Keith Haring was an American artist known for his colorful, bold style using action marks and figures. He gained international recognition in the 1980s for his Pop Shop and public projects. Haring did significant AIDS activism through his foundation before his early death in 1990 at age 31, leaving behind a vibrant body of work celebrating universal themes of peace, love and human connection.
Keith Haring was an American artist known for his street art in New York City subway stations in the 1980s. His art featured bold, simplified figures of people and animals surrounded by rhythmic lines that appeared to vibrate or move. Common symbols in his work included the radiating baby, dancing people, dogs, and flying saucers. Haring created a visual language of pictographs like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that could change meaning depending on the context. His goal was to make art accessible to the public, so in addition to his street art he opened an affordable shop and produced many public sculptures.
Keith Haring was born in 1958 in Pennsylvania and was inspired by pop artists like Andy Warhol. He attended art school but left to live in New York City where he began creating chalk drawings in subway stations in the 1980s. Haring developed a unique style using bold lines and simplified figures to create repeating patterns conveying social and political messages. His iconic symbols like the radiating baby became well known around the world. Haring aimed to make art accessible to the public through affordable prints and merchandise before his early death from AIDS in 1990.
Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Austria and showed an interest in art from a young age. After failing to be accepted into art school, he served in the German army during World War I and was decorated for bravery. After the war, Hitler joined the Nazi party and became its leader. Through powerful speeches and exploiting economic instability and nationalism, Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 and established a fascist dictatorship. He pursued aggressive foreign policy, rearmament, and racial laws targeting Jews. During World War II, Hitler's military conquered much of Europe before Germany was defeated in 1945. Hitler committed suicide as the Soviet army advanced on his bunker in Berlin.
Wayne Thiebaud is an American painter born in 1920 in Arizona. He is known for his realistic pop art paintings of everyday objects found in cafeterias and diners, such as pies and pastries. Thiebaud's paintings use elements of art like contour lines, shapes, forms, color, texture, space, and value to create realistic representations of food that explore themes like memories and consumer culture.
Joan Miró was a Spanish artist known for his surrealist and magical realist paintings from the 1920s. He began painting in a magical realist style, creating works that seemed almost realistic but with something slightly strange or unusual. In the 1920s, Miró began exploring surrealism and started combining everyday objects with strange creatures in abstract, dreamlike scenes using vivid colors and symbols. His paintings used symbols, shapes, and lines to represent simplified people and ideas from his unconscious mind.
Keith Haring was a pop artist born in 1958 in Pennsylvania who was fascinated by cartoons as a child. He began his career drawing in the New York City subway system in the 1980s, inspired by the graffiti art there. Haring's art featured vibrant, rhythmic line drawings of figures appearing to vibrate or move. He opened two Pop Shops to make his art more accessible to the public.
Keith Haring was a street artist from Pennsylvania who became famous for his chalk drawings on subway platforms in New York City in the 1980s. He would draw with quick lines that came to life, often featuring radiant babies, barking dogs, groups of people, and other motifs. While his artwork was displayed in galleries and became very expensive, Haring also opened an affordable shop called the Pop Shop to make his art more accessible to the public. He collaborated with Andy Warhol and created large murals with children before passing away at the young age of 31, though his iconic pop art style continues to influence visual culture globally.
Artemisia Lomi Gentileschi (Roma, 8 de julio de 1597 - Nápoles, hacia 1654) fue una pintora caravaggista italiana, hija del pintor toscano Orazio Gentileschi (1563-1639).
Vivió en la primera mitad del siglo XVII. Tomó de su padre, Orazio, el lÃmpido rigor del dibujo, injertándole una fuerte acentuación dramática, tomada de las obras de Caravaggio, cargada de efectos teatrales; elemento estilÃstico que contribuyó a la difusión del caravaggismo en Nápoles.
Keith haring about art (guida per bambini alla mostra) giochiecolori.itziobio
"Keith Haring - About Art" è il titolo della più grande mostra mai realizzata sino ad ora, per celebrare l'arte di Keith Haring. Potrete visitarla al Palazzo Reale di Milano. Giovedì prossimo accompagnerò in visita i miei alunni, ho così pensato di fal loro da guida, preparando questo libretto che illustra le opere più significative presenti, le tematiche e gli stili. Può essere utile per comprendere meglio le opere di questo artista, a prescindere dalla visita alla mostra.
Il libretto è pensato per i bambini ma è fruibile da tutti. All'interno anche alcuni quiz per organizzare una sorta di "Caccia al tesoro" fra le opere.
Joan Miró was a Spanish artist known for his surrealist and magical realist paintings from the 1920s. He began painting in a magical realist style, creating works that seemed almost realistic but with something slightly strange or unusual. In the 1920s, Miró began exploring surrealism and started combining everyday objects with strange creatures in abstract, dreamlike scenes using vivid colors and symbols. His paintings used symbols, shapes, and lines to represent simplified people and ideas from his unconscious mind.
Keith Haring was a pop artist born in 1958 in Pennsylvania who was fascinated by cartoons as a child. He began his career drawing in the New York City subway system in the 1980s, inspired by the graffiti art there. Haring's art featured vibrant, rhythmic line drawings of figures appearing to vibrate or move. He opened two Pop Shops to make his art more accessible to the public.
Keith Haring was a street artist from Pennsylvania who became famous for his chalk drawings on subway platforms in New York City in the 1980s. He would draw with quick lines that came to life, often featuring radiant babies, barking dogs, groups of people, and other motifs. While his artwork was displayed in galleries and became very expensive, Haring also opened an affordable shop called the Pop Shop to make his art more accessible to the public. He collaborated with Andy Warhol and created large murals with children before passing away at the young age of 31, though his iconic pop art style continues to influence visual culture globally.
Artemisia Lomi Gentileschi (Roma, 8 de julio de 1597 - Nápoles, hacia 1654) fue una pintora caravaggista italiana, hija del pintor toscano Orazio Gentileschi (1563-1639).
Vivió en la primera mitad del siglo XVII. Tomó de su padre, Orazio, el lÃmpido rigor del dibujo, injertándole una fuerte acentuación dramática, tomada de las obras de Caravaggio, cargada de efectos teatrales; elemento estilÃstico que contribuyó a la difusión del caravaggismo en Nápoles.
Keith haring about art (guida per bambini alla mostra) giochiecolori.itziobio
"Keith Haring - About Art" è il titolo della più grande mostra mai realizzata sino ad ora, per celebrare l'arte di Keith Haring. Potrete visitarla al Palazzo Reale di Milano. Giovedì prossimo accompagnerò in visita i miei alunni, ho così pensato di fal loro da guida, preparando questo libretto che illustra le opere più significative presenti, le tematiche e gli stili. Può essere utile per comprendere meglio le opere di questo artista, a prescindere dalla visita alla mostra.
Il libretto è pensato per i bambini ma è fruibile da tutti. All'interno anche alcuni quiz per organizzare una sorta di "Caccia al tesoro" fra le opere.
George Orwell's Animal Farm satirizes totalitarianism through the lens of farm animals who overthrow their human farmer. It was difficult for Orwell to publish initially due to its political themes. The work comments on the dangers of propaganda, personality cults, and how revolutions can fail without shared values. Orwell aimed to use clear, direct language as a political tool and commentary on historical events like the Russian Revolution.
This document provides instructions for creating an escape room using various online tools like Google Docs, Adobe Spark, and Genially. It outlines 25 steps to build the escape room, including adding videos, interactive images, games, and more. Key elements are signing into the different applications using a school Google account, inserting videos and interactive elements, copying and pasting HTML codes, and linking all elements together across a Google Doc and Genially interactive image. The full instructions allow you to construct a multi-page, multimedia escape room.
The document discusses the difference between horror and terror. It provides definitions from Ann Radcliffe and others that describe terror as feelings of dread and apprehension, while horror is the shock and repulsion of actually seeing something frightening. Terror expands the soul with tension and ambiguity, while horror contracts and paralyzes it. Iconic moments in horror fiction are often driven by terror that leaves things partially obscured, letting the imagination swell with tension.
1. Graffiti in Havana serves as a form of public art that has transformed run-down neighborhoods into open-air art galleries.
2. While graffiti is considered ephemeral as the art can disappear, Havana lacks a police force to remove it and changes to surfaces cause pieces to disappear over time. Visitors are encouraged to explore areas with abundant graffiti like Old Havana rather than specific pieces.
3. Graffiti includes works by both Cuban and international artists, though some pieces are anonymous, and locally renowned artists like Yulier P sign their work. Styles show Afro-Cuban influences with bright colors, religious icons, and Yoruba phrases.
This document provides vocabulary related to different types of art including drawing, painting, sketching, design, weaving, and landscapes. It lists various art supplies and materials used for each type of art such as brushes, paints, scissors, thread, canvas. It also mentions some famous artists such as Chagall and Joseph Turner and the different styles and subjects they worked in such as portraiture, industrial design, urban and natural landscapes.
The document outlines the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by UN member states in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It then provides suggestions for connecting each goal to works of literature, historical events, or concepts to aid in further understanding and analysis. The goals aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve lives globally over the next 15 years through partnership and collaboration at both national and international levels.
The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development aims to transform the world by addressing economic, social and environmental issues. It contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 targets adopted by UN member states in 2015. The goals focus on issues like poverty, health, education, climate change, economic growth, and sustainable communities. The Italian Ministry of Education adopted the 2030 Agenda in 2017 to promote civic engagement and social justice, especially among youth, to work towards a more sustainable future.
The document provides a brief guide on using the past perfect tense in English grammar. It is used to describe past actions that occurred before other past events, historical events connected to each other, and narrating past events. Examples are given of the past perfect in statements, questions, and negative forms such as describing past actions before entering a flat.
This document provides adjectives to describe personalities across three categories: intellectual ability, intellectual difficulty, and attitudes towards life and other people. For intellectual ability, it lists adjectives like intelligent, bright, and gifted. For intellectual difficulty, it lists adjectives like stupid, daft, and silly. For attitudes, it provides adjectives across a spectrum, including pessimistic, optimistic, extroverted, introverted, sociable, and stubborn.
This document provides adjectives to describe things through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. For sight, it lists colors and descriptors like dark, bright, and rounded. For hearing, it includes words like tuneful, deafening, and screeching. Smell descriptions contain exquisite, pleasant, and sickly. Touch adjectives are cool, smooth, rough, and wet. Finally, taste adjectives listed are bitter, flavorful, sour, and tasty.
4. Keith era più interessato
all’arte degli artisti pop come
Andy Warhol e Roy
Lichtenstein che sono stati
artisti non convenzionali nel
mondo dell’ arte.
Le loro opere sono state
modellate sugli spot
televisivi, cartoni, fumetti,
strisce e annunci.
5. Keith prima ha frequentato il college al Pitthsburg
Centre for Art ma nel 1978 all età di vent’ anni
se ne andò da Pitthsburg per la School of Visual
Art di New York.
Lì incontrò Basquiat che divenne suo amico ma
non passò molto tempo prima che iniziasse a
saltare le lezioni.
Ha continuato a lavorare a NYC ma era
estremamente povero e prendeva la
metropolitana per muoversi.
6. L’ Artista nella Metropolitana
Negli anni ’80 Keith
inizia la carriera artistica
a NYC nella stazione
della metropolitana.
7. Questo tipo di arte era chiamato Graffitismo
Keith si ispirava all’arte dei graffiti
che aveva visto in giro a NYC.
11. Caratteristica del suo disegno
semplificate e
Figure circondate di ritmo di linee che
sembrano vibrate o spostate
12. Caratteristiche del suo disegno
Il bambino
radiante Il ballo delle
Cani Dischi volanti
13. Il lavoro di Haring ha attirato molti tipi
•Ha dato un tocco umano
allo squallido delle stazioni
della metropolitana sporca.
•Le immagini erano
stravaganti, spesso
divertenti e in qualche modo
14. Keith Haring ha
creato dei simboli
ripetutamente in
diverse sue opere d’
la navicella spaziale
il cane
Il bambino radiante
15. Come i geroglifici, i simboli di Haring sono cambiati a
seconda di ciò che avevamo accanto. Lo studio dei simboli di
Haring si chiama semiotica
28. Crack is wack è stato creato dopo che uno dei
suoi assistenti era morto.
29. Quando Haring divenne famoso, le sue
opere d’arte divennero sempre più
Per garantire che la sua arte continuasse a
essere disponibile a prezzi convenienti per
il grande pubblico ha creato il suonegozio
pop a NYC dove vendeva stampe, adesivi,
bottoni e vari altri oggetti.
31. Haring non si è limitato al lavoro a due dimensioni
ma ha creato sculture pubbliche.
35. Keith Haring è
morto nel 1990 a
causa dell’ AIDS.
Anche se morì
giovane il suo
lavoro lo rende uno
degli artisti più
influenti dell’arte