The document discusses how to calculate the return on investment (ROI) of social publishing. It outlines three value drivers for ROI: building brand awareness and growth, driving behavior and conversions, and deploying and managing social presences at scale. For each value driver, it identifies relevant social impact measures and business metrics. It then provides examples of how a fictional company called BestTech calculates revenue increases and cost savings from their social publishing efforts using Salesforce Buddy Media. In total, BestTech sees an annual ROI increase of over $100,000 from improved social media capabilities.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de redes de computadoras, incluyendo redes de 叩rea local, redes de 叩rea extensa, redes metropolitanas, redes inal叩mbricas e interredes. Tambi辿n explica conceptos fundamentales como la conmutaci坦n de paquetes, los protocolos de comunicaci坦n y los componentes utilizados para interconectar redes como routers, puentes y conmutadores.
The document describes a study on using semantic mapping to improve students' vocabulary and SAT scores. It tested the strategy in several high school classes. Results showed that semantic mapping significantly increased students' vocabulary scores and their confidence in using vocabulary words in most classes. The strategy was less effective in chemistry possibly due to lack of routine use. Overall, semantic mapping shows promise as a vocabulary learning strategy to help improve SAT scores when implemented consistently across subjects.
La educaci坦n en l鱈nea ofrece una forma flexible de aprendizaje que se adapta al horario del estudiante. Utiliza tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n para proporcionar herramientas de aprendizaje interactivas. La educaci坦n en l鱈nea permite que estudiantes, profesores y especialistas participen de forma remota a trav辿s de Internet. Ofrece un ambiente educativo interactivo que puede accederse desde cualquier lugar.
This dissertation investigates the kinetics of the direct hydration of n-butene to secondary butanol using a solid acid catalyst. A new laboratory plant was developed with a multiphase reactor and analytical system to analyze samples from different phases. Phase equilibrium models were implemented to predict behavior in the reactor system. Kinetic experiments were performed to determine reaction rates, assess diffusion limitations, and calculate activation parameters. Engineering solutions were provided with potential industrial applications.
The document discusses exploiting a use-after-free vulnerability on Android devices to gain remote code execution. It explains how the vulnerability works, analyzing the crash to gain control of the R0 register and needing to control heap memory to redirect execution to shellcode. The goal is to populate the heap to control where shellcode is placed, hijack control flow to it by overwriting a pointer, and thereby execute arbitrary code on the device.
El documento habla sobre los diferentes tipos de servidores y su funci坦n. Menciona servidores de archivos, impresiones, correo, web, base de datos, entre otros. Explica que un servidor es una computadora que provee servicios a otras computadoras llamadas clientes formando parte de una red. Tambi辿n define brevemente conceptos como protocolo, modem, proveedor de servicios de internet e incluye un resumen de la historia del internet.
Un servidor es una computadora que provee servicios como almacenamiento de archivos, impresi坦n, correo electr坦nico y acceso a sitios web a otras computadoras llamadas clientes en una red. Los servidores pueden ser desde computadoras antiguas hasta m叩quinas potentes y especializadas dependiendo del uso y la tarea. Algunos ejemplos de servidores son servidores de archivos, impresi坦n, correo, proxy, base de datos y web.
This document discusses strategies for measuring return on investment (ROI) from social media initiatives. It recommends conducting a thorough social media assessment and developing ROI goals and targets across the entire company. ROI measurement considers both increased revenue and cost savings. Formulas to calculate ROI vary by department but generally represent incremental revenue plus cost savings minus social media expenses, expressed as a percentage. The document provides examples of ROI calculations from customer support, marketing, sales and major projects.
This document provides a buyer's guide for digital advertising agencies in 2013. It discusses key trends influencing the digital agency landscape, including digital advertising's increasing share of overall agency revenue. It also discusses how holding companies are using mergers and acquisitions to meet demand for digital expertise. Additionally, it explores how traditional agency fee structures are evolving to include more performance-based compensation. The guide then provides steps for choosing a digital agency and considerations for the selection process.
The Community Effect: The Art of Becoming a Customer Experience LeaderGet Satisfaction
This document introduces the Get Satisfaction community platform and discusses how cultivating strong customer communities can provide business benefits known as the "community effect". It states that Get Satisfaction has experience in community management and technology and will provide insights into building successful communities. The document outlines that subsequent papers in the series will cover the art, science and tools of enabling communities and realizing the community effect. It also provides an overview of some of the key benefits companies can see from communities like improved customer experience, marketing and increased customer loyalty.
This document is a benchmark report on Facebook advertising from Salesforce Marketing Cloud. It contains data on key performance indicators (KPIs) like click-through rate, cost per click, and cost per impression for different types of Facebook ads, industries, and geographical locations. The report aims to provide marketers a baseline for metrics on Facebook ads to help inform their strategies and decision making. It analyzes over one million ad units and over 114 billion impressions from January to March 2013.
Gold in Them Hills: Computing ROI for Support CommunitiesLithium
Learn the approaches used successfully by Lithium Technologies' customers to compute a realistic ROI (Return on Investment) for their support community initiatives
Everything You Need to know about Social Media AdsKaren Ho
1. What is Social Advertising
2. Types of Social Ads.
3. Why You Should Run Social Ads.
4. Scaling Social Ads.
5. Reporting and Measurement .
6. Social Ads in Action: Case Studies.
from Salesforce Social Marketing
This document is a report on the state of marketing in 2016 based on a survey of nearly 4,000 marketing leaders worldwide. Some of the key findings include:
1) Customer satisfaction has become the top measure of success for marketers and customer engagement is now a top priority over brand awareness.
2) High-performing marketing teams focus on building deeper customer relationships while moderate and underperforming teams struggle more with budget and new business development.
3) Digital marketing now accounts for over two-thirds of total marketing budgets and this share is expected to continue growing in the next two years.
Digital advertising agencies 2014 a buyer s guideLC TECH VIETNAM
This document provides a summary of key trends in the digital advertising agency market in 2014. It discusses the types of services agencies provide, including search, social media, and content marketing. Major trends include continued mergers and acquisitions, growing revenues from mobile advertising, and increasing complexity in client-agency relationships. The document also provides guidance for companies on evaluating their needs, understanding agency fee structures, selecting an agency through a request for proposal process, and negotiating contracts.
The document is a report from Salesforce Marketing Cloud that benchmarks key metrics for Facebook advertising, including click-through rates, cost per click, and cost per impression. It provides data on performance for different ad types, industries, and geographical regions based on over 100 billion impressions from January to March 2013. The report aims to help marketers determine which ad strategies and creative types are most effective by comparing their metrics to industry benchmarks.
The document is a report from Salesforce Marketing Cloud that benchmarks key metrics for Facebook advertising, including click-through rates, costs per click and impression, and other metrics. It provides data on performance by ad type, industry, and geography based on over 100 billion impressions from January to March 2013. The report aims to help marketers determine which ad types and locations are most effective by comparing metrics to benchmarks.
This business plan is for an event planning company called Occasions. It aims to be one of the top three event planning specialists in the Northwestern United States. Occasions offers party planning packages and event planning software to make hosting events easy. It was founded in 1997 and is located in Portland, Oregon. The start-up costs were minimal as it began as a home-based business and aims to remain debt-free.
Building the Marketing Plan: A Blueprint for Start-upsHubSpot
This document provides a blueprint for developing a marketing plan for startups. It discusses establishing messaging by defining user personas and positioning statements. It also covers building marketing infrastructure and mapping sales processes. Additional sections address demand generation through inbound marketing, outbound marketing, and sales prospecting. The document concludes with recommendations around staffing, timelines, budgets, and metrics for marketing plan implementation.
Building the-marketing-plan-blueprint-hubspotkhibinite
This document provides guidance on building a marketing plan for startups, including messaging, infrastructure, demand generation activities, staffing, timeline, and budget. It recommends developing user personas, a positioning statement, and mission statement to guide messaging. Infrastructure should include integrated tools like Salesforce and HubSpot. The sales process should be mapped and bottlenecks addressed. A balanced approach to demand generation includes inbound, outbound, and sales prospecting activities. Metrics and testing different content and activities are important.
This document provides guidance on building a marketing plan for startups, including messaging, infrastructure, demand generation activities, staffing, timeline, and budget. It recommends developing user personas, a positioning statement, and mission statement to guide messaging. Infrastructure should include integrated tools like Salesforce and HubSpot. The sales process should be mapped and bottlenecks addressed. A balanced approach to demand generation includes inbound, outbound, and sales prospecting activities. Metrics and testing different content and activities are important.
Nine Easy Steps for a Quick Customer Experience Tune-upSAP Asia Pacific
Customer experience (CE) is the new imperative. However, among the top concerns companies have regarding
CE are cost and delayed return on investment. The good news is that there are short-term actions you can take
now and see benefits in the near term.
"Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Tips" training session prepared for Toronto Drupal User Group. Giving back to the Open Source community what I\'ve learned about Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization while building Richmond Hill Real Estate website
This document discusses measuring return on investment (ROI) from social media marketing investments. It provides examples of how to calculate ROI for various social media activities, including webcasts, white papers, blogs, Twitter followers, and social media content creation. It emphasizes the importance of defining clear objectives and metrics, collecting historical data for baseline comparisons, and identifying correlations between specific actions and business impacts in order to accurately measure ROI from social media initiatives.
data will become a valuable asset across the organization.
1. Web analytics data has value for many teams if shared properly. Share analytics data across teams to maximize its value for the
2. Data can help product managers, designers, executives, and organization. Focus each team on the relevant metrics to improve
developers improve their work. their work. When people can access useful insights, analytics
3. To maximize value, focus each team on relevant metrics and help data becomes a valuable asset.
them access insights for their roles. Sharing data in this way makes
it a valuable asset.
Marketing Automation Simplified via Oracle and EloquaFlutterbyBarb
This document provides an overview of marketing automation and its core roles and benefits. It discusses the importance of data management and targeting to establish a proper foundation. It also covers how marketing automation can be used to better understand buyer behavior through digital insights, engage customers across channels, automate campaigns for improved performance and conversion rates, and leverage analytics to refine strategies. The document advocates integrating marketing automation, CRM and other tools to simplify processes and maximize interactions.
This document provides 18 best practices for local search engine optimization (SEO). It begins by explaining what local SEO is and how search engines like Google work. Some of the key best practices include creating a Google My Business listing, optimizing titles, meta descriptions and images, increasing local citations, getting online reviews, and conducting keyword research. Following these practices can help small businesses attract more local customers and drive more traffic to their website.
A press release is an official statement delivered to news media to provide information or make an announcement. It traditionally includes nine structural elements and benefits companies by providing instant exposure, increased sales potential, boosting marketing effectiveness, branding the company as experts, and increasing website traffic. All press releases must be between 300-800 words, with a two sentence news summary, double spaced content covering the five W's in the first paragraph, and include a well-written article, list of posting sites, and business contact information.
Dajjal - Slayers and His Followers (ONE EYED DECEIVER)Shamsher Khan
The document discusses the history of structures built in Jerusalem, including the Temple of Solomon, Masjid Al-Aqsa, and various churches. It claims the Knights Templar discovered occult knowledge buried under the Temple of Solomon and used this to become a powerful secret society. It argues the Zionists want to destroy Masjid Al-Aqsa to resurrect the original temple for the arrival of the Dajjal (anti-Christ). Archeological evidence suggests the ruins of the original temple lie beneath Masjid Al-Aqsa. The document calls on Muslims to take action to defend Al-Aqsa from the Zionists.
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Similar to How to-calculate-the-roi-of-social-publishing (20)
This document provides a buyer's guide for digital advertising agencies in 2013. It discusses key trends influencing the digital agency landscape, including digital advertising's increasing share of overall agency revenue. It also discusses how holding companies are using mergers and acquisitions to meet demand for digital expertise. Additionally, it explores how traditional agency fee structures are evolving to include more performance-based compensation. The guide then provides steps for choosing a digital agency and considerations for the selection process.
The Community Effect: The Art of Becoming a Customer Experience LeaderGet Satisfaction
This document introduces the Get Satisfaction community platform and discusses how cultivating strong customer communities can provide business benefits known as the "community effect". It states that Get Satisfaction has experience in community management and technology and will provide insights into building successful communities. The document outlines that subsequent papers in the series will cover the art, science and tools of enabling communities and realizing the community effect. It also provides an overview of some of the key benefits companies can see from communities like improved customer experience, marketing and increased customer loyalty.
This document is a benchmark report on Facebook advertising from Salesforce Marketing Cloud. It contains data on key performance indicators (KPIs) like click-through rate, cost per click, and cost per impression for different types of Facebook ads, industries, and geographical locations. The report aims to provide marketers a baseline for metrics on Facebook ads to help inform their strategies and decision making. It analyzes over one million ad units and over 114 billion impressions from January to March 2013.
Gold in Them Hills: Computing ROI for Support CommunitiesLithium
Learn the approaches used successfully by Lithium Technologies' customers to compute a realistic ROI (Return on Investment) for their support community initiatives
Everything You Need to know about Social Media AdsKaren Ho
1. What is Social Advertising
2. Types of Social Ads.
3. Why You Should Run Social Ads.
4. Scaling Social Ads.
5. Reporting and Measurement .
6. Social Ads in Action: Case Studies.
from Salesforce Social Marketing
This document is a report on the state of marketing in 2016 based on a survey of nearly 4,000 marketing leaders worldwide. Some of the key findings include:
1) Customer satisfaction has become the top measure of success for marketers and customer engagement is now a top priority over brand awareness.
2) High-performing marketing teams focus on building deeper customer relationships while moderate and underperforming teams struggle more with budget and new business development.
3) Digital marketing now accounts for over two-thirds of total marketing budgets and this share is expected to continue growing in the next two years.
Digital advertising agencies 2014 a buyer s guideLC TECH VIETNAM
This document provides a summary of key trends in the digital advertising agency market in 2014. It discusses the types of services agencies provide, including search, social media, and content marketing. Major trends include continued mergers and acquisitions, growing revenues from mobile advertising, and increasing complexity in client-agency relationships. The document also provides guidance for companies on evaluating their needs, understanding agency fee structures, selecting an agency through a request for proposal process, and negotiating contracts.
The document is a report from Salesforce Marketing Cloud that benchmarks key metrics for Facebook advertising, including click-through rates, cost per click, and cost per impression. It provides data on performance for different ad types, industries, and geographical regions based on over 100 billion impressions from January to March 2013. The report aims to help marketers determine which ad strategies and creative types are most effective by comparing their metrics to industry benchmarks.
The document is a report from Salesforce Marketing Cloud that benchmarks key metrics for Facebook advertising, including click-through rates, costs per click and impression, and other metrics. It provides data on performance by ad type, industry, and geography based on over 100 billion impressions from January to March 2013. The report aims to help marketers determine which ad types and locations are most effective by comparing metrics to benchmarks.
This business plan is for an event planning company called Occasions. It aims to be one of the top three event planning specialists in the Northwestern United States. Occasions offers party planning packages and event planning software to make hosting events easy. It was founded in 1997 and is located in Portland, Oregon. The start-up costs were minimal as it began as a home-based business and aims to remain debt-free.
Building the Marketing Plan: A Blueprint for Start-upsHubSpot
This document provides a blueprint for developing a marketing plan for startups. It discusses establishing messaging by defining user personas and positioning statements. It also covers building marketing infrastructure and mapping sales processes. Additional sections address demand generation through inbound marketing, outbound marketing, and sales prospecting. The document concludes with recommendations around staffing, timelines, budgets, and metrics for marketing plan implementation.
Building the-marketing-plan-blueprint-hubspotkhibinite
This document provides guidance on building a marketing plan for startups, including messaging, infrastructure, demand generation activities, staffing, timeline, and budget. It recommends developing user personas, a positioning statement, and mission statement to guide messaging. Infrastructure should include integrated tools like Salesforce and HubSpot. The sales process should be mapped and bottlenecks addressed. A balanced approach to demand generation includes inbound, outbound, and sales prospecting activities. Metrics and testing different content and activities are important.
This document provides guidance on building a marketing plan for startups, including messaging, infrastructure, demand generation activities, staffing, timeline, and budget. It recommends developing user personas, a positioning statement, and mission statement to guide messaging. Infrastructure should include integrated tools like Salesforce and HubSpot. The sales process should be mapped and bottlenecks addressed. A balanced approach to demand generation includes inbound, outbound, and sales prospecting activities. Metrics and testing different content and activities are important.
Nine Easy Steps for a Quick Customer Experience Tune-upSAP Asia Pacific
Customer experience (CE) is the new imperative. However, among the top concerns companies have regarding
CE are cost and delayed return on investment. The good news is that there are short-term actions you can take
now and see benefits in the near term.
"Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Tips" training session prepared for Toronto Drupal User Group. Giving back to the Open Source community what I\'ve learned about Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization while building Richmond Hill Real Estate website
This document discusses measuring return on investment (ROI) from social media marketing investments. It provides examples of how to calculate ROI for various social media activities, including webcasts, white papers, blogs, Twitter followers, and social media content creation. It emphasizes the importance of defining clear objectives and metrics, collecting historical data for baseline comparisons, and identifying correlations between specific actions and business impacts in order to accurately measure ROI from social media initiatives.
data will become a valuable asset across the organization.
1. Web analytics data has value for many teams if shared properly. Share analytics data across teams to maximize its value for the
2. Data can help product managers, designers, executives, and organization. Focus each team on the relevant metrics to improve
developers improve their work. their work. When people can access useful insights, analytics
3. To maximize value, focus each team on relevant metrics and help data becomes a valuable asset.
them access insights for their roles. Sharing data in this way makes
it a valuable asset.
Marketing Automation Simplified via Oracle and EloquaFlutterbyBarb
This document provides an overview of marketing automation and its core roles and benefits. It discusses the importance of data management and targeting to establish a proper foundation. It also covers how marketing automation can be used to better understand buyer behavior through digital insights, engage customers across channels, automate campaigns for improved performance and conversion rates, and leverage analytics to refine strategies. The document advocates integrating marketing automation, CRM and other tools to simplify processes and maximize interactions.
This document provides 18 best practices for local search engine optimization (SEO). It begins by explaining what local SEO is and how search engines like Google work. Some of the key best practices include creating a Google My Business listing, optimizing titles, meta descriptions and images, increasing local citations, getting online reviews, and conducting keyword research. Following these practices can help small businesses attract more local customers and drive more traffic to their website.
A press release is an official statement delivered to news media to provide information or make an announcement. It traditionally includes nine structural elements and benefits companies by providing instant exposure, increased sales potential, boosting marketing effectiveness, branding the company as experts, and increasing website traffic. All press releases must be between 300-800 words, with a two sentence news summary, double spaced content covering the five W's in the first paragraph, and include a well-written article, list of posting sites, and business contact information.
Dajjal - Slayers and His Followers (ONE EYED DECEIVER)Shamsher Khan
The document discusses the history of structures built in Jerusalem, including the Temple of Solomon, Masjid Al-Aqsa, and various churches. It claims the Knights Templar discovered occult knowledge buried under the Temple of Solomon and used this to become a powerful secret society. It argues the Zionists want to destroy Masjid Al-Aqsa to resurrect the original temple for the arrival of the Dajjal (anti-Christ). Archeological evidence suggests the ruins of the original temple lie beneath Masjid Al-Aqsa. The document calls on Muslims to take action to defend Al-Aqsa from the Zionists.
Shamsher Khan completed the Google Ads Search Certification on November 7, 2019 with a completion ID of 40587801. The certification expires on November 7, 2020 and recognizes his mastery of building and customizing effective Google Search campaigns.
Shamsher Khan completed the Google My Business Basics course on November 10, 2019. The course teaches how to use Google My Business to create business listings that attract customers searching online by standing out in search results. Khan received a completion ID of 19401486 for finishing the course.
Google ads display certification googleShamsher Khan
Shamsher Khan completed the Google Ads Display Certification on November 10, 2019 with a completion ID of 40775648. The certification expires on November 10, 2020. Google recognizes his mastery of developing and optimizing effective Google Display campaigns.
Shamsher Khan completed a Digital Sales Certification course on July 14, 2019, as evidenced by Completion ID 35074196. The certification is valid until July 14, 2021 and demonstrates that he knows how to sell digital marketing services and products.
What Is The SOSTAC Model Of Marketing? By PR Smith Download PDFShamsher Khan
Free dowbnload p r smith's sostac速 planning model pr smith's marketing planning system - SOSTAC速 - situation analysis, in pdf detail of what is sostac planning method.
The social-supermarket-tesco-hops-to-the-topShamsher Khan
This document analyzes social media conversation about nine UK supermarket retailers in relation to Easter. It finds that Tesco generated significantly more social media chatter than other retailers due to its innovative #findtheeggs competition that used Google Street View to hide virtual Easter eggs. The competition generated over 9,000 social media posts. Other key themes discussed included Easter deals and discounts posted by retailers, as well as complaints about shortages and sold out stock of popular Easter items like eggs and hot cross buns at stores like Asda and M&S. The analysis provides insights for retailers on monitoring social media to understand customer interests and concerns.
Social media-strategy-for-human-resourcesShamsher Khan
This document provides guidance on using social media for human resources purposes. It discusses strategies for showcasing a company on social media to attract candidates, including highlighting work accomplishments, employees, and company culture. It also offers tips for finding candidates on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, such as creating dedicated career pages and profiles, targeting ads, engaging with relevant communities, and encouraging employee referrals. Additionally, it addresses legal considerations around screening candidates' social media and training employees on appropriate social media use and policies.
The document discusses preparing an institution of higher education for using social media effectively. It recommends building a social media team with roles like manager, community managers, strategists, an editor, content creators and producers. It also suggests forming a social media council and crafting a social media policy to guide employee participation and ensure legal compliance and brand consistency. Finally, it stresses the importance of training staff across the institution on appropriate social media use.
The document describes 10 examples of social media command centers created by various companies. It provides details on the command centers created by Salesforce, Dell, and Cisco. Salesforce's command center includes screens displaying custom visualizations of real-time social media data and is staffed by community managers and social customer support reps. Dell's command center monitors over 25,000 daily conversations about the company globally. Cisco's command center includes interactive screens tracking social engagement and conversations around their products.
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Carnival Across The Globe: Social Media InsightsUNICEPTA
UNICEPTA analyzed the public discourse on social media throughout the year regarding various Carnival festivities across the globe. Which carnival generates the most engagement on social media? Which countries are in the focus of the public?
Carnival captivates millions worldwide, but which festivities spark the most engagement on social media? UNICEPTA analyzed global public discourse throughout the year to uncover which Carnival celebrations generate the highest buzz online. From Rio to Cologne, from Mardi Gras to Barranquilla - our data-driven insights reveal which countries dominate the conversation and how regional traditions shape engagement. Discover the key trends, cultural significance, and social media impact of the worlds most celebrated Carnivals.
Amplifying Black Voices: The Power of Social Media Listening & Inclusive Mark...Jasper Colin
As Black History Month 2025 wraps up, social media has only scratched the surface of how different generations engage with Black culture, history, and representation.
Unlock your creative potential with BLYX Studio: An all-in-one AI platform fo...SOFTTECHHUB
Are you struggling to create professional-looking visual content for your business or personal projects? In today's digital landscape, compelling visuals can make or break your online presence, but not everyone has the design skills or budget to hire professional creators. That's where BLYX Studio comes in - an innovative AI-powered platform that's changing the game for content creators everywhere.
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In todays competitive job market, having a strong LinkedIn presence is essential for both individuals and businesses. Whether youre looking to enhance your professional network, promote your brand, or connect with potential clients, buying LinkedIn accounts can be a strategic move. Purchasing pre-established accounts allows you to leverage existing connections and credibility, providing an instant boost to your online visibility.
When you buy LinkedIn accounts, you gain access to a platform with millions of professionals across various industries. This enables you to tap into new opportunities, engage with industry leaders, and showcase your expertise. Its an effective way to save time and effort in building a network from scratch.
3. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Determining the return on investment of social media efforts has been
the holy grail of social media marketing since the mediums inception.
Everyone wants the answers and information in terms of benefit to their
Every vendor, platform and agency wants to tout the ability to decipher and improve on the return from
investing in social media, but many brands still struggle to find a way to measure the impact of social
media on their bottom line.
But it is possible to directly attribute revenue and cost savings back to social media campaigns, in
publishing, listening, and advertising. To do so, youll need to define the actions that are driving value
toward your business, the metrics that result from social media impact, and then tie those back to your
overall business. It requires some calculations and assumptions (or a good model, perhaps), but the
end result is a definitive dollar amount that can guide future iterations of social campaigns and help
streamline and optimize your overall marketing operations. Furthermore, measuring the value of your
investment will help you justify your actions and impact to your executive team and gain their support.
In this ebook, we focus on the ROI of social publishing, which includes:
Social posts on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter
Social presences on social networks and the open web at scale
Using these posts and presences to drive conversions and consumer behavior
We look at the different ways to measure ROI for social publishing in terms of:
How to tie it to business activities
Which metrics best apply to measuring revenue growth
Which metrics best apply to measuring cost savings
Throughout the ebook, well provide examples to illustrate how you can measure the ROI of your social
publishing efforts using various scenarios. And at the end, well show you how to add it all up to figure
out a final annual ROI calculation.
Weve also got a great example from JetBlue, where well show you how the companys use of
Salesforce Buddy Media has led to real savings in the way they implement social campaigns.
息 2013, inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential
4. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Value Drivers for ROI
Weve divided social publishing into three potential benefits: 1 building
brand awareness and growth, 2 driving behavior and conversions,
and 3 deploying and managing social presences at scale. Well talk
about each section in more detail, but here is a quick summary:
In the chart below, we look at: the value drivers that result from each of these three areas of benefit,
the social impact measures that result from social media activity, and the overall business metrics that
improve your team performance and save your company money.
Brand Awareness
and Growth
Drive Behavior and
Deploy and Manage
Social Presences
at Scale
Fan and follower growth Conversion from social
Earned Media from
Social Sharing
Social Application
Socially Influenced Sales Social Reporting &
Lead Generation
Revenue from Social
Redemption rate of
social coupons/offers (+)
% of inbound site traffic
from social sources (+)
Redemption rate of
social coupons / offers
% of inbound site traffic
from social sources (+)
Reduced routine labor
costs (-)
Reduced internal
expense for shared
creative & production
services (-)
Decrease cost of
Reduced routine labor
Increased marketing
Increased marketing
Reduced internal
Decreased cost of
customer acquisition (-)
productivity (+)
Reduced Administrative
Overhead (-)
costs (-)
expense for shared
creative & production
services (-)
productivity (+)
customer acquisition (-)
Increased profits (+)
Reduced Administrative
Overhead (-)
息 2013, inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential
5. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
1. Building Brand Awareness and Growth: Generating high value earned media and word-of1
mouth at scale through content publishing optimizing and social apps across social networks
and the open web. Building a network of brand advocates and decreased costs of customer
acquisition through building brand awareness. Increasing marketing productivity by expanding
brand reach.
Case Study: Read how Volvo tied its social audience with its non-social audience to educate
and interact with its buying demographic of both older and younger drivers.
2. Driving Behavior and Conversions: Using social apps to create social experiences that
influence desired behaviors while capturing leads or generating sales. Increasing referral traffic,
driving form completes, leads and other conversation types, or increasing online sales. Extending
experiences into partner networks to drive referral traffic and additional conversions.
Case Study: Learn how Cycle for Survival used social media to drive donation behavior for
cancer research.
3. Deploying and Managing Social Presences at Scale: Displaying unique content to
connections, fans and customers by language or country to maintain brand consistency across
global markets and affiliates. Repurposing effective content strategies and key learnings to drive
efficiency and performance, and decreasing costs of customer acquisition to increase marketing
productivity by focusing on productive campaign execution. Key reporting metrics that provide
data across social presences and campaigns despite language, location, and disparate teams.
Case Study: Learn how created and deployed socially enabled content within their
own website, increasing traffic to their website without having to recreate major elements of the
息 2013, inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential
6. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Building Brand Awareness and Growth
Volvo uses social publishing to drive brand awareness of its cars, appealing to both young and old drivers.
To increase brand awareness and growth,
consider social activities such as:
Detailed Metrics *
Optimizing publishing strategies to
maximize engagement across multiple
social networks
Placing social apps across leading
social networks, mobile experiences,
and the open web
Uplift in Engagement Per Post
Using social applications to create
customizable and flexible social
Increase in Number of Social Posts
Social Assist Rate
Average value per sale from a social
Social Shares Per Impression
Conversions Per Share
Average CPM on Facebook
**Not currently included in example that follows
息 2013, inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential
7. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Doing the Numbers: Revenue from Brand Awareness
and Growth
BestTech, a regional competitor to Best Buy, currently has 100,000
Facebook fans and 20,000 followers on Twitter. They currently publish an
average of 1,005 Facebook posts and 5,850 Tweets per quarter.
BestTechs Facebook and Twitter Engagement Rate is 0.21%
(likes+comments+shares/impressions) and 0.01% (replies+retweets/
impressions), respectively. As a result, the company sees 847,975
Facebook engagements and 61,351 Twitter engagements per year.
With a social assist average rate of 0.05% per engagement at $50 per
online sale, BestTech currently estimates sales attributable to engagement
valued at $22,733.
Note: BestTech is a fictional
company created for the
purposes of illustrating this
Since implementing Salesforce Buddy Media, BestTech has been able to increase their total number of
outbound posts per quarter by 49% with post scheduling and team collaborating. Furthermore, their
Facebook and Twitter engagement has increased by 46.5% to 0.31% and 0.02%, respectively. As a
result, they now see 1,851,002 Facebook engagements and 133,920 Twitter engagements per year.
With an average of 0.05% conversions per engagement at $50 per online sale, BestTech has seen an
aggregate annual increase of sales attributable to social media of $26,890, or $49,623 per year.
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8. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Doing the Numbers: Savings from Brand Awareness
and Growth
BestTech currently has annual web traffic of 10,000,000 visits and annual
revenue of $30,000,000. Since implementing Salesforce Buddy Media,
BestTech has increased the sharing of content from its website to social
The 10,000,000 visitors to BestTechs website annually are now seeing
an average of four sharable assets per impression on a web page, which
totals 40,000,000 sharable assets viewed by web visitors.
With an average of 0.9% shares per impression, BestTech is seeing a net
of 360,000 shares per year.
Note: BestTech is a fictional
company created for the
purposes of illustrating this
Additionally, BestTech is also seeing a 23% uplift in clickbacks per share, resulting in an increase of
82,800 new site visits from these shares.
If BestTech were to pay per click for these new visits through paid banner ads, these ads would cost,
on average, $0.50 per click. As a result, BestTech is saving $41,400 per year through using
Salesforce Buddy Media that it would otherwise be spending on banner or SEM ads to generate
equivalent web traffic.
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9. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Driving Behavior and Conversions
Cycle for Survival created social presences that influenced consumer behavior with the goal of increasing
awareness and donations to the organizations cause, defeating rare cancers.
To drive behavior and conversions, try these social activities:
Use social apps to create social
experiences that influence attitudes
and behaviors on Facebook, YouTube
and the open web.
Detailed Metrics *
Redemption Rate Uplift from Social
Coupons and Offers
Conversion Rate Uplift from
Additional Social CTAs
Increase in Average Order Value
Increase in online leads from content
marketing (whitepapers, webinars,
Conversion Rate Uplift from
Additional Social CTAs
Increase in Average Lead Value
Extend social experiences onto
websites through partnerships to
drive referral traffic and additional
Add social sharing buttons to your
website to make content or products
sharable across multiple social
networks, such as Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn
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10. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Doing the Numbers: Revenue from Driving Behavior
and Conversions
BestTech currently has annual web traffic of 10,000,000 visits and annual
revenue of $30,000,000. Of those visits, 200,000 (2%) can be directly
attributed to current social media initiatives.
Of those visits, 2,000 convert for an average order size of $50. The
cumulative order value of those visits is $100,000, which is the current net
annual impact on sales from social media.
Note: BestTech is a fictional
company created for the
Since implementing Salesforce Buddy Media, BestTech has seen a 27%
increase in visits from social media this year, resulting in 54,000 more total purposes of illustrating this
visits. Furthermore, the conversion rate of web visitors has improved 15%,
resulting in a great number of purchases by the 254,000 customers now visiting BestTechs website
from social media.
Additionally, the average order value of each visit has increased by 20%, to $60 per order.
This results in a total increase in sales from social media sources of $62,000.
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11. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Deploying & Managing Social Presences at Scale
To deploy and manage social presences at scale,
take a look at these social activities:
Total flexibility for Page management
strategy based on organization structure
Publish standardized content to local
markets, franchisees, local affiliates, or
retail locations
Standardize and templatize everything to
limit the amount of repeat work everyone is
Detailed Metrics *
Reduction in project expense
creating and managing social
media presences
Reduction in internal marketing
employee time spent reporting
on campaign activity and
Cost per hour for creative
service time
Cost per hour for internal
employee time
Create an asset library to share content places socially-enabled content, in the form of a voting sweepstakes, on its website, which drove
traffic, created viral content and allowed for easy content management.
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12. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Doing the Numbers: Savings From Deploying &
Managing Social Presences at Scale
BestTech is currently creating and launching 25 campaigns that require 15
unique landing pages per campaign each year. This results in an average
annual production of 375 presences. Due to this large volume, BestTech
has been relying heavily on creative and production services and analytics
reporting support.
Note: In this example, we
show how our fictional
company, BestTech, saves
money from deploying and
managing social presences
at scale.
By using Salesforce Buddy Media, BestTech was able to optimize a set
of social applications that eliminated the need to create 15 unique landing
pages by allowing the BestTech production team to re-use templates that
they created with social applications.
Now with the help of Salesforce Buddy Media, BestTech reduced
production to the equivalent of 25 unique social presences. Prior to using
Buddy Media, creative services, production and reporting costs were $200 per hour. Since it took four
hours for each of the 375 social presences created, the total cost was $300,000 per year.
BestTech has been able to increase development productivity since implementing Buddy Media
resulting in a reduction of creative services costs to $60 per hour and decreased customization time by
50%. Furthermore, the time to create each presence was reduced by 10%, so creative costs are only
$40,500 per year. The annual cost reduction: $259,500.
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13. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Adding It All Up
Our fictional tech retailer, BestTech, grew revenue
and saved a bunch of money using social media
and optimizing its marketing technologies to
increase ROI from social publishing. But many
companies often want one lump number, both in
terms of dollars, cost-benefit ratio, and a payback
period, to take to their executive team to justify
their social media spend.
Annual Benefit in Thousands
Annual Benefit in Thousands
Revenue Increase
In the chart below, we give an example of how BestTech can add up all of the revenue and cost-saving
numbers from the above examples to churn out summary metrics for social publishing ROI.
As indicated in the charts above, BestTech saw a ROI (from implementing Salesforce Buddy Media) of
134%, which equates to a cost-benefit ratio of 1:1.3. It would take nine months for BestTech to make
back the money spent on Salesforce Buddy Media through increased revenue and cost reduction from
social media activities.
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14. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
The JetBlue Story
The examples of BestTech, a competitor of Best Buy, are obviously fabricated. Salesforce Marketing
Cloud regularly works with clients to determine a strategy for understanding and measuring social
media marketing ROI. To show you how an external firm would do this on your behalf, we partnered
with Nucleus Research to calculate the net benefits of Salesforce Buddy Media and JetBlue.
The results of the study, which you can view in full
Types of Benefits
here, are similar to those in the example analysis
with BestTech above. The primary ROI in the case
of JetBlue comes from cost reduction of creative
Direct 92%
Indirect 8%
services and production costs. In the graphics
below, youll see some of the key results from the
Nucleus Research report, providing a real-world example of the stories we presented through BestTech.
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15. How to Calculate the ROI of Social Publishing
Calculating the ROI of social media efforts is no easy task; yet, brands
are becoming smarter in setting measurable social media objectives.
As technology is refined to better provide insights into conversions and
overall revenue and cost-saving from campaigns, calculating ROI will
only grow easier.
This ebook helps point you in the direction on the metrics to look at and the calculations to make
concerning social publishing ROI.
Every business is different; thus, the ways in which brands choose to calculate ROI can vary. But this
report should give you a good baseline for understanding how to measure the ROI of social marketing
technology, and can be used in part or in whole to help guide your own calculations.
Get Started
* All the metrics used to calculate business value in this study are based on Salesforce CSAT data, publicly available data sources, metadata from
marketing cloud products, and rules of thumb we have received through conversations with our customers. If you have any questions about these
datapoint please contact Andrew Gothelf at
Have questions? Contact us:
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