El documento presenta los sue?os e intereses de una ni?a llamada Valeria Mishell. Ella quiere ser abogada para defender a la gente y tambin secretaria de una empresa de tecnologa. Describe a sus amigos de la escuela y del colegio, sus actividades favoritas como estudiar, y lista a sus mejores amigas.
This document discusses several myths about big data and data science. It addresses that most of the work in a typical data science project is spent cleaning and preparing data rather than actual analysis. It also notes that while AWS has good support services, they do not provide detailed infrastructure information. Additionally, it states that data lakes should not be viewed as direct replacements for data warehouses due to differences in maturity. The document advocates focusing presentations on what insights can be gained rather than technical details, and that combining multiple sources of information is important for analytics. Basic regression methods are also noted as commonly sufficient for predictive tasks.
El documento describe brevemente las caractersticas y usos de diversas herramientas digitales como Voki, Tagxedo, Animoto, Tikatok, PowToon, PuzzleMaker, Mindomo, Audacity, Hot Potatoes, AutoPlay, Bubbl.us y ToonDoo, que pueden ser tiles para la educacin. Estas herramientas permiten crear presentaciones, videos, nubes de palabras, mapas mentales, puzzles, comics y ms para apoyar la ense?anza.
The document provides information on language programs offered at Dalhousie University. It describes courses available in several languages including French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and Italian. For each language, it provides details on course offerings, study abroad opportunities, career prospects, and cultural activities organized by student societies.
Este documento describe las plataformas WordPress, blogs y ݺߣShare. WordPress permite crear pginas web y blogs mediante la edicin de artculos y contenido. Los blogs son sitios web que publican artculos de forma cronolgica para establecer un dilogo entre lectores y autores. ݺߣShare permite compartir presentaciones en lnea sin necesidad de cargar archivos, convirtindolas a formato Flash.
Vinoos by AMS introduces eatable wine gum called The Real WINE Gum, available in Chardonnay and Merlot flavors. The gum is designed for adults as a non-alcoholic luxury food product that provides the flavors and experience of wine without drinking. The company focuses on high-end positioning in business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets in the Netherlands and internationally. The concept originated from a design project and has received various awards and partnerships.
This document discusses the key features and purposes of government. The four essential features of the state are population, territory, sovereignty, and government. State and country generally have the same meaning and refer to a political community with definite boundaries and an independent government. There are around 200 countries in the world today, though the exact number is difficult to determine. The main purposes of government are to maintain social order, provide national security, make economic decisions, and provide essential public services. Examples of each purpose are given such as courts, police, and laws for social order and the military and alliances for national security.
TechComp, Inc. is a high technology consulting and services firm specializing in control and data systems integration and process automation. They provide customized automation, controls, and data system solutions along with full service capabilities including project management, systems design and integration, information management, and data acquisition. Some of their past projects include designing, building, and programming one of the largest SCADA systems on the East Coast for Newport News Shipbuilding, developing a dry dock monitoring system for BAE Systems, and creating a plant-wide manufacturing execution system for DuPont-DCI.
Existen varios calendarios masnicos que utilizan diferentes sistemas para computar el tiempo. El ms comn es el Rito Simblico, que cuenta los a?os desde 4000 AC. Otros ritos como el Escocs, Misraim, Templario y Estricta Observancia usan diferentes a?os iniciales como referencia. Cada calendario utiliza abreviaturas como A.L. u A.O. para indicar el tipo de a?o. Los nmeros tambin tienen significados simblicos en la masonera, como el 3 representando la armona y el 10 el cielo
This document provides information about a forced perspective photography contest for an AP Psychology class. Students were asked to submit photos that use forced perspective to make objects appear farther, closer, larger, or smaller than they actually are. Voters are instructed to select their top 3 favorite photos and email the numbers of those photos to the teacher by December 8th. The winning team will receive a prize.
The document discusses three topics related to terrorism: the September 11th attacks, the kidnapping and beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002, and the controversial interrogation technique of waterboarding. It provides background information on each event, including who was responsible, where and when they occurred, and their impact. The document examines different perspectives on the use of waterboarding and debates whether its use to extract information from detainees is justified or constitutes torture.
This document welcomes visitors to Aix-en-Provence and its countryside, highlighting daily excursions in Provence including its old town, architectural heritage, fountains, and Czanne's hometown. It promotes various festivals from March to July including the Easter and International Festival of Lyric Art. The document also mentions visiting nearby villages, wine tours of the region, landscapes painted by Czanne, and sharing the local "joie de vivre".
An perspective into the raise of NoSQL systems and an comparison between RDBMS and NoSQL technologies.
The basic idea of the presentation originated while trying to understand the different alternatives available for managing data while building a fast, highly scalable, available, and reliable enterprise application.
El documento presenta el Plan Operativo Anual 2008-2009 de la Unidad Educativa Fe y Alegra Lus Mara Olaso en Caracas-La Vega, Venezuela. El plan fue elaborado por el equipo de Educacin para el Desarrollo Autnomo y detalla las metas y actividades educativas planificadas para el a?o escolar.
The document provides a step-by-step process for making SEO the most efficient marketing channel for an organization. It includes five main steps: 1) Discover - learn about past performance, products, and audiences; 2) Build a keyword universe; 3) Create a strategic plan with seasonal keywords; 4) Deploy efforts by collaborating with teams; 5) Measure rankings and monitor headwinds like Google and platform changes. The speaker then offers to take questions and discuss implementing the SEO process.
This document provides tips for building relationships with influencers like bloggers. It recommends doing research to identify influencers in relevant niches and starting a dialogue by following them on social media and engaging with their content. The next step is to keep the relationship going by inspiring bloggers through blog posts, videos, newsletters on trends; introducing them to like-minded people through events; and helping to increase their authority by sharing their content with one's own followers on social media, introducing them to one's audience on blogs through guest posts, and organizing contests and awards. The goal is to keep bloggers keen to promote your brand by meeting their needs like getting inspired, connecting with the right audience, and becoming popular themselves.
This document discusses the key features and purposes of government. The four essential features of the state are population, territory, sovereignty, and government. State and country generally have the same meaning and refer to a political community with definite boundaries and an independent government. There are around 200 countries in the world today, though the exact number is difficult to determine. The main purposes of government are to maintain social order, provide national security, make economic decisions, and provide essential public services. Examples of each purpose are given such as courts, police, and laws for social order and the military and alliances for national security.
TechComp, Inc. is a high technology consulting and services firm specializing in control and data systems integration and process automation. They provide customized automation, controls, and data system solutions along with full service capabilities including project management, systems design and integration, information management, and data acquisition. Some of their past projects include designing, building, and programming one of the largest SCADA systems on the East Coast for Newport News Shipbuilding, developing a dry dock monitoring system for BAE Systems, and creating a plant-wide manufacturing execution system for DuPont-DCI.
Existen varios calendarios masnicos que utilizan diferentes sistemas para computar el tiempo. El ms comn es el Rito Simblico, que cuenta los a?os desde 4000 AC. Otros ritos como el Escocs, Misraim, Templario y Estricta Observancia usan diferentes a?os iniciales como referencia. Cada calendario utiliza abreviaturas como A.L. u A.O. para indicar el tipo de a?o. Los nmeros tambin tienen significados simblicos en la masonera, como el 3 representando la armona y el 10 el cielo
This document provides information about a forced perspective photography contest for an AP Psychology class. Students were asked to submit photos that use forced perspective to make objects appear farther, closer, larger, or smaller than they actually are. Voters are instructed to select their top 3 favorite photos and email the numbers of those photos to the teacher by December 8th. The winning team will receive a prize.
The document discusses three topics related to terrorism: the September 11th attacks, the kidnapping and beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002, and the controversial interrogation technique of waterboarding. It provides background information on each event, including who was responsible, where and when they occurred, and their impact. The document examines different perspectives on the use of waterboarding and debates whether its use to extract information from detainees is justified or constitutes torture.
This document welcomes visitors to Aix-en-Provence and its countryside, highlighting daily excursions in Provence including its old town, architectural heritage, fountains, and Czanne's hometown. It promotes various festivals from March to July including the Easter and International Festival of Lyric Art. The document also mentions visiting nearby villages, wine tours of the region, landscapes painted by Czanne, and sharing the local "joie de vivre".
An perspective into the raise of NoSQL systems and an comparison between RDBMS and NoSQL technologies.
The basic idea of the presentation originated while trying to understand the different alternatives available for managing data while building a fast, highly scalable, available, and reliable enterprise application.
El documento presenta el Plan Operativo Anual 2008-2009 de la Unidad Educativa Fe y Alegra Lus Mara Olaso en Caracas-La Vega, Venezuela. El plan fue elaborado por el equipo de Educacin para el Desarrollo Autnomo y detalla las metas y actividades educativas planificadas para el a?o escolar.
The document provides a step-by-step process for making SEO the most efficient marketing channel for an organization. It includes five main steps: 1) Discover - learn about past performance, products, and audiences; 2) Build a keyword universe; 3) Create a strategic plan with seasonal keywords; 4) Deploy efforts by collaborating with teams; 5) Measure rankings and monitor headwinds like Google and platform changes. The speaker then offers to take questions and discuss implementing the SEO process.
This document provides tips for building relationships with influencers like bloggers. It recommends doing research to identify influencers in relevant niches and starting a dialogue by following them on social media and engaging with their content. The next step is to keep the relationship going by inspiring bloggers through blog posts, videos, newsletters on trends; introducing them to like-minded people through events; and helping to increase their authority by sharing their content with one's own followers on social media, introducing them to one's audience on blogs through guest posts, and organizing contests and awards. The goal is to keep bloggers keen to promote your brand by meeting their needs like getting inspired, connecting with the right audience, and becoming popular themselves.
The document discusses the structure and responsibilities needed for a successful SEO company. It outlines an EPIC framework for success, with each letter standing for key principles. E represents entrepreneurship, entertainment, enabling, expectations, and ethics. P represents personal, patience, people, prospects, and processes. I represents ideas, intelligence, insights, innovation, and being informative. C represents creative, clients, cooperation, having different components, and embracing chaos. The speaker is the owner of an SEO agency with offices in multiple countries, and shares this framework to help others build successful companies.
1. Link building strategies still need to focus on quality over quantity in the post-Penguin environment, as Google now hides what they consider bad links.
2. It is important to have an experienced auditor review links to determine what is risky and should be removed, while also considering the potential negative impact of removing too many links.
3. If a site gets hit by a manual penalty, the recommended approach is to carefully audit and clean up links, remove as many problematic links as possible, disavow links that cannot be removed, and wait for Google to re-evaluate the site before cautiously rebuilding links.