HIV proteins have various roles in the virus life cycle and pathogenesis. The viral proteins Tat, Rev, Vif, and Nef help regulate viral gene expression and replication. Tat is a transcription activator that binds TAR elements. Rev binds the RRE to allow export of unspliced viral RNA from the nucleus. Vif prevents APOBEC3G from inducing hypermutations in the viral genome. Nef downregulates CD4 and MHC to evade immune detection and promote virus spread.
Videogame Design and Programming - 09 PuzzlesPier Luca Lanzi
Lecture for the Videogame Design and Programming course for the MSc Engineering of Computing Systems (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica) - Politecnico di Milano.
Prof. Pier Luca Lanzi
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione, e Bioingegneria
Course Webpage:
Course Facebook Page:
On this episode, I sit down with Bart Pierce, 3rd generation owner of "Pierce Skate & Ski" (Lindsey Vonn, Picabo Street). We discuss how to run a successful business and maintain a competitive edge in an ever-changing industry.
Lembar penilaian ujian praktik kejuruan untuk mata pelajaran Seni Pedalangan Surakarta. Penilaian meliputi 5 komponen yaitu persiapan pentas, proses pakeliran, hasil pentas, sikap kerja, dan waktu penyelesaian. Setiap komponen terdiri atas beberapa subkomponen yang dinilai berdasarkan kriteria dan skor yang telah ditetapkan.
Dimensions of Innovation in EntrepreneurshipChris Evdemon
This document discusses key aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship. It begins by defining three types of innovation: product innovation, process innovation, and business model innovation. Examples are provided for each type. The document then profiles three innovative startups as examples - ECitySky demonstrating product innovation, ECDL Hellas demonstrating process innovation, and Ethos Technologies demonstrating a innovative business model. The final sections discuss principles of preparation for starting a new business, including considering the 5P's - people, product, process, promotion, and profit/funding. Preparation involves strategic planning, understanding the market and customers, developing a business model, and practicing fundraising pitches.
Europa aan zet! - Europees beleid voor duurzaamheid in de gebouwde omgeving
Presentatie van Robert Nuy tijdens de Duurzaam Gebouwd congres op 15 november 2012.
Lembar penilaian ujian praktik kejuruan untuk mata pelajaran Seni Pedalangan Surakarta. Penilaian meliputi 5 komponen yaitu persiapan pentas, proses pakeliran, hasil pentas, sikap kerja, dan waktu penyelesaian. Setiap komponen terdiri atas beberapa subkomponen yang dinilai berdasarkan kriteria dan skor yang telah ditetapkan.
Dimensions of Innovation in EntrepreneurshipChris Evdemon
This document discusses key aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship. It begins by defining three types of innovation: product innovation, process innovation, and business model innovation. Examples are provided for each type. The document then profiles three innovative startups as examples - ECitySky demonstrating product innovation, ECDL Hellas demonstrating process innovation, and Ethos Technologies demonstrating a innovative business model. The final sections discuss principles of preparation for starting a new business, including considering the 5P's - people, product, process, promotion, and profit/funding. Preparation involves strategic planning, understanding the market and customers, developing a business model, and practicing fundraising pitches.
Europa aan zet! - Europees beleid voor duurzaamheid in de gebouwde omgeving
Presentatie van Robert Nuy tijdens de Duurzaam Gebouwd congres op 15 november 2012.