This document discusses the challenges of providing HIV/AIDS information literacy in India. It notes that rural populations have little access to proper information due to language barriers and cultural diversity. Libraries can play a key role by partnering with health organizations to disseminate culturally appropriate information through various formats and platforms. However, there are still challenges around resources, infrastructure, and addressing diverse information needs across India. Information professionals must find new ways to empower communities and reduce stigma through advocacy and access to relevant health information.
1) Eyelachew Desta is a student from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia who recently completed public health certificate courses at Emory University in Atlanta.
2) Before moving to the US in 2014, Desta worked in Ethiopia developing HIV/AIDS programs and building trust with communities to change negative attitudes towards the disease.
3) In the US, Desta works as a career counselor and helped launch a non-profit focused on HIV/AIDS education for Ethiopian immigrants, employing skills from his social work and public health background.
HIV/AIDS is a global issue that disproportionately affects developing countries and vulnerable groups. By 2000, over 34 million people worldwide were living with HIV/AIDS, with 95% residing in developing nations. Responses have included prevention education programs, working to increase access to low-cost treatment, and addressing underlying social and economic factors that increase risk. One such program is the National Highway One Project in Vietnam, which aims to reduce transmission along major transport routes through community outreach and encouraging behavior change.
The document discusses the need for eHealth equity as the U.S. healthcare system undergoes major technological transformations. It notes that technology is critical but that underserved communities face barriers to access and risk worsening health disparities. Specifically, it finds that minorities and those with language barriers or low incomes have less access to computers, internet and digital health tools. The document calls for national and local efforts to promote adoption of culturally appropriate technologies, educate underserved groups, and ensure no one is left behind in the transition to digital health.
The document discusses health literacy and the role of libraries in promoting health information in India. It defines health literacy and information literacy. It recommends that libraries work with health organizations in India to help disseminate health information and address gaps in health literacy. Specifically, it suggests that libraries partner with groups to provide customized health information to underprivileged communities and support users through training and reference services.
This document discusses electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) initiatives in India. It notes that nearly 300 universities and 100 R&D institutions in India grant PhD and master's degrees, with around 10,000 PhD theses accepted annually. Several universities and institutions have established ETD repositories, including IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, Vidyanidhi, and INFLIBNET's national union catalog of doctoral theses containing over 150,000 records. The document aims to conduct a comparative study of prominent Indian ETD repositories to analyze how they function, identify constraints, and propose a model for a national ETD repository that allows participation from all universities and institutions.
This document discusses several initiatives in India that aim to promote education, healthcare, and economic opportunities in rural areas through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). It describes projects like Infothela, Digital Mandi, e-Choupal, telemedicine networks, and institutional repositories that deliver information to villages using technologies like mobile devices, wireless networks, and digital libraries. The overall goal of these initiatives is to improve access to services and reduce isolation in rural communities through ICT applications that are low-cost and tailored to local needs.
The document summarizes a workshop on culturally sensitive, gender-responsive and human rights-based reporting on HIV/AIDS. The workshop covered analyzing current media coverage, defining key concepts, and recommendations. It found that media coverage can stigmatize or criminalize those living with HIV/AIDS. It emphasized understanding how culture, gender, and human rights impact transmission and treatment of HIV/AIDS to improve reporting.
Celebrating AIDS Awareness Month Raising Awareness and Supporting Accessible ...infinahealthseo
How does accessible medical transport impact people living with HIV? Learn about its importance and how we help raise awareness this AIDS Awareness Month
This is an invited presentation made in the HIV & Law ALA Fellow Program held at NCHSR, UNSW, organized by Shingua Univeristy & UNSW (Sponsored by AusAID, Govt. of Australia)
The document discusses the role of the National Service Scheme (NSS) in preventing HIV/AIDS among adolescents in India. The NSS was launched in 1969 to promote community service among students. It now has over 3.2 million student volunteers involved in community development activities. Some of the NSS's activities aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS include health education programs, AIDS awareness campaigns, and providing healthcare. The document also notes that adolescents are particularly vulnerable to HIV due to risky behaviors and lack of access to information. Expanding prevention programs that use a combination of strategies, including education and healthcare access, could significantly reduce new HIV infections among youth.
Peer Navigation Program for people newly diagnosed with HIVCBRC
This document describes new services for people newly diagnosed with HIV (ND/HIV) including a workshop series and peer navigators program. The goals are to educate ND/HIV individuals about treatment, prevent disease progression and transmission, and engage people when they are highly infectious. The workshop series provides education and empowerment to ND/HIV individuals, while peer navigators meet one-on-one to assess needs and guide individuals in gaining self-care knowledge and skills. Lessons learned found the lag time before workshops was too long and workshops outside cities had logistical challenges, while peer navigators needed to build trust quickly and provide support tailored to individual needs.
The document discusses HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention practices among male adolescents and young adults in Cavite, Philippines. It notes that adolescents lack access to essential HIV facts and testing services. Most young people believe they are immune to HIV, and few are able to correctly answer basic questions about transmission and prevention. Growing threats of HIV infection among youth highlight the need for improved awareness initiatives targeting this vulnerable population.
The document discusses health information literacy in the changing media landscape. It describes conceptions of health literacy, eHealth literacy, and health information literacy. Studies by researchers at HIM-Oulu and bo have examined health information literacy among different populations like students and older adults. The media landscape related to health information is shifting from print to digital. Future research should focus on how health information literacy is a social practice that takes place in different everyday contexts and is influenced by values and norms.
The document discusses how sustainable livelihood approaches can help address the HIV/AIDS epidemic by taking a holistic view of its impact. It recognizes that HIV/AIDS affects many aspects of people's lives beyond just health, impacting finances, social support, education, and various livelihood assets. A livelihoods lens allows for joined-up thinking across sectors to understand how people adapt their livelihoods in response. Local responses have often been more effective than global strategies, and livelihood approaches can help share learning to support such responses.
The document discusses the advocacy achievements of the Bridging the Gaps global partners from 2011-2014. It describes the program's establishment in 2011 with funding from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs to achieve universal access to HIV services for key populations. Through the efforts of global and local partner organizations, nearly 700,000 people received HIV services, over 200 organizations engaged in human rights advocacy, and key population services were integrated into nearly 100 health facilities. The document provides details on the program's approach and a theory of change to guide advocacy work.
Information needs and resource utilization by people living with hiv/aidsResearchWap
1.2 Objectives of the study
The main purpose of this study is to depict a comprehensive picture of information need and resource utilization by people living with HIV/AIDS in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu. The specific purposes of the study are as follows:
a. To determine the areas in which people living with HIV/AIDS needs information ESUT teaching Hospital.
b. To find out the information resource used by people living with HIV/AIDS in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
c. To determine the extent to which information resources encourage and support the people living with HIV/AIDS to take positive actions to deal with HIV/AIDS in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
d. To determine the benefits derived from the use of information resources by the PLWHA in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
e. To find out the barriers to access and utilization of information resources by PLWHA in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
This document describes mHealth tools developed by InSTEDD to help prevent maternal-to-child transmission of HIV, including Remindem for sending reminders via text, Verboice for interactive voice messages, Resource Map for tracking health resources, and Pollit for conducting mobile surveys. The tools are designed to help improve adherence to treatment, identify available prevention and treatment resources, fight stigma, and engage communities.
Rural Marketing Analysis on Use of Contraceptives & HIV AwarenessApoorva Yadav
The document discusses HIV/AIDS in rural India based on interviews conducted in a village in Satara. It provides background on HIV/AIDS prevalence in India, noting a 50% decline in new infections from 2000-2011. Government policies aim to increase education and awareness through organizations like NACO. Interviews in the village found high awareness of HIV transmission but low condom use. Teachers provided sex education annually. While women were aware of HIV, attendance at health discussions was low. The village appeared progressive but researchers noted cautious responses requiring longer study to fully understand the situation.
Healthlink Worldwide is an international NGO that focuses on communication for health and disability in developing countries. They work with local organizations to help communities identify health issues and communicate their needs. One of their projects is the International Memory Project, which uses memory work to encourage families affected by HIV to communicate. Memory work involves activities that improve parent-child communication, support disclosure of HIV status, assist with succession planning, and create memory books. Evaluations found the approach reduces stigma and increases confidence, communication, and future planning among families living with HIV. Key challenges to memory work include lack of funding, unsupportive laws and policies, and limited male involvement.
The document discusses HIV/AIDS in India, providing statistics on infections and deaths. Approximately 172,000 people died of AIDS in India in 2009, with 2.4 million estimated to be living with HIV. Most infections are among adults aged 15-49. Key factors contributing to the spread include labor migration and low education levels. States with over 100,000 infections include West Bengal, Gujarat, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The National AIDS Control Program and organizations like NACO and KSACS implement prevention and treatment programs, including targeted interventions, condom promotion, counseling, care for at-risk groups, and prevention of parent-to-child transmission.
Organizational Evaluation
Arnaldo Perez Frometa
Capella University
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Vulnerable and Diverse Populations
Organizational Evaluation
February, 2019
As discussed in the earlier paper, around 92% of the total India Square population is immigrants from various origins. The majority of the 92% are unemployed and they usually depend on one of the family member or government aids. For this reason, they struggle to survive in most cases ending up being drugs user and alcoholic or and women into prostitution, activities which exposes them to SDIs. It is therefore not a surprise that HIV/AIDS and other STDs are very rampant in India Square. In fact, 29% of all deaths are from HIV/AIDs related communications. This paper will discuss HIV/AIDs as a health concern in the diverse population of India Square. Also, how the organization is responding to HIV/AIDs, gaps in the health care and barriers to closing those gaps.
Currently, the organization serves HIV/AIDs in the area by first; educating people on various ways through which they can avoid being infected. One of the most common prevention interventions relating to HIV/AIDS in being undertaken by the organization is advocating for protected sexual intercourse, particularly using condoms. Since abstinence, being faithful campaigns have proven to be futile, the organization has chosen to advocate for using condom, and boosted it by to avail free condoms to the population as much as it can (Woodward, 2018). Another intervention has been the implementation of antiretroviral therapy that entails counseling regarding the management of AIDS among the infected people. This therapy mostly starts immediately after an individual is tested HIV-positive in which he/she is enrolled to the program. The counseling entails healthy living, nutrition, medication, healthy sexual relations with other infected or uninfected people etc. Furthermore, the organization has initiated a program whereby individuals can access HIV testing tool kit implying that people can purchase the equipment and have their blood tested for the virus on their own free will. In addition, the organization has HIV awareness programs.
In India Square, the main health care gap exists between the minority educated population and the majority semi-educated. While majority of the educated population are whites and some few immigrants, most immigrants have little education. This reason makes a big difference regarding health care services received. The rate of HIV infections in the he educated population is less. Also, mortality rate due to HIV related complications is lower in in people who are educated.
To reduce the gap existing between the educated and the uneducated populations in terms of prevalence and mortality rate, two strategies can be used. The first str.
Running Head ORGANIZATIONAL EVALUATION .docxglendar3
Organizational Evaluation
Arnaldo Perez Frometa
Capella University
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Vulnerable and Diverse Populations
Organizational Evaluation
February, 2019
As discussed in the earlier paper, around 92% of the total India Square population is immigrants from various origins. The majority of the 92% are unemployed and they usually depend on one of the family member or government aids. For this reason, they struggle to survive in most cases ending up being drugs user and alcoholic or and women into prostitution, activities which exposes them to SDIs. It is therefore not a surprise that HIV/AIDS and other STDs are very rampant in India Square. In fact, 29% of all deaths are from HIV/AIDs related communications. This paper will discuss HIV/AIDs as a health concern in the diverse population of India Square. Also, how the organization is responding to HIV/AIDs, gaps in the health care and barriers to closing those gaps.
Currently, the organization serves HIV/AIDs in the area by first; educating people on various ways through which they can avoid being infected. One of the most common prevention interventions relating to HIV/AIDS in being undertaken by the organization is advocating for protected sexual intercourse, particularly using condoms. Since abstinence, being faithful campaigns have proven to be futile, the organization has chosen to advocate for using condom, and boosted it by to avail free condoms to the population as much as it can (Woodward, 2018). Another intervention has been the implementation of antiretroviral therapy that entails counseling regarding the management of AIDS among the infected people. This therapy mostly starts immediately after an individual is tested HIV-positive in which he/she is enrolled to the program. The counseling entails healthy living, nutrition, medication, healthy sexual relations with other infected or uninfected people etc. Furthermore, the organization has initiated a program whereby individuals can access HIV testing tool kit implying that people can purchase the equipment and have their blood tested for the virus on their own free will. In addition, the organization has HIV awareness programs.
In India Square, the main health care gap exists between the minority educated population and the majority semi-educated. While majority of the educated population are whites and some few immigrants, most immigrants have little education. This reason makes a big difference regarding health care services received. The rate of HIV infections in the he educated population is less. Also, mortality rate due to HIV related complications is lower in in people who are educated.
To reduce the gap existing between the educated and the uneducated populations in terms of prevalence and mortality rate, two strategies can be used. The first str.
HIV and AIDS Essay
Awareness To Aids Analysis
Aids Awareness
Mary Fisher- a Whisper of Aids Essay
Hiv Aids Conclusions
Reflection Paper On HIV
Prevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay
Thesis on Hiv
Essay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS
Hiv/Aids Essay
AIDS and HIV Essay
Aids Awareness
HIV and AIDS Essay
Awareness To Aids Analysis
Aids Awareness
Mary Fisher- a Whisper of Aids Essay
Hiv Aids Conclusions
Reflection Paper On HIV
Prevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay
Thesis on Hiv
Essay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS
Hiv/Aids Essay
AIDS and HIV Essay
Aids Awareness
This document discusses how libraries can play a new role in supporting rural development by providing information services tailored to meet the critical needs of rural communities. It provides examples of library models from different countries that have transformed into hubs providing locally relevant content on topics like agriculture, health, and government programs. These libraries generate and disseminate materials in local languages and formats accessible to varied literacy levels, while also facilitating knowledge sharing within communities. Going forward, the document advocates for pilot projects, intensive research on rural information needs, and developing synergies between libraries and other organizations working in community development.
DealBook of Ukraine: 2025 edition | AVentures CapitalYevgen Sysoyev
The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2024 and the first deals of 2025.
The document summarizes a workshop on culturally sensitive, gender-responsive and human rights-based reporting on HIV/AIDS. The workshop covered analyzing current media coverage, defining key concepts, and recommendations. It found that media coverage can stigmatize or criminalize those living with HIV/AIDS. It emphasized understanding how culture, gender, and human rights impact transmission and treatment of HIV/AIDS to improve reporting.
Celebrating AIDS Awareness Month Raising Awareness and Supporting Accessible ...infinahealthseo
How does accessible medical transport impact people living with HIV? Learn about its importance and how we help raise awareness this AIDS Awareness Month
This is an invited presentation made in the HIV & Law ALA Fellow Program held at NCHSR, UNSW, organized by Shingua Univeristy & UNSW (Sponsored by AusAID, Govt. of Australia)
The document discusses the role of the National Service Scheme (NSS) in preventing HIV/AIDS among adolescents in India. The NSS was launched in 1969 to promote community service among students. It now has over 3.2 million student volunteers involved in community development activities. Some of the NSS's activities aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS include health education programs, AIDS awareness campaigns, and providing healthcare. The document also notes that adolescents are particularly vulnerable to HIV due to risky behaviors and lack of access to information. Expanding prevention programs that use a combination of strategies, including education and healthcare access, could significantly reduce new HIV infections among youth.
Peer Navigation Program for people newly diagnosed with HIVCBRC
This document describes new services for people newly diagnosed with HIV (ND/HIV) including a workshop series and peer navigators program. The goals are to educate ND/HIV individuals about treatment, prevent disease progression and transmission, and engage people when they are highly infectious. The workshop series provides education and empowerment to ND/HIV individuals, while peer navigators meet one-on-one to assess needs and guide individuals in gaining self-care knowledge and skills. Lessons learned found the lag time before workshops was too long and workshops outside cities had logistical challenges, while peer navigators needed to build trust quickly and provide support tailored to individual needs.
The document discusses HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention practices among male adolescents and young adults in Cavite, Philippines. It notes that adolescents lack access to essential HIV facts and testing services. Most young people believe they are immune to HIV, and few are able to correctly answer basic questions about transmission and prevention. Growing threats of HIV infection among youth highlight the need for improved awareness initiatives targeting this vulnerable population.
The document discusses health information literacy in the changing media landscape. It describes conceptions of health literacy, eHealth literacy, and health information literacy. Studies by researchers at HIM-Oulu and bo have examined health information literacy among different populations like students and older adults. The media landscape related to health information is shifting from print to digital. Future research should focus on how health information literacy is a social practice that takes place in different everyday contexts and is influenced by values and norms.
The document discusses how sustainable livelihood approaches can help address the HIV/AIDS epidemic by taking a holistic view of its impact. It recognizes that HIV/AIDS affects many aspects of people's lives beyond just health, impacting finances, social support, education, and various livelihood assets. A livelihoods lens allows for joined-up thinking across sectors to understand how people adapt their livelihoods in response. Local responses have often been more effective than global strategies, and livelihood approaches can help share learning to support such responses.
The document discusses the advocacy achievements of the Bridging the Gaps global partners from 2011-2014. It describes the program's establishment in 2011 with funding from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs to achieve universal access to HIV services for key populations. Through the efforts of global and local partner organizations, nearly 700,000 people received HIV services, over 200 organizations engaged in human rights advocacy, and key population services were integrated into nearly 100 health facilities. The document provides details on the program's approach and a theory of change to guide advocacy work.
Information needs and resource utilization by people living with hiv/aidsResearchWap
1.2 Objectives of the study
The main purpose of this study is to depict a comprehensive picture of information need and resource utilization by people living with HIV/AIDS in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu. The specific purposes of the study are as follows:
a. To determine the areas in which people living with HIV/AIDS needs information ESUT teaching Hospital.
b. To find out the information resource used by people living with HIV/AIDS in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
c. To determine the extent to which information resources encourage and support the people living with HIV/AIDS to take positive actions to deal with HIV/AIDS in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
d. To determine the benefits derived from the use of information resources by the PLWHA in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
e. To find out the barriers to access and utilization of information resources by PLWHA in ESUT Teaching Hospital Park lane, Enugu.
This document describes mHealth tools developed by InSTEDD to help prevent maternal-to-child transmission of HIV, including Remindem for sending reminders via text, Verboice for interactive voice messages, Resource Map for tracking health resources, and Pollit for conducting mobile surveys. The tools are designed to help improve adherence to treatment, identify available prevention and treatment resources, fight stigma, and engage communities.
Rural Marketing Analysis on Use of Contraceptives & HIV AwarenessApoorva Yadav
The document discusses HIV/AIDS in rural India based on interviews conducted in a village in Satara. It provides background on HIV/AIDS prevalence in India, noting a 50% decline in new infections from 2000-2011. Government policies aim to increase education and awareness through organizations like NACO. Interviews in the village found high awareness of HIV transmission but low condom use. Teachers provided sex education annually. While women were aware of HIV, attendance at health discussions was low. The village appeared progressive but researchers noted cautious responses requiring longer study to fully understand the situation.
Healthlink Worldwide is an international NGO that focuses on communication for health and disability in developing countries. They work with local organizations to help communities identify health issues and communicate their needs. One of their projects is the International Memory Project, which uses memory work to encourage families affected by HIV to communicate. Memory work involves activities that improve parent-child communication, support disclosure of HIV status, assist with succession planning, and create memory books. Evaluations found the approach reduces stigma and increases confidence, communication, and future planning among families living with HIV. Key challenges to memory work include lack of funding, unsupportive laws and policies, and limited male involvement.
The document discusses HIV/AIDS in India, providing statistics on infections and deaths. Approximately 172,000 people died of AIDS in India in 2009, with 2.4 million estimated to be living with HIV. Most infections are among adults aged 15-49. Key factors contributing to the spread include labor migration and low education levels. States with over 100,000 infections include West Bengal, Gujarat, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The National AIDS Control Program and organizations like NACO and KSACS implement prevention and treatment programs, including targeted interventions, condom promotion, counseling, care for at-risk groups, and prevention of parent-to-child transmission.
Organizational Evaluation
Arnaldo Perez Frometa
Capella University
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Vulnerable and Diverse Populations
Organizational Evaluation
February, 2019
As discussed in the earlier paper, around 92% of the total India Square population is immigrants from various origins. The majority of the 92% are unemployed and they usually depend on one of the family member or government aids. For this reason, they struggle to survive in most cases ending up being drugs user and alcoholic or and women into prostitution, activities which exposes them to SDIs. It is therefore not a surprise that HIV/AIDS and other STDs are very rampant in India Square. In fact, 29% of all deaths are from HIV/AIDs related communications. This paper will discuss HIV/AIDs as a health concern in the diverse population of India Square. Also, how the organization is responding to HIV/AIDs, gaps in the health care and barriers to closing those gaps.
Currently, the organization serves HIV/AIDs in the area by first; educating people on various ways through which they can avoid being infected. One of the most common prevention interventions relating to HIV/AIDS in being undertaken by the organization is advocating for protected sexual intercourse, particularly using condoms. Since abstinence, being faithful campaigns have proven to be futile, the organization has chosen to advocate for using condom, and boosted it by to avail free condoms to the population as much as it can (Woodward, 2018). Another intervention has been the implementation of antiretroviral therapy that entails counseling regarding the management of AIDS among the infected people. This therapy mostly starts immediately after an individual is tested HIV-positive in which he/she is enrolled to the program. The counseling entails healthy living, nutrition, medication, healthy sexual relations with other infected or uninfected people etc. Furthermore, the organization has initiated a program whereby individuals can access HIV testing tool kit implying that people can purchase the equipment and have their blood tested for the virus on their own free will. In addition, the organization has HIV awareness programs.
In India Square, the main health care gap exists between the minority educated population and the majority semi-educated. While majority of the educated population are whites and some few immigrants, most immigrants have little education. This reason makes a big difference regarding health care services received. The rate of HIV infections in the he educated population is less. Also, mortality rate due to HIV related complications is lower in in people who are educated.
To reduce the gap existing between the educated and the uneducated populations in terms of prevalence and mortality rate, two strategies can be used. The first str.
Running Head ORGANIZATIONAL EVALUATION .docxglendar3
Organizational Evaluation
Arnaldo Perez Frometa
Capella University
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Vulnerable and Diverse Populations
Organizational Evaluation
February, 2019
As discussed in the earlier paper, around 92% of the total India Square population is immigrants from various origins. The majority of the 92% are unemployed and they usually depend on one of the family member or government aids. For this reason, they struggle to survive in most cases ending up being drugs user and alcoholic or and women into prostitution, activities which exposes them to SDIs. It is therefore not a surprise that HIV/AIDS and other STDs are very rampant in India Square. In fact, 29% of all deaths are from HIV/AIDs related communications. This paper will discuss HIV/AIDs as a health concern in the diverse population of India Square. Also, how the organization is responding to HIV/AIDs, gaps in the health care and barriers to closing those gaps.
Currently, the organization serves HIV/AIDs in the area by first; educating people on various ways through which they can avoid being infected. One of the most common prevention interventions relating to HIV/AIDS in being undertaken by the organization is advocating for protected sexual intercourse, particularly using condoms. Since abstinence, being faithful campaigns have proven to be futile, the organization has chosen to advocate for using condom, and boosted it by to avail free condoms to the population as much as it can (Woodward, 2018). Another intervention has been the implementation of antiretroviral therapy that entails counseling regarding the management of AIDS among the infected people. This therapy mostly starts immediately after an individual is tested HIV-positive in which he/she is enrolled to the program. The counseling entails healthy living, nutrition, medication, healthy sexual relations with other infected or uninfected people etc. Furthermore, the organization has initiated a program whereby individuals can access HIV testing tool kit implying that people can purchase the equipment and have their blood tested for the virus on their own free will. In addition, the organization has HIV awareness programs.
In India Square, the main health care gap exists between the minority educated population and the majority semi-educated. While majority of the educated population are whites and some few immigrants, most immigrants have little education. This reason makes a big difference regarding health care services received. The rate of HIV infections in the he educated population is less. Also, mortality rate due to HIV related complications is lower in in people who are educated.
To reduce the gap existing between the educated and the uneducated populations in terms of prevalence and mortality rate, two strategies can be used. The first str.
HIV and AIDS Essay
Awareness To Aids Analysis
Aids Awareness
Mary Fisher- a Whisper of Aids Essay
Hiv Aids Conclusions
Reflection Paper On HIV
Prevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay
Thesis on Hiv
Essay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS
Hiv/Aids Essay
AIDS and HIV Essay
Aids Awareness
HIV and AIDS Essay
Awareness To Aids Analysis
Aids Awareness
Mary Fisher- a Whisper of Aids Essay
Hiv Aids Conclusions
Reflection Paper On HIV
Prevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay
Thesis on Hiv
Essay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS
Hiv/Aids Essay
AIDS and HIV Essay
Aids Awareness
This document discusses how libraries can play a new role in supporting rural development by providing information services tailored to meet the critical needs of rural communities. It provides examples of library models from different countries that have transformed into hubs providing locally relevant content on topics like agriculture, health, and government programs. These libraries generate and disseminate materials in local languages and formats accessible to varied literacy levels, while also facilitating knowledge sharing within communities. Going forward, the document advocates for pilot projects, intensive research on rural information needs, and developing synergies between libraries and other organizations working in community development.
DealBook of Ukraine: 2025 edition | AVentures CapitalYevgen Sysoyev
The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2024 and the first deals of 2025.
Unlock AI Creativity: Image Generation with DALL揃EExpeed Software
Discover the power of AI image generation with DALL揃E, an advanced AI model that transforms text prompts into stunning, high-quality visuals. This presentation explores how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing digital creativity, from graphic design to content creation and marketing. Learn about the technology behind DALL揃E, its real-world applications, and how businesses can leverage AI-generated art for innovation. Whether you're a designer, developer, or marketer, this guide will help you unlock new creative possibilities with AI-driven image synthesis.
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
Inside Freshworks' Migration from Cassandra to ScyllaDB by Premkumar PatturajScyllaDB
Freshworks migrated from Cassandra to ScyllaDB to handle growing audit log data efficiently. Cassandra required frequent scaling, complex repairs, and had non-linear scaling. ScyllaDB reduced costs with fewer machines and improved operations. Using Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM), they bulk-migrated data, performed dual writes, and validated consistency.
Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I will discuss how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
EaseUS Partition Master Crack 2025 + Serial Keykherorpacca127
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
EASEUS Partition Master Crack is a professional hard disk partition management tool and system partition optimization software. It is an all-in-one PC and server disk management toolkit for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians, and consultants to provide technical services to customers with unlimited use.
EASEUS Partition Master 18.0 Technician Edition Crack interface is clean and tidy, so all options are at your fingertips. Whether you want to resize, move, copy, merge, browse, check, convert partitions, or change their labels, you can do everything with a few clicks. The defragmentation tool is also designed to merge fragmented files and folders and store them in contiguous locations on the hard drive.
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
The Future of Repair: Transparent and Incremental by Botond DenesScyllaDB
Regularly run repairs are essential to keep clusters healthy, yet having a good repair schedule is more challenging than it should be. Repairs often take a long time, preventing running them often. This has an impact on data consistency and also limits the usefulness of the new repair based tombstone garbage collection. We want to address these challenges by making repairs incremental and allowing for automatic repair scheduling, without relying on external tools.
Field Device Management Market Report 2030 - TechSci ResearchVipin Mishra
The Global Field Device Management (FDM) Market is expected to experience significant growth in the forecast period from 2026 to 2030, driven by the integration of advanced technologies aimed at improving industrial operations.
According to TechSci Research, the Global Field Device Management Market was valued at USD 1,506.34 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.72% through 2030. FDM plays a vital role in the centralized oversight and optimization of industrial field devices, including sensors, actuators, and controllers.
Key tasks managed under FDM include:
Performance optimization
FDM solutions offer a comprehensive platform for real-time data collection, analysis, and decision-making, enabling:
Proactive maintenance
Predictive analytics
Remote monitoring
By streamlining operations and ensuring compliance, FDM enhances operational efficiency, reduces downtime, and improves asset reliability, ultimately leading to greater performance in industrial processes. FDMs emphasis on predictive maintenance is particularly important in ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of industrial operations.
For more information, explore the full report:
Major companies operating in Global油Field Device Management Market are:
General Electric Co
Siemens AG
Emerson Electric Co
Aveva Group Ltd
Schneider Electric SE
STMicroelectronics Inc
Techno Systems Inc
Semiconductor Components Industries LLC
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
#FieldDeviceManagement #IndustrialAutomation #PredictiveMaintenance #TechInnovation #IndustrialEfficiency #RemoteMonitoring #TechAdvancements #MarketGrowth #OperationalExcellence #SensorsAndActuators
How Discord Indexes Trillions of Messages: Scaling Search Infrastructure by V...ScyllaDB
This talk shares how Discord scaled their message search infrastructure using Rust, Kubernetes, and a multi-cluster Elasticsearch architecture to achieve better performance, operability, and reliability, while also enabling new search features for Discord users.
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptxshyamraj55
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptx | ### 際際滷 Deck Description:
This presentation features Atul, a Senior Solution Architect at NTT DATA, sharing his journey into traditional AI using Azure's Custom Vision tool. He discusses how AI mimics human thinking and reasoning, differentiates between predictive and generative AI, and demonstrates a real-world use case. The session covers the step-by-step process of creating and training an AI model for image classification and object detectionspecifically, an ad display that adapts based on the viewer's gender. Atulavan highlights the ease of implementation without deep software or programming expertise. The presentation concludes with a Q&A session addressing technical and privacy concerns.
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
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a challenge for information professionals in India
Maitrayee Ghosh
Presented By
Dibesh Deb Barma
Roll. No. 07808002
M.Phil. Planning & Development
Indian Institute of Technology
2. Background & Context
India society is at a high risk
Rural area population are ignore or very less &
proper information about HIV/AIDS
Educating rural and illiterate masses is a
challenge because there are many major
languages and hundreds of different dialects.
Indias diversity a challenge in adopting
strategies that are socially and culturally
3. AIIMS( All India Institute of Medical
Science) study on Indian AIDS situation:
Indians are more vulnerable to AIDS.
Lower immunity to the virus due to genetic cause.
More likely to contract disease than people in other
The Indian National AIDS Control Organization (NACO)
estimates that 2.5 million people were living with HIV in
2007. The spread of the epidemic in rural areas presents a
need to disseminate HIV/AIDS related knowledge for health
protection rather than waiting for knowledge to follow the
appearance of the disease in communities.
4. Health literacy and HIV/AIDS
Health Information Literacy is the set of knowledge and
skills needed to recognize a health information need
identify likely information sources in all formats, and use
them to retrieve relevant information analyze, understand
and synthesize the quality and content of information and
its appropriateness to a specific situation; and, to apply the
information in making health decisions with an aim toward
improved health condition.
5. 3 levels of health information literacy
Functional health literacy: represents the cognitive and social
skills which determine the motivation and ability of
individuals and communities to gain access to, understand,
and use information in ways which promote and maintain
good health.
Interactive health literacy: focuses on personal and social
skills development, such as self-confidence, negotiation, and
assertiveness, and the resulting individual health-related
behaviors associated with these attributes.
Critical health literacy: refers to the development of specific
higher level cognitive & communication skills such as
accurately interpreting & evaluating media reports,
navigating health care systems & the capacity to effectively
access & use health information.
6. Joint health information literacies in the
context of HIV/AIDS
New York Online Access to Health (NAOH is a collaboration of a
number of New York libraries, including the New York
Public Library, provides full-text HIV/AIDS related
information to consumers.
Consumer Health information network (CHIN) project at
Massachusetts - a collaboration of a hospital and six public
libraries in the surrounding community.
Philadelphia's AIDS Information Network have staff
training program and cooperating with local AIDS service
agencies, also acting as referral centre.
7. Contd..
Visual AIDS is a project working very closely with New
York public libraries -
http://www.the and
increasing public awareness of AIDS through visual arts.
Detroit Community AIDS Library (DCAL) is a partnership
of Academic health sciences, medical hospital and public
Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) introduced
HIV/AIDS awareness program in response to the
Governments appeal for multi-sectoral approach to combat
8. Indian initiatives to disseminate HIV/AIDS
Aids-India Org (
Aids India e-Forum
The project, known as Freedom HIV/AIDS, uses
information, education & communication methodologies to
educate people in India about HIV/ADIS & was launched
on World Aids Day (December 1st) 2005.
Heroes Project (
It is a public education initiative launched in July 2004
which works with media organisations & key popular
figures. The aim of the project is to reduce stigma &
discrimination by educating the public & advocating a
change in policies
9. Contd..
Mobile games on HIV/AIDS awareness
Saadhan HIV/AIDS Helpline : The International non profit
group Population Services International (PSI) has been
running the helpline for HIV/AIDS prevention in Mumbai,
since 2002.
The system contains a local lingo list that enable
counsellors to access slang & vernacular terminology that
client may use.
10. E learning through libraries
E learning modules
General information - difference between HIV & AIDS
Living with HIV/AIDS why it is imperative to be tested,
testing process & where to get tested
How to survive with HIV/AIDS, understand the intricacies of
the HIV virus & how to live a healthier life with it.
11. The challenges
The lack of knowledge of AIDS, its modes of transmission
and ways to avoid infection is a major challenge. Limited
information literacy increase demand for more information
processing to add value to information and services to
promote information awareness, accessibility and usability.
Educating people about HIV/AIDS and prevention is not a
simple rather complicated task, as India has many major
languages and hundreds of different dialects.
The dynamics of the epidemic raise the need to keep abreast
with new developments hence the need to actively collect,
synthesize and disseminate information. This is however
constrained by lack of adequate resources (human, financial
and material) to initiate and sustain efforts.
12. Contd..
Lack of ICT related training for staff and low levels of
penetration of the infrastructure and supporting
environment necessary to effectively use ICTs.
The multiplicity of demand for consistent, relevant and
timely information on HIV/AIDS and existence of factors at
various level and in different settings also poses the
challenge of processing and packaging the same information
for different level of users.
HIV is too complex and too multifaceted for any one
stakeholder to deal with. Meeting the HIV/AIDS information
needs of diverse communities in a vast country like India is a
challenge for information professionals/librarians.
13. Immerging role of Information Professionals
Information professionals can play dual roles as both
advocates & educators, they can provide services to the
society by helping to access AIDS information not only in
urban setting but also in rural environment. Professionals
serving in different libraries/potential information
dissemination centres are expected to:
Empower adolescents to protect themselves from HIV
Create documentation on the AIDS epidemic using
convergence technologies.
Make information relevant, realistic and acceptable to the
local community.
Form partnerships with marginalized community groups,
such as AIDS orphans, widows and the aged.
Reduce the stigma of HIV/AIDS.
14. Literature on the role of librarians in disseminating
health care information
The interactive online services will provide a service to
those prefer privacy, but human interaction of the librarian
could become an even more essential piece in the health
information seeking process.
A study carried out by NCLIS (US National Commission of
Libraries and Information Science on new roles for libraries
in HIVAIDS information dissemination in Africa makes
three recommendations:
Libraries role in disseminating HIV/AIDS information is
strongest when they establish partnerships with other
organizations already involved in dissemination and
education activities.
15. Contd..
Libraries in Africa should expand the scope of
information resources they collect and distribute to
include sources outside the role of traditional libraries,
including taking a leadership role in using ICTs for
sharing digital materials, and providing information in
formats that are accessible & interesting to young adults
who are making decisions about their own sexual
An opportunity for African librarians now exists to
redefine their traditional roles and take a strong lead
in the dissemination of HIV/AIDS information
report available in
16. Suggestions & Recommendations
There are insufficient number of libraries and information
centres to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically
diverse population in India.
The Health Resource Center/ Knowledge centres should be
created to provide preventive health care information to
the general public, specially women who are responsible for
the health care of the entire family.
Public libraries should work in closely with medical
libraries and NGOs and develop health information
website for communicating HIV/AIDS information, and
have a national information infrastructure to bring
consumer health information to the broadest possible
female population in the country.
17. Contd..
Governments in India should take libraries and provision
of HIV/AIDS information seriously, hence should avail
reasonable amount of money to libraries, specially, public
libraries/ Knowledge Centres to develop HIV/AIDS
collection. Prevention should be a key area of focus and
prime concern that can be brought about by awareness.
At a time when infection rates among women are rising
because they are powerless, ordinary female population
must be sensitize to change their behaviour. Reduce the
risk through awareness should be priority if India is not to
face an epidemic.
The Indian websites providing HIV/AIDS information
needs to be customized.
18. Conclusion
India has an urgent situation in terms of treatment but if
the preventive aspects are ignored, then we are heading
towards catastrophe in coming years, which will use up our
resources. There is a need for strong advocacy and political
support at the national level. Educating the users in
libraries how to access health information on the internet
has the potential to give them knowledge to maintain more
healthy life styles, provide them with reliable information
about their problems and make them aware of possible
treatment options. One of the answers to effectively combat
the HIV/AIDS epidemic is the creation of an infrastructure
that simultaneously develops healthcare networks,
education programs, and community participation.