Research and experimental development (R&D)
Creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications
This document defines and describes different types of research. It discusses research as being systematic and organized to find answers to questions. Research is classified by purpose, including basic research, applied research, evaluation research, and research and development. Research is also classified by method, such as historical research, correlational research, descriptive research, causal comparative research, and experimental research. The document outlines the key steps of research as defining the problem, reviewing literature, formulating hypotheses, selecting a research design, collecting and analyzing data, and developing conclusions.
The document provides an overview of research methodology concepts for business research. It discusses various stages of the research process including formulating the research problem, literature review, developing hypotheses, research design, data collection and analysis, and reporting findings. It also defines different types of research such as descriptive research, causal research, and exploratory research. Additionally, it outlines criteria for good research, challenges in research, and the role of research in business decision making.
Lecture Rsearch methodsbmls21 and 19spt.pptsamwel18
This document provides an overview of research methods topics covered in an AML 4311 lecture, including defining research, classifying different types of research, and outlining the research process. Research is systematically defined as seeking new and reliable knowledge. Basic research aims to establish fundamental facts, while applied research aims to solve practical problems. Research can also be classified as disciplinary, subject-matter, or problem-solving based on its goals. The research process involves formulating a question, developing objectives and a design, conducting the research, analyzing results, and interpreting findings. Creativity and various methods play important roles in the research process.
Introduction to business research methodologyAdil Nawaz Khan
This document provides an overview of different types of research methodologies, including applied research, basic research, correlational research, descriptive research, ethnographic research, experimental research, exploratory research, grounded theory research, and historical research. It defines each type of research and provides examples. The document also discusses key characteristics of research such as being objective, precise, verifiable, and empirical. It outlines the scientific method and notes research involves collecting and analyzing data to solve problems.
All the concepts related to research design are covered in this PPT Presentation.Research Design being an integral and crucial part of Research majorly deals with Parametric and non-parametric test, Type 1 and type 2 error, level of significance etc.It helps in ascertaining which research technique is used in which situation.
The document outlines the key steps in the research process, including problem identification, selection of a research design, data collection and analysis, and report preparation. It discusses exploratory and conclusive research designs such as descriptive research, causal research, experimental and quasi-experimental studies. The research process begins with defining the problem and formulating research objectives, then selecting an appropriate design and instruments to collect and analyze data to address the objectives.
This document provides an overview of research, including its meaning, purpose, and types. Research is defined as a systematic, methodical, and ethical process of inquiry and investigation aimed at increasing knowledge and solving problems. The main types of research discussed are descriptive vs. analytical, applied vs. fundamental, quantitative vs. qualitative, conceptual vs. empirical, and research approaches. Research methodology is also introduced as a science of studying how research is done systematically by considering logic and methods used. Key aspects of the research process like formulating problems, literature review, hypotheses development, research design, sampling, and data analysis are outlined.
Business Research Method - Unit II, AKTU, Lucknow SyllabusKartikeya Singh
Business Research Methods, Unit II, AKTU, Lucknow Syllabus.
Research Methodology, Topics Covered - Research design: Concept, Features of a good research design, Use of a good research design; Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches, Comparison Pros and Cons of both approaches.
Exploratory Research Design: Concept, Types: Qualitative techniques Projective Techniques, Depth Interview, Experience Survey, Focus Groups, Observation.
Descriptive Research Designs: Concept, types and uses. Concept of Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Research
Experimental Design: Concept of Cause, Causal relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent variables, concomitant variable, extraneous variable, Treatment, Control group.
Research/thesis for post graduate students in dentistry.Shivangi Shreya
This document provides an overview of key aspects of research, including:
- Definitions of research as finding answers to unanswered questions or a scientific search for information on a topic.
- Types of research such as descriptive, analytical, applied, basic, quantitative, qualitative, conceptual, and empirical.
- Research methods like library research, field research, and laboratory research.
- Key parts of the research process including developing a research methodology, designing the study, formulating research questions and hypotheses, developing a research protocol, and interpreting results.
- Principles of research design for different types of studies.
The document outlines considerations for all stages of the research process from selecting a topic to analyzing
This document discusses various aspects of research, including:
1. It defines research and outlines some key objectives such as gaining familiarity with a phenomenon, accurately depicting characteristics, and testing hypotheses.
2. It describes different types of research such as descriptive vs. analytical, quantitative vs. qualitative, and conceptual vs. empirical.
3. It discusses important considerations for research such as sampling design, observational design, and statistical design that make up the overall research design.
This document provides an overview of how to conduct research. It defines research as systematically collecting and analyzing data to increase understanding. It explains that as students, future practitioners, and educated citizens, understanding research is important. The document outlines the basic steps of a research project including finding a topic, formulating questions, defining the population, selecting a design and measurements, gathering evidence, interpreting evidence, and reporting findings. It also discusses key research concepts like variables, hypotheses, sampling, and quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Research is a systematic process of learning that increases knowledge. There are different types of research methods, including descriptive research which focuses on describing the current state of affairs, analytical research which interprets available data, and applied research which aims to find solutions to real-world problems. Research can also be qualitative, using methods like interviews and observations to explore concepts, or quantitative, using methods like experiments and surveys to measure amounts.
Research is a systematic process of learning that increases knowledge. There are different types of research methods, including descriptive research which focuses on describing the current state of affairs, analytical research which interprets available data to evaluate it, and applied research which aims to find solutions to real-world problems. Research can also be qualitative, using methods like interviews and observations to explore concepts, or quantitative, using methods like experiments and surveys to measure amounts.
Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.pdfssuser504dda
This document provides an overview of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. It defines quantitative research as deductive, using numeric data from large samples to test hypotheses and analyze relationships between variables objectively. Qualitative research is defined as inductive, relying on words from smaller samples to understand participant experiences subjectively and identify themes in the data. The key differences between the two approaches are described in terms of identifying research problems, reviewing literature, specifying research purposes and questions, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting results. The document also discusses research design and types of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs.
This document provides an overview of research methodology. It defines research as a systematic process used to increase understanding through answering questions. The document outlines key aspects of research including: defining and describing research; differences between research and other activities; the process of research from question to interpretation; reliability and validity; and types of research designs. It emphasizes that research requires a scientific approach and should aim to improve understanding and inform practice.
This document discusses research approaches and design. It defines research design and lists its key elements as the approach, population and sampling, data collection methods, and data analysis. It describes experimental designs which manipulate variables and control extraneous factors, and non-experimental designs which observe phenomena naturally. Some major research designs discussed include descriptive design, correlational design, and survey design. Factors influencing design selection include the problem, purpose, resources, and ethics.
This document discusses the steps involved in conducting research. It begins by defining research and outlining its purposes such as building knowledge and increasing public awareness. It then describes the basic structure of a research paper as introduction, methods, results and discussion. The next sections explain each step of conducting research in detail, including identifying the research problem, literature review, specifying the research purpose and questions, developing hypotheses, choosing an appropriate methodology, collecting and verifying data, analyzing and interpreting results. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are discussed. The importance of verification strategies in ensuring the reliability and validity of research findings is also highlighted.
This is a class lecture under the course Introduction to Legal Research Methodology taught at Jahangirnagar University.
Learning outcome: a) Students will be informed about the basic differences between research methods and research methodology; b) Students will learn about the different categories of research being carried out in academia.
This document discusses research methodology and defines research. It provides Merriam-Webster's definition of research as a careful search or investigation to discover new facts or information. Research is defined as a systematic, organized way of finding answers to questions by applying methods and collecting data. The document outlines different types of research such as quantitative, basic, applied, longitudinal, and qualitative research. It also discusses what research methodology entails and provides examples of specific research methods.
This document discusses research methodology and defines research. It provides Merriam-Webster's definition of research as a careful search or investigation to discover new facts or information. Research is defined as a systematic, organized way of finding answers to questions by applying methods and collecting data. The document outlines different types of research such as quantitative, basic, applied, longitudinal, and qualitative research. It also discusses what research methodology entails and why conducting research is important.
This document provides guidance on how to write a research proposal. It outlines the key elements that should be included such as an introduction defining the research topic and question, objectives, study design, population, methodology, ethical considerations, timeline and budget. A good research proposal convinces others that the proposed study is worthwhile and that the investigator is competent to complete it. Including all relevant components helps ensure the scientific rigor of the planned research.
Research in general refers to.
A search for knowledge.
A scientific and systematic search for relevant information on a specific topic.
Research is an art of scientific investigation.
Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.
This document provides an overview of research, including its meaning, purpose, and types. Research is defined as a systematic, methodical, and ethical process of inquiry and investigation aimed at increasing knowledge and solving problems. The main types of research discussed are descriptive vs. analytical, applied vs. fundamental, quantitative vs. qualitative, conceptual vs. empirical, and research approaches. Research methodology is also introduced as a science of studying how research is done systematically by considering logic and methods used. Key aspects of the research process like formulating problems, literature review, hypotheses development, research design, sampling, and data analysis are outlined.
Business Research Method - Unit II, AKTU, Lucknow SyllabusKartikeya Singh
Business Research Methods, Unit II, AKTU, Lucknow Syllabus.
Research Methodology, Topics Covered - Research design: Concept, Features of a good research design, Use of a good research design; Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches, Comparison Pros and Cons of both approaches.
Exploratory Research Design: Concept, Types: Qualitative techniques Projective Techniques, Depth Interview, Experience Survey, Focus Groups, Observation.
Descriptive Research Designs: Concept, types and uses. Concept of Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Research
Experimental Design: Concept of Cause, Causal relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent variables, concomitant variable, extraneous variable, Treatment, Control group.
Research/thesis for post graduate students in dentistry.Shivangi Shreya
This document provides an overview of key aspects of research, including:
- Definitions of research as finding answers to unanswered questions or a scientific search for information on a topic.
- Types of research such as descriptive, analytical, applied, basic, quantitative, qualitative, conceptual, and empirical.
- Research methods like library research, field research, and laboratory research.
- Key parts of the research process including developing a research methodology, designing the study, formulating research questions and hypotheses, developing a research protocol, and interpreting results.
- Principles of research design for different types of studies.
The document outlines considerations for all stages of the research process from selecting a topic to analyzing
This document discusses various aspects of research, including:
1. It defines research and outlines some key objectives such as gaining familiarity with a phenomenon, accurately depicting characteristics, and testing hypotheses.
2. It describes different types of research such as descriptive vs. analytical, quantitative vs. qualitative, and conceptual vs. empirical.
3. It discusses important considerations for research such as sampling design, observational design, and statistical design that make up the overall research design.
This document provides an overview of how to conduct research. It defines research as systematically collecting and analyzing data to increase understanding. It explains that as students, future practitioners, and educated citizens, understanding research is important. The document outlines the basic steps of a research project including finding a topic, formulating questions, defining the population, selecting a design and measurements, gathering evidence, interpreting evidence, and reporting findings. It also discusses key research concepts like variables, hypotheses, sampling, and quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Research is a systematic process of learning that increases knowledge. There are different types of research methods, including descriptive research which focuses on describing the current state of affairs, analytical research which interprets available data, and applied research which aims to find solutions to real-world problems. Research can also be qualitative, using methods like interviews and observations to explore concepts, or quantitative, using methods like experiments and surveys to measure amounts.
Research is a systematic process of learning that increases knowledge. There are different types of research methods, including descriptive research which focuses on describing the current state of affairs, analytical research which interprets available data to evaluate it, and applied research which aims to find solutions to real-world problems. Research can also be qualitative, using methods like interviews and observations to explore concepts, or quantitative, using methods like experiments and surveys to measure amounts.
Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.pdfssuser504dda
This document provides an overview of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. It defines quantitative research as deductive, using numeric data from large samples to test hypotheses and analyze relationships between variables objectively. Qualitative research is defined as inductive, relying on words from smaller samples to understand participant experiences subjectively and identify themes in the data. The key differences between the two approaches are described in terms of identifying research problems, reviewing literature, specifying research purposes and questions, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting results. The document also discusses research design and types of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs.
This document provides an overview of research methodology. It defines research as a systematic process used to increase understanding through answering questions. The document outlines key aspects of research including: defining and describing research; differences between research and other activities; the process of research from question to interpretation; reliability and validity; and types of research designs. It emphasizes that research requires a scientific approach and should aim to improve understanding and inform practice.
This document discusses research approaches and design. It defines research design and lists its key elements as the approach, population and sampling, data collection methods, and data analysis. It describes experimental designs which manipulate variables and control extraneous factors, and non-experimental designs which observe phenomena naturally. Some major research designs discussed include descriptive design, correlational design, and survey design. Factors influencing design selection include the problem, purpose, resources, and ethics.
This document discusses the steps involved in conducting research. It begins by defining research and outlining its purposes such as building knowledge and increasing public awareness. It then describes the basic structure of a research paper as introduction, methods, results and discussion. The next sections explain each step of conducting research in detail, including identifying the research problem, literature review, specifying the research purpose and questions, developing hypotheses, choosing an appropriate methodology, collecting and verifying data, analyzing and interpreting results. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are discussed. The importance of verification strategies in ensuring the reliability and validity of research findings is also highlighted.
This is a class lecture under the course Introduction to Legal Research Methodology taught at Jahangirnagar University.
Learning outcome: a) Students will be informed about the basic differences between research methods and research methodology; b) Students will learn about the different categories of research being carried out in academia.
This document discusses research methodology and defines research. It provides Merriam-Webster's definition of research as a careful search or investigation to discover new facts or information. Research is defined as a systematic, organized way of finding answers to questions by applying methods and collecting data. The document outlines different types of research such as quantitative, basic, applied, longitudinal, and qualitative research. It also discusses what research methodology entails and provides examples of specific research methods.
This document discusses research methodology and defines research. It provides Merriam-Webster's definition of research as a careful search or investigation to discover new facts or information. Research is defined as a systematic, organized way of finding answers to questions by applying methods and collecting data. The document outlines different types of research such as quantitative, basic, applied, longitudinal, and qualitative research. It also discusses what research methodology entails and why conducting research is important.
This document provides guidance on how to write a research proposal. It outlines the key elements that should be included such as an introduction defining the research topic and question, objectives, study design, population, methodology, ethical considerations, timeline and budget. A good research proposal convinces others that the proposed study is worthwhile and that the investigator is competent to complete it. Including all relevant components helps ensure the scientific rigor of the planned research.
Research in general refers to.
A search for knowledge.
A scientific and systematic search for relevant information on a specific topic.
Research is an art of scientific investigation.
Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.
Research Methodology Course - Unit 1.pptsvarsastry
This document provides an overview of research methodology. It defines research and discusses the objectives, motivation, and criteria for good research. The document outlines the research process and different types of research including descriptive, analytical, applied, fundamental, quantitative, qualitative, conceptual, empirical, pure, and applied. It also summarizes various research methods such as exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic, evaluation, action, experimental, analytical, historical, survey, case study, and field research.
Research Methodology Course - Unit 2a . pptsvarsastry
This document provides an overview of research methodology and design. It defines research as a systematic investigation to establish facts. Research design refers to the systematic planning of a research study and aims to achieve research goals. Good research design has several key characteristics - it is theory-grounded, feasible, efficient, and flexible. The main components of research design are the title, problem statement, objectives, variables, hypotheses, sampling, and data collection and analysis. Experimental and non-experimental are the two main types of research designs. Hypotheses help guide the research by offering testable explanations of relationships between variables.
This document provides an overview of an introduction to materials science and engineering course. It outlines the required textbook, grading breakdown, and chapters to be covered. Chapter 1 introduces materials science and engineering and why it is studied. The main types of materials are discussed as metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Advanced materials and the relationship between material structure, processing, and properties are also introduced.
The document provides an introduction to materials science and engineering. It discusses the key concepts of structure, properties, processing and performance as they relate to materials. It then classifies common materials as metals, ceramics, polymers and composites, providing examples of each and comparing their typical properties. The document concludes by discussing advanced materials, including semiconductors, biomaterials, smart materials and nano-engineered materials.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
2. Organization of this lecture
Research and Methodology:
Research defined and described
Some classifications of research
Classifications of research design
Define methodology
Description of the research process
Discuss creativity and its role in the research
3. Research Defined and Described
Research is the systematic
approach to obtaining and
confirming new and reliable
Systematic and orderly
(following a series of steps)
Purpose is new knowledge,
which must be reliable
This is a general definition
which applies to all disciplines
4. Notice that:
truth was not used in the definition of
This concept of truth is outside of the
productive realm of thinking by researchers
5. Research is not
Accidental discovery :
1. Accidental discovery may occur in
structured research process
2. Usually takes the form of a
phenomenon not previously
3. May lead to a structured research
process to verify or understand
the observation
Discovery of Penicillin
Blood Thinner Warfarin
6. Research is not
Data Collection
an intermediate step to gain
reliable knowledge
collecting reliable data is
part of the research process
7. Research is not
Searching out published research
results in libraries (or the internet)
This is an important early step of
The research process always
includes synthesis and analysis
But, just reviewing of literature is
not research
8. Research is
1. Searching for explanation of events,
phenomena, relationships and causes
What, how and why things occur
Are there interactions?
2. A process
Planned and managed to make the information
generated credible
The process is creative
It is circular always leads to more questions
9. All well designed and conducted research has
potential application.
Failure to see applications can be due to:
Users not trained or experienced in the specialized
methods and reasoning
Researchers often do not provide adequate interpretations
and guidance on applications of the research [Example
Pesticide application, Prototype application]
Researchers are responsible to help users
understand research implications
10. The Process of Research
The process is initiated with a question or
problem (step 1)
Next, goals and objectives are formulated to
deal with the question or problem (step 2)
Then the research design is developed to
achieve the objectives (step 3)
Results are generated by conducting the
research (step 4)
Interpretation and analysis of results follow
(step 5)
11. Methodology Defined & Described
Methodology and Method are often (incorrectly)
used interchangeable
Methodology the study of the general approach
to inquiry in a given field
Method the specific techniques, tools or
procedures applied to achieve a given objective
Research methods in economics include regression
analysis, mathematical analysis, operations research,
surveys, data gathering, etc.
12. Classification of Research
Before classification, we must first define types
of research
Different criteria are used to classify research
(All of these are somewhat arbitrary and artificial)
14. Basic vs Applied Research
Basic to determine or establish fundamental facts and
relationships within a discipline or field of study.
oHow did the universe begin?
oWhat is the specific genetic code of the fruit fly?
oHow do slime molds reproduce?
Applied undertaken specifically for the purpose of obtaining
information to help resolve a particular problem
oImprove agriculture crop production
oTreat or cure a specific disease
oImprove the energy efficiency of home, office or more of transportation
The distinction between them is in the application
Basic has little application to real world policy and management but
could be done to guide applied research
16. designed to improve a discipline
dwells on theories, fundamental
relationships and analytical procedures and
o Development of DNA extraction Kit in biology
o Development of chromatographic techniques in
It is synergistic and complementary with
subject matter and problem-solving research
Provides the foundations for applied
research [Metabolomics analysis]
17. Subject-matter research
Tends to follow subject-matter
boundaries within a discipline
Example: Extraction of Pesticide residue using QuEChERS
Inherently multidisciplinary, drawing
information from many disciplines
Example: Synthesis of nano-material
It involves direct application to
contemporary issues.
18. Problem-solving research
Designed to solve a specific problem
for a specific decision maker
Often results in recommendations on
decisions or actions
Problem-solving research is holistic
uses all information relevant to the
specific problem
Disciplinary research is generally the
most durable (long lasting);
problem-solving research the least
19. Descriptive vs Analytic Research
Descriptive Research
the attempt to determine, describe, or identify
20. Analytic
The attempt to establish why something occurs or how
it came to be
Analytical research focuses on understanding the
cause-effect relationships between two or more
Use facts or information already available and analyzed
them to make critical evaluation
All disciplines generally engage in both
Descriptive vs Analytic Research
21. Research design
A research design is the frame work or guide used for
planning, implementation, and analysis of a study
It is a systematic plan what is to be done, how it will be
done, how the data will be analyzed
Research design basically provides an outline of how
the research will be carried out and method that can be
22. Important Elements
Natural or laboratory
Individual who take part in study or who will be observed
Focus on study (cause and effects)
Investigator Role
In some condition un-obstuctive, data interpretation or allocate participant to
different conditions
Research Design
23. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design
A study in which the researcher merely observes what is happening or what has
happened in the past and tries to draw conclusion based on these observations
Quantitative Research Design
It is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are
used to obtain information. [observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or
encountered in detailed field notes. Interviews: personally asking people questions in one-on-one
conversations. Focus groups: asking questions and generating discussion among a group of people]
24. Pre-Experimental Design
A group, or various groups, are kept under observation after implementing cause
and effect factors. Youll conduct this research to understand whether further
investigation is necessary for these particular groups
Quasi-Experimental Design
The word Quasi indicates similarity. A quasi-experimental design is similar to an
experimental one, but it is not the same. The difference between the two is the
assignment of a control group. In this research, an independent variable is
manipulated, but the participants of a group are not randomly assigned.
Quasi-research is used in field settings where random assignment is either irrelevant
or not required.
True Experimental Design
It relies on statistical analysis to prove or disprove a hypothesis, making it the most
accurate form of research. Of the types of experimental design, only true design can
establish a cause-effect relationship within a group.
Experimental Research Design
25. Manipulation Control of independent variable by the researcher through treatment/
intervention. Subjects are randomly assigned to different treatment levels
Control The use of control group without treatments
Randomization Every subject gets equal chance being assigned to experimental
Treatment Group
The group in an experimental study that
received the special instruction
Control Group
The group that did not receive the special
Experiment: Will student test scores be
affected by distracting sounds in the
testing environment?
Characteristics of true experimental design
26. Terminology
Si mediated heavy metal tolerance in rice
Independent Variable
The variable in an independent study that
is being manipulated by the research
[Explanatory Variable]
Dependent Variable
The resultant variable [Outcome Variable].
27. Disadvantages
May occur in unnatural settings
Subjects change their behavior when they know they are participating in a
Confounding Variables: A variable that influences the dependent or outcome
variable but cannot be separated from the independent variable Example:
Coffee drinkers have more heart disease than non-coffee drinkers
may be influenced by another factor
Experimental Studies
Researcher can decide how to select subjects and how to assign
them to different groups
Researcher can manipulate the independent variable
28. Research is a creative process
research includes far more than
mere logic
It includes insight, genius, groping,
pondering sense The logic we
can teach; the art we cannot
Research requires (or at least works
best) with imagination, initiative,
intuition, and curiosity.
There are different types of
creativity, characteristic of different
situations applied and
theoretical most closely associate
with economic research
Creativity in the Research Process
29. Fostering Creativity cont.
Allow curiosity to grow
Set problems aside and come back to them
Write down your thoughts
frequently I dont know what I think until I write
Freedom from distraction some time to think.
Creativity may provide the difference between
satisfactory and outstanding research.
30. It is mandatory.
It is morally required.
Violable is punishable.
International/abroad rule are very
Boycott from Scientific