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How to start and
scale your own
We empower
women to start
and scale their
own business.
My mission:
To inspire, educate
and enable you to
kickstart your
I started out as a journalist working for
Grazia, Tatler, Sunday Times Travel
and later Yahoo!7 before founding The
Insiders, an in鍖uencer marketing
agency, in 2014. Over the past six
years, Ive helped leading in鍖uencers
turn their passion projects into
full-鍖edged businesses and build
pro鍖table brands. Now I want to share
my knowledge with a wider market so
have launched Upsiders to help more
women start and scale their own
My journey:
How we do it
 Free webinars
 Monthly newsletter
 Social media content
 6 week Upstart Program
 1:1 Coaching services
Everyone has
an opportunity
to become a
business owner
Fear of failure
No start up capital
Time management
Knowledge gaps
- How do I start?
- How do I scale?
Ine鍖ective growth
Six steps to success.
1. Find your why
2. Mindset Matters
3. De鍖ne your niche
4. Build an authentic brand
5. Attract raving fans
6. Promotion and Partnerships
1. Finding your why
German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche
He who has a why can endure any how.
Knowing your why is an important 鍖rst
step in 鍖guring out how to achieve the
goals that excite you and create a life you
enjoy living (versus merely surviving!).
Only when you know your why will you
鍖nd the courage to take the risks needed
to get ahead, stay motivated when the
chips are down, and move your life onto
an entirely new, more challenging, and
more rewarding trajectory.
Ask yourself: What
would you do for free?
Find your purpose
Your lifes work
sits in the
intersection of
your talents,
passions and
deepest values.
EXERCISE: 4 questions to
discover your purpose
1. What makes you come alive?
2. What are your innate strengths?
3. Where do you add the greatest
value? Look back at your career
highs and lows. What problems do
you enjoy solving?
4. How will you measure your life? What
would you like to be remembered
2. Mindset Matters
Im going to be a
leading female
Success is 20% action,
80% psychology
Negativity stops us from
taking action:
We all have self doubts and limiting
beliefs but this negativity stops us
from taking action. Your mindset
- So train yourself to be positive.
- Practice a morning routine.
- Meditate.
- Visualise yourself running a
successful and pro鍖table
- Surround yourself with inspiring
and supportive people.
- The only thing you should fear is
never trying.
Youre the average of the
5 people you spend the
most time with
 Write down 5 people
you admire in business
(can follow them on
 And your personal life.
People that light you
up - spend more time
with them as they will
in鍖uence you.
3. De鍖ne your niche
Whats your USP:
What problem are you
solving, and for whom? Target
in on that because thats what
will make you and your
business memorable.
4. Build an authentic brand
What if theyve never heard of you?
Brand building step by step
 Brainstorm business name ideas with your mates
 Buy your domain name
 Create a mood board
 Design a logo in Canva
 Build a website in Squarespace
 Secure social media handles
 Pick a platform your audience use and you like too - how will you
communicate with them
 Start by telling your story
 Develop a manageable content strategy
 Consistent communication is key
 Video, video, video
 Connect with your community like friends
rate calculator
Content and
SEO tool
Answer The
5. Attract raving fans
Listen to your customers
and understand what
drives them
It sounds simple but often business
owners talk more than they listen. Ive
found listening to the needs and
problems of my existing and potential
clients the greatest sales tool for my
3 Problems.
What keeps your
customers up at
night? What are
their frustrations
3 Solutions.
How does your
product or
service solve
their problems?
6. Promotion and partnerships
Who shares
similar values?
We try to leverage
the power we have as
in鍖uencers in the social
media world to bring
light to companies that
are doing good in the
world, that are creating
products we believe in.
Find micro
within your
Support network
Use your
networks and
How will you measure
De鍖ne what success means
to you:
- Being your own boss
- Freedom to work from
abroad (or a van!?)
- Earning 6 鍖gure income
- Satis鍖ed clients
- Making a positive impact
to peoples lives
In Summary
 Find your why
 De鍖ne your target audience
 Build an authentic brand
 Surround yourself with
positive people
 Engage trusted in鍖uencers
 Build long-term partnerships
 Network with your
 Value yourself
Dont be afraid to start
over. Its a brand new
opportunity to rebuild
a life you truly want.
Are you ready to start and scale your business?
Are you ready to launch your business
idea or take it to the next level?
Get in touch to
schedule a free
30 minute call

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How to start and scale your business

  • 1. How to start and scale your own business @upsidersco
  • 2. Upsiders. We empower women to start and scale their own business.
  • 3. My mission: @victoriajones30 To inspire, educate and enable you to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey
  • 4. @upsidersco I started out as a journalist working for Grazia, Tatler, Sunday Times Travel and later Yahoo!7 before founding The Insiders, an in鍖uencer marketing agency, in 2014. Over the past six years, Ive helped leading in鍖uencers turn their passion projects into full-鍖edged businesses and build pro鍖table brands. Now I want to share my knowledge with a wider market so have launched Upsiders to help more women start and scale their own business. My journey:
  • 5. @upsidersco How we do it Podcast Free webinars Monthly newsletter Social media content Workshops 6 week Upstart Program 1:1 Coaching services
  • 6. @upsidersco Everyone has an opportunity to become a successful business owner
  • 7. Roadblocks. Fear of failure No start up capital Time management Knowledge gaps - How do I start? - How do I scale? Ine鍖ective growth strategies
  • 8. @upsidersco Six steps to success. 1. Find your why 2. Mindset Matters 3. De鍖ne your niche 4. Build an authentic brand 5. Attract raving fans 6. Promotion and Partnerships
  • 9. 1. Finding your why @upsidersco
  • 10. @upsidersco German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche He who has a why can endure any how. Knowing your why is an important 鍖rst step in 鍖guring out how to achieve the goals that excite you and create a life you enjoy living (versus merely surviving!). Only when you know your why will you 鍖nd the courage to take the risks needed to get ahead, stay motivated when the chips are down, and move your life onto an entirely new, more challenging, and more rewarding trajectory.
  • 12. Find your purpose Your lifes work sits in the intersection of your talents, skills/expertise, passions and deepest values.
  • 13. EXERCISE: 4 questions to discover your purpose 1. What makes you come alive? 2. What are your innate strengths? 3. Where do you add the greatest value? Look back at your career highs and lows. What problems do you enjoy solving? 4. How will you measure your life? What would you like to be remembered for?
  • 15. @upsidersco Im going to be a leading female entrepreneur
  • 16. 16 Success is 20% action, 80% psychology
  • 17. @upsidersco Negativity stops us from taking action: We all have self doubts and limiting beliefs but this negativity stops us from taking action. Your mindset matters. - So train yourself to be positive. - Practice a morning routine. - Meditate. - Visualise yourself running a successful and pro鍖table business. - Surround yourself with inspiring and supportive people. - The only thing you should fear is never trying.
  • 18. @upsidersco Youre the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with Write down 5 people you admire in business (can follow them on instagram!) And your personal life. People that light you up - spend more time with them as they will in鍖uence you.
  • 19. 3. De鍖ne your niche @upsidersco
  • 20. @upsidersco Whats your USP: What problem are you solving, and for whom? Target in on that because thats what will make you and your business memorable.
  • 21. 4. Build an authentic brand @upsidersco
  • 22. 22 What if theyve never heard of you?
  • 23. @upsidersco Brand building step by step Brainstorm business name ideas with your mates Buy your domain name Create a mood board Design a logo in Canva Build a website in Squarespace Secure social media handles Pick a platform your audience use and you like too - how will you communicate with them Start by telling your story Develop a manageable content strategy Consistent communication is key Video, video, video Connect with your community like friends
  • 26. 5. Attract raving fans @upsidersco
  • 27. Listen to your customers and understand what drives them @upsidersco It sounds simple but often business owners talk more than they listen. Ive found listening to the needs and problems of my existing and potential clients the greatest sales tool for my business.
  • 28. @upsidersco 3 Problems. What keeps your customers up at night? What are their frustrations 3 Solutions. How does your product or service solve their problems?
  • 29. 6. Promotion and partnerships @upsidersco
  • 30. Who shares similar values? @upsidersco We try to leverage the power we have as in鍖uencers in the social media world to bring light to companies that are doing good in the world, that are creating products we believe in.
  • 33. How will you measure success? @upsidersco De鍖ne what success means to you: - Being your own boss - Freedom to work from abroad (or a van!?) - Earning 6 鍖gure income - Satis鍖ed clients - Making a positive impact to peoples lives
  • 34. @upsidersco In Summary Find your why De鍖ne your target audience Build an authentic brand Surround yourself with positive people Engage trusted in鍖uencers Build long-term partnerships Network with your community Value yourself
  • 35. @upsidersco Dont be afraid to start over. Its a brand new opportunity to rebuild a life you truly want.
  • 36. Are you ready to start and scale your business? 36 Are you ready to launch your business idea or take it to the next level?
  • 37. Get in touch to schedule a free 30 minute call vic@upsiders.co @upsidersco