Variation in Corn Yield across Planter WidthDuPont Pioneer
The study found that corn yield varied across planter width, with the outside wing harvest passes yielding significantly more than the center passes at most locations, averaging 11.3 bushels per acre more. This confirms that soil compaction from planter wheels in the interrows can reduce corn yield in adjacent rows. Splitting planters into more than two strips for trials could unfairly bias results due to differential wheel traffic impacts. Growers should be aware of potential yield effects of compaction when setting up split-planter comparisons.
Variation in Corn Yield across Planter WidthDuPont Pioneer
The study found that corn yield varied across planter width, with the outside wing harvest passes yielding significantly more than the center passes at most locations, averaging 11.3 bushels per acre more. This confirms that soil compaction from planter wheels in the interrows can reduce corn yield in adjacent rows. Splitting planters into more than two strips for trials could unfairly bias results due to differential wheel traffic impacts. Growers should be aware of potential yield effects of compaction when setting up split-planter comparisons.
El documento describe la escultura del Renacimiento en Italia. Los principales temas de la escultura renacentista eran la naturaleza, el ser humano y temas de la antigüedad clásica. Artistas como Donatello, Verrocchio, Miguel ?ngel y Cellini crearon obras maestras escultóricas representando estas temáticas de una manera humanista e idealizada. La escultura del Renacimiento se caracterizó por un tratamiento clásico de los temas, la representación exacta pero idealizada de la realidad, y el uso de pro
Este documento describe la historia de la Segunda República Espa?ola entre 1931 y 1936. Tras el derrocamiento de la monarquía en 1931, se estableció un gobierno provisional republicano que promulgó una nueva constitución en diciembre de 1931. Luego hubo un bienio (1931-1933) de gobiernos liderados por Manuel Aza?a que emprendieron reformas progresistas como la reforma militar, reformas laborales y laicas. Sin embargo, estas reformas radicales generaron oposición de la derecha y la iglesia cat
Este documento apresenta um estudo de caso duplo sobre a gest?o da seguran?a e saúde no trabalho em empresas produtoras de baterias automotivas na regi?o centro-oeste de S?o Paulo. O estudo identificou boas práticas como o apoio da alta dire??o e participa??o dos funcionários, e dificuldades como falhas na comunica??o e ausência de indicadores. O estudo conclui que o comprometimento da gest?o e dos funcionários é fundamental para o sucesso da gest?o da seguran?a e saúde no trabalho.
Este documento é uma carta de amor de um homem para sua amada Marcia, expressando seu amor por ela e seus planos de futuro juntos. Ele fala sobre como ela entrou em sua vida e a tornou mais feliz, e como ele se apaixonou por sua personalidade e jeito de ser. Ele espera que eles possam realizar seus sonhos de casamento, filhos e vida juntos para sempre.
O documento prop?e um projeto pedagógico sobre árvores genealógicas utilizando redes sociais. O objetivo é promover a intera??o social, expor diversidades étnicas e aproximar a família da escola. Alunos de 13 anos convidar?o familiares em redes sociais para compartilhar histórias e fotos sobre a família.
This document summarizes research conducted on women's experiences with political participation in Ghana. It focuses on quarterly meeting spaces established by Womankind's partner Gender Centre, where women community representatives meet with district decision-makers. The research aimed to understand how these spaces empower women and enable them to influence decisions. It found that the meetings helped women gain confidence, organize, take on leadership roles, gain knowledge on issues, and raise concerns with decision-makers. However, some women still faced barriers to participation. The research provided insights into how these spaces can strengthen women's political participation at the local level.
The document discusses three types of training for developing human resources: learning, training, and development. Learning involves acquiring new knowledge and skills, especially hands-on skills. Training strengthens existing knowledge and skills through re-education, especially hands-on skills. Development refers to building and improving attitudes, abilities, values and beliefs over time, especially for managers, and can be seen as transformational learning. While knowledge and skills can grow quickly through learning and training in the short term, building and improving attitudes, abilities, values and beliefs takes much longer time, even fundamentally without progress.
This document contains notes on optical engineering topics including:
1. Optical science and technology, including fiber optics, optical components, and optical circuits.
2. Sources of light including natural light sources like sunlight and artificial light sources like lasers.
3. Optical design engineering which involves using principles of optics and design software to model optical systems.