therapeutic outlet, connects him to a supportive community, brings joy to others, and inspires sharing knowledge. Most importantly, photography now constantly pushes the author to challenge himself.
This document provides download links for the MongoDB driver for Node.js from Microsoft and the source code for it from GitHub. The Microsoft download allows working with MongoDB databases from Node.js applications. The GitHub repository contains the open source code for the Node.js MongoDB driver and is maintained by the community.
Getting to grips with job evaluation and gradingPaydata_Ltd
Job evaluation and grading - how to minimise the time, resources and training required. Covers:
- Why do it? The benefits of job evaluation;
- Using job evaluation software; and
- Introduction to PAYgrade.
Paydata is a UK-based reward management consultancy that provides HR professionals with salary benchmarking tools and data. They offer industry salary surveys that collect pay data for specialist jobs and sectors from major companies. Membership surveys also collect salary data customized for trade associations. Paydata's executive pay benchmarking service thoroughly analyzes senior roles to ensure executive pay is appropriately matched. They also provide free national pay statistics and bespoke pay surveys for specialized compensation data not found elsewhere.
Project AI-Care for COVID-19 prevention湯米吳 Tommy Wu
This document describes Project AI Care, a thermal image smart healthcare solution using one Microsoft team. The solution uses an ESP32 Cam, M5Stack Core, and AMG 8833 thermal sensor to collect real-time thermal data and leverage Azure Custom Vision AI for mask detection. The system architecture includes training a mask detection AI model using Custom Vision, deploying the model as an IoT Edge module for edge inference, monitoring devices and results using an IoT Central dashboard, and integrating BOT services for multi-channel notifications. The solution aims to help with epidemic prevention by detecting mask-wearing in public areas.
This document discusses machine learning and robotics, specifically deep reinforcement learning using the Robot Operating System (ROS). It provides an overview of deep Q-learning and how it can be used to play Atari games or control a robotic arm. It also describes using ROS packages like Gazebo, SLAM, and Rviz for simulation and navigation. Motion detection with cameras in ROS is demonstrated. Finally, an autonomous system architecture on ROS using AI services like computer vision, speech recognition and natural language processing is presented.
1. The document discusses AIoT and edge computing.
2. It introduces Microsoft's Azure IoT platform and services for connecting, processing, analyzing and acting on IoT data.
3. Edge computing with Azure IoT Edge is described which analyzes data locally on IoT devices to reduce latency and cloud requirements.
How to create your Smart Toy with bluemix & 7688 Duo board湯米吳 Tommy Wu
This document provides instructions for creating a smart toy using an MTK 7688 Duo board connected to IBM Bluemix. It includes a list of prerequisites, architecture diagrams showing the device publishing data to cloud services and receiving responses, and steps for setting up accounts on Bluemix and registering a device. The device code logic and Node-RED flows for simple question and answering on the cloud are also outlined. Resources for further information are provided at the end.
This document provides an overview of how to quickly build intelligent application systems using IBM Bluemix and Watson services. It discusses how Bluemix is an open PaaS platform for building, managing, and deploying various types of apps. Developers can choose languages and runtimes, and apps can be deployed from zero to production with one command. A variety of IBM, third party, and open source APIs and services are available on Bluemix. Examples of apps that can be built include a chat app using Node-RED, real-time analytics using DashDB and R scripts, and facial recognition using Watson services. The document encourages readers to leverage these capabilities creatively to build innovative systems and solutions.
The document discusses Rational Mobile Suite's model for mobile application development. It has three layers: the UI layer uses Dojo Mobile, the logic layer uses Ajax, and the data access layer uses storage mechanisms like LocalStorage, IndexedDB, and WebSQL. It provides details on Dojo Mobile widgets and components for building the UI, making Ajax calls and REST API calls in the logic layer, and using various offline storage options in the data access layer. It also discusses performance techniques like minimizing reflows and using JSON over XML for data exchange.
How to build your own robot with ibm bluemix&watson
1. Build Your Own Robot
-with IBM Bluemix & Watson
Tommy Wu(tommywu@tw.ibm.com)
Cloud Solution Architect
Dec, 2015
? 2015 International Business Machines Corporation
7. after 8 hours coding session,
First generation of Humix was born
IRC communication
the sentiment of discussion
basic Chinese
8. Temperature Sensor
Humidity Sensor
Light Sensor
Programmable LED (NeoPixel)
Text to Speech API
NoIR Camera
NFC Sensor
Watson Sentiment API
Translation API
Alchemy Face Detection API
Speech to Text API
Speaker / Mic
12. Rapiro is a cute, affordable, and easy to assemble
humanoid robot kit. Comes with 12 servo motors and
an Arduino compatible controller board. Designed for
Raspberry Pi. Its limitless possibilities all depend on
21. ?基於 V8 JavaScript 引擎 (With JIT)
?可獨立運作 (無需瀏覽器)
?Non-blocking I/O model
?支援數千以上 Concurrent 連線
?Minimal Overhead (CPU/Memory) on a single
?Extending with C/C++
?Support Multi-core Systems
node.js 為主要開發語言
23. ? Node.js
? Interrupt-based IO
? Minimal Resource Usage
? https://github.com/watson-
Raspberry pi + Text to Speech
24. Watson 影像物件辨識範例
What is it?
Understand the contents of images. Trainable for
custom content.
How does it work?
Visual Recognition allows users to understand the
contents of an image or video frame, answering the
question: “What is in this image?” Submit an image,
and the service returns scores for relevant classifiers
representing things such as objects, events and
Use Cases-
?You can organize image libraries, understand an
individual image.
? Train the robot to know image sense
?Doors Security & Web Cam Application
Demo : http://vision.alchemy.ai/
25. Watson AlchemyVision – 人臉辨識技術
?Image Link Extraction - Given any URL, the Image Link Extraction API will scan the designated page
to find the most prominent image and directly retrieve the URL for that image. It can then be
appropriately classified and tagged.
?Image Tagging - With AlchemyVision’s image tagging API, you can quickly categorize and organize
image libraries at a massive scale.
?Face Detection/Recognition - When provided an image file or URL, the AlchemyVision Face
Detection and Recognition API returns the position, age, gender, and, in the case of celebrities, the
identities of the people in the photo.
? 2015 International Business Machines Corporation
29. IBM Design for Internet of Things Cloud
Device Registration & Connectivity
Connectivity | Awareness | Security & Privacy | Asset mgmt
Mobile | Cloud | Enterprise
Data services
Historian | Cache | Search
Managed APIs
Share | Monetize
Real-time Big Data Analytics
Data Analytics | Event Analytics | Streaming
Runtime | Services
IBM Internet of Things Cloud
Partners Customers
More Things
#4: The theme throughout this presentation is that Bluemix just “works.” It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s flexible, it works…
And Bluemix works with this concept of the “New IT” that utilizes hybrid cloud to keep up with the world today.
#10: The theme throughout this presentation is that Bluemix just “works.” It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s flexible, it works…
And Bluemix works with this concept of the “New IT” that utilizes hybrid cloud to keep up with the world today.
#14: The theme throughout this presentation is that Bluemix just “works.” It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s flexible, it works…
And Bluemix works with this concept of the “New IT” that utilizes hybrid cloud to keep up with the world today.
#28: The theme throughout this presentation is that Bluemix just “works.” It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s flexible, it works…
And Bluemix works with this concept of the “New IT” that utilizes hybrid cloud to keep up with the world today.
#34: The theme throughout this presentation is that Bluemix just “works.” It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s flexible, it works…
And Bluemix works with this concept of the “New IT” that utilizes hybrid cloud to keep up with the world today.
#41: The theme throughout this presentation is that Bluemix just “works.” It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s flexible, it works…
And Bluemix works with this concept of the “New IT” that utilizes hybrid cloud to keep up with the world today.