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How to tell about
your skills and
Career Services at the University of Turku
Autumn 2023
Career Services
info sessions
 found in the Study
Guide & event calendar
1. Working in Finland
2. How to tell about your
skills and expertise
3. The Hidden Job Market
4. CV & Application
5. How to succeed in a job
If you want to complete the course, 1 ECTS:
1. Write your name and student number in the chat (use
private message-mode)
2. Enroll for the course in Peppi in your PSP
3. Attend all five info sessions
4. Sign into Moodle, where you can find more information:
Job seeking in Finland
 What is competence,
 Skills needed in working life
now and in the future
 Self-reflection and
identification of your
 Expressing your skills
 Employer expectations
What is competence and
how does competence
knowledge and skills,
information, hard
General competence,
working life
Basic IT-skills,
languages, social
skills, project
networking skills,
soft skills.
Learning skills, self-
reflection, self-
regulation, adaptability,
feedback etc.
3 levels
Where we learn
 Formal learning
 Nonformal learning
 For example, staff training organized or funded by the employer, hobby and language
courses at civic and employee colleges, continuing vocational training courses, driving
school, dance school, etc.
 Informal learning
 Informal learning is a learning activity that is less organized and structured than other
education. Informal learning is not institutionalized, ie it is not the responsibility of any
organization. It does not include student-teacher setup, schedules, or admission
 learning that occurs away from a structured, formal environment
 Informal learning can take place almost anywhere, regardless of location; with family or
friends, at work and in everyday life. Informal learning can take place self-directed or,
for example, guided by a family or other social context.
 Continious learning  learning to learn, flexibility
Competence of
graduates, skills
needed in working life
now and in the future
How to tell about your skills and expertise
Ability to organize
analytical skills
Interaction skill
communication skill
communication skill
Ability to
Ability to plan
and organize
peopleand tasks
Ability to
Ability to
Ability to
Accelerating innovations
Workinglifeskills Individual resources that
support working life, regardless
of profession
 ability to determine the deeper meaning or significance of what is being expressed
Social Intelligence
 ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to sense and stimulate reactions and
desired interactions
Novel & Adaptive Thinking
 proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond that which is rote
or rule-based
Cross-cultural Competence
 ability to operate in different cultural settings
Computational Thinking
 ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand data-based
Skills needed in the future working life?
Institute for the Future, 2020
New-Media Literacy
 ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms, and to leverage these
media for persuasive communication
 literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple disciplines
Design Mindset
 ability to represent and develop tasks and work processes for desired outcomes
Cognitive Load Management
 ability to discriminate and filter information for importance, and to understand how to maximize
cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques
Virtual Collaboration
 ability to work productively, drive engagement, and demonstrate presence as a member
of a virtual team
Skills needed in the future working life?
What employers look for
Fit in a work
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Ability to tell about own skills
Other work experience
Degrees' combination of subjects
International experience
Other studies, education
Contacts, networks
Volunteer work or hobbies
Activity on social media-platforms
Source: Career monitoring, Career services (N = 1802)
Impact on employment
(very important  important)
What employers appreciate in interns?
Interest and
ability to learn
something new
Being active
Positivity and
Ability to
things on bigger
Kindness Self-initiative Critical attitude
Courage to ask
questions and
Interaction skills Competence of
studied topics
Activity and
ness and
Writing skills
 The interns initiative, learning
alibity and diligence were clearly
emphasized in the employers
 Reliability and adaptability to the
comminity are also valued
 Other imporant factors were e.g.
attitude, industry knowledge and
Source: Internship feedback 2021-2022
Identifying your
skills and strengths
 Listing and splitting experiences -
think in 3 levels
 Think about yourself in different
environments/roles: hobby,
volunteering, gardening, family,
paid work, studying
 Collect your study work, go
through the course descriptions:
what topics, what methods, what
did you learn?
 Ask someone: How would they
describe your skills?
 What is your core competence?
 What is one thing you want people
to associate with you?
 What is your role in teams?
 How do you start tasks? What kind
of details are important to you?
 How do you deal with unexpected
 What kind of things are in your
comfort zone? What's not? Why?
 Is your weakness your strength
Questions to help to identify your
 What do people admire about you?
 In what situation have you received good feedback?
 What kind of things do you really enjoy doing?
 Describe the achievement you are proud of. What did it take
to get there?
Expressing your
competence and skills
 Job application
 Social media/blogs
 Demostration of skills (e.g.
own website, portfolio)
 Job interview
 Elevator pitch / Presenting
Written / Spoken (Oral)
 Who are you writing/telling?  customization
 What is important?  prioritization (esp. cover letter)
 What connects your skills & experiences?  story
Try to connect the dots even if your background is all over the
place and there are many red threads. Maybe it tells an
interesting story about how you have ended up where you are
Find a common thread
 Instead of just listing your experiences, tell about knowledge
and skills
 Give an example that concretizes to the listener what you
 Description: How did you do something?
 Eg. I have good project management skills. When I have done group work with a
group of students, I have created a common schedule and planning platform for us
and tried to ensure that we stay on schedule.
Describe with examples
 Does another industry expert understand the terms you use?
 What kind of terms are commonly used in the industry?
Imagination and precision evoked by the terms
 project management / time management / coordination /
 communication / presentation / production
 research / analysis / information retrieval / systematic thinking
 An alternative to the traditional chronological CV
 In a competence-based CV, 3-6 key skills/areas of competence
(core competence) and examples are highlighted
 The aim is to describe the skills in more detail on the traditional
CV and to tell where the relevant skills were acquired
 With a competence-based CV, you can present skills and
achievements from other areas of life than just working life
 Generally more recommended if you are switching careers later
on in life
Skills-based CV
 Summarize your skills, background, and motivation
 Talking time ~ 30-60 seconds
 Tailor to your situation and audience: what could your
possible future employer be interested in?
 Your elevator pitch and CV are your first impressions.
Remember to answer the why questions:
 Why are you interested in the organisation you are approaching?
 Why are you interested in your field of studies?
Practice your elevator pitch
 Competence in relation to others: eg. people in the same field
vs. people from different fields
 The scale of competence is difficult to define
 The more experience, the greater the understanding of what
one does not know
 More meaningful to describe the quality of competence
(what kind)
 As a novice, it also makes sense to describe the potential
(what I would like to practice, learn)
Am I really good at this? What if
someone is better?
Tell your network what kind of work you are
looking for. Be open about it. It is said that
looking for a job is a fulltime job.
Final thoughts
Getting really good at things requires practice
and exposure. In many respects, abilities are
built, rather than discovered.
The question "What am I good at?" narrows down
the options. Sometimes it's better to ask: "What
could I be good at?"
Discovering a career that aligns with your
interests often involves the element of 'being in
the right place at the right time.
John D. Krumboltz, Prof. of education and psychology (1999):
 Not everything can or needs to be planned.
 Your career is influenced by the events you participate in, the people
you connect with, how you approach others, and how you present
 By staying open for unexpected possibilities and doing things you enjoy,
you're more likely to find yourself in situations that offer new
Planned: deciding what to do and putting things in place
Happen: to occur by chance and unforseen
Stance: the view of attitude you take  being open
Planned happenstance
Seizing opportunities
Career Q&A
Get to discuss and ask your questions regarding job
seeking and working in Finland in our on-site
Career Q&A sessions in November!
The sessions are loosely bound to the following
 15 Nov at 14.00-16
Work life culture in Finland
 22 Nov at 14.00-16
Job seeking and networking
 29 Nov at 14.00-16
What employers look for
The sessions are held on campus (Calonia) by the
Career Services.
Register: Career Q&A | University of Turku (utu.fi)
Tips for working life and job searching:

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How to tell about your skills and expertise

  • 1. How to tell about your skills and expertise Career Services at the University of Turku Autumn 2023
  • 2. Career Services info sessions found in the Study Guide & event calendar 1. Working in Finland 2. How to tell about your skills and expertise 3. The Hidden Job Market 4. CV & Application 5. How to succeed in a job interview
  • 3. If you want to complete the course, 1 ECTS: 1. Write your name and student number in the chat (use private message-mode) 2. Enroll for the course in Peppi in your PSP 3. Attend all five info sessions 4. Sign into Moodle, where you can find more information: https://moodle.utu.fi/course/view.php?id=27192 Job seeking in Finland
  • 4. Content What is competence, expertise? Skills needed in working life now and in the future Self-reflection and identification of your expertise Expressing your skills Employer expectations
  • 5. What is competence and how does competence accumulate?
  • 6. Know-how Competence Expertise Professional competence Field-specific knowledge and skills, methods, technologies, information, hard skills. General competence, working life competence Basic IT-skills, languages, social skills, project management, networking skills, soft skills. Metalevel competence Learning skills, self- reflection, self- regulation, adaptability, prioritizing, giving/receiving feedback etc. Competence, expertise 3 levels
  • 7. Where we learn Formal learning Degrees Nonformal learning For example, staff training organized or funded by the employer, hobby and language courses at civic and employee colleges, continuing vocational training courses, driving school, dance school, etc. Informal learning Informal learning is a learning activity that is less organized and structured than other education. Informal learning is not institutionalized, ie it is not the responsibility of any organization. It does not include student-teacher setup, schedules, or admission requirements. learning that occurs away from a structured, formal environment Informal learning can take place almost anywhere, regardless of location; with family or friends, at work and in everyday life. Informal learning can take place self-directed or, for example, guided by a family or other social context. Continious learning learning to learn, flexibility
  • 8. Competence of graduates, skills needed in working life now and in the future
  • 10. Learningskill Ability to organize andmanage time Personal strenghts Problemsolving skillsand analytical skills Lifemanagement Interaction skill Listening skill Oral communication skill Written communication skill Communicationskill Abilitytocoordinate Abilitytomake decisions Ability to lead Abilitytocontrol conflicts Ability to plan and organize Leading peopleand tasks Ability to comprehend Creativity, beinginnovative sensitivitytochange Ability to takerisks Ability to visionize Accelerating innovations andchanges Workinglifeskills Individual resources that support working life, regardless of profession
  • 11. Sense-Making ability to determine the deeper meaning or significance of what is being expressed Social Intelligence ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions Novel & Adaptive Thinking proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond that which is rote or rule-based Cross-cultural Competence ability to operate in different cultural settings Computational Thinking ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand data-based reasoning Skills needed in the future working life? Institute for the Future, 2020
  • 12. New-Media Literacy ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms, and to leverage these media for persuasive communication Transdisciplinarity literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple disciplines Design Mindset ability to represent and develop tasks and work processes for desired outcomes Cognitive Load Management ability to discriminate and filter information for importance, and to understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques Virtual Collaboration ability to work productively, drive engagement, and demonstrate presence as a member of a virtual team Skills needed in the future working life?
  • 13. What employers look for Competence Fit in a work community Potential
  • 14. 67% 62% 50% 48% 45% 44% 41% 26% 17% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Ability to tell about own skills Other work experience Internships Degrees' combination of subjects International experience Other studies, education Contacts, networks Volunteer work or hobbies Activity on social media-platforms Source: Career monitoring, Career services (N = 1802) Impact on employment (very important important)
  • 15. What employers appreciate in interns? Self-directing Interest and ability to learn something new Being active Positivity and enthusiasm Ability to comprehend things on bigger scale Kindness Self-initiative Critical attitude Flexibility Courage to ask questions and take responsibility Interaction skills Competence of studied topics Activity and diligence Attitude Conscientious- ness and diligence Writing skills The interns initiative, learning alibity and diligence were clearly emphasized in the employers responses Reliability and adaptability to the comminity are also valued qualities Other imporant factors were e.g. attitude, industry knowledge and courage Source: Internship feedback 2021-2022
  • 17. Listing and splitting experiences - think in 3 levels Think about yourself in different environments/roles: hobby, volunteering, gardening, family, paid work, studying Collect your study work, go through the course descriptions: what topics, what methods, what did you learn? Ask someone: How would they describe your skills? What is your core competence? What is one thing you want people to associate with you? What is your role in teams? How do you start tasks? What kind of details are important to you? How do you deal with unexpected things? What kind of things are in your comfort zone? What's not? Why? Is your weakness your strength anyway? Questions to help to identify your competence
  • 18. What do people admire about you? In what situation have you received good feedback? What kind of things do you really enjoy doing? Describe the achievement you are proud of. What did it take to get there? Also:
  • 20. Job application CV LinkedIn Social media/blogs Demostration of skills (e.g. own website, portfolio) Job interview Elevator pitch / Presenting oneself Networks Meetings Written / Spoken (Oral)
  • 21. Who are you writing/telling? customization What is important? prioritization (esp. cover letter) What connects your skills & experiences? story Try to connect the dots even if your background is all over the place and there are many red threads. Maybe it tells an interesting story about how you have ended up where you are now? Find a common thread
  • 22. Instead of just listing your experiences, tell about knowledge and skills Give an example that concretizes to the listener what you mean Description: How did you do something? Eg. I have good project management skills. When I have done group work with a group of students, I have created a common schedule and planning platform for us and tried to ensure that we stay on schedule. Describe with examples
  • 23. Does another industry expert understand the terms you use? What kind of terms are commonly used in the industry? Imagination and precision evoked by the terms project management / time management / coordination / organization communication / presentation / production research / analysis / information retrieval / systematic thinking Terminology
  • 24. An alternative to the traditional chronological CV In a competence-based CV, 3-6 key skills/areas of competence (core competence) and examples are highlighted The aim is to describe the skills in more detail on the traditional CV and to tell where the relevant skills were acquired With a competence-based CV, you can present skills and achievements from other areas of life than just working life Generally more recommended if you are switching careers later on in life Skills-based CV
  • 25. Summarize your skills, background, and motivation Talking time ~ 30-60 seconds Tailor to your situation and audience: what could your possible future employer be interested in? Your elevator pitch and CV are your first impressions. Remember to answer the why questions: Why are you interested in the organisation you are approaching? Why are you interested in your field of studies? Practice your elevator pitch
  • 26. Competence in relation to others: eg. people in the same field vs. people from different fields The scale of competence is difficult to define The more experience, the greater the understanding of what one does not know More meaningful to describe the quality of competence (what kind) As a novice, it also makes sense to describe the potential (what I would like to practice, learn) Am I really good at this? What if someone is better?
  • 27. Tell your network what kind of work you are looking for. Be open about it. It is said that looking for a job is a fulltime job.
  • 28. Final thoughts Getting really good at things requires practice and exposure. In many respects, abilities are built, rather than discovered. The question "What am I good at?" narrows down the options. Sometimes it's better to ask: "What could I be good at?" Discovering a career that aligns with your interests often involves the element of 'being in the right place at the right time.
  • 29. John D. Krumboltz, Prof. of education and psychology (1999): Not everything can or needs to be planned. Your career is influenced by the events you participate in, the people you connect with, how you approach others, and how you present yourself. By staying open for unexpected possibilities and doing things you enjoy, you're more likely to find yourself in situations that offer new opportunities. Planned: deciding what to do and putting things in place Happen: to occur by chance and unforseen Stance: the view of attitude you take being open Planned happenstance Seizing opportunities
  • 30. Career Q&A Get to discuss and ask your questions regarding job seeking and working in Finland in our on-site Career Q&A sessions in November! The sessions are loosely bound to the following themes: 15 Nov at 14.00-16 Work life culture in Finland 22 Nov at 14.00-16 Job seeking and networking 29 Nov at 14.00-16 What employers look for The sessions are held on campus (Calonia) by the Career Services. Register: Career Q&A | University of Turku (utu.fi)
  • 31. Tips for working life and job searching: