This document announces the opening of the submission portal for the 17th Biennial Conference of ISAAC taking place August 6-13, 2016 in Toronto, Canada. It provides details on the submission deadline of October 16, 2015, notification of acceptance by February 19, 2016, and the conference theme of "Bringing Us Together". The main language is English but submissions can be in English or French.
The document summarizes a barbeque event held by the "Cool Communicators," a social group on Vancouver Island for adults who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices. The group, which includes members from their late teens to 80s, meets throughout the year and holds an annual barbeque that attracts 35-50 members. The event is described as a fun party with food, games, and warm greetings. The document notes that such communities help individuals with developmental delays and disabilities overcome isolation and build friendships. It connects this local community to the global ISAAC community that supports people who use AAC worldwide.
Isaac 2016 call for papers online submission portal is now open!思璇 陳
The ISAAC 2016 conference call for papers is now open for abstract submissions. The online submission portal is available at until the deadline of October 16, 2015. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by February 19, 2016. The conference will take place August 6-13, 2016 in Toronto, Canada at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, with the theme of "Bringing Us Together".
Invited to submit abstracts for presentations at the 17th biennial conference...思璇 陳
The document announces the call for papers for the 17th Biennial Conference of ISAAC taking place August 6-13, 2016 in Toronto, Canada. The online submission portal opens on June 1, 2015 and closes on October 16, 2015. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by February 19, 2016. The conference theme is "Bringing Us Together" and aims to support the international community in promoting the best communication for people with complex needs. Submissions are welcome in English and French.
ISAAC-E-News-March-2015-Final (ISAAC-Taiwan in page 8)思璇 陳
The document discusses two recent works, Martin Pistorius' book "Ghost Boy" and the film "The Theory of Everything" about Stephen Hawking, that have brought attention to the challenges of communication disabilities. It argues that while these individual stories are moving, decision-makers require a broader perspective on the societal impacts. The document calls on ISAAC members to conduct research that demonstrates these wider impacts in order to motivate governments to provide funding and resources for augmentative and alternative communication supports.
This document provides an update from the President of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC). It begins by welcoming members back from summer vacations and discusses upcoming projects for ISAAC, including International AAC Awareness Month in October. It then reflects on the successful ISAAC conference in Lisbon and confirms leadership transitions. Finally, it encourages members to get involved with ISAAC committees and provides information on membership renewal.
Isaac council meeting 2014 presentation on communication access symbol思璇 陳
Scope's Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre works to build community capacity for including people with little or no speech. The document outlines the history of the Communication Access movement in Australia and internationally. It discusses the development of the Communication Access symbol and standards. Key projects are described along with research conducted and partnerships formed to promote communication accessibility. Future plans include offering a Communication Access License Agreement and exploring partnerships with organizations to expand communication access globally.
Council presentation (final version) for distribution with minutes思璇 陳
The Research Committee report provided updates on their activities to increase awareness and knowledge of AAC strategies worldwide. This included assisting with the ISAAC 2014 research symposium, being a resource for AAC research and guideline development, and strengthening AAC leadership. The committee also reviewed abstracts for the 2014 conference and judged applications for student travel awards. They discussed convening future meetings and supporting ways to deliver successful conferences.
Council presentation (final version) for distribution with minutes思璇 陳
Icf與icf cy國際運用趨勢研討會
1. 1
ICF 與 ICF-CY 國際運用趨勢研討會
The Trend of International Application in the ICF & ICF-CY
舉辦日期:2015 年 10 月 11 日 週日(Oct 11th, 2015, Sunday)
舉辦地點:衛生福利部雙和醫院(新北市中和區中正路 291 號)第一醫療大樓 13 樓國際會議廳
(Conference Hall, 13F, the First Medical Building, Taipei Medical University - Shuang Ho Hospital, No.291,
Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City)
指導單位:衛生福利部(Ministry of Health and Welfare)
主辦單位:衛生福利部雙和醫院(Taipei Medical University - Shuang Ho Hospital, Ministry of Health and
Welfare)、台灣復健醫學會(Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
合辦單位:社團法人台灣國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統研究學會(Taiwan Society of International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, TSICF)
時間 (Time) Oct 11th, 2015, Sunday
08:00-08:40 報到(Registration)
08:40-09:00 開幕致詞:台灣復健醫學會理事長、雙和醫院院長、衛生福利部官員
Topic: ICF 於世界的使用經驗 (The ICF: Worldwide application experience)
Speaker: Dr. Jerome Bickenbach
世界衛生組織國際分類家族德國合作中心 ICF 研究處指導委員
(Steering Committee member, ICF Research Branch, WHO-FIC
Collaborating Centre in Germany)
Chair: 邱弘毅理事長 (Dr. Hung Yi, Chiou)
台灣 ICF 研究學會理事長
Topic: To be determined
Speaker: Dr. Alan Roulstone
英國里茲大學社會學及社會政策學教授 (Professor for Sociology and
Social Policy, Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, UK)
Chair: 周月清老師 (Dr. Yueh-Ching Chou )
10:40-11:00 休息時間 (Coffee break)
Topic: 夏威夷大學馬諾分校身心障礙研究中心發展經驗 (Experience at the
Center on Disability Studies - University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Rude Ozaki
美國夏威夷大學瑪諾分校身心障礙研究中心副教授 (Associate
Professor, Center on Disability Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Hawaii, USA)
Chair: 陳適卿 副院長 (Dr. Shih-Ching Chen)
2. 2
時間 (Time) Oct 11th, 2015, Sunday
11:50-13:30 午餐時間 (Lunch)
Room A
Topic: ICF-CY 之運用 (Application of
Hua-Fang Liao)
台灣 ICF 研究學會
Speaker: Dr. Rune J. Simeonsson
授(Professor of School Psychology and
Early Childhood Education)
Room B
Topic 1: 身心障礙鑑定在台灣的現況
(Current status of disability
evaluation in Taiwan)
Chair:To be
(Ministry of Health
and Welfare)
Speaker: 劉燦宏主任 (Dr. Tsan-Hon Liou)
Topic 2: 身心障礙現況:使用者觀點
(Application of the ICF in Taiwan:
Users' perspective)
Speaker 1: 周月清老師 (Dr. Yueh-Ching
Speaker 2: 張恆豪老師 (Dr. Heng-Hao
Chang )
Room C
Topic: WORQ 之簡介與運用 (Overview
and Application of the WORQ)
(Dr. Ting-Fang Wu)
Speaker: Dr. Reuben Escorpizo
(Clinical Assistant Professor,
Department of Rehabilitation and
Movement Science, University of
Vermont, USA )
15:30-15:50 茶敘 (Tea-time)
座談會(Panel discussion)
地點:Room A (雙和醫院 13 樓國際會議廳)
16:30- 賦歸(End)