Dokumen ini membahas kurikulum standard sekolah rendah untuk mata pelajaran Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi tahun empat. Ia menjelaskan pendekatan modular berasaskan kurikulum standard, matlamat dan objektif mata pelajaran ini untuk membolehkan murid memperoleh pengetahuan dan kemahiran asas dalam bidang teknikal, teknologi pertanian, sains rumah tangga, dan elemen merentas seperti teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi, k
Prinsip Animasi adalah konsep dasar dalam pembuatan animasi. prinsip ini diciptakan oleh animator Disney yaitu Ollie Johnston dan Frank Thomas.
Dalam prinsip animasi yang di utarakan kedua animator disney tersebut, mereka menyatakan ada 12 prinsip dasar animasi yang harus diketahui agar animasi yang nantinya terbuat bisa dinikmata sebagai karya seni berkualitas. prinsip-prinsipnya diantara lain adalah:
Solid Drawing
Timing & Spacing
Squash & Stretch
Slow in and Slow out
Secondary Action
Follow Through & Overlapping Action
Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
Itulah ke 12 prinsip dasar dalam pembuatan animasi. jika ingin mengetahui apa saja pengertian dan contoh dari ke-12 prinsip tersebut, download saja powerpoint 12 prinsip dasar animasi di bawah ini :
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penggunaan animasi dalam presentasi untuk mengatasi keterbatasan manusia dalam melihat objek, gerakan, dan sudut pandang. Animasi dapat menarik perhatian, mempercantik presentasi, dan mempermudah penyampaian materi. Jenis animasi meliputi stop motion, cell animation, time-lapse, dan cut-out animation. Ada 12 prinsip animasi menurut Thomas dan Jhonston.
This document provides instructions for implementing various elements in a multimedia project using authoring tools. It includes steps for adding images, audio, video, buttons, and other objects to the project. Students are instructed to use ToolBook Assistant 2004 to group different file formats, insert a flash movie, draw objects, and add buttons. The implementation phase involves using authoring tools to develop the multimedia project based on the design from the previous phase.
The document is the Curriculum Specifications for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subject in the Malaysian secondary school curriculum. It provides guidance for ICT teachers on implementing the ICT syllabus. The specifications outline six learning areas and describe the topics, learning outcomes, suggested durations and activities for each topic. It also recommends teaching approaches and strategies for teachers and lists the requirements for schools to offer the ICT subject. The goal is to help teachers effectively plan and conduct ICT lessons to achieve the desired learning outcomes.
This document provides instructions for implementing various elements in a multimedia project using authoring tools. It includes steps for adding images, audio, video, buttons, and other objects to the project. Students are instructed to use ToolBook Assistant 2004 to group different file formats, insert a flash movie, draw objects, and add buttons. The implementation phase involves using authoring tools to develop the multimedia project based on the design from the previous phase.
The document is the Curriculum Specifications for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subject in the Malaysian secondary school curriculum. It provides guidance for ICT teachers on implementing the ICT syllabus. The specifications outline six learning areas and describe the topics, learning outcomes, suggested durations and activities for each topic. It also recommends teaching approaches and strategies for teachers and lists the requirements for schools to offer the ICT subject. The goal is to help teachers effectively plan and conduct ICT lessons to achieve the desired learning outcomes.