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                                                          Says he: "This is the future of recruiting for
         How LinkedIn will                                our company."

         fire up your career                              Facebook is for fun. Tweets have a short
                                                          shelf life. If you're serious about managing
                                                          your career, the only social site that really
                                                          matters is LinkedIn. In today's job market an
                                                          invitation to "join my professional network"
                                                          has become more obligatory -- and more
                                                          useful -- than swapping business cards and
                                                          churning out r¨¦sum¨¦s.

                                                          More than 60 million members have logged
                                                          on to create profiles, upload their
                                                          employment histories, and build
                                                          connections with people they know. Visitors
                                                          to the site have jumped 31% from last year to
         By Jessi Hempel, writer
                                                          17.6 million in February. They include your
         March 25, 2010: 7:47 AM ET                       customers. Your colleagues. Your
                                                          competitors. Your boss. And being on
         (Fortune) -- If you need a job, or just want a   LinkedIn puts you in the company of people
         better one, here's a number that will give you   with impressive credentials: The average
         hope: 50,000. That's how many people the         member is a college-educated 43-year-old
         giant consulting firm Accenture plans to hire    making $107,000. More than a quarter are
         this year. Yes, actual jobs, with pay. It's      senior executives. Every Fortune 500
         looking for telecom consultants, finance         company is represented. That's why
         experts, software specialists, and many          recruiters rely on the site to find even the
         more. You could be one of them -- but will       highest-caliber executives: Oracle (ORCL,
         Accenture find you?                                 Advertisement

         To pick these hires the old-fashioned way,
         the firm would rely on headhunters,
         employee referrals, and job boards. But the
         game has changed. To get the attention of
         John Campagnino, Accenture's head of
         global recruiting, you'd better be on the web.

1 of 7                                                                                                                          3/25/2010 7:28 AM

         Fortune 500) found CFO Jeff Epstein via            manager, global sourcing specialist) that will
         LinkedIn in 2008.                                  send your name to the top of recruiters'
         The reason LinkedIn works so well for
         professional matchmaking is that most of its       At the same time, you can connect your
         members already have jobs. A cadre of              online professional interactions in one place,
         happily employed people use it to research         joining groups on the site (LinkedIn has
         clients before sales calls, ask their              more than 500,000 of them, based on
         connections for advice, and read up on             companies, schools, and affinities), offering
         where former colleagues are landing gigs.          advice, and linking your Twitter account and
                                                            blog updates to your profile.
         In this environment, job seekers can do their
         networking without looking as if they're           "You Google other people, so don't you think
         shopping themselves around. This p                 they're Googling you?" LinkedIn founder
         opulation is more valuable to recruiters as        Reid Hoffman asks. "Part of a networked
         well. While online job boards like Monster.        world is that people will be looking you up,
         com focus on showcasing active job                 and when they do, you want to control what
         hunters, very often the most talented and          they find." Helping you present yourself well
         sought-after recruits are those currently          online is just the start. LinkedIn plans to go
         employed. Headhunters have a name for              far beyond, making itself an active and
         people like these: passive candidates. The $8      indispensable tool for your career path. The
         billion recruiting industry is built on the fact   secrets lie buried in the data: those 60
         that they are hard to find. LinkedIn changes       million profiles, including yours.
         that. It's the equivalent of a little black book
         -- highly detailed and exposed for everyone        In a business where data wonks are rock
         to see.                                            stars, Dipchand ("Deep") Nishar is Bono.
                                                            During his five-year tenure at Google (
         For a generation of professionals trained to       GOOG, Fortune 500), Nishar, 41, was
         cloak their contacts at all costs, this
         transparency is counterintuitive. So far most
         conversations about how to use social
         networks professionally have focused on
         what not to do: Don't share drunken photos
         on Facebook. Don't use Twitter to brag
         about playing hooky from the office.

         But as companies turn to the web to mine for

2 of 7                                                                                                                            3/25/2010 7:28 AM

         instrumental in developing its ad platform,       startups (including Facebook), so it was
         its mobile strategy, and products for the         natural for him to think of a way for people
         Asia-Pacific region. Hoffman spent almost a       to build on their links.
         year recruiting him to be vice president of
         products, until finally, in January 2009,         "I realized that everyone will have their
         Nishar took a right out of Google's Mountain      professional identity online so they can be
         View, Calif., parking lot and drove two blocks    discoverable for the things that will be
         to his new office at LinkedIn's headquarters.     important to them," he remembers, waving
                                                           his hand as he sits back in his chair. "The
         Having so much experience in Asia, where          obvious one is jobs, but it's not just jobs. It's
         mobile messaging and other social networks w      also clients and services. It's people looking
         ere adopted even faster than in the U.S.,         to trade tips on how you do, say, debt
         Nishar understood the value of a system that      financing in the new capital markets." Backed
         would help consumers organize all those           by other angel investors like him, Hoffman
         digital relationships.                            and four others put up the initial funding
                                                           and gathered a tiny staff to launch the site as
         But it was one personal interaction that really   a bare-bones operation in his Mountain View
         sold him on LinkedIn's potential. Nishar was      home.
         trying to decide whether his daughter, who
         was 12 at the time, should spend her              At first, users were slow to embrace the
         summer at a program offered by Johns              service. Plenty of Web 2.0 entertainment
         Hopkins University. He posted the question        websites were enjoying meteoric rises and
         to his status update on both Facebook and         monstrous buyouts by big media c
         LinkedIn. While he received more comments         ompanies. (In fact, after helping fund
         on Facebook, they were casual and                 YouTube, Hoffman gave its founders office
         congratulatory. Only four of his LinkedIn         space for three weeks in their early days.)
         contacts wrote him, but they offered a rich
         analysis, describing experiences with the         By comparison, LinkedIn seemed a little
         Johns Hopkins program that left them better
         off academically; they persuaded him to
         enroll his daughter. "People are in a different
         context and mindset when they're in a
         professional network," he says.

         This was Hoffman's bet when he founded the
         site in 2003. It was just after eBay (EBAY,
         Fortune 500) paid $1.5 billion to buy PayPal,

3 of 7                                                                                                                              3/25/2010 7:28 AM

         static; it was only for r¨¦sum¨¦s. As Facebook      heads U.S. recruiting for IBM (IBM, Fortune
         caught on among bona fide adults, it created      500). "In a company the size of IBM, that's
         a population of web users fluent in updating      significant."
         their status, posting links, and
         microblogging. Hoffman could sense that           IBM has always been one of the first
         social networking was finally becoming            companies to experiment with new social
         mainstream, and he needed to give                 technologies. Its recruiters use Twitter to
         LinkedIn's users a reason to stick around         broadcast job openings, and the company
         before they moved their r¨¦sum¨¦s and other         organizes its own talent communities. But
         professional information to platforms like        Jones says LinkedIn is the most important
         Facebook. So last December he recruited           social-media site for reaching prospective
         former Yahoo exec Jeff Weiner to step into        hires.
         the CEO position. And he won over Nishar.
                                                           Cost saving is a major motivation for
         John Klodnicki wasn't looking for a job when      companies looking to bypass big
         he took the call from an IBM recruiter who        headhunting firms. "If I were going to go out
         had found his profile on LinkedIn. As a           to a major recruiting firm, for example, we
         program director for data-storage company         could potentially pay upwards of $100,000
         EMC, he spent five days a week on the road        to $150,000 for one person," says
         consulting with pharmaceutical companies.         Accenture's Campagnino. "Start multiplying
         "I was moderately happy," he said. Sure, all      that by a number of senior executives, and
         that traveling was a drag.                        you start talking about significant numbers
                                                           of dollars very quickly."
         On that Friday afternoon Klodnicki was
         scarfing a sandwich while standing in the         If anybody should be nervous about that, it's
         security line at the airport in Providence,       L. Kevin Kelly. As CEO of Heidrick &
         trying to get home to his family in New           Struggles, one of the most prominent
         Jersey. The line was long, so he had the time     recruiting firms, he has made a living out of
         to chat about opportunities. After going
         through several rounds of interviews, the
         initial job fell through, but the relationship
         had been started. He kept in touch, and last
         September, Klodnicki started work as an
         associate partner developing new business
         with pharmaceutical companies at IBM's
         Philadelphia office, just half an hour from his

4 of 7                                                                                                                          3/25/2010 7:28 AM

         the hiring market's opacity. As he watched       for the bulk of the company's positions,
         the rise of LinkedIn, he knew it was a           mostly in their retail stores. Though plenty
         disruptive force he would have to learn well;    of cashiers and doctors and teachers join
         last summer he flew to the Bay Area to have      LinkedIn, the site's primary membership is
         dinner with Hoffman.                             corporate professionals.

         Their companies have a complicated               Now Guthrie uses LinkedIn mostly for three
         relationship. On the one hand, LinkedIn is a     hard-to-fill areas: supply chain, information
         welcome tool for recruiters, and Heidrick &      technology, and global sourcing. Some of
         Struggles is a customer. LinkedIn's software     Guthrie's recruiters spend time daily on the
         allows recruiters to search its database         site, reading up on potential candidates,
         without access to photographs, thus              chatting with them in groups and on
         keeping in compliance with                       message boards, and responding to
         antidiscrimination laws, and to contact          inquiries. The approach has worked well.
         anybody in the LinkedIn network. But the         Using services like this on the Internet she
         recession forced companies to cut back on        has been able to bring down the time it takes
         their budgets for outside firms.                 to fill the positions, an important metric
                                                          among recruiters, by nearly half.
         Heidrick & Struggles' revenues fell 36% in
         2009, and while business has started to          At the entry to the "Hope" classroom on the
         creep back, Kelly is aggressively trying to      satellite campus of Belhaven University in
         remake the company as an adviser rather          Houston, Susan Thorpe passes out a small
         than simply a search company, offering           book called 12.5 Ways to Get Ahead on
         consulting on ways to handle staffing issues     LinkedIn. Up front, her husband, Doug
         and select board members. Now it's just 7%       Thorpe, who self-published the guide, has
         of the business, but he expects it to grow to    drawn a diagram on the whiteboard that
         half of what Heidrick & Struggles does.          looks like an elaborate football play. A series
                                                          of circles labeled one, two, and three stretch
         There will still be a need for headhunters and
         traditional methods of hiring, though,
         because LinkedIn doesn't work for
         everything. And it has to be used carefully.

         "If you're not managing that site, you can
         erode your brand," says Arlette Guthrie, the
         vice president of talent management at
         Home Depot. Guthrie has learned how to use

5 of 7                                                                                                                           3/25/2010 7:28 AM

         out from a central bubble labeled you. A          amount of time on the site each day, say 30
         dozen job seekers take notes as Thorpe            minutes. Believe it or not, LinkedIn doesn't
         describes how to call upon first-level            pay this guy.
         contacts -- those former colleagues and
         friends you've befriended on the site -- to       There is much debate in the class about
         reach second-level contacts. It's a process       Thorpe's suggestion that job seekers should
         as old as human relations: Hey, could you         include professional photographs with their
         introduce me to your friend? Thorpe               profiles. ("Don't use dogs, horses, cats, or
         explains the etiquette and technique of           cows in the background," he says.) Older job
         doing it digitally. "Write a personal note when   seekers in particular are worried that their
         you ask someone to connect," he tells his         gray hair will trigger age discrimination.
         students.                                         There are drawbacks to so much
                                                           transparency, they argue. Doesn't it ensure
         Thorpe, 57, is one of hundreds of                 that employers potentially know more about
         consultants who have sprung up to help            you than they should?
         professionals establish themselves online. A
         fter he lost his mortgage company two             It's a question Hoffman considered right
         years ago in the real estate crash, he started    from the start. For all the benefit that
         Jobs Ministry Southwest, a religious              LinkedIn brings to the job hunt, it can't erase
         nonprofit that offers free support for job        fundamental challenges in the job market.
         seekers in the greater Houston area. A            One big reality is that plenty of baby
         dozen of the 160 people who attended the          boomers are out of work as the industries in
         previous day's support group have paid            which they've developed three decades of
         $24.95 for a half-day introduction to             expertise move overseas or change
         LinkedIn.                                         irrevocably.

         Thorpe's main message to his clients is that      These job hunters will need to reinvent
         it's important to complete your profile. Get      themselves in new careers. The thing about
         recommendations from former co-workers.
         Use keywords to bring out the skills you
         want to highlight. Join groups: Recruiters
         often scour professional groups to round
         up potential candidates. Answer questions
         from colleagues that showcase your
         professional expertise.

         One of the students, Heinz Meyer, exhales

6 of 7                                                                                                                            3/25/2010 7:28 AM

         social-networking profiles is that they don't
         lie, at least not successfully. You can't fudge
         your experience or hide your age, because
         your connections know you in real life. So H
         offman is inclined to agree with Thorpe's
         advice: Post your photo. "A LinkedIn profile
         lets you represent yourself as strong as you
         can, so build that to your advantage," he

         Okay, but how do you finally land a job? It's
         the last question that Thorpe's students ask
         as he wraps up his lecture. Thorpe turns
         back to the elaborate diagram on the board,
         pointing to the circled numbers. Social
         networking is just a more efficient way of
         reaching out to people you know -- and
         people they know. You work the network.
         You connect with people like John
         Campagnino at Accenture if you want a job
         in consulting. Then you turn off the
         computer, and you call your connections on
         the phone. And you invite them to lunch.


7 of 7                                                                                          3/25/2010 7:28 AM

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  • 1. http://money.cnn.com/fdcp?1269527328815 Says he: "This is the future of recruiting for How LinkedIn will our company." fire up your career Facebook is for fun. Tweets have a short shelf life. If you're serious about managing your career, the only social site that really matters is LinkedIn. In today's job market an invitation to "join my professional network" has become more obligatory -- and more useful -- than swapping business cards and churning out r¨¦sum¨¦s. More than 60 million members have logged on to create profiles, upload their employment histories, and build connections with people they know. Visitors to the site have jumped 31% from last year to By Jessi Hempel, writer 17.6 million in February. They include your March 25, 2010: 7:47 AM ET customers. Your colleagues. Your competitors. Your boss. And being on (Fortune) -- If you need a job, or just want a LinkedIn puts you in the company of people better one, here's a number that will give you with impressive credentials: The average hope: 50,000. That's how many people the member is a college-educated 43-year-old giant consulting firm Accenture plans to hire making $107,000. More than a quarter are this year. Yes, actual jobs, with pay. It's senior executives. Every Fortune 500 looking for telecom consultants, finance company is represented. That's why experts, software specialists, and many recruiters rely on the site to find even the more. You could be one of them -- but will highest-caliber executives: Oracle (ORCL, Accenture find you? Advertisement To pick these hires the old-fashioned way, the firm would rely on headhunters, employee referrals, and job boards. But the game has changed. To get the attention of John Campagnino, Accenture's head of global recruiting, you'd better be on the web. 1 of 7 3/25/2010 7:28 AM
  • 2. http://money.cnn.com/fdcp?1269527328815 Fortune 500) found CFO Jeff Epstein via manager, global sourcing specialist) that will LinkedIn in 2008. send your name to the top of recruiters' searches. The reason LinkedIn works so well for professional matchmaking is that most of its At the same time, you can connect your members already have jobs. A cadre of online professional interactions in one place, happily employed people use it to research joining groups on the site (LinkedIn has clients before sales calls, ask their more than 500,000 of them, based on connections for advice, and read up on companies, schools, and affinities), offering where former colleagues are landing gigs. advice, and linking your Twitter account and blog updates to your profile. In this environment, job seekers can do their networking without looking as if they're "You Google other people, so don't you think shopping themselves around. This p they're Googling you?" LinkedIn founder opulation is more valuable to recruiters as Reid Hoffman asks. "Part of a networked well. While online job boards like Monster. world is that people will be looking you up, com focus on showcasing active job and when they do, you want to control what hunters, very often the most talented and they find." Helping you present yourself well sought-after recruits are those currently online is just the start. LinkedIn plans to go employed. Headhunters have a name for far beyond, making itself an active and people like these: passive candidates. The $8 indispensable tool for your career path. The billion recruiting industry is built on the fact secrets lie buried in the data: those 60 that they are hard to find. LinkedIn changes million profiles, including yours. that. It's the equivalent of a little black book -- highly detailed and exposed for everyone In a business where data wonks are rock to see. stars, Dipchand ("Deep") Nishar is Bono. During his five-year tenure at Google ( For a generation of professionals trained to GOOG, Fortune 500), Nishar, 41, was cloak their contacts at all costs, this Advertisement transparency is counterintuitive. So far most conversations about how to use social networks professionally have focused on what not to do: Don't share drunken photos on Facebook. Don't use Twitter to brag about playing hooky from the office. But as companies turn to the web to mine for 2 of 7 3/25/2010 7:28 AM
  • 3. http://money.cnn.com/fdcp?1269527328815 instrumental in developing its ad platform, startups (including Facebook), so it was its mobile strategy, and products for the natural for him to think of a way for people Asia-Pacific region. Hoffman spent almost a to build on their links. year recruiting him to be vice president of products, until finally, in January 2009, "I realized that everyone will have their Nishar took a right out of Google's Mountain professional identity online so they can be View, Calif., parking lot and drove two blocks discoverable for the things that will be to his new office at LinkedIn's headquarters. important to them," he remembers, waving his hand as he sits back in his chair. "The Having so much experience in Asia, where obvious one is jobs, but it's not just jobs. It's mobile messaging and other social networks w also clients and services. It's people looking ere adopted even faster than in the U.S., to trade tips on how you do, say, debt Nishar understood the value of a system that financing in the new capital markets." Backed would help consumers organize all those by other angel investors like him, Hoffman digital relationships. and four others put up the initial funding and gathered a tiny staff to launch the site as But it was one personal interaction that really a bare-bones operation in his Mountain View sold him on LinkedIn's potential. Nishar was home. trying to decide whether his daughter, who was 12 at the time, should spend her At first, users were slow to embrace the summer at a program offered by Johns service. Plenty of Web 2.0 entertainment Hopkins University. He posted the question websites were enjoying meteoric rises and to his status update on both Facebook and monstrous buyouts by big media c LinkedIn. While he received more comments ompanies. (In fact, after helping fund on Facebook, they were casual and YouTube, Hoffman gave its founders office congratulatory. Only four of his LinkedIn space for three weeks in their early days.) contacts wrote him, but they offered a rich analysis, describing experiences with the By comparison, LinkedIn seemed a little Johns Hopkins program that left them better Advertisement off academically; they persuaded him to enroll his daughter. "People are in a different context and mindset when they're in a professional network," he says. This was Hoffman's bet when he founded the site in 2003. It was just after eBay (EBAY, Fortune 500) paid $1.5 billion to buy PayPal, 3 of 7 3/25/2010 7:28 AM
  • 4. http://money.cnn.com/fdcp?1269527328815 static; it was only for r¨¦sum¨¦s. As Facebook heads U.S. recruiting for IBM (IBM, Fortune caught on among bona fide adults, it created 500). "In a company the size of IBM, that's a population of web users fluent in updating significant." their status, posting links, and microblogging. Hoffman could sense that IBM has always been one of the first social networking was finally becoming companies to experiment with new social mainstream, and he needed to give technologies. Its recruiters use Twitter to LinkedIn's users a reason to stick around broadcast job openings, and the company before they moved their r¨¦sum¨¦s and other organizes its own talent communities. But professional information to platforms like Jones says LinkedIn is the most important Facebook. So last December he recruited social-media site for reaching prospective former Yahoo exec Jeff Weiner to step into hires. the CEO position. And he won over Nishar. Cost saving is a major motivation for John Klodnicki wasn't looking for a job when companies looking to bypass big he took the call from an IBM recruiter who headhunting firms. "If I were going to go out had found his profile on LinkedIn. As a to a major recruiting firm, for example, we program director for data-storage company could potentially pay upwards of $100,000 EMC, he spent five days a week on the road to $150,000 for one person," says consulting with pharmaceutical companies. Accenture's Campagnino. "Start multiplying "I was moderately happy," he said. Sure, all that by a number of senior executives, and that traveling was a drag. you start talking about significant numbers of dollars very quickly." On that Friday afternoon Klodnicki was scarfing a sandwich while standing in the If anybody should be nervous about that, it's security line at the airport in Providence, L. Kevin Kelly. As CEO of Heidrick & trying to get home to his family in New Struggles, one of the most prominent Jersey. The line was long, so he had the time recruiting firms, he has made a living out of to chat about opportunities. After going Advertisement through several rounds of interviews, the initial job fell through, but the relationship had been started. He kept in touch, and last September, Klodnicki started work as an associate partner developing new business with pharmaceutical companies at IBM's Philadelphia office, just half an hour from his home. 4 of 7 3/25/2010 7:28 AM
  • 5. http://money.cnn.com/fdcp?1269527328815 the hiring market's opacity. As he watched for the bulk of the company's positions, the rise of LinkedIn, he knew it was a mostly in their retail stores. Though plenty disruptive force he would have to learn well; of cashiers and doctors and teachers join last summer he flew to the Bay Area to have LinkedIn, the site's primary membership is dinner with Hoffman. corporate professionals. Their companies have a complicated Now Guthrie uses LinkedIn mostly for three relationship. On the one hand, LinkedIn is a hard-to-fill areas: supply chain, information welcome tool for recruiters, and Heidrick & technology, and global sourcing. Some of Struggles is a customer. LinkedIn's software Guthrie's recruiters spend time daily on the allows recruiters to search its database site, reading up on potential candidates, without access to photographs, thus chatting with them in groups and on keeping in compliance with message boards, and responding to antidiscrimination laws, and to contact inquiries. The approach has worked well. anybody in the LinkedIn network. But the Using services like this on the Internet she recession forced companies to cut back on has been able to bring down the time it takes their budgets for outside firms. to fill the positions, an important metric among recruiters, by nearly half. Heidrick & Struggles' revenues fell 36% in 2009, and while business has started to At the entry to the "Hope" classroom on the creep back, Kelly is aggressively trying to satellite campus of Belhaven University in remake the company as an adviser rather Houston, Susan Thorpe passes out a small than simply a search company, offering book called 12.5 Ways to Get Ahead on consulting on ways to handle staffing issues LinkedIn. Up front, her husband, Doug and select board members. Now it's just 7% Thorpe, who self-published the guide, has of the business, but he expects it to grow to drawn a diagram on the whiteboard that half of what Heidrick & Struggles does. looks like an elaborate football play. A series of circles labeled one, two, and three stretch There will still be a need for headhunters and Advertisement traditional methods of hiring, though, because LinkedIn doesn't work for everything. And it has to be used carefully. "If you're not managing that site, you can erode your brand," says Arlette Guthrie, the vice president of talent management at Home Depot. Guthrie has learned how to use 5 of 7 3/25/2010 7:28 AM
  • 6. http://money.cnn.com/fdcp?1269527328815 out from a central bubble labeled you. A amount of time on the site each day, say 30 dozen job seekers take notes as Thorpe minutes. Believe it or not, LinkedIn doesn't describes how to call upon first-level pay this guy. contacts -- those former colleagues and friends you've befriended on the site -- to There is much debate in the class about reach second-level contacts. It's a process Thorpe's suggestion that job seekers should as old as human relations: Hey, could you include professional photographs with their introduce me to your friend? Thorpe profiles. ("Don't use dogs, horses, cats, or explains the etiquette and technique of cows in the background," he says.) Older job doing it digitally. "Write a personal note when seekers in particular are worried that their you ask someone to connect," he tells his gray hair will trigger age discrimination. students. There are drawbacks to so much transparency, they argue. Doesn't it ensure Thorpe, 57, is one of hundreds of that employers potentially know more about consultants who have sprung up to help you than they should? professionals establish themselves online. A fter he lost his mortgage company two It's a question Hoffman considered right years ago in the real estate crash, he started from the start. For all the benefit that Jobs Ministry Southwest, a religious LinkedIn brings to the job hunt, it can't erase nonprofit that offers free support for job fundamental challenges in the job market. seekers in the greater Houston area. A One big reality is that plenty of baby dozen of the 160 people who attended the boomers are out of work as the industries in previous day's support group have paid which they've developed three decades of $24.95 for a half-day introduction to expertise move overseas or change LinkedIn. irrevocably. Thorpe's main message to his clients is that These job hunters will need to reinvent it's important to complete your profile. Get themselves in new careers. The thing about recommendations from former co-workers. Advertisement Use keywords to bring out the skills you want to highlight. Join groups: Recruiters often scour professional groups to round up potential candidates. Answer questions from colleagues that showcase your professional expertise. One of the students, Heinz Meyer, exhales 6 of 7 3/25/2010 7:28 AM
  • 7. http://money.cnn.com/fdcp?1269527328815 social-networking profiles is that they don't lie, at least not successfully. You can't fudge your experience or hide your age, because your connections know you in real life. So H offman is inclined to agree with Thorpe's advice: Post your photo. "A LinkedIn profile lets you represent yourself as strong as you can, so build that to your advantage," he says. Okay, but how do you finally land a job? It's the last question that Thorpe's students ask as he wraps up his lecture. Thorpe turns back to the elaborate diagram on the board, pointing to the circled numbers. Social networking is just a more efficient way of reaching out to people you know -- and people they know. You work the network. You connect with people like John Campagnino at Accenture if you want a job in consulting. Then you turn off the computer, and you call your connections on the phone. And you invite them to lunch. Advertisement 7 of 7 3/25/2010 7:28 AM