10 цитат о рекламе. Тимур АслановTimur AslanovТимур Асланов выбрал 10 цитат о рекламе, которые могут быть полезны рекламщикам и маркетологам. Дэвид Огилви, Раймонд Рубикам, Сет Годин, Серхио Займан, Марк Цукерберг и другие делятся своими мыслями относительно рекламы и правильных подходов к ней.
Вся боль Рунета из-за вирусов (SNCE 2014)Nikolay SyuskoДоклад с конференции SNCE. Заглавная тема: что нам делать с вирусными видео и кто за это ответственен?
Sikora seo planning-semcamp_2013Татьяна ГаврилинаThe document provides a step-by-step process for making SEO the most efficient marketing channel for an organization. It includes five main steps: 1) Discover - learn about past performance, products, and audiences; 2) Build a keyword universe; 3) Create a strategic plan with seasonal keywords; 4) Deploy efforts by collaborating with teams; 5) Measure rankings and monitor headwinds like Google and platform changes. The speaker then offers to take questions and discuss implementing the SEO process.
Sikora keep them_keen-semcamp_2013Татьяна ГаврилинаThis document provides tips for building relationships with influencers like bloggers. It recommends doing research to identify influencers in relevant niches and starting a dialogue by following them on social media and engaging with their content. The next step is to keep the relationship going by inspiring bloggers through blog posts, videos, newsletters on trends; introducing them to like-minded people through events; and helping to increase their authority by sharing their content with one's own followers on social media, introducing them to one's audience on blogs through guest posts, and organizing contests and awards. The goal is to keep bloggers keen to promote your brand by meeting their needs like getting inspired, connecting with the right audience, and becoming popular themselves.
Hauksson seo company-semcamp_2013Татьяна ГаврилинаThe document discusses the structure and responsibilities needed for a successful SEO company. It outlines an EPIC framework for success, with each letter standing for key principles. E represents entrepreneurship, entertainment, enabling, expectations, and ethics. P represents personal, patience, people, prospects, and processes. I represents ideas, intelligence, insights, innovation, and being informative. C represents creative, clients, cooperation, having different components, and embracing chaos. The speaker is the owner of an SEO agency with offices in multiple countries, and shares this framework to help others build successful companies.
Hauksson penguin semcamp-2013Татьяна Гаврилина1. Link building strategies still need to focus on quality over quantity in the post-Penguin environment, as Google now hides what they consider bad links.
2. It is important to have an experienced auditor review links to determine what is risky and should be removed, while also considering the potential negative impact of removing too many links.
3. If a site gets hit by a manual penalty, the recommended approach is to carefully audit and clean up links, remove as many problematic links as possible, disavow links that cannot be removed, and wait for Google to re-evaluate the site before cautiously rebuilding links.
Sikora seo planning-semcamp_2013Татьяна ГаврилинаThe document provides a step-by-step process for making SEO the most efficient marketing channel for an organization. It includes five main steps: 1) Discover - learn about past performance, products, and audiences; 2) Build a keyword universe; 3) Create a strategic plan with seasonal keywords; 4) Deploy efforts by collaborating with teams; 5) Measure rankings and monitor headwinds like Google and platform changes. The speaker then offers to take questions and discuss implementing the SEO process.
Sikora keep them_keen-semcamp_2013Татьяна ГаврилинаThis document provides tips for building relationships with influencers like bloggers. It recommends doing research to identify influencers in relevant niches and starting a dialogue by following them on social media and engaging with their content. The next step is to keep the relationship going by inspiring bloggers through blog posts, videos, newsletters on trends; introducing them to like-minded people through events; and helping to increase their authority by sharing their content with one's own followers on social media, introducing them to one's audience on blogs through guest posts, and organizing contests and awards. The goal is to keep bloggers keen to promote your brand by meeting their needs like getting inspired, connecting with the right audience, and becoming popular themselves.
Hauksson seo company-semcamp_2013Татьяна ГаврилинаThe document discusses the structure and responsibilities needed for a successful SEO company. It outlines an EPIC framework for success, with each letter standing for key principles. E represents entrepreneurship, entertainment, enabling, expectations, and ethics. P represents personal, patience, people, prospects, and processes. I represents ideas, intelligence, insights, innovation, and being informative. C represents creative, clients, cooperation, having different components, and embracing chaos. The speaker is the owner of an SEO agency with offices in multiple countries, and shares this framework to help others build successful companies.
Hauksson penguin semcamp-2013Татьяна Гаврилина1. Link building strategies still need to focus on quality over quantity in the post-Penguin environment, as Google now hides what they consider bad links.
2. It is important to have an experienced auditor review links to determine what is risky and should be removed, while also considering the potential negative impact of removing too many links.
3. If a site gets hit by a manual penalty, the recommended approach is to carefully audit and clean up links, remove as many problematic links as possible, disavow links that cannot be removed, and wait for Google to re-evaluate the site before cautiously rebuilding links.
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