General Colin Powell provides 18 lessons on leadership. Some key points include: effective leaders are willing to make difficult decisions that may upset others; leaders should make themselves accessible and address problems rather than blame; leaders should not be afraid to challenge experts or follow the latest management fads blindly; and the most important asset an organization has is its people. Powell emphasizes that true leadership requires taking responsibility, having optimism and vision, and focusing on developing others.
The portfolio document summarizes a variety of visual communication design projects from 2011. It includes projects in print, identity, web, and new media design. Specific projects mentioned are a calendar to teach children new skills each month, a college zine, toys made from everyday materials, playing cards as souvenirs for a travel company, branding a Kabir music festival, and redesigning the Indian government website with a focus on accessibility and usability. The portfolio showcases the breadth of the designer's skills and explorations across different media and applications of visual communication design.
This document provides biographical information about American poet John Berryman and summarizes sections from his long poem Dream Songs. It notes that Berryman had a difficult childhood including the death of his father, but had academic success. He is best known for Dream Songs, featuring the character Henry, which explores themes of alienation. Berryman ultimately died by suicide in 1972. The summaries then analyze sections of Dream Songs focusing on syntactic ambiguities and word choices that contribute to the fragmented perspective and uncertainty within the work.
General Colin Powell provides 18 lessons on leadership. Some key points include: effective leaders are willing to make difficult decisions that may upset others; leaders should make themselves accessible and address problems rather than blame; leaders should not be afraid to challenge experts or follow the latest management fads blindly; and the most important asset an organization has is its people. Powell emphasizes that true leadership requires taking responsibility, having optimism and vision, and focusing on developing others.
The portfolio document summarizes a variety of visual communication design projects from 2011. It includes projects in print, identity, web, and new media design. Specific projects mentioned are a calendar to teach children new skills each month, a college zine, toys made from everyday materials, playing cards as souvenirs for a travel company, branding a Kabir music festival, and redesigning the Indian government website with a focus on accessibility and usability. The portfolio showcases the breadth of the designer's skills and explorations across different media and applications of visual communication design.
This document provides biographical information about American poet John Berryman and summarizes sections from his long poem Dream Songs. It notes that Berryman had a difficult childhood including the death of his father, but had academic success. He is best known for Dream Songs, featuring the character Henry, which explores themes of alienation. Berryman ultimately died by suicide in 1972. The summaries then analyze sections of Dream Songs focusing on syntactic ambiguities and word choices that contribute to the fragmented perspective and uncertainty within the work.
This document discusses design in education through several examples and programs. It describes (1) how design can transform learning by making it more interactive, participatory, problem-solving and hands-on rather than textbook-focused. (2) Programs like One Laptop per Child, Scratch, and PicoCrickets that use design and technology to engage children in their education. (3) How the Exploratorium museum employs hands-on exhibits mixing science and art to promote informal education.
This document summarizes the services provided by Connecttalent, a company that helps students and graduates find entry-level jobs. It provides an exclusive platform for job opportunities and helps with the transition from college to a professional career. Connecttalent aims to ensure all students have access to opportunities by connecting them with employers. It acts as a trusted partner for students as they begin their job search. The company builds an employability ecosystem to link employers, students, and academia to help both sides with recruiting, assessments, and hiring.
This document outlines Priyanka Chaurasia's diploma project proposal to work with a client, Mad Rat Games, on developing educational toys and workshops for children. The project involves researching existing simple educational toys, developing new toys that teach concepts not addressed, creating workshop modules to introduce the toys, and documenting the project through instruction kits, a workshop manual, and a publication. Priyanka will test her new toys and workshop modules by co-facilitating workshops with the client. The goal is to develop an interactive, hands-on learning system using toys children can build themselves.
1. H働畛NG D畉N C畉U HNH XEM CAMERA QUA INTERNET C叩c b動畛c th畛c hi畛n : + T畉o ti kho畉n Gmail . + T畉o ti kho畉n t棚n mi畛n ( DNS ) + C畉u h狸nh DNS vo 畉u ghi ho畉c Modem
2. 油 B動畛c 1: T畉o ti kho畉n Email: 油油油油油油油油油油油 畉u ti棚n b畉n m畛 tr狸nh duy畛t Internet Explorer l棚n nh畉p vo 畛a ch畛 : http://gmail.com油s畉 xu畉t hi畛n mn h狸nh sau:
3. 油 Sau 坦 h達y nh畉p chu畛t vo Sign up for Gmail n坦 s畉 動a b畉n 畉n trang ng k鱈 :
4. Sau 坦 nh畉p c叩c th担ng tin trong c叩c 担 tr畛ng nh動 sau
5. Ph畉n first name, v last name ta 畉t t湛y theo ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n login name : ta 畉t t棚n d湛ng 畛 ng nh畉p vo (sau 坦 check availability 畛 ki畛m tra t棚n ng nh畉p 達 c坦 ng動畛i d湛ng ch動a, n畉u 達 c坦 ng動畛i d湛ng s畉 b叩o ch畛 mu 畛 th狸 ta s畉 畉t l畉i t棚n kh叩c. N畉u check ch動a c坦 ng動畛i d湛ng th狸 t棚n ng nh畉p s畉 hi畛n mu xanh, ta s畉 d湛ng t棚n 畉y) 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n choose a password : ta nh畉p m畉t kh畉u ghi nh畛 油油油油油油油 油油油油 Ph畉n Re-enter password : ta nh畉p l畉i m畉t kh畉u 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n security Question : ta ch畛n c但u h畛i nh動 h狸nh 油油油油油油油油油油 油 Ph畉n Answer : 油ta nh畉p nh動 h狸nh tr棚n. 油油油油油油油油油油 油 Ph畉n secondary email : ta b畛 tr畛ng 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n Location : ch畛n vi畛t nam 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n Word veryfication :油 ta nh畉p d嘆ng ch畛 ngo畉n ng竪o nh動 tr棚n vo 担 ph鱈a d動畛i 油油油油油油油油油油油 Sau 坦 ta Click vo I accept Creat my account
6. B動畛c 2 : T畉o ti kho畉n t棚n mi畛n Sau 坦 b畉n t畉t tr狸nh duy畛t Internet Explorer v m畛 l畉i tr狸nh duy畛t Internet Explorer l棚n nh畉p vo 畛a ch畛 sau: http:// .
8. 油油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n Username : 油ta nh畉p vo t棚n 畛 ng nh畉p vo trang 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n Email Address : ta nh畉p vo t棚n email v畛a m畛i t畉o 畛 tr棚n v th棚m vo vo ph鱈a sau t棚n 畉y. 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n confirm Email Address : ta nh畉p l畉i Email nh動 tr棚n 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n password : ta nh畉p vo m畉t kh畉u 畛 ghi nh畛 khi ng nh畉p vo 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ph畉n confirm password : ta nh畉p l畉i password 油油油油油油油油油油油 Hai 担 k畉 ti畉p ta b畛 tr畛ng 油油油油油油油油油油油 5 担 nh畛 c嘆n l畉i ta 叩nh d畉u check vo 坦 油油油油油油油油油油油 Sau 坦 ta nh畉p vo Creat Account 油油油油油油油油油油油 N坦 s畉 動a ta 畉n trang k畉 ti畉p nh動 sau L動u 箪 : username v password ph畉i nh畛 畛 sau ny ta ng nh畉p l畉i v担 trang http:// . 畛 t畉o t棚n mi畛n (Domain name) 畛 truy xu畉t khi ra ngoi m畉ng internet 油油油油油油油油油油油 Khi ta nh畉p Creat Account n畉u username 達 c坦 ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng n坦 s畉 c畉nh b叩o ta b畉ng nh畛ng d嘆ng ch畛 mu 畛, bu畛c ta ph畉i t畉o m畛t t棚n kh叩c v nh畉p l畉i m畉t kh畉u 油油油油油油油油油油油 N畉u username 坦 ch動a c坦 ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng th狸 n坦 s畉 動a ta 畉n trang k畉 ti畉p
9. B但y gi畛 ta m畛 tr狸nh duy畛t l棚n g探 vo n坦 s畉 動a b畉n vo h嘆m th動 c畛a b畉n v畛a m畛i t畉o (n坦 s畉 t畛 ghi nh畛), 畛 k鱈ch ho畉t ti kho畉n DNS v畛a t畉o:
10. Sau 坦 ta nh畉p chu畛t vo DynDNS Support s畉 動a ta 畉n trang k畉 ti畉p nh動 sau :
11. Nh畉p chu畛t vo d嘆ng ch畛 xanh 畉u ti棚n n坦 s畉 動a b畉n 畉n trang . 畛 k鱈ch ho畉t ti kho畉n DNS Sau 坦 b畉n s畉 nh畉p vo 担 username v 担 password v nh畉p login 畛 vo trang t畉o t棚n mi畛n v host (username v password l h畛i n達y ch炭ng ta 達 t畉o).
12. Khi 達 login vo 動畛c n坦 s畉 動a ta 畉n trang k畉 ti畉p nh動 h狸nh sau :
13. Sau 坦 b畉n nh畉p vo Add Host Services 畛 vo trang t畉o host nh動 sau :
14. Ph畉n Hostname : 担 畉u ti棚n ta 叩nh vo t棚n b畉t k畛 畛 sau ny ra ngoi internet 畛 b畉n 叩nh vo (v鱈 d畛: songnhac166) 担 th畛 hai ta ch畛n u担i cho t棚n mi畛n (v鱈 d畛: ) Ph畉n Wilcard : ta 叩nh d畉u check vo n坦 Ph畉n Services Type : ta ch畛n Host with IP Address Ph畉n IP Address : ta nh畉p vo d嘆ng ch畛 IP 畛 d動畛i 畛 n坦 i畛n 畛a ch畛 vo 担 tr棚n, sau 坦 nh畉p vo Edit TTL Sau 坦 nh畉p chu畛t vo Creat Host 油 L動u 箪 : n畉u t棚n mi畛n 達 c坦 ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng s畉 th担ng b叩o d嘆ng ch畛 mu 畛 畛 ph鱈a d動畛i, ta ph畉i 畉t l畉i t棚n m畛i.
16. B働畛C 3 : c畉u h狸nh 畛a ch畛 dns vo 畉u ghi h狸nh camera Ta b畛 挑a driver i k竪m 畉u ghi khi mua hng vo m叩y vi t鱈nh, sau 坦 click chu畛t vo n坦 畛 ci 畉t (ta c畛 Next li棚n t畛c). Sau khi 達 ci xong s畉 hi畛n bi畛u t動畛ng nh動 h狸nh b棚n. Sau khi 達 t畉o xong t棚n mi畛n ta s畉 m畛 畉u ghi h狸nh l棚n 畛 c畉u h狸nh cho 畉u ghi (h狸nh d動畛i d湛ng cho 畉u ghi KVD 604, 608, 616) Nh畉p chu畛t vo bi畛u t動畛ng (h狸nh b棚n) s畉 c坦 giao di畛n nh動 sau.油
17. Ta nh畉p vo bi畛u t動畛ng quy畛n s叩ch c坦 d畉u c畛ng b棚n c畉nh s畉 hi畛n ra m畛t b畉ng i畛n th担ng tin nh動 sau:
18. IP Address ta nh畉p 畛a ch畛 畉u ghi t湛y (v鱈 d畛: User name : m畉c 畛nh l admin Password : admin Sau 坦 Apply s畉 畉n mn h狸nh k畉 ti畉p
19. 畛a ch畛 ta v畛a nh畉p s畉 hi畛n qua 担 h狸nh b棚n c畉nh, ta nh畉p 担i chu畛t vo 畛a ch畛 坦 s畉 hi畛n ra khung h狸nh camera nh動 sau: Sau 坦 Ta nh畉p vo bi畛u t動畛ng th畛 2 t鱈nh t畛 b棚n tr叩i qua (c坦 6 bi畛u t動畛ng b棚n g坦c tr棚n giao di畛n), sau 坦 n坦 s畉 hi畛n ra khung h狸nh b棚n c畉nh
20. Ta nh畉p vo h狸nh c叩i 畉u c坦 c叩i b叩nh rng b棚n c畉nh (Setting), 畛 動a 畉n khung c畉u h狸nh nh動 sau :
21. Ta nh畉p vo d畉u c畛ng tr動畛c Network 畛 hi畛n ra DDNS Nh畉p ch畛n DDNS d動畛i Network 油油油油油油油油油油 油 DNS server1 & DNS server2 : nh畉p vo 畛a ch畛 nh cung c畉p m畉ng 油油油油油油油油油油油 M畛t s畛 畛a ch畛 nh cung c畉p m畉ng : 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 油油 Viettel油油 : 油油油油油油油油油 DNS server1 : 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 DNS server2 : 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 FPT油油油油 :油油油油油 油 油油油油 DNS server1 : 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 DNS server2 : 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 油油 VNPT :油油 油油油油油油油 油油 DNS server1 : 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 DNS server2 : 油油油油油油油油油油油 DDNS : ch畛n On 油油油油油油油油油油油 User name : 叩nh vo user name c畛a Account c畛a trang v畛a m畛i t畉o xong 油油油油油油油油油 油油 Password : 油叩nh vo m畉t kh畉u i k竪m theo 油油油油油油油油油油油 Domain : 叩nh vo t棚n mi畛n m m狸nh 達 t畉o (v鱈 d畛: 油油油油油油油油油油 油 System : ch畛n dyndns 油油油油油油油油油油油 Sau 坦 nh畉p Apply , r畛i nh畉p OK 油油油油油油油油油油油 Ta 達 hon t畉t vi畛c ci 畉t c畉u h狸nh cho 畉u ghi
22. B動畛c 4 : c畉u h狸nh cho Router Dlink (c嘆n router Draytek DMZ n畉m trong NAT) M畛 tr狸nh duy畛t Internet Explorer l棚n v 叩nh vo 畛a ch畛 : http:// ( default gateway c畛a m叩y ) 油油油油油油油油油油油 Sau 坦 nh畉p user v password . Th動畛ng m畉c 畛nh nh s畉n xu畉t l admin 油油油油油油油油油油油 N坦 s畉 c坦 giao di畛n nh動 sau
23. Ta nh畉p vo th畉 Advanced v ch畛n DMZ 油油油油油 Ta nh畉p vo Enable v 叩nh vo 畛a ch畛 畉u ghi vo 担 Ip Address (v鱈 d畛 : Sau 坦 vo th畉 Tools, ch畛n System, r畛i ch畛n Save and reboot 畛 l動u l畉i c畉u h狸nh. 油
24. C担ng vi畛c hon t畉t ci 畉t, sau khi ta save and reboot ch畛 kho畉ng 3 ph炭t ta ra internet b棚n ngoi 叩nh vo t棚n mi畛n v畛a m畛i t畉o. n畉u hi畛n l棚n b畉ng login user and password th狸 ta 叩nh vo l user: admin, password: admin. 畛i vi ph炭t n坦 s畉 h畛i ci 畉t ActiveX ta nh畉p ch畛n v ci 畉t n坦 sau 坦 nh畉p l畉i t棚n mi畛n l OK. 畛 b動畛c ny thay v狸 c畉u h狸nh DDNS tr棚n 畉u ghi th狸 ta c滴ng c坦 th畛 c畉u h狸nh tr畛c ti畉p tr棚n Modem n畉u modem c坦 h畛 tr畛 畛 th畛c hi畛n i畛u th狸 ta c滴ng c畉n t畉o ti kho畉n v host DNS tr棚n trang web, sau 坦 ghi nh畛 3 th担ng s畛 sau : Host name, User Name v Password. D湛ng 3 th担ng s畛 ny 畛 khai b叩o Dynamic DNS 畛 m畛t s畛 modem nh動 sau: 1. Dlink