Pr淡veforelesning for ph.d.-graden i klinisk voksenpsykologi
Trial lecture over subscribed subject as part of the public defence for the Ph.D.-degree. Lecture given in Norwegian. Subject for the trial lecture was "Which factors contribute to the development of resilience in traumatized refugees?"
1 of 26
O Estilo Barroco: o Pal叩cio Nacional de QueluzSusana Sim探es
Mandado construir em 1747 pelo futuro D. Pedro III, consorte de D. Maria I, o Pal叩cio de Queluz foi inicialmente concebido como resid棚ncia de ver達o, tornando-se espa巽o privilegiado de lazer e entretenimento da Fam鱈lia Real, que o habitou em perman棚ncia de 1794 at辿 partida para o Brasil, em 1807, na sequ棚ncia das invas探es francesas.
O Pal叩cio Nacional de Queluz e os seus jardins hist坦ricos constituem um dos exemplos mais extraordin叩rios da liga巽達o harmoniosa entre paisagem e arquitetura palaciana em Portugal e ilustram a evolu巽達o do gosto da Corte nos s辿culos XVIII e XIX, per鱈odo marcado pelo barroco, o rococ坦 e o neoclassicismo.
Este documento resume el desarrollo y legado del movimiento art鱈stico Pop en la Argentina de los a単os 1960. El Pop tuvo un breve pero intenso desarrollo en Buenos Aires, influenciado por movimientos simil叩neos en Nueva York, Par鱈s y Londres. Artistas j坦venes liderados por el Instituto Di Tella adoptaron el Pop para romper con la generaci坦n anterior e incorporar temas urbanos y de la cultura de masas. Si bien el Pop argentino se inspir坦 en sus contrapartes extranjeras, tuvo un enfoque m叩s ef
Tirsdag 17. november 2015 ble det arrangert debatt om pakkeforl淡p for psykisk helse hvor blant andre jeg innledet og deltok i debatten. Her er lysbildene fra min innledning.
Den 28. januar 2016 holdt jeg en forelesning over behandling av PTSD p奪 kurset "Veteraners psykiske helse" arrangert av R奪det for psykisk helse og Veteranforbundet SIOPS.
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content MarketingSearch Engine Journal
The future of SEO is trending toward a more human-first and user-centric approach, powered by AI intelligence and collaboration. Are you ready?
Watch as we explore which SEO trends to prioritize to achieve sustainable growth and deliver reliable results. Well dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for prioritizing quality and building trust.
Youll hear:
- The top SEO trends to prioritize in 2024 to achieve long-term success.
- Predictions for SGEs impact, and how to adapt.
- What E-E-A-T really means, and how to implement it holistically (hint: its never been more important).
With Zack Kadish and Alex Carchietta, well show you which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates.
If youre looking to cut through the noise of constant SEO and content trends to drive success, you wont want to miss this webinar.
Storytelling For The Web: Integrate Storytelling in your Design ProcessChiara Aliotta
In this slides I explain how I have used storytelling techniques to elevate websites and brands and create memorable user experiences. You can discover practical tips as I showcase the elements of good storytelling and its applied to some examples of diverse brands/projects..
This presentation by Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University, was made during the discussion Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition held at the 143rd meeting of the OECD Competition Committee on 12 June 2024. More papers and presentations on the topic can be found at
This presentation was uploaded with the authors consent.
How to Leverage AI to Boost Employee Wellness - Lydia Di Francesco - SocialHR...SocialHRCamp
Speaker: Lydia Di Francesco
In this workshop, participants will delve into the realm of AI and its profound potential to revolutionize employee wellness initiatives. From stress management to fostering work-life harmony, AI offers a myriad of innovative tools and strategies that can significantly enhance the wellbeing of employees in any organization. Attendees will learn how to effectively leverage AI technologies to cultivate a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Whether it's utilizing AI-powered chatbots for mental health support, implementing data analytics to identify internal, systemic risk factors, or deploying personalized wellness apps, this workshop will equip participants with actionable insights and best practices to harness the power of AI for boosting employee wellness. Join us and discover how AI can be a strategic partner towards a culture of wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
2024 State of Marketing Report by HubspotMarius Sescu
揃 Scaling relationships and proving ROI
揃 Social media is the place for search, sales, and service
揃 Authentic influencer partnerships fuel brand growth
揃 The strongest connections happen via call, click, chat, and camera.
揃 Time saved with AI leads to more creative work
揃 Seeking: A single source of truth
揃 TLDR; Get on social, try AI, and align your systems.
揃 More human marketing, powered by robots
ChatGPT is a revolutionary addition to the world since its introduction in 2022. A big shift in the sector of information gathering and processing happened because of this chatbot. What is the story of ChatGPT? How is the bot responding to prompts and generating contents? Swipe through these slides prepared by Expeed Software, a web development company regarding the development and technical intricacies of ChatGPT!
Product Design Trends in 2024 | Teenage EngineeringsPixeldarts
The realm of product design is a constantly changing environment where technology and style intersect. Every year introduces fresh challenges and exciting trends that mold the future of this captivating art form. In this piece, we delve into the significant trends set to influence the look and functionality of product design in the year 2024.
How Race, Age and Gender Shape Attitudes Towards Mental HealthThinkNow
Mental health has been in the news quite a bit lately. Dozens of U.S. states are currently suing Meta for contributing to the youth mental health crisis by inserting addictive features into their products, while the U.S. Surgeon General is touring the nation to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The country has endured periods of low national morale, such as in the 1970s when high inflation and the energy crisis worsened public sentiment following the Vietnam War. The current mood, however, feels different. Gallup recently reported that national mental health is at an all-time low, with few bright spots to lift spirits.
To better understand how Americans are feeling and their attitudes towards mental health in general, ThinkNow conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 respondents and found some interesting differences among ethnic, age and gender groups.
For example, 52% agree that technology and social media have a negative impact on mental health, but when broken out by race, 61% of Whites felt technology had a negative effect, and only 48% of Hispanics thought it did.
While technology has helped us keep in touch with friends and family in faraway places, it appears to have degraded our ability to connect in person. Staying connected online is a double-edged sword since the same news feed that brings us pictures of the grandkids and fluffy kittens also feeds us news about the wars in Israel and Ukraine, the dysfunction in Washington, the latest mass shooting and the climate crisis.
Hispanics may have a built-in defense against the isolation technology breeds, owing to their large, multigenerational households, strong social support systems, and tendency to use social media to stay connected with relatives abroad.
Age and Gender
When asked how individuals rate their mental health, men rate it higher than women by 11 percentage points, and Baby Boomers rank it highest at 83%, saying its good or excellent vs. 57% of Gen Z saying the same.
Gen Z spends the most amount of time on social media, so the notion that social media negatively affects mental health appears to be correlated. Unfortunately, Gen Z is also the generation thats least comfortable discussing mental health concerns with healthcare professionals. Only 40% of them state theyre comfortable discussing their issues with a professional compared to 60% of Millennials and 65% of Boomers.
Race Affects Attitudes
As seen in previous research conducted by ThinkNow, Asian Americans lag other groups when it comes to awareness of mental health issues. Twenty-four percent of Asian Americans believe that having a mental health issue is a sign of weakness compared to the 16% average for all groups. Asians are also considerably less likely to be aware of mental health services in their communities (42% vs. 55%) and most likely to seek out information on social media (51% vs. 35%).
AI Trends in Creative Operations 2024 by Artwork Flow.pdfmarketingartwork
Creative operations teams expect increased AI use in 2024. Currently, over half of tasks are not AI-enabled, but this is expected to decrease in the coming year. ChatGPT is the most popular AI tool currently. Business leaders are more actively exploring AI benefits than individual contributors. Most respondents do not believe AI will impact workforce size in 2024. However, some inhibitions still exist around AI accuracy and lack of understanding. Creatives primarily want to use AI to save time on mundane tasks and boost productivity.
Organizational culture includes values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits that influence employee behaviors and how people interpret those behaviors. It is important because culture can help or hinder a company's success. Some key aspects of Netflix's culture that help it achieve results include hiring smartly so every position has stars, focusing on attitude over just aptitude, and having a strict policy against peacocks, whiners, and jerks.
PEPSICO Presentation to CAGNY Conference Feb 2024Neil Kimberley
PepsiCo provided a safe harbor statement noting that any forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and are subject to risks and uncertainties. It also provided information on non-GAAP measures and directing readers to its website for disclosure and reconciliation. The document then discussed PepsiCo's business overview, including that it is a global beverage and convenient food company with iconic brands, $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, and nearly $14 billion in core operating profit. It operates through a divisional structure with a focus on local consumers.
Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report (Webinar)contently
This document provides an overview of content methodology best practices. It defines content methodology as establishing objectives, KPIs, and a culture of continuous learning and iteration. An effective methodology focuses on connecting with audiences, creating optimal content, and optimizing processes. It also discusses why a methodology is needed due to the competitive landscape, proliferation of channels, and opportunities for improvement. Components of an effective methodology include defining objectives and KPIs, audience analysis, identifying opportunities, and evaluating resources. The document concludes with recommendations around creating a content plan, testing and optimizing content over 90 days.
How to Prepare For a Successful Job Search for 2024Albert Qian
The document provides guidance on preparing a job search for 2024. It discusses the state of the job market, focusing on growth in AI and healthcare but also continued layoffs. It recommends figuring out what you want to do by researching interests and skills, then conducting informational interviews. The job search should involve building a personal brand on LinkedIn, actively applying to jobs, tailoring resumes and interviews, maintaining job hunting as a habit, and continuing self-improvement. Once hired, the document advises setting new goals and keeping skills and networking active in case of future opportunities.
A report by thenetworkone and Kurio.
The contributing experts and agencies are (in an alphabetical order): Sylwia Rytel, Social Media Supervisor, 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT (PL), Sharlene Jenner, Vice President - Director of Engagement Strategy, Abelson Taylor (USA), Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia (ES), Dora Beilin, Senior Social Strategist, Barrett Hoffher (USA), Min Seo, Campaign Director, Brand New Agency (KR), Desh辿 M. Gully, Associate Strategist, Day One Agency (USA), Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different (IT), Trevor Crossman, CX and Digital Transformation Director; Olivia Hussey, Strategic Planner; Simi Srinarula, Social Media Manager, The Hallway (AUS), James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink (CN / UK), Mundy lvarez, Planning Director; Pedro Rojas, Social Media Manager; Pancho Gonz叩lez, CCO, Inbrax (CH), Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session Agency (RO), Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch (UK), Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 (MX), Shantesh S Row, Creative Director, Liwa (UAE), Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer; Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead; Leonie Mergulhao, Account Supervisor - Social Media & PR, Medulla (IN), Aurelija Plioplyt, Head of Digital & Social, Not Perfect (LI), Daiana Khaidargaliyeva, Account Manager, Osaka Labs (UK / USA), Stefanie Sohnchen, Vice President Digital, PIABO Communications (DE), Elisabeth Winiartati, Managing Consultant, Head of Global Integrated Communications; Lydia Aprina, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Nita Prabowo, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Okhi, Web Developer, PNTR Group (ID), Kei Obusan, Insights Director; Daffi Ranandi, Insights Manager, Radarr (SG), Gautam Reghunath, Co-founder & CEO, Talented (IN), Donagh Humphreys, Head of Social and Digital Innovation, THINKHOUSE (IRE), Sarah Yim, Strategy Director, Zulu Alpha Kilo (CA).
Trends In Paid Search: Navigating The Digital Landscape In 2024Search Engine Journal
The search marketing landscape is evolving rapidly with new technologies, and professionals, like you, rely on innovative paid search strategies to meet changing demands.
Its important that youre ready to implement new strategies in 2024.
Check this out and learn the top trends in paid search advertising that are expected to gain traction, so you can drive higher ROI more efficiently in 2024.
Youll learn:
- The latest trends in AI and automation, and what this means for an evolving paid search ecosystem.
- New developments in privacy and data regulation.
- Emerging ad formats that are expected to make an impact next year.
Watch Sreekant Lanka from iQuanti and Irina Klein from OneMain Financial as they dive into the future of paid search and explore the trends, strategies, and technologies that will shape the search marketing landscape.
If youre looking to assess your paid search strategy and design an industry-aligned plan for 2024, then this webinar is for you.
5 Public speaking tips from TED - Visualized summarySpeakerHub
From their humble beginnings in 1984, TED has grown into the worlds most powerful amplifier for speakers and thought-leaders to share their ideas. They have over 2,400 filmed talks (not including the 30,000+ TEDx videos) freely available online, and have hosted over 17,500 events around the world.
With over one billion views in a year, its no wonder that so many speakers are looking to TED for ideas on how to share their message more effectively.
The article 5 Public-Speaking Tips TED Gives Its Speakers, by Carmine Gallo for Forbes, gives speakers five practical ways to connect with their audience, and effectively share their ideas on stage.
Whether you are gearing up to get on a TED stage yourself, or just want to master the skills that so many of their speakers possess, these tips and quotes from Chris Anderson, the TED Talks Curator, will encourage you to make the most impactful impression on your audience.
See the full article and more summaries like this on SpeakerHub here:
See the original article on Forbes here:
ChatGPT and the Future of Work - Clark Boyd Clark Boyd
Everyone is in agreement that ChatGPT (and other generative AI tools) will shape the future of work. Yet there is little consensus on exactly how, when, and to what extent this technology will change our world.
Businesses that extract maximum value from ChatGPT will use it as a collaborative tool for everything from brainstorming to technical maintenance.
For individuals, now is the time to pinpoint the skills the future professional will need to thrive in the AI age.
Check out this presentation to understand what ChatGPT is, how it will shape the future of work, and how you can prepare to take advantage.
The document provides career advice for getting into the tech field, including:
- Doing projects and internships in college to build a portfolio.
- Learning about different roles and technologies through industry research.
- Contributing to open source projects to build experience and network.
- Developing a personal brand through a website and social media presence.
- Networking through events, communities, and finding a mentor.
- Practicing interviews through mock interviews and whiteboarding coding questions.
Google's Just Not That Into You: Understanding Core Updates & Search IntentLily Ray
1. Core updates from Google periodically change how its algorithms assess and rank websites and pages. This can impact rankings through shifts in user intent, site quality issues being caught up to, world events influencing queries, and overhauls to search like the E-A-T framework.
2. There are many possible user intents beyond just transactional, navigational and informational. Identifying intent shifts is important during core updates. Sites may need to optimize for new intents through different content types and sections.
3. Responding effectively to core updates requires analyzing "before and after" data to understand changes, identifying new intents or page types, and ensuring content matches appropriate intents across video, images, knowledge graphs and more.
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content MarketingSearch Engine Journal
The future of SEO is trending toward a more human-first and user-centric approach, powered by AI intelligence and collaboration. Are you ready?
Watch as we explore which SEO trends to prioritize to achieve sustainable growth and deliver reliable results. Well dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for prioritizing quality and building trust.
Youll hear:
- The top SEO trends to prioritize in 2024 to achieve long-term success.
- Predictions for SGEs impact, and how to adapt.
- What E-E-A-T really means, and how to implement it holistically (hint: its never been more important).
With Zack Kadish and Alex Carchietta, well show you which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates.
If youre looking to cut through the noise of constant SEO and content trends to drive success, you wont want to miss this webinar.
Storytelling For The Web: Integrate Storytelling in your Design ProcessChiara Aliotta
In this slides I explain how I have used storytelling techniques to elevate websites and brands and create memorable user experiences. You can discover practical tips as I showcase the elements of good storytelling and its applied to some examples of diverse brands/projects..
This presentation by Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University, was made during the discussion Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition held at the 143rd meeting of the OECD Competition Committee on 12 June 2024. More papers and presentations on the topic can be found at
This presentation was uploaded with the authors consent.
How to Leverage AI to Boost Employee Wellness - Lydia Di Francesco - SocialHR...SocialHRCamp
Speaker: Lydia Di Francesco
In this workshop, participants will delve into the realm of AI and its profound potential to revolutionize employee wellness initiatives. From stress management to fostering work-life harmony, AI offers a myriad of innovative tools and strategies that can significantly enhance the wellbeing of employees in any organization. Attendees will learn how to effectively leverage AI technologies to cultivate a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Whether it's utilizing AI-powered chatbots for mental health support, implementing data analytics to identify internal, systemic risk factors, or deploying personalized wellness apps, this workshop will equip participants with actionable insights and best practices to harness the power of AI for boosting employee wellness. Join us and discover how AI can be a strategic partner towards a culture of wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
2024 State of Marketing Report by HubspotMarius Sescu
揃 Scaling relationships and proving ROI
揃 Social media is the place for search, sales, and service
揃 Authentic influencer partnerships fuel brand growth
揃 The strongest connections happen via call, click, chat, and camera.
揃 Time saved with AI leads to more creative work
揃 Seeking: A single source of truth
揃 TLDR; Get on social, try AI, and align your systems.
揃 More human marketing, powered by robots
ChatGPT is a revolutionary addition to the world since its introduction in 2022. A big shift in the sector of information gathering and processing happened because of this chatbot. What is the story of ChatGPT? How is the bot responding to prompts and generating contents? Swipe through these slides prepared by Expeed Software, a web development company regarding the development and technical intricacies of ChatGPT!
Product Design Trends in 2024 | Teenage EngineeringsPixeldarts
The realm of product design is a constantly changing environment where technology and style intersect. Every year introduces fresh challenges and exciting trends that mold the future of this captivating art form. In this piece, we delve into the significant trends set to influence the look and functionality of product design in the year 2024.
How Race, Age and Gender Shape Attitudes Towards Mental HealthThinkNow
Mental health has been in the news quite a bit lately. Dozens of U.S. states are currently suing Meta for contributing to the youth mental health crisis by inserting addictive features into their products, while the U.S. Surgeon General is touring the nation to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The country has endured periods of low national morale, such as in the 1970s when high inflation and the energy crisis worsened public sentiment following the Vietnam War. The current mood, however, feels different. Gallup recently reported that national mental health is at an all-time low, with few bright spots to lift spirits.
To better understand how Americans are feeling and their attitudes towards mental health in general, ThinkNow conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 respondents and found some interesting differences among ethnic, age and gender groups.
For example, 52% agree that technology and social media have a negative impact on mental health, but when broken out by race, 61% of Whites felt technology had a negative effect, and only 48% of Hispanics thought it did.
While technology has helped us keep in touch with friends and family in faraway places, it appears to have degraded our ability to connect in person. Staying connected online is a double-edged sword since the same news feed that brings us pictures of the grandkids and fluffy kittens also feeds us news about the wars in Israel and Ukraine, the dysfunction in Washington, the latest mass shooting and the climate crisis.
Hispanics may have a built-in defense against the isolation technology breeds, owing to their large, multigenerational households, strong social support systems, and tendency to use social media to stay connected with relatives abroad.
Age and Gender
When asked how individuals rate their mental health, men rate it higher than women by 11 percentage points, and Baby Boomers rank it highest at 83%, saying its good or excellent vs. 57% of Gen Z saying the same.
Gen Z spends the most amount of time on social media, so the notion that social media negatively affects mental health appears to be correlated. Unfortunately, Gen Z is also the generation thats least comfortable discussing mental health concerns with healthcare professionals. Only 40% of them state theyre comfortable discussing their issues with a professional compared to 60% of Millennials and 65% of Boomers.
Race Affects Attitudes
As seen in previous research conducted by ThinkNow, Asian Americans lag other groups when it comes to awareness of mental health issues. Twenty-four percent of Asian Americans believe that having a mental health issue is a sign of weakness compared to the 16% average for all groups. Asians are also considerably less likely to be aware of mental health services in their communities (42% vs. 55%) and most likely to seek out information on social media (51% vs. 35%).
AI Trends in Creative Operations 2024 by Artwork Flow.pdfmarketingartwork
Creative operations teams expect increased AI use in 2024. Currently, over half of tasks are not AI-enabled, but this is expected to decrease in the coming year. ChatGPT is the most popular AI tool currently. Business leaders are more actively exploring AI benefits than individual contributors. Most respondents do not believe AI will impact workforce size in 2024. However, some inhibitions still exist around AI accuracy and lack of understanding. Creatives primarily want to use AI to save time on mundane tasks and boost productivity.
Organizational culture includes values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits that influence employee behaviors and how people interpret those behaviors. It is important because culture can help or hinder a company's success. Some key aspects of Netflix's culture that help it achieve results include hiring smartly so every position has stars, focusing on attitude over just aptitude, and having a strict policy against peacocks, whiners, and jerks.
PEPSICO Presentation to CAGNY Conference Feb 2024Neil Kimberley
PepsiCo provided a safe harbor statement noting that any forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and are subject to risks and uncertainties. It also provided information on non-GAAP measures and directing readers to its website for disclosure and reconciliation. The document then discussed PepsiCo's business overview, including that it is a global beverage and convenient food company with iconic brands, $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, and nearly $14 billion in core operating profit. It operates through a divisional structure with a focus on local consumers.
Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report (Webinar)contently
This document provides an overview of content methodology best practices. It defines content methodology as establishing objectives, KPIs, and a culture of continuous learning and iteration. An effective methodology focuses on connecting with audiences, creating optimal content, and optimizing processes. It also discusses why a methodology is needed due to the competitive landscape, proliferation of channels, and opportunities for improvement. Components of an effective methodology include defining objectives and KPIs, audience analysis, identifying opportunities, and evaluating resources. The document concludes with recommendations around creating a content plan, testing and optimizing content over 90 days.
How to Prepare For a Successful Job Search for 2024Albert Qian
The document provides guidance on preparing a job search for 2024. It discusses the state of the job market, focusing on growth in AI and healthcare but also continued layoffs. It recommends figuring out what you want to do by researching interests and skills, then conducting informational interviews. The job search should involve building a personal brand on LinkedIn, actively applying to jobs, tailoring resumes and interviews, maintaining job hunting as a habit, and continuing self-improvement. Once hired, the document advises setting new goals and keeping skills and networking active in case of future opportunities.
A report by thenetworkone and Kurio.
The contributing experts and agencies are (in an alphabetical order): Sylwia Rytel, Social Media Supervisor, 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT (PL), Sharlene Jenner, Vice President - Director of Engagement Strategy, Abelson Taylor (USA), Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia (ES), Dora Beilin, Senior Social Strategist, Barrett Hoffher (USA), Min Seo, Campaign Director, Brand New Agency (KR), Desh辿 M. Gully, Associate Strategist, Day One Agency (USA), Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different (IT), Trevor Crossman, CX and Digital Transformation Director; Olivia Hussey, Strategic Planner; Simi Srinarula, Social Media Manager, The Hallway (AUS), James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink (CN / UK), Mundy lvarez, Planning Director; Pedro Rojas, Social Media Manager; Pancho Gonz叩lez, CCO, Inbrax (CH), Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session Agency (RO), Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch (UK), Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 (MX), Shantesh S Row, Creative Director, Liwa (UAE), Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer; Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead; Leonie Mergulhao, Account Supervisor - Social Media & PR, Medulla (IN), Aurelija Plioplyt, Head of Digital & Social, Not Perfect (LI), Daiana Khaidargaliyeva, Account Manager, Osaka Labs (UK / USA), Stefanie Sohnchen, Vice President Digital, PIABO Communications (DE), Elisabeth Winiartati, Managing Consultant, Head of Global Integrated Communications; Lydia Aprina, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Nita Prabowo, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Okhi, Web Developer, PNTR Group (ID), Kei Obusan, Insights Director; Daffi Ranandi, Insights Manager, Radarr (SG), Gautam Reghunath, Co-founder & CEO, Talented (IN), Donagh Humphreys, Head of Social and Digital Innovation, THINKHOUSE (IRE), Sarah Yim, Strategy Director, Zulu Alpha Kilo (CA).
Trends In Paid Search: Navigating The Digital Landscape In 2024Search Engine Journal
The search marketing landscape is evolving rapidly with new technologies, and professionals, like you, rely on innovative paid search strategies to meet changing demands.
Its important that youre ready to implement new strategies in 2024.
Check this out and learn the top trends in paid search advertising that are expected to gain traction, so you can drive higher ROI more efficiently in 2024.
Youll learn:
- The latest trends in AI and automation, and what this means for an evolving paid search ecosystem.
- New developments in privacy and data regulation.
- Emerging ad formats that are expected to make an impact next year.
Watch Sreekant Lanka from iQuanti and Irina Klein from OneMain Financial as they dive into the future of paid search and explore the trends, strategies, and technologies that will shape the search marketing landscape.
If youre looking to assess your paid search strategy and design an industry-aligned plan for 2024, then this webinar is for you.
5 Public speaking tips from TED - Visualized summarySpeakerHub
From their humble beginnings in 1984, TED has grown into the worlds most powerful amplifier for speakers and thought-leaders to share their ideas. They have over 2,400 filmed talks (not including the 30,000+ TEDx videos) freely available online, and have hosted over 17,500 events around the world.
With over one billion views in a year, its no wonder that so many speakers are looking to TED for ideas on how to share their message more effectively.
The article 5 Public-Speaking Tips TED Gives Its Speakers, by Carmine Gallo for Forbes, gives speakers five practical ways to connect with their audience, and effectively share their ideas on stage.
Whether you are gearing up to get on a TED stage yourself, or just want to master the skills that so many of their speakers possess, these tips and quotes from Chris Anderson, the TED Talks Curator, will encourage you to make the most impactful impression on your audience.
See the full article and more summaries like this on SpeakerHub here:
See the original article on Forbes here:
ChatGPT and the Future of Work - Clark Boyd Clark Boyd
Everyone is in agreement that ChatGPT (and other generative AI tools) will shape the future of work. Yet there is little consensus on exactly how, when, and to what extent this technology will change our world.
Businesses that extract maximum value from ChatGPT will use it as a collaborative tool for everything from brainstorming to technical maintenance.
For individuals, now is the time to pinpoint the skills the future professional will need to thrive in the AI age.
Check out this presentation to understand what ChatGPT is, how it will shape the future of work, and how you can prepare to take advantage.
The document provides career advice for getting into the tech field, including:
- Doing projects and internships in college to build a portfolio.
- Learning about different roles and technologies through industry research.
- Contributing to open source projects to build experience and network.
- Developing a personal brand through a website and social media presence.
- Networking through events, communities, and finding a mentor.
- Practicing interviews through mock interviews and whiteboarding coding questions.
Google's Just Not That Into You: Understanding Core Updates & Search IntentLily Ray
1. Core updates from Google periodically change how its algorithms assess and rank websites and pages. This can impact rankings through shifts in user intent, site quality issues being caught up to, world events influencing queries, and overhauls to search like the E-A-T framework.
2. There are many possible user intents beyond just transactional, navigational and informational. Identifying intent shifts is important during core updates. Sites may need to optimize for new intents through different content types and sections.
3. Responding effectively to core updates requires analyzing "before and after" data to understand changes, identifying new intents or page types, and ensuring content matches appropriate intents across video, images, knowledge graphs and more.
Hva bidrar til utvikling av resiliens hos traumatiserte flyktninger?
1. 1
Joar veraas Halvorsen, cand. psychol.
Pr淡veforelesning over oppgitt emne for graden ph.d. i klinisk voksenpsykologi
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Psykologisk institutt
Hva bidrar til utvikling av resiliens hos
traumatiserte flyktninger?
2. 2
Hva er resiliens?
Hva er en flyktning og omfanget av verdens flyktningsituasjon
Hovedfokus p奪 flyktninger bosatt i vestlige, h淡yinntektsland
Prevalens av psykiske lidelser og longitudinell symptomutvikling
Systematiske litteraturgjennomganger og meta-analyser av resiliensbeskyttende
faktorer og risikofaktorer
Hovedfokus p奪 unge voksne og voksne
Presentasjon av selekterte enkeltstudier for 奪 illustrere kompleksiteten i resiliens
blant flyktninger
Begrensninger og fremtidig forskning
3. 3
Hva er resiliens?
Kompleksiteten i 奪 definere resiliens bredt anerkjent
Finnes ingen definisjon av resiliens alle enes om (Southwick et al., 2014)
Layne et al. (2007) identifiserte minst 奪tte forskjellige definisjoner
Resiliens kan bli konseptualisert som
Et positivt eller godt utfall etter en traumatisk livshendelse
En prosess som p奪virker responsen p奪 traumet
4. 4
Hva er resiliens?
Bonanno (2004) fremsetter at resiliens
Er det vanligste utfallet/resultatet
Er distinkt forskjellig fra
Kritikk: modellen sammenblander/
forveksler resiliens med lite/lav traume-
eksponering (Litz, 2014)
Resiliens er et utfall kjennetegnet av
god tilpasning til tross for traumer og
andre p奪kjenninger, som er karakterisert
ved (Reich, Zautra, & Hall, 2010)
1. Bedring/tilfriskning over tid
2. Bedringen/tilfriskningen er vedvarende
5. 5
Hva er resiliens?
Resiliens er 束ordinary magic損 (Masten, 2001)
Alle har potensial for 奪 v脱re resilient
Vedlikeholdt eller forbedret av beskyttende faktorer
Svekket/underminert av risikofaktorer
King et al. (2012) mener vi m奪 skille mellom
Risikofaktorer: Forhold ved person/milj淡/traumet som f淡rer til et negativt utfall
Beskyttende faktorer: Forhold som forhindrer eller reduserer et negativt utfall
Resiliens: Et utfall kjennetegnet ved frav脱r av psykopatologi over tid eller tilstedev脱relse
av god helse over tid
Posttraumatisk vekst: Positive livsendringer som f淡lge av traumet
Risiko- og beskyttende faktorer kan v脱re motsatt av hverandre
Om kvinne er en risikofaktor kan mann sees som en beskyttende faktor
6. 6
Kompleksiteten i resiliens
Risiko- og beskyttende faktorer for resiliens kan v脱re
Tilstede p奪 mange ulike niv奪: Individuelle og situasjonelle/kontekstuelle faktorer
Tilstede i ulike tidsperioder: F淡r, under og etter traumet (eller flukt/migrasjon)
Ulike aldre: barn, ungdom, voksne, eldre
Kontekstuelt og kulturelt avhengig
() unlikely we will ever identify a single measure of resilience that is appropriate across all
contexts and at all levels of exposure to trauma (p. 263; Ungar, 2013)
7. 7
Hva er en flyktning?
person som befinner seg utenfor det land han er borger av
p奪 grunn av velbegrunnet frykt for 奪 bli forfulgt p奪 grunn av rase, religion, nasjonalitet,
politisk oppfatning eller tilh淡righet til en spesiell sosial gruppe
er ute av stand til eller uvillig til 奪 returnere grunnet velbegrunnet frykt
Internt fordrevne
Enslige mindre奪rige
8. 8
Prevalens av psykiske lidelser hos flyktninger
Systematisk litteraturgjennomgang og meta-analyse (Fazel, Wheeler, & Danesh, 2005)
PTSD: 9% (99% CI: 8-10%)
17 studier med 5499 flyktninger
Betydelig og signifikant heterogenitet mellom studier
Depresjon: 5% (99% CI: 4-6%)
14 studier med 3616 flyktninger
Betydelig og signifikant heterogenitet mellom studier
Generalisert angstlidelse: 4% (99% CI: 3-6%)
5 studier med 1423 flyktninger
PTSD hos barn: 11% (99% CI: 7-17%)
5 studier med 260 flyktningebarn
Ingen signifikant heterogenitet (p = 0.57)
9. 9
Symptomutvikling hos flyktninger over tid
Longitudinelle studier: Begrenset bedring over tid, og i noen tilfeller 淡kt symptomatologi
over tid (e.g. Hauff & Vaglum, 1995; Lie, 2002; Roth et al., 2006)
H淡y frafallsrate ( 86%) kompliserer tolkningen
Uendret prevalensrate av PTSD ved 7 奪rs oppf淡lging (16.3% i 2003; 15.2% i 2010) av
kohort av flyktninger fra Iran, Afghanistan og Somalia etter bosetting i Nederland (Lamkaddem et
al., 2014)
Delvis grunnet sen symptomdebut (束late onset損)
Halvparten av respondentene med PTSD i 2010 hadde ikke PTSD i 2003
Retrospektive, kryss-seksjonelle (Steel et al., 2002, 2005) og longitudinelle studier (Beiser & Hou, 2001; Vaage et al.,
2010; Westermeyer et al., 1989) med lengre 束tidsrammer損 (10 奪r) finner bedring i symptomatologi over
Symptomatologi ved bosetting predikerer symptomatologi 23 奪r etter bosetting (Vaage et al., 2010)
10. 10
Premigrasjonstraumer vs postmigrasjonsstress
Kryss-seksjonelle studier med bekvemmelighetsutvalg indikerer at traumer f淡r
migrasjon er sterkt assosiert med PTSD (e.g. Ellis et al., 2008; Schweitzer et al., 2006; Steel et al., 1999)
Diskriminering postmigrasjon forbundet med depresjon (e.g. Ellis et al., 2008)
Beskyttelsesfaktorer: st淡tte fra eget etnisk milj淡 og sysselsetting (e.g. Schweitzer et al., 2006)
Kryss-seksjonelt, populasjonsbasert studie av 1161 vietnamesiske flyktninger (Steel et al.,
I multivariate analyser var premigrasjonstraumer den mest potente og den eneste
konsistente prediktoren for psykiatrisk symptomatologi
leve alene eller v脱re skilt, d奪rlige spr奪kkunnskaper og arbeidsledighet predikerte ogs奪
11. 11
Premigrasjonstraumer vs postmigrasjonsstress
Longitudinelt studie av 437 flyktninger fra Somalia og Oromo (Perera et al., 2013)
Traumer f淡r migrasjon, postmigrasjonsstress, kj淡nn og etnisitet forbundet med PTSD ved
Kun premigrasjonstraumer og kj淡nn predikerte PTSD ved T2
Longitudinelt studie av 462 flyktninger hovedsakelig fra Bosnia og Kosovo (Lie, 2002)
Signifikante risikofaktorer for 淡kt symptomatologi og lavt funksjonsniv奪
Alvorlige traumer f淡r migrasjon (e.g. konsentrasjonsleir, tortur)
Stressorer forbundet med flukt og bosetting/postmigrasjon
Sosial st淡tte en beskyttende faktor
Remisjon av posttraumatiske symptomer etter bosetting forbundet med mindre
12. 12
Resiliens hos voksne flyktninger (Siriwardhana et al., 2014)
Systematisk litteraturgjennomgang
Identifiserte 23 studier (10 kvalitative og 13 kvantitative)
Akkulturasjon og daglige stressorer
Frav脱ret/mangelen p奪 famili脱re, sosiale og kulturelle nettverk
Kvinnelig kj淡nn
Beskyttende faktorer
束Sense of coherence損
Adekvat st淡tte fra familie, sosiale og kulturelle nettverk
Oppgave- eller problem-fokusert mestring
Religi淡sitet og politisk overbevisning
Kollektiv identitet
13. 13
Prediktorer for bedre psykisk helse (Porter & Haslam, 2005)
Meta-analyse av 56 kvantitative studier
束Pre-displacement損 faktorer forbundet med bedre psykisk helse
Yngre alder
Barn/ungdommer bedre mental helse sammenlignet med voksne
Voksne bedre mental helse sammenlignet med eldre (65 奪r)
Mannlig kj淡nn
Flyktninger forflyttet fra urbane omr奪der bedre mental helse enn de forflyttet fra rurale
H淡yere utdanningsniv奪 og sosio淡konomisk status
14. 14
Prediktorer for bedre psykisk helse (Porter & Haslam, 2005)
束Post-displacement損 faktorer forbundet med bedre psykisk helse
Permanent, privat boligsituasjon forbundet med bedre mental helse sammenlignet med 奪 bo p奪
institusjon eller i midlertidig bopel
konomiske muligheter
Rett og mulighet til 奪 arbeide
Opprettholdelse av sosio淡konomisk status
Flyktninger bosatt i eksil bedre mental helse sammenlignet med internt fordrevne eller
repatrierte personer
Flyktninger fra avsluttede konflikter bedre mental helse enn flyktninger fra p奪g奪ende
Negativ assossiasjon mellom metodisk kvalitet og effektst淡rrelser
Prediktiv verdi av beskyttelses- og risikofaktorer g奪r ned i metodisk gode studier
15. 15
Psykisk helse for barn bosatt i h淡yinntektsland
(Fazel et al., 2012)
Beskyttende eller
Eksponering for vold f淡r
Individ 13 3099 Risiko
Kvinnelig kj淡nn Individ 11 3425 Risiko
Mye st淡tte fra foreldre og famili脱r
Familie 4 1576 Beskyttende
Opplevd st淡tte fra venner Sosialt /
4 397 Beskyttende
Enslig mindre奪rig Familie 3 3690 Risiko
Opplevd diskriminering Sosialt/
3 1548 Risiko
*Bare faktorer med effekt i samme retning i minst to studier inkludert
16. 16
Psykisk helse for barn bosatt i h淡yinntektsland
(Fazel et al., 2012)
Beskyttende eller
Eksponering for vold etter
Individ 3 1489 Risiko
Positive skoleopplevelser Famile 3 1441 Beskyttende
Frekvente bytter av bosted i
3 1031 Risiko
Foreldre eksponert for vold Famile 3 517 Risiko
D奪rlig finansiell st淡tte Famile 2 1601 Risiko
Fosterhjem m/ lik etnisk
Famile 2 386 Beskyttende
Enslig forelder Famile 2 359 Risiko
Foreldre m/ psykiske vansker Famile 2 162 Risiko
17. 17
Resiliens hos unge voksne flyktninger (Montgomery, 2009)
131 unge voksne flyktninger fra land i Midt淡sten (gj.snittlig alder 15.3 奪r; fra 11-23
To m奪letidspunkt: Tiln脱rmet 9 奪r mellom T1 (1992-1993) og T2 (2000-2001)
Frafall: 42%
Betydelig nedgang i prevalens av klinisk signifikante psykiske helseplager
T1: 75% T2: 25%
Klassifiserte deltakerne i fire grupper
a) 束Spared損: ingen problemer ved noen av m奪letidspunktene 20%
b) 束Reacting損: ingen vansker ved T1, men problemer ved T2 3%
c) 束Adapted損: problemer ved T1, men ingen vansker ved T2 50%
d) 束Traumatised損: vansker ved begge m奪letidspunkt 25%
18. 18
Resiliens hos unge voksne flyktninger (Montgomery, 2009)
Traumer f淡r migrasjon Ref. -
Postmigrasjonsstress Ref. -
Fars utdanningsniv奪 Ref. +
P奪 skole eller i arbeid Ref. +
Sosial st淡tte fra mor Ref. +
Mindre traumer f淡r migrasjon og hyppig/tett sosial st淡tte fra mor bidrar til god
tilpasning b奪de ved og etter bosetting
Mindre stress etter migrasjon, h淡yt utdanningsniv奪 hos far og det 奪 g奪 p奪 skole eller
v脱re i arbeid forbundet med bedring eller forbedret tilpasning over tid
19. 19
Kompleksiteten ved resiliens
The Refugee Resettlement Project
Opprinnelig utvalg av 1348 flyktninger fra Asia fulgt opp over en 10-奪rs periode
T1: 1981; T2 1983-1985; T3 1991
Gjensidig forhold mellom arbeidsledighet og depresjon (Beiser & Hou, 2001)
Depresjon ved T1 en risikofaktor for arbeidsledighet ved T2
Arbeidsledighet ved T2 en risikofaktor for depresjon ved T2 og T3
Depresjon en viktig prediktor for sysselsetting blant kvinner
Arbeidsledighet en viktig risikofaktor for depresjon hos menn
20. 20
Kompleksiteten ved resiliens
The Refugee Resettlement Project
Opprinnelig utvalg av 1348 flyktninger fra Asia fulgt opp over en 10-奪rs periode
T1: 1981; T2 1983-1985; T3 1991
Viktigheten av spr奪kferdigheter er tidsavhengig
Spr奪kferdigheter i engelsk ingen effekt p奪 depresjon eller sysselsetting ved T1
Ved T2 og T3 var d奪rlige spr奪kferdigheter en risikofaktor for depresjon og arbeidsledighet,
s脱rlig for kvinner
Etnisk identitet kan b奪de v脱re en beskyttende og en risikofaktor
Ved diskriminering og arbeidsledighet: Sterk etnisk identitet en risikofaktor for depresjon
Ved spr奪kvansker: Sterk etnisk identitet en beskyttende faktor mot depresjon
21. 21
Emosjonsregulering og resiliens
Emosjonsregulering en viktig beskyttende faktor for resiliens etter vanlige stressende
livshendelser i befolkningen generelt (Troy & Mauss, 2014)
Nickerson et al. (2015) unders淡kte sammenhengen mellom emosjonsregulering og
psykiske helseplager blant 134 behandlingss淡kende flykninger
Emosjonsreguleringsvansker medierte sammenhengen mellom
Traumatiske livshendelser og symptomer p奪 PTSD og depresjon
Vanskelige levevilk奪r etter migrasjon og symptomer p奪 PTSD og depresjon
Kan psykologisk behandling bidra til resiliens?
Ved 奪 bedre psykiske helseplager som f淡rer til funksjonsnedsettelse kan man bidra til at
flyktninger bedre h奪ndterer andre stressorer (Baolu, 2011; Baolu & alciolu, 2011; Neuner et al., 2004;
Nickerson et al., 2011)
22. 22
Asylprosedyrer og oppholdsstatus
Vedvarende asylprosedyrer er en risikofaktor for psykiske helseplager spesifikt (Laban et
al., 2004) og generelle helseplager og lavere livskvalitet (Laban et al., 2008)
bli innvilget varig oppholdsstatus er forbundet med signifikant bedring i
symptomer p奪 PTSD og depresjon (Lamkaddem et al., 2015; Nickerson et al., 2011; Steel et al., 2011)
Mediert gjennom bedring i livsbetingelser
Mulighet for arbeid og 淡kt inntekt
Mulighet for familiegjenforening og 淡kt sosial st淡tte
23. 23
Begrensninger og fremtidig forskning
Konseptuell avklaring
Den betydelige variansen gj淡r evaluering og sammenligninger av resultater ekstremt
vanskelig (Davydov et al., 2010)
Prospektive, longitudinelle (multilevel) studier med multiple m奪letidspunkt
Kan ikke n淡dvendigvis gj淡re kausale slutninger basert p奪 longitudinelle enkelt studier
(Kazdin, 2007; Raudenbush, 2001)
Proxy risk/protective factors (Kraemer et al., 2001)
Statistiske metoder
束Multilevel and longitudinal modeling損
Statistisk signifikans vs. klinisk signifikans
Spesifikke variabler generelt relativt svak prediktiv verdi for resiliens (Southwick et al., 2014)
Beskyttende faktorer ofte signifikante i univariate analyser, men ikke i multivariate analyser
(e.g. Steel et al., 2002)
24. 24
Begrensninger og fremtidig forskning
Fleste m奪l p奪 resiliens ikke adekvat kvalitet (Windle et al., 2011)
De beste m奪leinstrumentene kun moderat kvalitet
De fleste studier benytter surrogat m奪l p奪 resiliens (Siriwardhana et al., 2014)
Skille mellom prediktorer, moderatorer og mediatorer
F奪 direkte eller konseptuelle replikasjoner
Mange blandete og motstridende resultater
Utfall i de fleste studier er psykisk helse/symptomatologi
Flere studier m奪 benytte livskvalitet, funksjonsniv奪 m.fl. som utfall
Lite sannsynlig med en representativ distribusjon av beskyttende og risikofaktorer
Forskjeller mellom utvalg i studier og populasjonen kan gi feilaktig informasjon
25. 25
To relativt konsistente risikofaktorer for psykisk lidelse
Tidligere traumatiske livshendelser
Stressorer forbundet med migrasjon, bosetting og akkulturasjon
Hva bidrar til utvikling av resiliens?
Tilgang til adekvate psykiske helsetjenester for de som har behov
Sosial st淡tte og muligheter for familiegjenforening
Rett og tilgang til utdanning og arbeid
Tilfredsstillende levestandard og opprettholdelse av sosio淡konomisk status
Motarbeide diskriminering
Psykologiske f淡lgetilstander etter krig og flukt kan ikke bli forst奪tt som et produkt av
bare traumatiske livshendelser, men avhenger av individuelle, 淡konomiske, sosiale og
kulturelle betingelser
#2: rede komite, kj脱re settedekan, kj脱re alle sammen. Jeg skal i dag forelese over det oppgitte emnet 束Hva bidrar til utvikling av resiliens hos traumatiserte flyktninger?損 Takk til komiteen for ett utfordrende, men spennende, tema. Gitt meg muligheten til 奪 sette meg inn i en del litteratur jeg ikke kjente fra f淡r.
Estimert at det publiseres mellom 1.8 og 1.9 millioner vitenskapelige artikler per 奪r = rundt 5000 vitenskapelige artikler per dag
P奪 den korte tiden jeg har til r奪dighet vil jeg ikke
#4: Resilience is a concept that is intuitively understood
Kommer opprinnelig fra fysikken
P奪 den korte tiden jeg har til r奪dighet vil jeg ikke ha mulighet til 奪 vie kompleksiteten i resiliensforskningen rettferdighet.
Et positivt/godt utfall under eller etter en traumatisk livshendelse
Frav脱r av symptomer / symptomfrihet
Subterskel symptomer
Utvikling av traume-relatert psykopatologi, men med p奪f淡lgende bedring/tilfriskning over tid
Godt funksjonsniv奪 p奪 ett eller flere omr奪der til tross for traume-relatert psykopatologi
En prosess som p奪virker/influerer responsen/reaksjonen p奪 traumet
Aktiv mestringsstrategi
S淡ke sosial st淡tte
Gode emosjonsreguleringsevner
#5: Critique: model conflates resilience with low exposure (Litz, 2014). Conflates = sammenblander
#6: Noen skiller ogs奪 mellom
beskyttende faktorer: prediktorer for mindre psykiske symptomer
promoterende faktorer: prediktorer som er forbundet med mer positive utfall
Resiliensbeskyttende faktorer
I det oppgitte tema for pr淡veforelesningen 束Hva bidrar til resiliens hos traumatiserte flyktninger?損 ligger det implisitt at resiliens er et utfall og at det finnes beskyttelsesfaktorer som bidrar til et positivt/godt utfall
#7: klare seg bra p奪 ett eller flere omr奪der over tid til tross for store p奪kjenninger
Resiliens er multidimensjonalt og dynamisk (Luthar et al., 2000; Southwick et al., 2014)
Multidimensjonalt: domenespesifikt
Dynamisk: utviklingsbanen til resiliens kan v脱re ujevn
#8: Juridiske og folkerettslige begreper
Ihht FNs flyktningekonvensjon kun flyktning om man forf淡lges av opprinnelseslandets myndigheter
Personer som flykter fra krig, men som ikke forf淡lges, dekkes ikke av definisjonen
Konvensjonen dekker i utgangspunktet bare 束politiske flyktninger損
Fellesnevner: Tvungen migrasjon
Slutten av 2013 estimert at 51.2 milloner mennesker var p奪 flukt
Internally displaced persons: 33.3 millions
Refugees: 16.7 millions
Asylum seekers: 1.2 millions
#9: Potensielle 奪rsaker til heterogenitet:
Metodisk kvalitet (diagnostisk intervju vs selvrapport; random vs bekvemmelighetsutvalg; st淡rrelse p奪 utvalg
ulike aldersgrupper,
lengde p奪 flukt
#11: Kryss-seksjonelle studier kan kun fortelle oss om det er en sammenheng mellom to variabler, men ingenting om retningen p奪 denne sammenhengen
Univariate analyser Steel et al. (2002) var f淡lgende faktorer relatert til 淡kt symptomatologi
leve alene
v脱re arbeidsledig
Ikke eie sitt eget hjem
D奪rlige spr奪kferdigheter i engelsk
#12: Longitudinelle studier kan fortelle oss noe om retningen p奪 sammenhengen mellom to variabler
#13: Systematisk litteraturgjennomgang
Identifiserte 23 studier (10 kvalitative og 13 kvantitative)
Sense of coherence: i hvilken grad man opplever livet sitt som meningsfylt, forst奪elig og h奪ndterlig/overkommelig
Oppgave- eller problems-fokusert mestring
pr淡ver 奪 h奪ndtere 奪rskane til vanskene de opplever
#14: Inkluderte studier av flyktninger, internt fordrevne, asyls淡kere og statsl淡se
Pre-displacement = f淡r tvungen migrasjon
#15: Post-displacement = etter tvungen migrasjon
Income and housing support a risk factor (Hsu et al., 2004)
Placing in housing the refugees could no longer afford after termination of support
Housing by accessibility rather than in areas the refugees might have preferred
#16: N = 44 quantitative studies
A meta-analysis was not done because of clinical and methodological heterogeneity
Criteria for validated factors: Two cross-sectional studies with same direction of effect vs. one longitudinal study with different direction of effect
A number of mixed findings
ideological and religious beliefs
#17: N = 44 quantitative studies
A meta-analysis was not done because of clinical and methodological heterogeneity
#18: Spared = resistance eller resilience
Reacting = late onset
Adapted = recovered eller resilience
Traumatised = chronic
#21: Ethnic identity defined as the subjective construction of oneself as belonging to an ethnic group
#24: Univariate analysis is the simplest form of quantitative (statistical) analysis. The analysis is carried out with the description of a single variable in terms of the applicable unit of analysis. For example, if the variable "age" was the subject of the analysis, the researcher would look at how many subjects fall into given age attribute categories.
Univariate analysis contrasts with bivariate analysis the analysis of two variables simultaneously or multivariable analysis the analysis of multiple variables simultaneously. Univariate analysis is commonly used in the first, descriptive stages of research, before being supplemented by more advanced, inferential bivariate or multivariate analysis.
Longitudinal studies: at least four waves of data collection over an extended period of time (at least 2 years or more following trauma exposure; Layne et al., 2007)