- The document presents an approach called HypTrails that uses Bayesian inference to compare hypotheses about mechanisms that produce human trails on the web.
- HypTrails expresses hypotheses as priors in a Markov chain model and compares the marginal likelihood of the data under different hypotheses to obtain a partial ordering of hypothesis plausibility.
- It demonstrates applying HypTrails to compare hypotheses on human navigation trails using data from Wikigame, human song trails from Last.fm, and human review trails from Yelp.
Queste sono le citt叩 dove sono presenti le Cliniche Vitaldent:
Arezzo, Busto Arsizio, Cologno Monzese, Como, Bologna, Brescia, Firenze, Milano, Monza, Rimini, Rho, Torino, Verona, Bergamo, Cagliari, Cinisello Balsamo, Frosinone, Genova, Pavia, Reggio Emilia, Roma, Sesto San Giovanni, Terni, Torino, Varese.
El grupo de trabajo se reuni坦 durante 10 horas para organizar su sitio de trabajo, instalar equipos, distribuir tareas, desarrollar y solucionar problemas con las tareas. Los miembros del grupo son Ciro Rodr鱈guez como coordinador, John Rivera como soldador, Daniel Posada en ensamble, Iv叩n Casallas en electricidad y Robinson Gonz叩lez en dise単o, Oscar Terreros en pintura. El resumen del trabajo es que el grupo trabaja satisfactoriamente ya que cada uno conoce sus funciones y se apoyan mutuamente.
This document presents a new technique for measuring precision between process models and event logs. It avoids complete state space exploration by using a log-guided traversal of the model. Precision is measured based on "escaping edges" where the model allows behavior not present in the log. Minimal disconformant traces are also computed to locate precision inconsistencies. The approach is implemented in a ProM plug-in and extensions are discussed, such as handling invisible tasks, duplicate tasks, and refining models based on precision results.
The document discusses the student's horror film opening project. It uses conventions like eerie music, symbolism, and portraying common horror film character types like the killer, victim, and outsider. However, it also challenges conventions by having dialogue-free scenes and daytime openings. The intended audience is teenagers aged 14 to 18. Tension, music, and camera movements were used to attract this audience. The students learned about technologies like Final Cut Express, LiveType, GarageBand, and 際際滷Share in the process of constructing the opening. They are proud of progressing from a preliminary task to creating their own two-minute horror film opening.
El grupo de trabajo se reuni坦 durante 10 horas para organizar su sitio de trabajo, instalar equipos, distribuir tareas, desarrollar y solucionar problemas con las tareas. Los miembros del grupo son Ciro Rodr鱈guez como coordinador, John Rivera como soldador, Daniel Posada en ensamble, Iv叩n Casallas en electricidad y Robinson Gonz叩lez en dise単o, Oscar Terreros en pintura. El resumen de la reuni坦n es que el grupo trabaja satisfactoriamente ya que cada uno conoce sus funciones y se apoyan mutuamente.
Palestra com Diego Dacal, Media Intelligence Specialist na Coca-Cola, sobre o uso de influenciadores em campanhas de publicidade. O conte炭do aborda desde conceitos para a escolha at辿 as m辿tricas para medir seu desempenho.
Stop Making Pie Charts (an opinionated guide to data visualisation)robingower
Dont let Excels default settings ruin your data analysis! Learn insights from research into visual perception and interpretation. These slides present some great ideas stolen from the likes of Edward Tufte, Leland Wilkinson, and Stephen Few. You should be prepared never to look at a pie chart quite the same way again!
Machine Learning with and for Semantic Web Knowledge GraphsHeiko Paulheim
Large-scale cross-domain knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia or Wikidata, are some of the most popular and widely used datasets of the Semantic Web. In this paper, we introduce some of the most popular knowledge graphs on the Semantic Web. We discuss how machine learning is used to improve those knowledge graphs, and how they can be exploited as background knowledge in popular machine learning tasks, such as recommender systems.
Nuts & Bolts of Research Methods: Doctoral Training ConferenceThe Open University, March 22nd 2011
Simon Buckingham Shum
Knowledge Media Institute
Open University UK
Mining the Social Web - Lecture 1 - T61.6020 lecture-01-slidesMichael Mathioudakis
This document provides an introduction to mining data from the social web. It discusses various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, and Flickr that enable users to produce, consume and interact with content. The document explores what insights can be gained from analyzing the large amounts of social data, such as understanding social behavior, political sentiment, how cities are experienced, and career trends. It outlines existing research on analyzing data from Twitter and photos to detect events, trends, opinions and more. The document concludes by discussing potential student project ideas involving hypothesis testing, exploring questions, solving problems, or analyzing interesting datasets.
This document summarizes a meeting about Wage Indicator, Webdatanet, and eduworks. It discusses how Wage Indicator provides quick, reliable wage data internationally through continuous voluntary web surveys across 75 countries. However, web surveys have drawbacks compared to traditional surveys in terms of coverage and non-response. The document outlines various methodological approaches used by Wage Indicator to address biases, calculate weights, test innovations, and conduct research. It also introduces Webdatanet as a multidisciplinary network that aims to foster scientific use of web-based data through working groups and task forces focused on quality, innovation, and implementation. Specific task forces highlighted include measuring wages via web surveys, integrating web data with official statistics
Tarleton Gillespie wrote an excellent article on "the relevance of algorithms". I presented a summary of his paper at the weekly so called "journal club" of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin. These are the slides that summarize the talk and his paper.
Collective Intelligence Meets the Political AgendaEDV Project
The Web is changing the way citizens engage with the political agenda. Following the emergence of social media, political events are now surrounded by real-time reactions and analyses from viewers, political actors, mainstream media and other social organisations.
We anticipate a future in which events such as election debates will be enriched by an unpredictable range of additional information streams from individuals and organisations, from additional live reaction as events unfold, to retrospectively added resources which can be more reflective, and hence possibly higher quality. The EPSRC Election Debate Visualisation (EDV)
鐃Project is aimed at developing an online video replay platform during the 2015 UK General
Election, in which party leadership debates are linked to customisable visualisation channels to 鐃種深鐃enhance viewers experience and hopefully encourage citizen engagement.
A Summary of Computational Social Science - Lecture 8 in Introduction to Comp...Lauri Eloranta
Final lecture of the course CSS01: Introduction to Computational Social Science at the University of Helsinki, Spring 2015.(http://blogs.helsinki.fi/computationalsocialscience/).
Lecturer: Lauri Eloranta
Questions & Comments: https://twitter.com/laurieloranta
This document discusses using augmented reality for data exploration. It describes the development process, which included paper and digital prototypes to test the concept. The digital prototypes were tested with users to get feedback. The implementation now has over 2.5 million users. The next steps discussed are designing a third digital prototype with improved interactivity. A planning schedule is provided detailing the timeline for further development and thesis completion through June. Statistics on time spent on various tasks related to the project are also presented.
Clipper is an online media analysis and collaboration tool developed by the British Library Labs for digital researchers. It allows users to create clips from audio and video files, organize clips into clip lists, and share playable clips and clip lists through unique URLs. The tool aims to help researchers analyze and collaborate on time-based media files without altering the original files or breaking copyright. A demonstration of the Clipper prototype showed how it can be used to analyze interviews, review research results across multiple files, and add annotations to clips. Feedback on the tool was solicited from workshop attendees.
This document discusses challenges and opportunities for situation-aware traffic control using predictive routing and real-time mobility data. It outlines several challenges, including ensuring privacy and participation with heterogeneous devices, validating models in a closed feedback loop, and developing solutions that can apply over the long term with changing environments and data sources. Decentralized and open approaches are proposed to address issues of data integration, expandability, and cross-border coordination. The goal is to improve urban transport efficiency through predictive models while protecting individual privacy and enabling participation.
Big data analytics and building intelligent applicationsFlytxt
This document discusses big data analytics, intelligent applications, and the future of artificial intelligence. It covers the current state of the art in machine learning, data mining, and data science. It also addresses challenges in scaling artificial intelligence to meet future data generation rates, which will outpace computation and communication speeds. New distributed computation models that move code to data instead of vice versa will be needed. Fundamental limits of physics, networks and computation must also be considered in architecting intelligent systems of tomorrow.
Distributed and heterogeneous data analysis for smart urban planningEduardo Oliveira
Over the past decade, smart cities have capitalized on new technologies and insights to transform their systems, operations and services. The rationale behind the use of these technologies is that an evidence-based, analytical approach to decision-making will lead to more robust and sustainable outcomes. However, harvesting high-quality data from the dense network of sensors embedded in the urban infrastructure, and combining this data with social network data, poses many challenges. In this paper, we investigate the use of an intelligent middleware Device Nimbus to support data capture and analysis techniques to inform urban planning and design. We report results from a Living Campus experiment at the University of Melbourne, Australia focused on a public learning space case study. Local perspectives, collected via crowdsourcing, are combined with distributed and heterogeneous environmental sensor data. Our analysis shows that Device Nimbus data integration and intelligent modules provide high-quality support for decision-making and planning.
Using social media to promote your research Private
This document provides guidance on using social media to promote research. It discusses why researchers should use social media as a knowledge exchange platform and how altmetric attention scores can indicate how research is being discussed. It then describes the main social media platforms that can be used, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate. Specific tips are provided on how to generate tweets to engage others and examples of content like original articles, citation scores, book reviews, and job/conference announcements that could be shared. The goal is to organize, simplify, and share research in an engaging way through various social media channels.
InfoVis1415: slides sessie 1, 10 Feb 2015Erik Duval
This document provides an overview of an information visualization course, including its goals, structure, and topics. The course aims to provide insight into fundamentals and applications of information visualization and teach concrete skills for designing, implementing, and evaluating visualization applications. It will include lectures, a project in groups of 3 students, and examples of visualizations using techniques like D3.js.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ad8ce1 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
More Related Content
Similar to HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Hypotheses about Human Trails on the Web (20)
Machine Learning with and for Semantic Web Knowledge GraphsHeiko Paulheim
Large-scale cross-domain knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia or Wikidata, are some of the most popular and widely used datasets of the Semantic Web. In this paper, we introduce some of the most popular knowledge graphs on the Semantic Web. We discuss how machine learning is used to improve those knowledge graphs, and how they can be exploited as background knowledge in popular machine learning tasks, such as recommender systems.
Nuts & Bolts of Research Methods: Doctoral Training ConferenceThe Open University, March 22nd 2011
Simon Buckingham Shum
Knowledge Media Institute
Open University UK
Mining the Social Web - Lecture 1 - T61.6020 lecture-01-slidesMichael Mathioudakis
This document provides an introduction to mining data from the social web. It discusses various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, and Flickr that enable users to produce, consume and interact with content. The document explores what insights can be gained from analyzing the large amounts of social data, such as understanding social behavior, political sentiment, how cities are experienced, and career trends. It outlines existing research on analyzing data from Twitter and photos to detect events, trends, opinions and more. The document concludes by discussing potential student project ideas involving hypothesis testing, exploring questions, solving problems, or analyzing interesting datasets.
This document summarizes a meeting about Wage Indicator, Webdatanet, and eduworks. It discusses how Wage Indicator provides quick, reliable wage data internationally through continuous voluntary web surveys across 75 countries. However, web surveys have drawbacks compared to traditional surveys in terms of coverage and non-response. The document outlines various methodological approaches used by Wage Indicator to address biases, calculate weights, test innovations, and conduct research. It also introduces Webdatanet as a multidisciplinary network that aims to foster scientific use of web-based data through working groups and task forces focused on quality, innovation, and implementation. Specific task forces highlighted include measuring wages via web surveys, integrating web data with official statistics
Tarleton Gillespie wrote an excellent article on "the relevance of algorithms". I presented a summary of his paper at the weekly so called "journal club" of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin. These are the slides that summarize the talk and his paper.
Collective Intelligence Meets the Political AgendaEDV Project
The Web is changing the way citizens engage with the political agenda. Following the emergence of social media, political events are now surrounded by real-time reactions and analyses from viewers, political actors, mainstream media and other social organisations.
We anticipate a future in which events such as election debates will be enriched by an unpredictable range of additional information streams from individuals and organisations, from additional live reaction as events unfold, to retrospectively added resources which can be more reflective, and hence possibly higher quality. The EPSRC Election Debate Visualisation (EDV)
鐃Project is aimed at developing an online video replay platform during the 2015 UK General
Election, in which party leadership debates are linked to customisable visualisation channels to 鐃種深鐃enhance viewers experience and hopefully encourage citizen engagement.
A Summary of Computational Social Science - Lecture 8 in Introduction to Comp...Lauri Eloranta
Final lecture of the course CSS01: Introduction to Computational Social Science at the University of Helsinki, Spring 2015.(http://blogs.helsinki.fi/computationalsocialscience/).
Lecturer: Lauri Eloranta
Questions & Comments: https://twitter.com/laurieloranta
This document discusses using augmented reality for data exploration. It describes the development process, which included paper and digital prototypes to test the concept. The digital prototypes were tested with users to get feedback. The implementation now has over 2.5 million users. The next steps discussed are designing a third digital prototype with improved interactivity. A planning schedule is provided detailing the timeline for further development and thesis completion through June. Statistics on time spent on various tasks related to the project are also presented.
Clipper is an online media analysis and collaboration tool developed by the British Library Labs for digital researchers. It allows users to create clips from audio and video files, organize clips into clip lists, and share playable clips and clip lists through unique URLs. The tool aims to help researchers analyze and collaborate on time-based media files without altering the original files or breaking copyright. A demonstration of the Clipper prototype showed how it can be used to analyze interviews, review research results across multiple files, and add annotations to clips. Feedback on the tool was solicited from workshop attendees.
This document discusses challenges and opportunities for situation-aware traffic control using predictive routing and real-time mobility data. It outlines several challenges, including ensuring privacy and participation with heterogeneous devices, validating models in a closed feedback loop, and developing solutions that can apply over the long term with changing environments and data sources. Decentralized and open approaches are proposed to address issues of data integration, expandability, and cross-border coordination. The goal is to improve urban transport efficiency through predictive models while protecting individual privacy and enabling participation.
Big data analytics and building intelligent applicationsFlytxt
This document discusses big data analytics, intelligent applications, and the future of artificial intelligence. It covers the current state of the art in machine learning, data mining, and data science. It also addresses challenges in scaling artificial intelligence to meet future data generation rates, which will outpace computation and communication speeds. New distributed computation models that move code to data instead of vice versa will be needed. Fundamental limits of physics, networks and computation must also be considered in architecting intelligent systems of tomorrow.
Distributed and heterogeneous data analysis for smart urban planningEduardo Oliveira
Over the past decade, smart cities have capitalized on new technologies and insights to transform their systems, operations and services. The rationale behind the use of these technologies is that an evidence-based, analytical approach to decision-making will lead to more robust and sustainable outcomes. However, harvesting high-quality data from the dense network of sensors embedded in the urban infrastructure, and combining this data with social network data, poses many challenges. In this paper, we investigate the use of an intelligent middleware Device Nimbus to support data capture and analysis techniques to inform urban planning and design. We report results from a Living Campus experiment at the University of Melbourne, Australia focused on a public learning space case study. Local perspectives, collected via crowdsourcing, are combined with distributed and heterogeneous environmental sensor data. Our analysis shows that Device Nimbus data integration and intelligent modules provide high-quality support for decision-making and planning.
Using social media to promote your research Private
This document provides guidance on using social media to promote research. It discusses why researchers should use social media as a knowledge exchange platform and how altmetric attention scores can indicate how research is being discussed. It then describes the main social media platforms that can be used, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate. Specific tips are provided on how to generate tweets to engage others and examples of content like original articles, citation scores, book reviews, and job/conference announcements that could be shared. The goal is to organize, simplify, and share research in an engaging way through various social media channels.
InfoVis1415: slides sessie 1, 10 Feb 2015Erik Duval
This document provides an overview of an information visualization course, including its goals, structure, and topics. The course aims to provide insight into fundamentals and applications of information visualization and teach concrete skills for designing, implementing, and evaluating visualization applications. It will include lectures, a project in groups of 3 students, and examples of visualizations using techniques like D3.js.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ad8ce1 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
The Solar Systems passage through the Radcliffe wave during the middle MioceneS辿rgio Sacani
As the Solar System orbits the Milky Way, it encounters various Galactic environments, including dense regions of the
interstellar medium (ISM). These encounters can compress the heliosphere, exposing parts of the Solar System to the ISM, while also
increasing the influx of interstellar dust into the Solar System and Earths atmosphere. The discovery of new Galactic structures, such
as the Radcliffe wave, raises the question of whether the Sun has encountered any of them.
Aims. The present study investigates the potential passage of the Solar System through the Radcliffe wave gas structure over the past
30 million years (Myr).
Methods. We used a sample of 56 high-quality, young (30 Myr) open clusters associated with a region of interest of the Radcliffe
wave to trace its motion back and investigate a potential crossing with the Solar Systems past orbit.
Results. We find that the Solar Systems trajectory intersected the Radcliffe wave in the Orion region. We have constrained the timing
of this event to between 18.2 and 11.5 Myr ago, with the closest approach occurring between 14.8 and 12.4 Myr ago. Notably, this
period coincides with the Middle Miocene climate transition on Earth, providing an interdisciplinary link with paleoclimatology. The
potential impact of the crossing of the Radcliffe wave on the climate on Earth is estimated. This crossing could also lead to anomalies
in radionuclide abundances, which is an important research topic in the field of geology and nuclear astrophysics.
The Arctic through the lens of data visualizationZachary Labe
26 February 2025
Rider University, Global Biogeochemistry Class Visit (Presentation): Arctic climate change through the lens of data visualization, NOAA GFDL, Princeton, USA.
Variation and Natural Selection | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of variation and natural selection for IGCSE Biology. It covers key concepts such as genetic and environmental variation, types of variation (continuous and discontinuous), mutation, evolution, and the principles of natural selection. The presentation also explains Darwins theory of evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest, selective breeding, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and speciation. With illustrative diagrams, real-life examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
(February 25th, 2025) Real-Time Insights into Cardiothoracic Research with In...Scintica Instrumentation
s a major gap - these methods can't fully capture how cells behave in a living, breathing system.
That's where Intravital Microscopy (IVM) comes in. This powerful imaging technology allows researchers to see cellular activity in real-time, with incredible clarity and precision.
But imaging the heart and lungs presents a unique challenge. These organs are constantly in motion, making real-time visualization tricky. Thankfully, groundbreaking advances - like vacuum-based stabilization and motion compensation algorithms - are making high-resolution imaging of these moving structures a reality.
What You'll Gain from This Webinar:
- New Scientific Insights See how IVM is transforming our understanding of immune cell movement in the lungs, cellular changes in heart disease, and more.
- Advanced Imaging Solutions Discover the latest stabilization techniques that make it possible to capture clear, detailed images of beating hearts and expanding lungs.
- Real-World Applications Learn how these innovations are driving major breakthroughs in cardiovascular and pulmonary research, with direct implications for disease treatment and drug development.
- Live Expert Discussion Connect with experts and get answers to your biggest questions about in vivo imaging.
This is your chance to explore how cutting-edge imaging is revolutionizing cardiothoracic research - shedding light on disease mechanisms, immune responses, and new therapeutic possibilities.
- Register now and stay ahead of the curve in in vivo imaging!
Energ and Energy Forms, Work, and Power | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of energy, work, and power for IGCSE Physics. It covers fundamental concepts such as the definition of work done, kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, conservation of energy, efficiency, and power. The presentation also includes energy transfer, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, calculation of work done, power output, and real-life applications of energy principles. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
The Sense Organs: Structure and Function of the Eye and Skin | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This detailed presentation covers the structure and function of the sense organs, focusing on the eye and skin as part of the Cambridge IGCSE Biology syllabus. Learn about the anatomy of the eye, how vision works, adaptations for focusing, and common eye defects. Explore the role of the skin in temperature regulation, protection, and sensory reception. Perfect for students preparing for exams!
Cell Structure & Function | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation provides a detailed look at cell structure and function, covering the differences between animal and plant cells, the roles of organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.), specialized cells, and levels of organization. Learn about diffusion, osmosis, and active transport in cells, with clear diagrams and explanations to support exam preparation. A must-have resource for Cambridge IGCSE students!
Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS): refers to the approaches, formulations, technologies, and systems for transporting a pharmaceutical compound in the body to safely achieve its desired therapeutic effects.
Telescope equatorial mount polar alignment quick reference guidebartf25
Telescope equatorial mount polar alignment quick reference guide. Helps with accurate alignment and improved guiding for your telescope. Provides a step-by-step process but in a summarized format so that the quick reference guide can be reviewed and the steps repeated while you are out under the stars with clear skies preparing for a night of astrophotography imaging or visual observing.
Detection of ferrihydrite in Martian red dust records ancient cold and wet co...S辿rgio Sacani
Iron oxide-hydroxide minerals in Martian dust provide crucial insights into
Mars past climate and habitability. Previous studies attributed Mars red color
to anhydrous hematite formed through recent weathering. Here, we show that
poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (Fe5O8H 揃 nH2O) is the dominant iron oxidebearing phase in Martian dust, based on combined analyses of orbital, in-situ,
and laboratory visible near-infrared spectra. Spectroscopic analyses indicate
that a hyperfine mixture of ferrihydrite, basalt and sulfate best matches Martian dust observations. Through laboratory experiments and kinetic calculations, we demonstrate that ferrihydrite remains stable under present-day
Martian conditions, preserving its poorly crystalline structure. The persistence
of ferrihydrite suggests it formed during a cold, wet period on early Mars
under oxidative conditions, followed by a transition to the current hyper-arid
environment. This finding challenges previous models of continuous dry oxidation and indicates that ancient Mars experienced aqueous alteration before
transitioning to its current desert state.
Simple Phenomena of Magnetism | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of the simple phenomena of magnetism for IGCSE Physics. It covers key concepts such as magnetic materials, properties of magnets, magnetic field patterns, the Earth's magnetism, electromagnets, the motor effect, and the principles of electromagnetic induction. The presentation also explains magnetization and demagnetization, methods of making magnets, applications of magnets in real life, and experimental demonstrations. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
Investigational New drug application processonepalyer4
HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Hypotheses about Human Trails on the Web
1. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing
Hypotheses about Human Trails on the Web
Philipp Singer, Denis Helic, Andreas Hotho
and Markus Strohmaier
2. Vannevar Bush
227.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer
image courtesy of brucesterling on Flickr
Bush, V. (1945). As we may think. The Atlantic
Monthly, 176(1):101 108. Bush, V. (1945).
As we may think. The Atlantic Monthly,
176(1):101 108.
[The human brain] operates by association.
With one item in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the
next that is suggested by the association of thoughts.
3. Human trails on the Web
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 3
image courtesy of user Mmxx on Wikipedia
4. Human trails on the Web
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 4
image courtesy of user Mmxx on Wikipedia
What are the mechanisms
producing human trails on
the Web?
5. Example: Human navigational trails
Humans prefer to navigate
H1: over semantically similar websites
H2: via self-loops (e.g., refreshing)
H3: by using the structural link network
H4: by preferring similar categories
H5: by utilizing structural properties
H6: by information scent
[West et al. IJCAI 2009], [Singer et al. IJSWIS 2013], [West & Leskovec WWW 2012], [Chi et al. CHI 2001]
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 5
6. Example: Human navigational trails
Humans prefer to navigate
H1: over semantically similar websites
H2: via self-loops (e.g., refreshing)
H3: by using the structural link network
H4: by preferring similar categories
H5: by utilizing structural properties
H6: by information scent
[West et al. IJCAI 2009], [Singer et al. IJSWIS 2013], [West & Leskovec WWW 2012], [Chi et al. CHI 2001]
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 6
What is the relative
plausibility of these
hypotheses given data?
7. HypTrails in a nutshell
Goal: Express and compare hypotheses about human trails
in a coherent research approach
First-order Markov chain model
Bayesian inference
Incorporate hypotheses as priors
Utilize sensitivity of marginal likelihood on the prior
Outcome: Partial ordering of hypotheses
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 7
8. Markov chain model
Stochastic model
Transition probabilities between states
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 8
S2 S3
1/2 1/2
16. Bayesian model comparison:
Marginal likelihood
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 16
Probability of data given hypothesis
= Model evidence
17. Bayesian model comparison:
Marginal likelihood
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 17
Probability of data given hypothesis
Model evidence
Parameters are marginalized out
Probability of observing data
given parameters and hypothesis
18. Bayesian model comparison:
Marginal likelihood
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 18
Probability of data given hypothesis
Model evidence
Parameters are marginalized out
Probability of observing data
given parameters and hypothesis Probability of parameters
before observing data
19. Bayesian model comparison:
Marginal likelihood
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 19
Probability of data given hypothesis
Model evidence
Parameters are marginalized out
Probability of observing data
given parameters and hypothesis Probability of parameters
before observing data
20. Structure of HypTrails
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 20
MC Model
Belief in parameters
Prior (H1)
Data (Trails)
likelihood (H1)
21. How to elicit priors from hypotheses?
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 21
24. (Trial) roulette method
Prior distribution
Eliciting priors
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 24
25. Conjugate Dirichlet prior
Hyperparameters pseudo counts
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 25
MC parameters Dirichlet hyperparameters
26. Eliciting priors from hypotheses
about human trails
Adaption of (trial) roulette method
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 26
#Chips = 硫
Strength of hypothesis
硫 = 18
27. Eliciting priors from hypotheses
about human trails
Adaption of (trial) roulette method
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 27
#Chips = 硫
Strength of hypothesis
硫 = 18
Dirichlet hyperparameters
33. Structure of HypTrails
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 33
MC Model
Prior (H1)
Data (Trails)
likelihood (H1)
Prior (H2)
likelihood (H2)
34. Demonstration of general applicability
Synthetic data
Human song trails (Last.fm)
Human review trails (Yelp)
Human navigation trails (Wikigame)
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 34
37. Summary
Studying mechanisms producing human trails
HypTrails: A coherent approach for expressing and
comparing hypotheses about human trails
Can be applied to all kinds of human trails
Implementations: www.philippsinger.info/hyptrails
27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 37
38. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
for your attention!
39. References 1/2
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27.05.2015 HypTrails - Philipp Singer 40