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HVAC Systems  Understanding
the basis
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to HVAC Systems
2. HVAC System Types
3. HVAC Piping System
4. HVAC Air Distribution Equipments
5. Fans and Pumps
6. HVAC Instrumentation and Control
7. HVAC System Commissioning
Introduction to HVAC Systems

This article introduces the heating, ventilating
and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. The
primary function of HVAC systems is to
provide healthy and comfortable interior
conditions for occupants; well- designed,
efficient systems do this with minimal non-
renewable energy and air, and water
pollutant emissions.
Introduction to HVAC Systems


The purpose of HVAC design is both high indoor
air quality and energy efficiency. (HVAC) creates a
climate that allows for maximum comfort by
compensating for changing climatic conditions
 offers a number of benefits over a large number of
individual packaged cooling units
 greater energy efficiency,
 better controllability,
 cheap maintenance,
 longer life.
 Air Cooled Chiller Advantages
 Lower installed cost
 Quicker availability
 No cooling tower or condenser pump
 Less maintenance
 No mechanical room required
 Water-Cooled Chiller advantages
 Higher efficiency
 Custom selection in larger sizes
 Large tonnage capabilities
 Indoor Chiller location
 Longer life
 Lower maintenance
Purpose of an air handling
Air Handling
Air Handling Systems
In the following slides, we will study the components of
air handling systems in order to:
1. Become familiar with the components
2. Know their functions
3. Become aware of possible problems
Exhaust air treatment
Central air handling unit
Terminal air treatment
at production room leve
Fresh air treatment
(make-up air)
Main subsystems
Silence Fan
Flow rate
Production Room
Overview components
Exhaust Air
Re-circulated air
Heating unit
Cooling unit
 To heat the air to the proper
 To cool the air to the required
temperature or to remove moisture
from the air
 To bring the air to the proper
humidity, if too low
 To eliminate particles of pre-
determined dimensions and/or
 To transport the air
Components (2)
Filter classes
Dust filters
Standard Aerosol
Coarse ULPA
10 袖 m > Dp > 1 袖 m
Dp > 10 袖 m Dp < 1 袖 m
F5 - F9
G1 - G4 U 14- 17
H 11 - 13
EN 1822 Standard
EN 779 Standard
HVAC Complete final.pptx
Fan Design
Fan Performance
Fan-duct Systems
Duct Construction
Air Duct Design
Fans and Pumps
Fan Design
Common types of fans
 Centrifugal fans: radial, forward curved, air
foil (backward curved), backward inclined,
tubular, roof ventilator
 Axial fans: propeller, tube-axial, vane-axial
Fan arrangements
 Motor location, air discharge orientation, drive
train type (direct drive or pulley drive)
 Centrifugal: single width single inlet (SWSI),
double width double inlet (DWDI)
Centrifugal and axial fan components
Fan Design
Fan Performance
Major issues causing energy losses to a
centrifugal fan:
 Circulatory flow between the blades
 Air leakage at the inlet
 Friction between fluid particles and the blade
 Energy loss at the entrance
 Partially filled passage
Total efficiency curves for
centrifugal fans
Fan-duct Systems
Fan-duct System
Primary air (conditioned air or makeup airs
Secondary air (induced space air,
plenum air, or recirculating air)
Transfer air (indoor air that
moves from an adjacent area)
Duct Construction
Types of air duct
 Supply air duct
 Return air duct
 Outdoor air duct
 Exhaust air
Duct sections
 Header or main duct (trunk)
 Branch duct or runout
Duct Construction
Duct material: e.g. UL (Underwriters
Laboratory) standard
 Class 0: zero flame spread, zero smoke
 Iron, galvanized steel, aluminum, concrete,
masonry, clay tile
 Class 1: flame spread  25, smoke
developed  50
 Fiberglass, many flexible ducts
 Class 2: flame spread  50, smoke
developed  100
Shapes of air duct
 More easily fabricated on site, air leakage
Less fluid resistance, better rigidity/strength
 Flat oval
Rectangular duct Round duct w/ spiral seam
Flat oval duct Flexible duct
(Source: Wang, S. K., 2001. Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration)
Duct Construction
Duct specification
 Sheet gauge and thickness of duct material
 Traverse joints & longitudinal seam
 Duct hangers & their spacing
 Tapes & adhesive closures
 Fire spread and smoke developed
 Site-fabricated or factory-/pre-fabricated
Duct Construction
Duct heat gain or loss
 Temperature rise or drop
 Duct insulation (mounted or inner-lined)
 Reduce heat gain/loss, prevent condensation,
sound attentuation
 Minimum & recommended thickness
 See ASHRAE standard or local codes
 Temperature rise curves
 Depends on air velocity, duct dimensions &
Duct Construction
Dynamic losses
 Result from flow disturbances caused by duct-
mounted equipment and fittings
 Change airflow paths direction and/or area
 Flow separation & eddies/disturbances
 In dynamic similarity (same Reynolds number
& geometrically similar duct fittings), dynamic
loss is proportional to their velocity pressure
Duct Construction
Duct fittings
 Converging or diverging tees and wyes
 Entrances and exits
 Enlargements and contractions
Means to reduce dynamic losses
 Turning angle, splitter vanes
ASHRAE duct fitting database
 Fitting loss coefficients
Region of eddies and
turbulences in a round elbow 5-piece 90o round elbow
Airflow through a
rectangular converging
or diverging wye
Entrance Exit
Abrupt enlargement Sudden contraction
Air Duct Design
Optimal air duct design
 Optimal duct system layout, space available
 Satisfactory system balance
 Acceptable sound level
 Optimum energy loss and initial cost
 Install only necessary balancing devices
 Fire codes, duct construction & insulation
Require comprehensive analysis & care for
different transport functions
Air Duct Design
Design velocity
 Constraints: space available, beam depth
 Typical guidelines:
 Main ducts: air flow usually  15 m/s; air flow noise
must be checked
 With more demanding noise criteria (e.g. hotels),
max. air velocity: main duct  10-12.5 m/s, return
main duct  8 m/s, branch ducts  6 m/s
 Face velocities for air-handling system
Air Duct Design
Reduce dynamic losses of the critical path
 Maintain optimum air velocity through duct
 Emphasize reduction of dynamic losses
nearer to the fan outlet or inlet (high air
 Proper use of splitter vanes
 Set 2 duct fittings as far apart as possible
Air duct leakage
 Duct leakage classification
Air Duct Design
Fire protection
 Duct material selection
 Vertical ducts (using masonry, concrete or
 When ducts pass through floors & walls
 Use of fire dampers
 Filling the gaps between ducts & bldg
 Duct systems for industrial applications
Any other fire precautions?
Air Duct Design
 Design procedure (computer-aided or manual)

 Verify local codes & material availability
Preliminary duct layout
Divide into consecutive duct sections
Minimise local loss coefficients of duct fittings
Select duct sizing methods
Critical total pressure loss of tentative critical path
Size branch ducts & balance total pressure at
Adjust supply flow rates according to duct heat gain
Resize duct sections, recalculate & balance parallel
Check sound level & add necessary attenuation
Typical supply duct system with symmetric layout & looping
Air Duct Design
Duct liner
 Lined internally on inner surface of duct wall
 Mainly used for noise attenuation & insulation
 Fiberglass blanket or boards
Duct cleaning
 Prevent accumulation of dirt & debris
 Agitation device to loosen the dirt & debris
 Duct vacuum to extract loosened debris
 Sealing of access openings
HVAC Piping System
HVAC Instrumentation and Control
HVAC System Commissioning
 The key elements of commissioning include:
 Installation checks. Check installed equipment to ensure that all associated
components and accessories are in place.
 Operational checks. Verify and document that systems are performing as expected,
and that all sensors and other system control devices are properly calibrated.
 Documentation. Confirm that all required documentation has been provided, such as
a statement of the design intent and operating protocols for all building systems.
 O&M manuals and training. Prepare comprehensive operation and maintenance
(O&M) manuals, and provide training for rig operations staff.
 Ongoing monitoring. Conduct periodic monitoring after the school is occupied to
ensure that equipment and systems continue to perform according to design intent.
 Correctly implemented, commissioning is extremely cost-effective, and should
improve the delivery process, increase systems reliability, improve energy
performance, ensure good indoor environmental quality, and improve operation and
maintenance of the facility.

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HVAC Complete final.pptx

  • 1. HVAC Systems Understanding the basis Table of Contents 1. Introduction to HVAC Systems 2. HVAC System Types 3. HVAC Piping System 4. HVAC Air Distribution Equipments 5. Fans and Pumps 6. HVAC Instrumentation and Control 7. HVAC System Commissioning
  • 2. Introduction to HVAC Systems This article introduces the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. The primary function of HVAC systems is to provide healthy and comfortable interior conditions for occupants; well- designed, efficient systems do this with minimal non- renewable energy and air, and water pollutant emissions.
  • 3. Introduction to HVAC Systems . The purpose of HVAC design is both high indoor air quality and energy efficiency. (HVAC) creates a climate that allows for maximum comfort by compensating for changing climatic conditions offers a number of benefits over a large number of individual packaged cooling units greater energy efficiency, better controllability, cheap maintenance, longer life.
  • 4. Air Cooled Chiller Advantages Lower installed cost Quicker availability No cooling tower or condenser pump required Less maintenance No mechanical room required
  • 5. Water-Cooled Chiller advantages Higher efficiency Custom selection in larger sizes Large tonnage capabilities Indoor Chiller location Longer life Lower maintenance
  • 6. Purpose of an air handling system Air Handling System Room With Defined Requirements Supply Air Outlet Air Air Handling Systems
  • 7. Objectives In the following slides, we will study the components of air handling systems in order to: 1. Become familiar with the components 2. Know their functions 3. Become aware of possible problems
  • 8. + Exhaust air treatment Room/Cabin Central air handling unit Terminal air treatment at production room leve Fresh air treatment (make-up air) Main subsystems
  • 9. r Weather louvre Control damper Silence Fan Filter Flow rate controller Humidifier Cooling coil Production Room Overview components + Prefilte r Exhaust Air Grille r Secondary Filter Re-circulated air
  • 10. Heating unit Cooling unit dehumidifier Humidifier Filters Ducts To heat the air to the proper temperature To cool the air to the required temperature or to remove moisture from the air To bring the air to the proper humidity, if too low To eliminate particles of pre- determined dimensions and/or micro-organisms To transport the air Components (2)
  • 11. Filter classes Dust filters Standard Aerosol Fine Coarse ULPA HEPA 10 袖 m > Dp > 1 袖 m Dp > 10 袖 m Dp < 1 袖 m F5 - F9 G1 - G4 U 14- 17 H 11 - 13 EN 1822 Standard EN 779 Standard
  • 13. Contents Fan Design Fan Performance Fan-duct Systems Duct Construction Air Duct Design Fans and Pumps
  • 14. Fan Design Common types of fans Centrifugal fans: radial, forward curved, air foil (backward curved), backward inclined, tubular, roof ventilator Axial fans: propeller, tube-axial, vane-axial Fan arrangements Motor location, air discharge orientation, drive train type (direct drive or pulley drive) Centrifugal: single width single inlet (SWSI), double width double inlet (DWDI)
  • 15. Centrifugal and axial fan components AXIAL FANS CENTRIFUGAL FANS Fan Design
  • 16. Fan Performance Major issues causing energy losses to a centrifugal fan: Circulatory flow between the blades Air leakage at the inlet Friction between fluid particles and the blade Energy loss at the entrance Partially filled passage
  • 17. Total efficiency curves for centrifugal fans
  • 18. Fan-duct Systems Fan-duct System Primary air (conditioned air or makeup airs Secondary air (induced space air, plenum air, or recirculating air) Transfer air (indoor air that moves from an adjacent area)
  • 19. Duct Construction Types of air duct Supply air duct Return air duct Outdoor air duct Exhaust air Duct sections Header or main duct (trunk) Branch duct or runout
  • 20. Duct Construction Duct material: e.g. UL (Underwriters Laboratory) standard Class 0: zero flame spread, zero smoke developed Iron, galvanized steel, aluminum, concrete, masonry, clay tile Class 1: flame spread 25, smoke developed 50 Fiberglass, many flexible ducts Class 2: flame spread 50, smoke developed 100
  • 21. DUCT CONSTRUCTION Shapes of air duct Rectangular More easily fabricated on site, air leakage Round Less fluid resistance, better rigidity/strength Flat oval Flexible
  • 22. Rectangular duct Round duct w/ spiral seam Flat oval duct Flexible duct (Source: Wang, S. K., 2001. Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration)
  • 23. Duct Construction Duct specification Sheet gauge and thickness of duct material Traverse joints & longitudinal seam reinforcements Duct hangers & their spacing Tapes & adhesive closures Fire spread and smoke developed Site-fabricated or factory-/pre-fabricated
  • 24. Duct Construction Duct heat gain or loss Temperature rise or drop Duct insulation (mounted or inner-lined) Reduce heat gain/loss, prevent condensation, sound attentuation Minimum & recommended thickness See ASHRAE standard or local codes Temperature rise curves Depends on air velocity, duct dimensions & insulation
  • 25. Duct Construction Dynamic losses Result from flow disturbances caused by duct- mounted equipment and fittings Change airflow paths direction and/or area Flow separation & eddies/disturbances In dynamic similarity (same Reynolds number & geometrically similar duct fittings), dynamic loss is proportional to their velocity pressure
  • 26. Duct Construction Duct fittings Elbows Converging or diverging tees and wyes Entrances and exits Enlargements and contractions Means to reduce dynamic losses Turning angle, splitter vanes ASHRAE duct fitting database Fitting loss coefficients
  • 27. Region of eddies and turbulences in a round elbow 5-piece 90o round elbow
  • 28. Airflow through a rectangular converging or diverging wye
  • 31. Air Duct Design Optimal air duct design Optimal duct system layout, space available Satisfactory system balance Acceptable sound level Optimum energy loss and initial cost Install only necessary balancing devices (dampers) Fire codes, duct construction & insulation Require comprehensive analysis & care for different transport functions
  • 32. Air Duct Design Design velocity Constraints: space available, beam depth Typical guidelines: Main ducts: air flow usually 15 m/s; air flow noise must be checked With more demanding noise criteria (e.g. hotels), max. air velocity: main duct 10-12.5 m/s, return main duct 8 m/s, branch ducts 6 m/s Face velocities for air-handling system components
  • 33. Air Duct Design Reduce dynamic losses of the critical path Maintain optimum air velocity through duct fittings Emphasize reduction of dynamic losses nearer to the fan outlet or inlet (high air velocity) Proper use of splitter vanes Set 2 duct fittings as far apart as possible Air duct leakage Duct leakage classification AISI, SMACNA, ASHRAE standards
  • 34. Air Duct Design Fire protection Duct material selection Vertical ducts (using masonry, concrete or clay) When ducts pass through floors & walls Use of fire dampers Filling the gaps between ducts & bldg structure Duct systems for industrial applications Any other fire precautions?
  • 35. Air Duct Design Design procedure (computer-aided or manual) Verify local codes & material availability Preliminary duct layout Divide into consecutive duct sections Minimise local loss coefficients of duct fittings Select duct sizing methods Critical total pressure loss of tentative critical path Size branch ducts & balance total pressure at junctions Adjust supply flow rates according to duct heat gain Resize duct sections, recalculate & balance parallel paths Check sound level & add necessary attenuation
  • 36. Typical supply duct system with symmetric layout & looping
  • 37. Air Duct Design Duct liner Lined internally on inner surface of duct wall Mainly used for noise attenuation & insulation Fiberglass blanket or boards Duct cleaning Prevent accumulation of dirt & debris Agitation device to loosen the dirt & debris Duct vacuum to extract loosened debris Sealing of access openings
  • 40. HVAC System Commissioning The key elements of commissioning include: Installation checks. Check installed equipment to ensure that all associated components and accessories are in place. Operational checks. Verify and document that systems are performing as expected, and that all sensors and other system control devices are properly calibrated. Documentation. Confirm that all required documentation has been provided, such as a statement of the design intent and operating protocols for all building systems. O&M manuals and training. Prepare comprehensive operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals, and provide training for rig operations staff. Ongoing monitoring. Conduct periodic monitoring after the school is occupied to ensure that equipment and systems continue to perform according to design intent. Correctly implemented, commissioning is extremely cost-effective, and should improve the delivery process, increase systems reliability, improve energy performance, ensure good indoor environmental quality, and improve operation and maintenance of the facility.